Dear Crimson Eyed Vampireji
Please refer to this link.
Harithaji asked almost similar question a few days back, and many members
answered her including me.
In fact we are all Avatars since we all contain the inner Atman, a part of Paramatma. But since we identify with our limited individuality and human powers, we are Avatars only as a potentiality.
The Bhagavad Gita does not use the word avatar. It simply says ‘Sambhavami’. Here, the unclear becomes clear and the abstract becomes concrete. The ultimate divinity can happen within any person. When we practice dharma the divinity within us will manifest naturally.
There are very many great Avatars in our midst that we do not recognize them as Avatars because our mind is clouded with puranic stories only; we only think Sri.Rama, Sri.Krishna or Parama Pita Jesus or Bhudha.
Shridi Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, Mother Teressa, Adi Sankara, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, Mata Amritanandamayi, Maher Prabhu: mother Meera, Thiruvalluvar, Tagore, Jayathiirtha, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Yogananda, Ramana Maharishi, Swamy Omkarananda Saraswati, Swamy Prabupada, Swami Rama Thirtha. Saint Arunagirinathar, Alvars,Sri.Ramanujacharya, Madhva Charya,Nibarkaracharya, Swami Sivananda, Acharya Rajneesh, Swami Vivekanda, Swami Aurobindo, Sri Sri. Ravi Shankar, Anne Besant Ammayar, Avvayar, Sarada Devi and many more.
The lists go on and on; are they not Avatars? Some of them have accomplished their task and some are accomplishing.
Are you not aware of any Extra-ordinary Indians stories which were published
In media from time to time? In every Country such Extra ordinary souls doing their Sadanas, but we are not aware of them.
This Extra ordinary Bangla Deshi was born in Bangladesh, to uplift poorest of the poor..
“Unpurified gold will have fine dust and the like on it and, hence, will not shine. When thoughts become clear and purity of mind is gained life becomes similar to the shining gold by transforming itself into beauty.”
These Extra-ordinary souls with a pure mind, work for the welfare and peace of mankind in our midst and dedicate their service as service to God. Their purpose is to bring a message to everyone just like what puranic Avatars did.
Some extra- ordinary men/women make extra- ordinary donations to remind us that God in human form exits among us;
Pl read this link
Such great souls are around you, in your town, in your own village, doing service to others.
These great souls or Avatars are born with a mission, and they never swerved from their goals; they have realized the purpose of their birth, and contributed to the cause of humans in every field just like what you say Sri.Krishna or Sri Rama, wherever and whenever necessary.
Please unmask your perception of Avatars from the puranic angles and realize these great men and women are present day Avatars and they continue their Sadanas in their own way.
We can all reach this ultimate and realize our potentiality by surrendering ourselves totally to which ever God we choose. After all the only purpose of every person taking birth on planet earth is to realize this potentiality
Sriman Naryan took the Form of:
Matsya (the fish) Koorma (the tortoise)
Varaha (the Boar)
Narasimha (half man and half lion)
Vaman (dwarf)
From this it is very clear that an Avatar need not be human, even if the Avatar is human, it can be a 'dwaft'
A great soul need not be always look like Sri.Krishna or Sri.Rama or Bhudha or Jesus,
they can look different like ordinary human and do their Sadanas for which they are born.
In Every nation God comes in different forms in different Avatars whenever and where ever there is a need.
There are many numbers of Saintly persons around the world, who act in their own way for a particular cause.
The list of Saints, Yogis, Baba’s, and extra ordinary Indians which I have mentioned is only a very small portion.
Are we not keeping the picture of Sarada Devi, Maha swamy Sankaracharya, Ramana Maha rishi, Sridi Baba, Sathya Sai Baba in your pooja room and Worshiping; because they are all Avatars known to many of us. But those extra ordinary Indians, other great souls in every nation are not known to many,because they do not broadcast their good work, so we do not recognize them as Avatars; that does not in way reduce their noble service below an Avatar.
All, we have to do is to come out of our limited concept of Avatar and see Avatar in every good act, in every mother, in every sacrifice, in every noble deed, in every act of Love.
Please see Sri.Rama in every righteous man, please see Sri.Krishna in every preachings from saints, please see Jesus in every sacrifice, please see Bhudha in every act of Ahimsas.
These extra -ordinary men and women born in every nation , great saints and maha purushas doing sadanas, do not look like those old Puranic Avatar of Sri.Rama and Sri.Krishna?
Sri.Krishna, Sri.Rama, Jusus , Bhudha are born from time to time in every nation, but not in their original form.
Always good souls are born in every country , in every town, in every village,to redeem us, it is for us to open our clouded mind and recognize them and follow their teachings.
It is only because we have done good Karma in this birth as well as in our previous birth, we are born as humans, able to read many discourses of these living Saints/ Avatars/ and ask questions like you to to enhance the knowledge.
Had we not done good Karma, we would have born in some un known place where freedom of spiritual practice itself denied.
You are born in a period of Mother Tesresa, and other saintly persons because you did good Karma.
What you are reading about Ex tra ordinary Indians and others too is because of your past and present Karma only
Thanks for giving me an opportunity to this qustion