well Fish is full of misinformation. Evolution says nothing about God or the origin of Earth...only that life has evolved from lower lifeforms. Fish should read the theory before bashing it (like most who bash it should since they know nothing about it).
For the fossil records people please understand that you are quite correct the fossil record is sparse and full of holes...but then again the chances of a bone becoming a fossil are not very good you know..they get eaten, bashed, melted, etc. not very common for bones to becomes fossils...no one has pointed that out so I thought I should.
I believe there is a God, I believe that it used evolution as it's way of making life progress forward instead of being static and stale.
I believe the Theory of Evolution has the right idea but that the theory is not quite perfect. I believe that despite it's flaws I should not go and tell people "Since it is not 100% perfect I now believe that a giant made us out of clay".
To this day I have not heard one reasonable, scientific explination besides Evolution. If someone would provide another idea with evidence that backs it up like evolution I would gladly check it out and possibly endorse it. All opponents of evolution do is give flaws to evolution as proof their idea about God is correct..they never give proof of their idea.
OH GOD..does anyone anywhere understand evolution? I am so sick of people who know NOTHING saying we came from apes. Please people go read it for the sake of Christ if nothing else. Evolution does not say we came from apes...that was started by some idiot who couldn't read and people keep parroting it.
The theory is that Humans, Apes, Chimps all evolved from a common ancestor millions of years ago.
Let me put in in plain speak since so many misunderstand.
If you and your cousin are at a family reunion I should say you are the child of your cousin? That is what claiming humans came from apes is saying
Evolution's take would be you and your cousin are BOTH decended from your grandparent