Each of us is a Spark of the Divine, for our consciousness is a tiny part of the Oneness we call God, for God is not a man, but Divine Loving Creative Consciousness, of which all sentient Beings, ourselves included,are part!.
That*s why we were advised to listen to *the still small voice (of God) within* and were told that we were *created in the image of God*..
So each of US has God within us, and chooses moment by moment whether to follow that inner prompting or to ignore it and instead follow our own self-seeking ego!
It would seem that you are not listening to God within you!
The physical universe and Earth is balanced, conscious and aware and responds to Love, and when MAN creates imbalance and negativity within, on and around this beautiful world, it naturally has to eventually rebalance and release that negativity from time to time!
Man is FAR more powerful and important in the scheme of things than we have been taught by those who wish to control our lives through fear, but that situation is now coming to a close, for EVERYTHING has begun to change as we approach 2012,and we increasingly will now begin to be shown what has REALLY been going on in the corridors of power!..Hang onto your hats!..Exciting times ahead!