Christians often say "Read the whole Bible in context and with the divine holy spirit". Is what they are really saying...?
2015-09-14 05:42:39 UTC
"if you don't like what the Bible says, just keep'll come across something that contradicts what you read earlier and mates with your already preconceived ideas."
Ten answers:
2015-09-14 06:29:10 UTC
The only way you can read the bible and truly understand it, is if you're led by God. God does this though His Holy Spirit. Reading the bible in context, as whole, means don't piece it out. You can make any one verse mean something totally different if you just look at a single verse. When you read it as a whole (the whole chapter), you get a true meaning of what is meant. Also, the break down and comparison of old and new testament and the bible as whole, is needed to fully understand it. Most people don't even consider that because they are so focused on an individual message. Hope this helps clarify that for ya.
2015-09-14 06:27:17 UTC
What they're really saying is what this Christian said;

"It is altogether possible to be instructed in the rudiments of the [Christian] faith and still have no real understanding of the whole thing. And it is possible to go on to become expert in Bible doctrine and not have spiritual illumination, with the result that a veil remains over the mind, preventing it from apprehending the truth in its spiritual essence...

"From lack of the vital Spirit [some] are forced to get along with the outward shell of faith, while all the time their deep hearts are starving for spiritual reality and they do not know what is wrong with them. This difference between the religion of creed and the religion of the Spirit is the difference between the letter of the Bible and the understanding that inflames the heart...

"The Scriptures, to be understood, must be read with the same Spirit that originally inspired them."

He concludes, "Jesus Christ is Himself the Truth, and He cannot be confined to mere words even though, as we ardently believe, He has Himself the Truth, and He cannot be confined to mere words, even though we ardently believe He has Himself inspired the words. That which is spiritual cannot be shut in by ink or fenced in by type and paper. The best a book can do is give us the letter of truth. If we ever receive more than this, it must be by the Holy Spirit who gives it."
2015-09-14 05:51:44 UTC
Christians often say "Read the whole Bible in context and with the divine holy spirit". Is what they are really saying...?

No. It roughly translates to:

Look people. Most of this is complete boIIocks but if you think any bit of this is just TOO ridiculous you can:

a) Ignore it (Best option)

b) Say it;s not to be taken literally

c) Say it's allegorical

d) Say it's been mistranslated/misinterpreted

e) Say "They're not a TRUE christian!"

f) Say you're being persecuted
2015-09-14 08:14:57 UTC
No one prevents you from reading every book of the Bible. But, the preachers give people the impression that the Bible is a homogeneous book and is the word of God. Many even do not know that the Bible is a collection of 66 heterogeneous books written by different authors over thousands of years. The teaching of Jesus is recorded only in 4 books of the Bible - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus is God's spokesperson.
2015-09-14 06:23:09 UTC
No they are saying that the message can only be fully understood when read in context and one must consider the totality of scripture. One must read the text critically and apply Aristotle's laws of non-contradiction. Any interpretation that creates a contradiction with other texts on the same subject is an incorrect interpretation, and the final exegesis should result in there being no apparent contradictions. It can be fairly stated that most of the alleged contradictions are manufactured and can be reconciled.
2015-09-14 05:48:17 UTC
They just mean "read the bible within the bounds of MY interpretation; as anyone else with a different interpretation is a false Christian".

The criteria of a true vs false Christian is so ridiculously blurry; its literally an oxymoron
2015-09-14 07:29:37 UTC
It means, God gives wisdom to understand His word to those who earnestly seek Him and ask for it.

Many read the bible hoping to gain ammunition to fuel their own arguments. They have no interest in what God is really saying. Much of it is too hard to hear. So they come to their own conclusions- not just atheists but believers do this too.

The Holy Spirit guides us to the true meaning when we ask Him to:)

He waits to be invited.
2015-09-14 05:55:11 UTC
They're really saying "the bible does not apply to the usual rules of semantics: a word can mean whatever you want it to as long as it advances your agenda".
2015-09-14 06:02:58 UTC
Ever heard of Pentacost? It's when the fishermen turned into apostles. Infused with God's spirit, they became different people. Peter went from a scared cowering man, disowning Jesus for fear of his life, to willingly being tortured to death for his faith - the change is blatant in his letters.

What do you think being 'born again' means anyway? God penetrates the heart of a person - with His seed - who has come to trust in His Son, also the son of man named Jesus who split history into two.

Has it ever occured to you that the creator OF your brain has the power to veil your eyes to the Holy Scriptures? Why would he allow a heathen to see its precious contents? Lol... No... God haters have no access to it. If you read it, God will show himself as your enemy. Because He is. This is to instill fear and dread of Him in you, to lead you to repent.

Now stop passing comments on things you don't understand. Doing so is both stupid AND rude.
2015-09-14 05:47:10 UTC
It does in fact work like that.

I can back any argument on either side using the bible as my only source.

Equal opportunity delusion that is, LMAO.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.