Why don't more people believe in God AND evolution?
2006-11-29 07:43:57 UTC
I believe in both. I mean who says one day in God's eyes wasn't a billion years to us? Why couldn't have God just modified what he had already created? Why not? Why have so few people even considered this?

I know I know, I'm just asking to get bashed with this question. :X
38 answers:
2006-11-29 07:50:45 UTC
I don't disbelieve in God in the sense that I do believe in a higher power. However I do not believe that there is a man living in the sky with a bunch of angels. I don't believe the bible is the word of God because there are too many contradictions, too much violence, and the views of women are not something I will live with.
Barry DaLive
2006-11-29 08:23:43 UTC
OK I'm with you and I've always said that the man God created undoubtedly didn't look like man today. I to believe we evolved from the "cave man" you know cromagnon and all that. As for one day in God's eyes being a billion years if I'm not mistaken that's in the Bible(now I don;t know if it's a billion or not. Maybe a thousand.) But I mean come on we know animals evolved drastically over time so why not man to some degree? Hear is where I think it gets hard to swallow for a lot of Christians. Evolution was always presented as man came from apes. We used to be apes and now were men. Well I wouldn't believe that either! When God created man he created a creature very different from the animals with a soul and the ability to do much greater things. That's why today humans and animals are so far apart as far as our ability to think and learn. That's why I'm on this computer and the dog lays over in the corner and sleeps all day well you know what I mean. But to tell a person that we evolved from the apes...No! Especially when the apes are still here! Bottom line is I think their are a lot more Christians that do believe in God and evolution that you might think and even more still would if it were presented to them intelligently instead of "we used to be apes". Any way it was a very good question and as a Christian I'll ride with ya' on this one.
2006-11-29 08:00:14 UTC
God is sovereign. He can do what He desires any way He desires. But, just because God can do anything anyway He wants does not say He used evolution.

The Bible says that the earth/universe was created in 6 literal 24 hour days. So far there is no reason to doubt that account. Many do not believe in God or the Bible because they can not prove in in a laboratory. But. there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that evolution occurred either. There is not a single scientist on this earth that can verify any artifact over about 5000 years old. Yes they do "speculate" that dinosaurs lived 200 million years ago and that the earth is 4.5 billion years old-but it is all "speculation". That means that they do not know!!! There is no proof for any of it. Pay attention to what scientist say. Only a slight majority believe in evolution-the rest do not.

The Bible is clear on this. Too many have done studies on history and geneologies. The earth is about 6118 years (about) old according to the Bible. So, of you believe the Bible and evolution-you have a serious problem. Both can not be right. If evolution is true-then the Bible is a lie. You must decide. When you get to judgement day-what are you going to say?
2006-11-29 07:56:50 UTC
This is an excellent question, so you shouldn't get bashed and if you do - ignore them. Some people do not know how to give their opinion without taking something personal....they aren't God, so don't sweat it.

Personally, I don't believe in evolution simply from the stand point that it says man evolved. The bible says God created man in his own image. When you read Genesis, Adam and Eve walked upright and the only other creature that was there at the time, slithered. The bible never references how man walked on all fours and then began to walk upright. Was it something not worthy of mentioning? I would think yes since everything else was mentioned - especially the "begats." :)

The thing is, one day in God's eyes could very well be a billion years to us, however in the bible, it mentions that he created the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh day. Somewhere between that creation, one would expect to read about a modified concept between the neanderthal that came to be man and Adam and Eve (at least from a logical point of view).

I think most of us do not wish to ponder this query because it might be too confusing. In school we are taught evolution and it seems to make sense. We've all gone home, probably, and asked our parents, who didn't know the answer and told us that the bible was true, so sit down and shut up (or something to that effect). So, we never bothered to question it. In church, the minister simply said that "man" was foolish to make up a story because it was someone against God.

Sometimes people think ignorance is bliss. It isn't.
2006-11-29 08:30:50 UTC
I'm not going to bash is a good question. Consider a couple of things.

1) In Genesis we read about God creating earth and all living things. The last thing for each day was that God said it was good. Not, it would be good eventually.

2) Picture when God made birds or horses ar even man. The Bible doesn't say what level of maturity the were, but one doesn't assume (which, I know is murky waters when we assume) that He created them eggs and infants (or other creatures).

If you are a Christian, pray about it. Check out the links below, maybe they'll help.

Some things, man just isn't meant to understand...that's why it is called 'faith'.
2006-11-29 08:16:47 UTC
To make the Bible fit the theory of evolution you would have to disregard what the Bible says.

The Bible says that God created the sun and the moon the day before He created plants.

How could the plants live for billions of years with out the sun?

How could they live for more than a few days?

God probably did this so that evolution and the Bible would not be comparable.

One must be true and the other a lie.
2006-11-29 08:30:41 UTC
well Fish is full of misinformation. Evolution says nothing about God or the origin of Earth...only that life has evolved from lower lifeforms. Fish should read the theory before bashing it (like most who bash it should since they know nothing about it).

For the fossil records people please understand that you are quite correct the fossil record is sparse and full of holes...but then again the chances of a bone becoming a fossil are not very good you know..they get eaten, bashed, melted, etc. not very common for bones to becomes one has pointed that out so I thought I should.

I believe there is a God, I believe that it used evolution as it's way of making life progress forward instead of being static and stale.

I believe the Theory of Evolution has the right idea but that the theory is not quite perfect. I believe that despite it's flaws I should not go and tell people "Since it is not 100% perfect I now believe that a giant made us out of clay".

To this day I have not heard one reasonable, scientific explination besides Evolution. If someone would provide another idea with evidence that backs it up like evolution I would gladly check it out and possibly endorse it. All opponents of evolution do is give flaws to evolution as proof their idea about God is correct..they never give proof of their idea.

OH GOD..does anyone anywhere understand evolution? I am so sick of people who know NOTHING saying we came from apes. Please people go read it for the sake of Christ if nothing else. Evolution does not say we came from apes...that was started by some idiot who couldn't read and people keep parroting it.

The theory is that Humans, Apes, Chimps all evolved from a common ancestor millions of years ago.

Let me put in in plain speak since so many misunderstand.

If you and your cousin are at a family reunion I should say you are the child of your cousin? That is what claiming humans came from apes is saying

Evolution's take would be you and your cousin are BOTH decended from your grandparent
2006-11-29 07:56:28 UTC
I don't go that way because that is not the obvious teaching of the scriptures. you would have to already believe in evolution to get that idea when you read the Genesis account of creation. It's not what the Bible teaches and as soon as we start to say that one part of the bible isn't true, then we have to say that Jesus was a liar when he says that the whole bible is the word of God. If we call Jesus a liar, we might as well throw the Bible in the trash, because my God is no liar. Praise to God that there are answers to bad science that show that it is possible that the Genesis account be true. Jesus is the Lord, and the Bible is his Word. I know you are looking for unity and peace, but it is more important to have peace with God than with men. I will not call Jesus a liar.

God Bless

Jett B
2006-11-29 07:50:57 UTC
I won't bash you. Hell I'll applaud you.

Evolution actually makes a lot more sense when you stick God in there, so does the Big Bang.

Unfortunately some people are so scared that to deny even the tiniest little detail of the bible would result in them burning by Lucifer's cheer full side, that they block out their God given logic, reason and rationality in favour of sh-ere ignorant bliss.

It sucks. But sadly, people don't see their God as a flexible, forgiving, loving, father figure all the time, they see him as a vengeful, old testament bully who will punish you for eternity because you let a more reasonable and lets face it more believable theory take the place of some metaphorical scripture that was written when people still thought the earth was flat and that the sun revolved around it.

Seriosly people, no offence or anything, but God gave you a brain...I'm sure he intended you to USE it.
2006-11-29 07:49:53 UTC
People on both sides of ANY issue tend to simplify and polarize. That's what happened here. Anyone willing to actually USE their brain can see that BOTH poles are wrong. Evolution can't work without God, and God wouldn't act in the natural world without natural tools. To do so would leave atheists without even a fig leaf.
2006-11-29 07:46:50 UTC
Alot of people believe in that actually. That God created the process of evolution and the rest is metaphorical.

But it brings into question too many things for most people that take the bible literally.

If we change over time, how can we be in His image?

If animals evolve, does that mean that God is imperfect?

Usually the two concepts cannot co-exist with the traditional take on the bible by most followers.
2006-11-29 07:50:14 UTC
First , it is contrary to scripture.

Apparently you haven't checked out the order of the creation days....

Since the sun moon and stars were created AFTER the plants and trees and green herb....your senario would be quite impossible.

Also you have ignored clearly other scripture telling HOW it was done:

How can the plant life exist for millions of years without the sun, etc.?

Evolution is plainly only a thoery which is totally incompatible with Genesis.
2006-11-29 07:49:12 UTC
I'm not gonna bash you-just point out some scripture- "And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day"Gen 1:5- Morning and evening are pretty specific as to it being one day-also the wording-one day. Also the science of evolution doesn't match up- being that it is full of holes.
2006-11-29 07:47:14 UTC
I actually have considered this. The Bible does not give us the HOW of creation. I think that when science has discovered everything, the evidence will serve to corroborate what we have known all along - that God created everything. In other words, I don't believe that science necessarily contradicts scripture - just that all is not known yet.
Zarina K
2006-11-29 07:50:26 UTC
I do believe a god could have (and probably did) guide the development and growth of our world (through evolution). Why should I believe that God was so boring and uninteresting to just plop everything down and be done with it. I believe God FLOWS, his works flow to his plan, just as a person is born, develops and eventuallly dies, or as nature cycles it is clear that God is fluid and dynamic, not static.

Sometimes religious fundies choose to tightly interprut the bible for political reasons/self serving reasons or because they find some comfort in the things they were convinced of as a child.

Their yelling and screaming at scientists makes scientists not even want to talk with or entertain the deep believers in literal interpretation.
Jesse S
2006-11-29 07:48:37 UTC
The reason i believe in God and not evolution is this. If God is capable of creating these things, why wouldn't He be able to do it in six 24 hour days?
2006-11-29 07:47:14 UTC
Darwin admitted that millions of ‘missing links,’ transitional life forms, would have to be discovered in the fossil record to prove the accuracy of his theory that all species had gradually evolved by chance mutation into new species. Unfortunately for his theory, despite hundreds of millions spent on searching for fossils worldwide for more than a century, the scientists have failed to locate a single missing link out of the millions that must exist if their theory of evolution is to be vindicated." Grant R. Jeffery, The Signature of God

"There are gaps in the fossil graveyard, places where there should be intermediate forms, but where there is nothing whatsoever instead. No paleontologist . . . denies that this is so. It is simply a fact. Darwin’s theory and the fossil record are in conflict." David Berlinsky

"Scientists concede that their most cherished theories are based on embarrassingly few fossil fragments and that huge gaps exist in the fossil record." Time magazine, Nov. 7, 1977

"The evolutionists seem to know everything about the missing link except the fact that it is missing." G. K. Chesterton
2006-11-29 07:54:01 UTC
People worship the book as literal truth. As such, they put a written work before God.

You'll probably be bashed with this question as I'll be bashed with this answer. Just consider yourself blessed that God has revealed hirself to you--and given you a brain to use. =)
2006-11-29 07:48:22 UTC
To me. Evolution makes sense, and 'God' just doesn't. I can justify evolution by looking around at all the different adaptations that plant and animals have made to survive. I have yet to witness anything that couldn't be explained by science. I have also not witnessed anything that proved (to me) that there is a god. I hope not to offend, but that's just my view.
2006-11-29 08:00:50 UTC
Many diehard christians do not believe that because to do so would place less importance on the bible as the word of god. If the bible is fallible then the christian religion is also fallible, many christian couldn't even fathom that possiblity.
2006-11-29 07:53:31 UTC
Very possible. I believe that something had to create the point of singularity which caused the big bang since nothing can create itself.
Lord Ares
2006-11-29 07:47:38 UTC
you may be right. good question keep going with it. only people who deeply believe in evolution will bash you for this and nut jobs
2006-11-29 07:53:20 UTC
Because the religious fanatics have spread the falsehood the evolution undermines Christianity when in fact it only undermines the literal truth of Genesis. Biological evolution in fact says nothing about God.
2006-11-29 07:46:36 UTC
Possible, yes, but not probable when speaking of the Great I Am. He is a personal God and He recorded that He made everything with His hands. However I do think that a day to Him is different than a day to us and it could have taken millions of years our time to be six days to Him.
2006-11-29 07:46:42 UTC
You're right. I also believe in both. The world was not made 6,000 years ago like some Christians say it was. But of course God created it!!
Praise Singer
2006-11-29 07:47:36 UTC
I absolutely believe in the Divine and in evolution.

I'm Pagan.
2006-11-29 07:47:01 UTC
I absolutely agree. Evolution does not equal "no creator". I have never understood the concept that if there is evolution then there is not a Creator.
Angel Baby
2006-11-29 07:45:50 UTC
Maybe, but it's nice middle ground. But, people don't usually want to sucker up their pride and find a middle ground. It's easier to fight and pretend like their right.
2006-11-29 07:46:42 UTC
they were not raised to be live in the Bible and Gods word. attending church growing up plays a huge factor in your beliefs.
2006-11-29 07:58:44 UTC
The bible gets in the way of that for most christians,
2006-11-29 07:53:32 UTC
I don't "believe" in the periodic table of elements.

I don't "believe" the Earth revolves around the Sun.

I don't "believe" in gravity

I don't "believe" that the earth is not flat.

Fish <><
2006-11-29 07:47:31 UTC
Evolution says God did not create the earth. Evolution says we came from monkeys, not created by God. Evolution says God doesn't exist. What was your question again?
2006-11-29 07:45:06 UTC
I think many Christians have. But those who have not are more vocal.
2006-11-29 07:48:27 UTC
Religion has to learn to recognize the facts of experimental science such as evolution. Otherwise all it is is dogma which cannot survive very long.
2006-11-29 07:45:36 UTC
my wife believes the same thing .
2006-11-29 07:46:36 UTC
Because people just did not originate from the slime and evolve from monkeys, AIDS did not come from monkeys and these monkey stories are exactly that.
2006-11-29 07:46:17 UTC
becase peole today are very closed mided
2006-11-29 07:48:44 UTC
they can't go together. either you believe we were made in the image of God, or in the image of monkeys.

oh, the earth is approx. 6,000 years old.look it up.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.