Why do atheists so strongly believe they aren't religious?
Cool Dad
2009-03-10 13:58:02 UTC
Even though the belief that there is no God or gods is, by definition, a religion (a body of persons that adhere to a particular belief... in this case... that there is no God or gods).

I notice a guy who goes to our farmer's market who calls himself the "friendly neighborhood atheist" and he hands out material to people to try to convert them to atheism. But he claims he is converting them not to a belief system, but a system of non-belief. It doesn't make sense... you have to at least "believe" that your non-belief is correct, right? Or do you not believe that atheism is correct either? I guess that would make atheism not a religion. I just don't get it. And why not call it a belief? Is there a stigma to believing in something that makes it not acceptable for certain people?

I don't mind atheists or their belief system... I just find it odd that they work so hard to tell me they are not religious and I don't see why it's so important to them to be labeled that way... does it really matter?
35 answers:
2009-03-10 14:02:47 UTC
Is not collecting stamps a hobby?

Atheism is a lack of beliefs in deities.
2009-03-10 14:14:31 UTC
You might want to invest in a dictionary. A religion is more than a belief in God. It's customs and practices dogma associated with the worshiping of God. Atheists don't believe that God exists so there are no customs, practices or dogma involved, therefor it is not a religion. It's the opposite of someone who believes in God but follows no particular religion. Belief isn't the same thing as a religion.
2009-03-10 14:08:19 UTC
You are confusing the word belief with religion.


a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.

3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Clearly atheism doesn't meet the definition of 1-3. There are no supernatural powers atheists believe in, there is no system of beliefs, they are diverse in their points of view on all other topics. There is no spiritual leader, no matter how much some theists want to think they all agree with or like Richard Dawkins.

Only number 4 could suffice in a figurative way for some who are passionate about it as a cause. Many are not. Even so it is a religion only then in the same sense this definition entails. For example, he was religious about his stamp collecting. Its not a literal religion. Also, in many cases what people are attributing to atheism is a passion for causes independent of atheism such as secular government, separation of church and state, freedom for scientific ideas. Things which there are many theists who support strongly as well.

One can dilute the term religion to where it is pretty much meaningless. What is the point of that?
Pirate AM™
2009-03-10 14:31:13 UTC
Do you also assert that you believe that Santa, Zeus, unicorns are all not real? Is this something you really believe? Or, do you know that they are not real and thus lack any belief in them?

Personally, I lack belief in any and all gods. This does not mean that I believe that all 3400+ of them don't exist, it means that I have no belief that they do.

I prefer not to have "beliefs" nor do I see a reason why I should have a belief system of any sort. Not believing in gods is not a religion, if it was, not believing in Santa would also be a religion.
2009-03-10 14:11:07 UTC
Atheists have a lack of belief, not a belief in disbelief.

I kinda doubt you actually know someone like this, if you do they're a complete moron as almost no other atheists agree with his standpoint.

This kind of model is something that gets passed around through the Christian community to represent Atheists and is generally a flat out lie along with claims that all atheists are depressed, lazy and worthless.

In other words, I lack any kind of belief system as you would understand it.

Atheists don't try to convert people to atheism, that, again is Christian propaganda and brainwashing.

We have our opinions, we say them, but we don't "convert" people.
2009-03-10 14:11:28 UTC
You obviously do not know, or dishonestly care to ignore, the definition of the word "religion:"

a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

A LACK of belief is not a set of beliefs. I do not belive in God. I have no other beliefs fillig that vacuum, at leats none which concern those things listed above in the definition. Understandings are not beliefs.
Linda G
2009-03-10 14:15:43 UTC
Well, I found a different definition of religion (see below). I believe in a lot of things...hard work, personal responsibility, integrity, loyalty and many more. I do not believe in any type of god or supernatural being.

I don't care what you believe and I would never try to convince you to believe what I believe.

Why are christians so obsessed with my personal beliefs?



* S: (n) religion, faith, religious belief (a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny) "he lost his faith but not his morality"

* S: (n) religion, faith, organized religion (an institution to express belief in a divine power) "he was raised in the Baptist religion"; "a member of his own faith contradicted him"
Wholesome Atheist
2009-03-10 14:08:57 UTC
Well, I don't consider it a religion because it doesn't fit my definition of religion. People define it in a few different ways, you know. If someone wants to say it is a religion, that's fine... but we'd obviously disagree on what religion is.

Same goes for belief too. I hear people saying they're "non believers" as if there is one thing to believe in. It's sounds a bit goofy if you ask me. I don't have a problem saying, "I don't believe there is a god, and this is why..." but I would never consider what I believe to be a faith becaue what I believe is based on reason.
Blessed Are The Cheese Makers
2009-03-10 14:08:27 UTC
Atheism is not a Religion.

If Atheism is a Religion then you have over 1 thousand Religions.

I assume you are a Christian?

So if Atheism is a Religion then Not Believing in Zeus is also a Religion so you probably have around 1 thousand Religions since you do not believe in any of them.

Not Believing in a Religion does not make it a Religion Neither is not Believing in God.
Miss Peg
2009-03-10 14:12:20 UTC
Lots of people label themselves by something other than their own identity - African American (not just American) is another example.

Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Black, White, Gay, Straight, they're all labels that people put on themselves and other people on a daily basis.

Does it matter that a person is male or female? or that they're gay or straight? or that they're religious or not?

In the grand scheme of things - no. In reality labels only tell us a small part of the story.

Someone may say they're christian - but they could have been born atheist and found god. Someone may be assumed to be African American, when they're only 1/2 African American. Someone may say they're straight - but like to have sex with people of the same gender.

As for an atheist trying to persuade people not to believe - that is no different to a Jehovah's Witness turning up on door steps preaching their religion, or other faiths preaching their ways to people around them.

The way I define my beliefs - is that I don't believe in any organised religion.
2009-03-10 14:04:46 UTC
Society has used the word "belief" for accepting the presence of a deity. Therefore, many atheists (including the person you mentioned) feel that it is more fitting to say that they don't believe.

Religion has been defined in a similar way. Because of that, atheism is not seen as a religion.

To me, it doesn't matter. But so many people are tired of being labelled, and they rise up against it. To them, it does matter.
2009-03-10 14:14:32 UTC
Because atheism has no practices, it has nothing to do with religion

Buddhism for example has no god, that doesnt make them atheists - simply because they have dogma, and set ceremonies and **** that they do to honour their belief - that makes them a religion.

atheists have no such practices, short of stating opinions or converting (see first ammendment), and thats not reseverved only for religion - telemarketers are technically a religion if that was the case.

evangelicalism + practices / dogma = religion

evangelicalism + belief / ideas = free speech
Lh T atheati underling
2009-03-10 14:10:12 UTC
You need to acquaint yourself with the definition of "religion".

Main Entry:







Middle English religioun, from Anglo-French religiun, Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back — more at rely


13th century

1 a: the state of a religious b (1): the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance

2: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

3archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness

4: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

None of these describes the non-belief of atheists.
2009-03-10 14:07:01 UTC
Atheism = lack of belief in gods. I think it makes perfect sense. Why do you insist on semantics? It is a non-belief system. I just don't believe any of it. There are no memberships, no dues, no churches, no dogma. When the census comes around, they ask my religion and atheism isn't on the list. If you look up a list of the world's religions, atheism isn't one.
Andymcj 78 (Atheist)
2009-03-10 14:03:36 UTC
You're playing at word games and semantics. Why is is it an obsession with some believers to establish that atheism is a religion? Why would it be important? I don't believe in God end of - if that's a religion then so what?
2009-03-10 14:06:25 UTC
So, by your mode of thinking, BALD is a hair color, right??

So, one stupid atheist is out at your farmers market, and that means that ALL atheists belong to a religion... Thats quite the leap of rational thinking there, bud. NOT!

Try looking up the actual definition of religion, instead of adhering to your own shortened definition, and then kindly explain what dogma or rituals I engage in with other atheists in my religious congregations that I never attend.
2009-03-10 14:04:50 UTC
I don't promote atheism. If a person is going to escape the shackles of religious belief, they'll have to find their own way out.

The guy promoting it is of a very tiny minority. Trust me. Most of us live quietly productive lives and are interested in other civic matters. At a farmers market or town square, you'll find every sort of kook including Christian preachers too.

My belief system? Situationism and Secular Humanism in combination.
2009-03-10 14:09:47 UTC
Well I am agnostic, I would never try to tell someone to stop believing. Most of my fellow atheist/agnostic friends think it's a personal choice. I don't try to influence people unless they want to know about. That guy shouldn't pass those pamphlets, just like a catholic shouldn't pass out brochures out about there faith.
Upasakha Jason
2009-03-10 14:10:34 UTC
Not believing that there is a god is a religion in exactly the same way that not collecting stamps is a hobby.

Atheism is a religion in the same way that bald is a hair color.
2009-03-10 14:05:21 UTC
Atheism by defintion is non-belief--therefore the gentleman was quite accurate. I guess he is simply trying to convince people that talking donkeys and talking snakes are in the realm of mythology. He probably wouldn't go to the trouble--except those who believe in talking donkeys and talking snakes try and interject these strange superstitious beliefs into the legal system--so--I suspect he is just trying to show people the absurdity of their belief and the rationality of non-belief.
2009-03-10 14:07:21 UTC
Because it's an attempt by religious people to lower us to their level.

Because they know they can't argue with us otherwise.

If that's true, then your lack of belief in Zeus is YOUR religion.

You heretic.

For the record... my religion is Taoism. I am an atheist because I don't believe in gods.
2009-03-10 14:04:20 UTC
I believe that coins should be treated with the utmost care and I have a body of persons that also adhere to this belief. Does that make coin collecting a religion?
2016-11-29 08:27:18 UTC
pfff... erase this question... Atheist (greek for "no God") don't have faith in any style of better power... additionally they have not have been given any faith and don't have faith in devil (despite in the event that they now and back call to him to piss non secular ppl off)... And to precise all of it they in many situations understand plenty better than maximum folk of the non secular ppl with regard to the historic previous and basic thought equipment of the main substantial religions...
2009-03-10 14:05:15 UTC
Your premise is a lie. Disbelief by definition is NOT belief.

This is a ludicrous argument made by people who have nothing better to offer.

I actually *am* a religious atheist -- I practice paganism. BUT atheism in and of itself is not a religion.

2009-03-10 14:03:18 UTC
Perhaps you'd care to explain just how *absence* of belief is belief?

That's a good trick, I'd really like to see you reconcile that one.

I don't "believe there is no god" -- I have no belief in a god. Because there's no evidence of any such thing. That's not a belief, it's an absence of belief. Try to keep it straight, ok?

2009-03-10 14:27:17 UTC
Perhaps this is a little over your head, but let me try anyway: Atheists are not religious.
David V
2009-03-10 14:03:49 UTC

re⋅li⋅gion   [ri-lij-uhn]


1.a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2009-03-10 14:07:48 UTC
I didn't realize that being an Atheist meant I had to worship something. I think I'll worship my coffee cup.
2009-03-10 14:03:22 UTC
I am not in any way religious about my lack of belief iin deities and the supernatural
2009-03-10 14:16:41 UTC
i totally agree and actually here in america they are considered to be in a religion
Epona Willow
2009-03-10 14:04:55 UTC
Ladies and Gentlemen, Bald is a new hair color.
2009-03-10 14:03:28 UTC
I think you're trying to create something out of nothing.
2009-03-10 14:02:04 UTC
That would be some moronic atheists.

Atheism is a lack of belief.
2009-03-10 14:04:53 UTC
Because they have functioning brains.
2009-03-10 14:03:13 UTC
I hear atheists are the most religious

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