Dosent the bible say that God dosent change his mind and is constant?
2015-09-30 08:18:29 UTC
If gods constant and stays the same how can you worship him if you keep changing your religions rules ?

Is god constant and consistent or is he not?
41 answers:
2015-10-01 01:23:07 UTC
Yes, the Bible tells us that God does not change (James 1:17; Malachi 3:4; Hebrews 13:8). This being the case, very few Christian denominations teach the whole Bible truth. Only the Seventh-day Adventists do. For example, we do teach that God's laws are still binding (the Ten Commandments of Exodus 20:1-17). In fact this is the real testimony of Jesus and the Apostles (Matthew 5:17, 18 and Romans 3:31). Isaiah 8:20 tells us plainly that if anyone tries to tell you differently, they do not have the light. And yet this is exactly what 95% of Christian denominations teach, especially when it comes to the seventh-day Biblical Sabbath. This false doctrine, that the law no longer applies, is called antinomianism, and is the very teaching of the Nicolaitans, which thing Jesus said He hates (Revelation 2:6, 15). Actually, the only things that are different between the Old Testament and the New, is that the ceremonial laws of the Old Testament temple no longer apply, because they were only ever a teaching device that God used to enlighten them on the gospel and life of Christ who was yet to come. Colossians 2:14-17 tells us this and refers to the ceremonial laws as a foreshadow of Christ's life and ministry. Once Christ died upon the cross, all the animal sacrifices were no longer necessary, for His was the foreshadowed sacrifice of all time, once for all. So the whole Jewish economy that was based upon the rituals and ceremonies surrounding the temple were thereafter null and void.

Secondly, God no longer favors just the Jewish people. When they corporately declared that they had no king but Caesar (John 19:15) and crucified Christ and they also then stoned the Apostle Stephen three and a half years later, they sealed their fate and their temple was left unto them desolate (Matthew 23:38). Then God commissioned Paul to take the gospel to the Gentiles, and for all the rest of time God would no longer have a theocracy upon the earth, no longer a favored people, except the church (made up of all nations) as it was spread in small pockets around the earth (Galatians 3:28, 29; Romans 2:28, 29; Galatians 3:7). As this was the end of the Jewish theocracy, such laws as stoning people to death also ended. No longer would there be a merger of nation and religion (under God's direct leadership). The coming of Christ fulfilled the entire purpose of the Jewish nation and its prescribed purity. Christians are still called to be pure, but not to produce a future Christ, as was the Jewish nation.

But, yes, the Seventh-day Adventists are the only consistent Christians in this world (as far as denominations go). 2 Timothy 2:15 and Matthew 4:4, 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:20 and 21 were spoken for all people of all times, and when these passages were written, there was no New Testament yet. Yet the vast majority of Christianity today would throw out more than half the Bible. This can in no way be consistent with the example of Christ and the Apostles.
2015-10-01 07:09:12 UTC
You have pointed out a rather obvious fact about Christianity; one they won't like you pointing out. I infer it is this particular myth to which you primarily refer. People are expected to believe that god is constant as you ask. You only have to read the first part of the first book in the Bible, Genesis, to find god saying to Noah that he didn't think the flood was such a good idea and he wouldn't do it again. We also hear from the various Christian denominations that the faith is the same now as it was in the beginning, i.e. in apostolic times. If that's true then why are herectics no longer murdered? Why are the Jews no longer persecuted? Why do most mainstream Christian denominations accept evolution and reject creationism? Why is modern astronomy accepted and the churches no longer persecute those who have a heliocentric view of the solar system? I don't propose these are good things and should be done but it's amazing how often religion, which is supposed to have the ultimate truths, regularly backtracks.
2015-10-01 06:59:31 UTC
Yes, the Bible records God as saying: “I am Jehovah; I do not change.” (Malachi 3:6) Similarly, the Bible says that God “does not vary or change like the shifting shadows.” (James 1:17) This, however, does not contradict what the Bible says about God changing his mind. God is unchangeable in that his personality and standards of love and justice never alter. (Deuteronomy 32:4; 1 John 4:8) Still, he can give different instructions to people at different times. For instance, God gave opposite instructions to King David for fighting two consecutive battles, yet both methods succeeded.—2 Samuel 5:18-25.

He can change his mind. For example, when God sent a judgment message to the people of ancient Israel, he said: “Perhaps they will listen and each one will turn back from his evil way, and I will change my mind concerning the calamity that I intend to bring on them because of their evil deeds.”—Jeremiah 26:3.
2015-10-01 13:06:47 UTC
God is constant and consistent with his philosophy and the many whys of living to please him and life. But I do think he does negotiate to a point and changes his mind(but to help everyone, not just you specifically, he usually does it for a greater significance and need out there, that is beyond what we can see or understand or even comprehend at the time.). With Jesus Christ and a decent case. It is like complaining to a government agency, you have to show you have good merit, that you respect, trust, and love God, and also show your case on many things and to what your plan is to fix some of them. Because God has limitations, even through they are not always what you see in entertainment or media, sometimes not even in Christian media. Doesn't mean he can't change it, but you have to have great faith and love and respect for others as well; you just can't gang up or do it to harm to someone. It is not religion, religion is separate from God. Maybe that is part of the reason, I stopped going to church so much. But, now, I think I will go when I feel the need to and get myself involved in other things as well and promote what Christians really believe and think.
2015-10-01 15:11:30 UTC
You find this in the Catholic "church." They've made so many changes over the centuries, it's not even funny anymore. I spent 5 years in Catholic school and one day, the pope decided that it was "ok" to eat meat on Friday. I was a child at the time but it had an impact on me: I thought, 'how can the pope just decide to make changes like that?' I thought of the rules of our religion as being absolute. If they could be changed, then what good were they? Anyone who investigates can see that the Vatican has made many changes in its history. I wish I could include them all here, but what happened was this: The Vatican established itself as being the church founded by Jesus. Is it? No. It is not. He has nothing to do with Rome, The Vatican, or the papacy. The Vatican is self-invented; it has given itself an "authority" that it actually does not have. Jesus spoke of how many people would be fooled, and that is exactly what has happened. The Vatican said in 1895 that "The pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he IS Jesus Christ hidden under a veil of flesh." Uh, no sirs, your pope in his elaborate costume is nothing more than an elected official of an old and evil organization that ought never to have been founded. It has been estimated, by the way, that during The Inquisition, the Roman "church" may have killed as many as 100-million people. Those who are stupid or anti-religion will blame God for those deaths, but those murders were committed by homicidal maniacs in elaborate costumes who, in fact, had nothing whatsoever to do with God nor with religion of any kind. God is constant. Egotistical, homicidal humans who pretend to be religious, who pretend to have authority, are not ...
2015-10-04 19:35:50 UTC
Gods principles and his word don't change god is consistent! I was baptised into an organization that taught me to read and study the Bible. They taught me if someone speaks something in gods name and it dosent happen.

Then I must not listen further to them!

Because that one is a false prophet!

I am no longer with that organization because I believe the word of God that they showed me.
2015-09-30 08:27:36 UTC
First off THE BIBLE doesn't say that !!! Next the key word in your question is Religion ! THE WORD OF GOD forbids any and every religion ! Those are the deeds of the Nicolaitians ! Read your BIBLE for your own self so as to protect yourself from satan's counterfeit christians church system ! Yes your question reflects you know something isn't right ! All the information you need to discover what is amiss is in YOUR BIBLE !!!


david stotler
2015-09-30 12:17:55 UTC
He does, in the sense that he changes his attitude when people change their behavior. For example, when God sent a judgment message to the people of ancient Israel, he said: “Perhaps they will listen and each one will turn back from his evil way, and I will change my mind concerning the calamity that I intend to bring on them because of their evil deeds.”—Jeremiah 26:3.

Many Bible translations render this verse as saying that God would “repent” over the intended calamity, which could be understood to mean that he had made a mistake. However, the original Hebrew word can mean “change of mind or intention.” One scholar wrote: “A change in man’s conduct brings about a change in God’s judgment.”

Of course, just because God can change his mind does not mean that he must change it. Consider some situations where the Bible says that God has not changed his mind:

God did not allow Balak to make Him change His mind and curse the nation of Israel.—Numbers 23:18-20.

Once King Saul of Israel became firmly set in badness, God did not change his mind about rejecting him as king.—1 Samuel 15:28, 29.

God will fulfill his promise to make his Son a priest forever. God will not change His mind.—Psalm 110:4.

Doesn’t the Bible say that God never changes?

Yes, the Bible records God as saying: “I am Jehovah; I do not change.” (Malachi 3:6) Similarly, the Bible says that God “does not vary or change like the shifting shadows.” (James 1:17) This, however, does not contradict what the Bible says about God changing his mind. God is unchangeable in that his personality and standards of love and justice never alter. (Deuteronomy 32:4; 1 John 4:8) Still, he can give different instructions to people at different times. For instance, God gave opposite instructions to King David for fighting two consecutive battles, yet both methods succeeded.—2 Samuel 5:18-25.

Is God sorry that he created humans?

No, although he does regret that most people ignore or reject him. Describing conditions before the global Flood of Noah’s day, the Bible says: “Jehovah regretted that he had made men on the earth, and his heart was saddened.” (Genesis 6:6) In this verse, the word “regretted” comes from the Hebrew word that can mean “change of mind.” God changed his mind about most of the people who lived before the Flood because they had become wicked. (Genesis 6:5, 11) Even though he was saddened that they chose to follow a bad course, he did not change his attitude toward the entire human race. In fact, he preserved mankind through the Flood by means of Noah and his family.—Genesis 8:21; 2 Peter 2:5, 9.
2015-10-01 10:20:46 UTC
Hes constant but the bible writers chang. Difference between writing people and God. HUGE DIFFERENCE
2015-09-30 19:49:04 UTC
GOD does not change. Humans do. God establishes His truth and leaves it at that. Humans come along and completely ignore what He said, or, they pick and choose what they wish to "about" what God meant, then shove it into their religion. It's not God who changes, its the humans who think they are following "a god". Jesus offered a parable about this very subject you brought up in Matthew 12 and again in Matthew 23. Read it for yourself.

God is not a religion. God is a relationship. Ignore that fact at your peril. If you do ignore that fact, you are equally as ignorant as those who make up their own gods and rules for God. Because Jesus didn't have a "religion" with His Father. He had an interactive relationship with His Father.
Steve B
2015-10-01 12:58:33 UTC
Here are some good examples:

According to the bible, the following is moral:


Treating women as objects

Multiple wives



Killing unbelievers

Stoning a woman if she is not a virgin before her marriage


The killing of mostly every man, woman, child, and animal on the planet with the great flood.

Human and animal sacrifice

According to the bible, the following immoral

Picking up sticks on the Sabbath

Pork, Shrimp, Figs, and blended fabric

Adultery. Divorce. Marriage after divorce.

Gluttony, Tattoos. Psychics. Beard trimming. Rounded Haircuts.

Sex before marriage, Sex with women on their periods. Masturbation.

Women speaking in Church.

Construction tall buildings that may see GoB (God of the bible).

If you don't agree with all of these, you have decided that your deity has changed its mind.

Otherwise, you are disobeying GoB.
2015-10-01 16:22:04 UTC
The Bible is constant up until Pauls writings. Christians like to obey him and renounce God, yet call themselves the true believers and believe everyone else goes to hell. Jews and Muslims believe the truth about God- that He is one.
2015-09-30 11:16:37 UTC
You seem to want to apply what you think to God. This idea you have is not based on what scripture tells us is what happened throughout history.

Just like a person adjust to weather conditions when considering what to wear, what tires to put on their car, and if you might need chains in the boot - so does God according to what humans do.

In the very beginning before the flood, all people had to guide them was their inborn conscience (which can be deadened when ignored and wickedness is engaged in.) People had to work on remaining righteous to have a personal relationship with God.

After the flood, God told Noah not to eat blood and that murder was wrong and that God would come after the ones murdering others.

Gen 9: 5 And surely your blood, the blood of your lives, will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it: and at the hand of man, even at the hand of every man’s brother, will I require the life of man.

This was the extend of God's law giving until the nation Israel came into being about 1200 some years later. Human conscience was still the same, and still could be silenced by acting wickedly. People had to work on a personal relationship with God.

This law of Moses had some 613 various regulations, laws - some moral, some about festivals, some about how to organize temple services, the priesthood, the sacrifices, etc. Human conscience still remained the same, and people had to work on remaining righteous to have a personal relationship with God.

After another circa 1500 years, the law of Christ came into being and God¨s people were no longer just the Jews. Now all, gentiles and Jews were permitted the option of becoming one of God's people. Human conscience was still the same, and still could be silenced by acting wickedly. People had to work on a personal relationship with God.

From the beginning, murder, and other serious crimes have always been the same. Israel as a nation had some laws that Christians did not need. The festivals, temple service and such were specific to Israel. Just like how we have laws specific to air travel, to driving vehicles on the road, to trains, to ships.

This does not mean that God changes his mind. It simply means that God does what is needed, for individuals, for nations, and so forth. In all this, human conscience was still the same, and still could be silenced by acting wickedly. People still have to work on a personal relationship with God.

Can you not understand these simple things and that they are needed!
2015-09-30 12:02:18 UTC
The fact of the matter God is constant, but mankind is the one who changes his mind about God, God never changes for nothing, the laws of God are set for a reason and God commandments are there for a reason also, but mankind thinks he is smarter then his creator, but that is not true, God is much wiser then we are because he knows are thoughts before we even do it, because God created us, in the image of God, he create us if we are a true believer of God.
Got Proof?
2015-09-30 08:19:51 UTC
People change their imaginary deity to suit their needs, beliefs, and politics. Some of things the pope is saying today would have gotten him burned at the stake a few hundred years ago.
2015-10-01 03:31:00 UTC
Religious rules are worthless if they are not prescribed by the Bible (in context), so I agree with you. Religions that keep changing are probably not following the Bible - unless they were wrong to begin with
2015-09-30 08:37:46 UTC
Jehovah can have a change of heart which is proven in the bible, one example is when He was going to destroy the people of Niveah but he had a change of heart and spared them.
2015-10-01 06:29:24 UTC
how are we supposed to know which church (whether you're talking about major churches or branches) you're talking about that changes it's religious rules???

my church has changed some words in prayers to clarify things, the made a change about headscarfs, made a change that the priest faces the parishioners at mass rather than having his back to them, etc. but they're all small changes and not changes to the religion itself.
2015-09-30 08:21:43 UTC

Malachi 3:6 "For I am the Lord; I change not."

Exodus 32:14 "And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people."
2015-09-30 08:27:11 UTC
The Bible does teach "God doesn't change"...

but it does NOT teach "God doesn't change his mind." Quite the contrary, as seen here:;NIV

Clearly, the teaching "God doesn't change" refers to one or more specific aspects of God. Clearly it does not refer to ALL aspects of God, and particularly we see from the Bible (in several passages) that it does not refer to his decisions always being the same.
2015-09-30 08:22:49 UTC
The mind of God is constant, but our understanding is progressive.
2015-09-30 08:32:15 UTC
the bible is the progressive revelation of God, thats why there are many pages over thousands of years, but if you want to remain stuck in a time thousands of years ago, then do
2015-09-30 08:28:12 UTC
"Now let me alone, so that my wrath may burn hot against them...

But Moses implored the Lord his God... Turn from your fierce wrath; change your mind and do not bring disaster on your people...

And the Lord changed his mind about the disaster that he planned to bring on his people."

(Exodus 32)
the Christian
2015-09-30 08:59:13 UTC
Yes according to scripture changes his mind all the time, don't blame God for that. Jesus is our only hope.
2015-09-30 14:20:01 UTC
Yes. God laid out his plan of salvation for all mankind over several thousand years of human history. Thats not changing his mind - just gradual incremental revelation.
2015-10-02 01:25:03 UTC
God does not change His mind when He makes rules for us to follow.

These are called ... perpetual rules that will reign thru eternity.

' how can you worship him if you keep changing your religions rules ? '

I change my religions rules ? huh ... ???

the rules are clearly stated in scripture ... no one changes them.

the people of satan who've entered the church, THEY misinterpret scripture and lead the masses to hell.
2015-09-30 14:44:38 UTC
He, indeed, is immutable (UNCHANGING). He is the same yesterday, today and forever. This is why we can count on his promises.

Changes in religion have to do with man NOT God.
2015-09-30 11:53:11 UTC
Who told you that he is constant? Didn't he repent of his creation before Noah?
2015-09-30 15:35:25 UTC
It is GOD that doesn't change - His love, His commandments, Right & Wrong, eternal truths are never changing. It is always MAN that changes
2015-10-01 14:02:38 UTC
God doesn't change his purpose but he can certainly change his mind.
2015-09-30 08:19:58 UTC
Yeah, he sure changes his mind a lot for one who never changes his mind.
2015-10-01 06:50:10 UTC
Believing in Bible is like believing in Daniken or Tolkien. No problem with that, but its kind of..childish and funny.
2015-10-02 12:29:06 UTC
God is the supreme reality.
2015-10-01 09:27:49 UTC
Ask God not man.

My blog:
2015-10-01 09:11:05 UTC
Those who keep studying His Word every day DO NOT go astray.
2015-09-30 09:19:07 UTC
Obviously you have never read the bible.
2015-09-30 08:25:36 UTC
OT and NT attribute Him differently.
2015-09-30 17:13:02 UTC
Dont believe everything you hear and only half of what you see. Question everything.
2015-10-01 03:45:59 UTC
2015-10-01 08:23:30 UTC
Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.

Most of the questions we ask about God are anthropomorphic. That is to say, they are based on the assumption that God is like us; that God is a being with thoughts and feelings just like ours. And often unawares, people get this impression gradually rooted in their consciousness with their reading of the Bible. Consequently, it is believed that God can have remorse over some of His decisions and review them later.

For instance, look at the story of the golden calf in Exodus 32. There we read that God was so unhappy with his "stiff-necked people" that, in verse 10, the Lord said to Prophet Moses:

"Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation." (Exodus 32:10, New International Version)

But Prophet Moses pleaded for his people, and finally God said to him:

"Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened." (Exodus 32:14 – New International Version)

The foregoing speaks of God Who changes His mind. It is in answer to the prayer of Moses that He changed His mind and decided not to bring on the intended disaster on the Children of Israel then. This would apparently mean that God listens to the prayers of the people; and out of His mercy, change the course of events.

If prayers are expected to have an immediate effect, it should follow that God is willing to change His mind. Such is the logic behind the belief that God often changes His mind.

Now, let us view this problem from the Islamic point of view. We may note that God created the universe, and then created the humans and bestowed upon them a privileged position within the universe; so that the world may function under the laws He had decreed for it.

God observes how people treat the bounty He has given them, and He leaves them to live on by His laws, for a certain length of time. At the end of this time, mankind will be brought in front of God for judgment, and they will be rewarded or punished for their deeds in God's universe.

In all these, there is not going to be any "change of mind" from God's side. But in God's dealing with humans on earth, whatever appears to us to be a change of mind on God's side is really part of His pattern and order.

When God created humans, He knew how each one of them would behave, what their choice would be, and what the outcome of their choice would be. So everything is mapped out in advance, including the so-called "change of mind", which is only a step in the progress toward the pre-set goal. Indeed, all our days and nights — no matter whether of the past, present or future — were in His hands, as it were.

God has given humans freedom of choice, which allows them to choose from a number of possibilities open before them. It is their common experience that they may choose some course that God does not want them to adopt, even by ignoring God's guidance, or by openly defying the explicit commandments of God.

God is watching them and they may imagine that His decision concerning their action is contingent upon their choice. In fact, the truth is quite different.

From the point of view of the noble Quran, which Muslims believe is the word of God, God has a plan, which works out according to a set of laws He has decreed for the world. In other words, it is God's decision that His creations should abide by His laws in order to function.

Indeed, all the natural phenomena in the universe reflect this order and pattern of God. And Allah (God) in the Quran says what means:

{The word of your Lord doth find its fulfilment in truth and in justice: None can change His words: for He is the one who hears and knows all.} (Al-An`am 6:115)

{So set you thy face steadily and truly to the faith: (establish) Allah's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind: no change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by Allah; that is the standard Religion, but most among mankind understand not.} (Ar-Rum 30:30)

{No change can there be in the words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme felicity!} (Yunus 10:64)

The question then is: does the Quran describe any event where a change of mind on God's side is depicted? Consider the question of the "abrogation" of the verses after they were revealed. Here is one example:

{None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?} (Al-Baqarah 2:106)

The critics of Islam often cite the gradual prohibition of alcohol as an example of God's change of mind. Earlier revelations did not specifically prohibit the drinking of alcohol. But then the final verse was a clear and categorical prohibition. This is sometimes presented as an example of how the "Muslim God" changes His mind.

The fact of the matter should be evident to anyone who reflects a little. God Who knows the nature and psychology of humans decided to prohibit the drinking of alcohol in a gradual and phased manner. Now we know that would be the practical way of effective prohibition.

In fact, the nullification of an older command in favor of a newer law, is not a new practice, it is part of Allah's order. It has been the Divine practice, as we may note from the previous scriptures.

What we know is that Shariah (the Divine laws governing mankind) has to change in accordance with the changing needs of the society. This is all part of the general scheme. And what is particularly noteworthy is that the fundamentals do not change. They remain the same.

The Creator knows well that humans need time to grow and mature. Therefore, He reveals His commandments and orders in stages, so that humans can develop both as individuals, and as members of a society.

I hope this answers your question. Please keep in touch.


Useful links:

Understanding God's Attributes

Introducing God to My Atheist Father

A Natural Belief in God

Is God Bound by Time and Space?

God: Spiritual or Corporeal?

Do Angels Question God?

God and the Laws of Nature
2015-09-30 08:20:49 UTC
why do you what to worship some thing ???????? PEOPLE WAKE UP.....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.