What exactly was the plan, regarding Jesus' death?
Alex 42
2006-07-25 12:23:19 UTC
1. Christians will tell you that Jesus sacrificed himself to atone for our sins. Or God sacrificed him. Or something of that sort.

2. Christians will also tell you that Jesus was betrayed by Judas, and this betrayal is what got him killed.

3. Now if you're betrayed by a member of your party and then killed, you can't then say that it was your plan all along and that you were sacrificed to save humanity. It's like saying you were pushed AND you jumped. Logically it doesn't work at all, when you think about it.

4. But then along comes this Gospel of Judas, which supposedly said that Jesus secretly instructed Judas to betray him. This is much better, because now you CAN jump, while appearing to be pushed, so there's no logical problem with it. Instead the problem lies with the church, which declared the Gospel of Judas to be heretical.

If mainstream Christians don't believe the Gospel of Judas, what exactly DO they think happened? Did He jump or was He pushed?
Fourteen answers:
2006-07-25 12:26:16 UTC
Ive read the Gospel of Judas, and it does not say that Jesus instructed him.

However, Jesus, in knowing that plan, when Judas came to him in the garden, he told him to go and do what he must. He knew part of the plan, was the betrayal of Judas.

He could have begged Judas not to go, he even could have run from the garden so he could not be found. He stayed, he went willingly, and he never spoke up in his defense, even though Pilot told him if he would just speak up, he may let him go.

Jesus had many outs, but took none of them. he knew what he was preaching would get him killed, he knew Judas would betray him and still he let him, he knew they were coming to the garden to get him, he stayed, he knew Pilot could release him, and he never spoke.
Baby Bloo
2006-07-25 12:33:03 UTC
It was God's plan for Judas to betray Jesus. God knew Judas's heart. Judas was used, but only because Judas put himself in the position. Only God knows Judas. Jesus said it to the Apostles right before He ascended to Heaven; Jesus told them to not be concerned with I won't be either.

I don't think that the Gospel of Judas is real... many answers to questions will be revealed in the end. I think we should ask questions, but I also know that God wants us as little children; trusting, loving, innocent.
2006-07-25 12:54:16 UTC
You know I used to wonder why there were so many dumb questions on here. I think I have found the answer. It is because most of the smart aleck, juvenile, trouble makers do not have the sense to ask a smart question, deserving an answer,but really they need to be put some place so the rational world can go on about it's business. If they don't like or approve of something, then it is automatically, why does such and such do this or that, never taking time to think the question through. And they take just enough out of the Bible, trying to legitimize their question. Quit it, your'e making me sick.
2006-07-25 12:39:33 UTC
I think Jesus Christ knew what was going to happen with all of God's children before we were all born here on earth. There was going to be a huge imbalance, spiritually speaking, because no one was going to be able to get through life without sinning and falling short of the standards required to return to the presence of God. Instead of reading the so-called "gospel" of Judas, you might try reading something different. There are many commentaries about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I like "Jesus the Christ" by James E. Talmadge myself. Have a happy day.
2006-07-25 12:32:42 UTC
He "jumped" because Judas was merely a pawn persuaded by Christ's enemies to betray Him. Jesus never secretly told Judas to betray Him; that would be equivalent to asking someone to condemn themselves to Hell for you. Jesus didn't come to destroy, but to save! Judas did it for money (for which the LOVE of is the root of all evil). The betrayal wasn't what got Jesus killed. Remember, though it was difficult for Him in the flesh to go through with it, he still went willingly to the Cross for our sins. He was even mocked by one of the theives who didn't understand who said, "If thou be the Christ, come down from the Cross and saye thyself and us." Betrayal merely led Him to the Cross, LOVE held Him there.
2006-07-25 12:27:16 UTC
Well from what I get from Christians what determines sin is the law. The law being what was given in Torah (what the Christian call the Old Testament) Since the law was only for the Jews (because of the covenant) it did not apply to non-Jews so how did his death benefit any non-Jew? As far as Jews go if you read the Torah there are many ways to be forgiven (sacrifices the least of them) so not sure how his death benefits the Jews either.
2006-07-25 12:28:32 UTC
Jesus Christ let Himself be killed as to the physical body because He has won His combats with the hells and made His body Divine. It is called the Divine Human. In other words, Jehovah God got a visible body and this is a more powerful force in saving man from sin.
2016-10-15 08:58:50 UTC
ok, i will get SOOO many thumbs down for this, yet i easily like the call Judas. i'm no longer non secular, both. does no longer use it though because of it is meaning. however i'm no longer non secular I do like Biblical names. How about Judah or Jude? those are staggering names and he gained't be made relaxing of. i imagine you're heavily ruining the boy's college existence in case you call him Judas. he must be the guffawing inventory of the faculty. extra ideal than naming him Lucifer though. So call him Jude is my suggestion. that is so similar and under no circumstances in any respect merciless.
2006-07-25 12:33:22 UTC
Jesus said that no one takes His life but He lays it down. Judus never believed the teachings of Jesus he wanted a political leader to help Judea throw off Roman rule. He tried till the end to accomplish that work then in the end realized what he had done hung himself. Even that didn't work, the rope broke and he was dashed on the rocks below.
2006-07-25 12:45:05 UTC
God's Plan of Redemption was to create mankind, allow mankind to fall, come to earth to save mankind, and

when all gather to the final Judgment Day, mankind is judged and those who believe in God and tried to please Him are given the gift of Eternal Life.

The Blood is the key here. It had to be Holy Blood in order to fully forgive sins and allow fellowship with Heaven.

Thus the death on the cross was necessary.

Predestination means that God knows what role we all will play and being that He knew, He could also use it to His advantage in His Plan of salvation.

He knew that Lucifer would try to turn part of His Angels against Him and would actually succeed in that respect, so God allowed that to take place and in His turn, cast them down to the earth to play their role of Satan and Satan's fallen-angel-demons.

He allowed it so that there would be friction between a believer and non-believer and so that we could strive for heaven's promises and not just come in easy, for Jesus didn't have it easy on this earth.

God knew that Judas would betray Him so He allowed

in His Great Plan of Redemption, Judas to be one of the chosen disciples in order to show the world in His great wisdom of His Scriptures, that one can SEEM to be a Christian but their fruits in the end will show what they truly have in their heart.

The contrast is always nearby...even in churches.

God's Plan has room for mankind to make up their own minds. But He knows all things and can PLAN accordingly. If He knows your every future move, He can

use that knowledge to use for His Plan of Salvation.

It's better to be in the Plan of God, used for good, rather than in the Plan of God as a vessel of destruction.

How we act determines what role we are playing.

As Shakespeare once said, All the world's a stage, and one merely an actor...but this "stage" is not to be replayed. Our "acting" is now and present and to be judged in the future. We don't get a second chance at "life"

What we do with the knowledge we have of God and how we react to It will determine where we end up at after death on this planet.

God wanted to be loved for His Own sake.

That's why He gives us free will.

That's why He suffered to show His great love

for mankind.

Some treasure that Blood on Calvary,

while others spit on it.

And it shows what we are governed by.
2006-07-25 13:18:16 UTC
to save you because he loved you so much that He gave his life for you!

Read John 3:16
2006-07-25 12:27:12 UTC
The simple fact that God knows the future. It was prophecied at it happened.
2006-07-25 12:27:28 UTC
He was meant to die. He jumped.
2006-07-25 12:29:24 UTC
is it the blood or the method that sanctifies?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.