God's Plan of Redemption was to create mankind, allow mankind to fall, come to earth to save mankind, and
when all gather to the final Judgment Day, mankind is judged and those who believe in God and tried to please Him are given the gift of Eternal Life.
The Blood is the key here. It had to be Holy Blood in order to fully forgive sins and allow fellowship with Heaven.
Thus the death on the cross was necessary.
Predestination means that God knows what role we all will play and being that He knew, He could also use it to His advantage in His Plan of salvation.
He knew that Lucifer would try to turn part of His Angels against Him and would actually succeed in that respect, so God allowed that to take place and in His turn, cast them down to the earth to play their role of Satan and Satan's fallen-angel-demons.
He allowed it so that there would be friction between a believer and non-believer and so that we could strive for heaven's promises and not just come in easy, for Jesus didn't have it easy on this earth.
God knew that Judas would betray Him so He allowed
in His Great Plan of Redemption, Judas to be one of the chosen disciples in order to show the world in His great wisdom of His Scriptures, that one can SEEM to be a Christian but their fruits in the end will show what they truly have in their heart.
The contrast is always nearby...even in churches.
God's Plan has room for mankind to make up their own minds. But He knows all things and can PLAN accordingly. If He knows your every future move, He can
use that knowledge to use for His Plan of Salvation.
It's better to be in the Plan of God, used for good, rather than in the Plan of God as a vessel of destruction.
How we act determines what role we are playing.
As Shakespeare once said, All the world's a stage, and one merely an actor...but this "stage" is not to be replayed. Our "acting" is now and present and to be judged in the future. We don't get a second chance at "life"
What we do with the knowledge we have of God and how we react to It will determine where we end up at after death on this planet.
God wanted to be loved for His Own sake.
That's why He gives us free will.
That's why He suffered to show His great love
for mankind.
Some treasure that Blood on Calvary,
while others spit on it.
And it shows what we are governed by.