I will pray for you, and I hope you will be blessed with this child.
Please though, and I did not support him, will you please remove your avatar name to something not so, well, vulgar. It is only a request, of course I can not make you. It is just that you are asking for a blessing from God and display a statement that God would not agree with. As wrong as he may be, Jesus loves him as well, just like Jesus loves you.
I hope and pray you will be blessed with this child, they are really gifts from God he in-trusts us with.
sorry if I offend you, but I just noticed it and well, Christians should be thinking, what would Jesus do, how would he respond and how would he act. Sorry if I offend you, not meant to
Mullet - I afford her the same kindness and love I afford to Obama. I didn't agree iwth him and in some things, I still don't, but I do pray for him and support him as our President. Christians make mistakes and they are not perfect, just as this young lady did. Who are we to hold that judgment against her? We aren't, that belongs to God alone. Like I said, Jesus love Obama and he lovers her to - he loves you as well! No one is worthy of God and none are better than any other. The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.
To asker - thank you and may the Lord bless you ever so richly and may he grant you this child. May he direct you and guide you in your life and in the life of this child. In Christ Jesus, Amen