If you believe in god, why wouldn't you try to get everyone else believe in him, too?
2006-03-02 20:55:48 UTC
If you believe in god, why wouldn't you try to get everyone else believe in him, too?
Thirteen answers:
2006-03-07 23:03:11 UTC
Isn't that what Jesus and his disciples did?

And Jesus' disciples are still doing that today as commanded at Matthew 28:19,20 - "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU..."

This is how the prophesy at Matthew 24:14 is being fulfilled.
2006-03-02 21:13:12 UTC
What do you mean IF... I practice the a Native American belief system. (ie. spirituality) It is known that when born, and when dying no one can come between you and god. No priest, no shaman, no tv evangelist. Even though millions and billions believe in god, they all percieve him in many ways. why should I make them see my way. My way is no better, no higher, nor falser than anyother way as long as I live a good life. Christianity doesn't understand that. Christ wanted you to share his knowledge no inforce it under pain of death. (As the catholics did, and would if Ratzinger had his way) If you find God, share it with people, let them rejoice with you. That's my opinion, see. could be wrong... Let love judge. god bless
2006-03-02 22:09:51 UTC
When you become a christian people should be able to see how u live and see you have changed. Sometimes the only Bible a person reads is you and how you live. Just live it and you want have to push it on people they will come to you and ask you about God. God Bless!!
2006-03-02 21:00:21 UTC
I believe in the god/dess within each of us that is a part of the whole. I do discuss my ideas with others; however, I would not try and force them to believe what I do. I use logic. They use faith. Because of the difference between logic and faith, it is unlikely that I could ever convince them if their faith is strong. Because of my logic, they cannot convince me with a recitation of the tenets of their faith. I have no need for others to believe the same things I do and in the same way I do. What a boring world this would be if we were all clones.
2006-03-02 22:03:19 UTC
That is NOT The Way of Yeshua the Messiah. He didn't try to convince people by repeated discussions & arguments or by repeated reason & logic. He told people the Truth - they were free to accept His Salvation; they were free to reject it. He supported His Father's free will for people to do what they want to do. The final analysis is that God wants His people to be those who WANT to love Him, serve Him, obey Him, to seek to do His will "on earth as it is in heaven." If people do not have that attitude toward God & His Way in this life... they just are not candidates for living under God's Law in His eternal Kingdom - it would be drudgery for those who do not love God with all their being... God isn't going to force anyone to an eternal life of worshiping Him if their heart isn't in it.

God is fair & Just. Those qualified for the Grace of Righteousness will have it in Paradise; those NOT qualified for the Grace of Righteousness will get to the White Judgment Throne and be told to "DEPART!" And it will be those who CHOOSE in this life what end they get. Salvation is available for ALL; no no one HAS TO be condemned to perdition.

Yes! Tell people about the Truth, your faith, God's Salvation. Let them decide for themselves.

The Gospel of the OT is the SAME as the Gospel of the NT:

True Faith + God's Grace = His Salvation

It worked for Abraham, the Patriarchs & Prophets... & it still works the same way for you & me.
2006-03-02 21:06:36 UTC
when i was young i always did my best to try and get my friends and boyfriends ect ect to go to curch with me and share gods love with them, however now that im older i don't find myself doing that as much anymore because people are so set in there ways and i've found the best you can do is treat everyone as you would like to be treated.
2006-03-02 21:13:33 UTC
Because a person's religious or spiritual beliefs are sacredly personal. Since most people can't agree on a flavor of ice cream, we are not able to agree on one specific way to worship. That's why there are so many religious denominations.
2006-03-02 20:58:12 UTC
Religious beliefs are too deeply entrenched. It takes too much energy to get others to see other viewpoints like the fact the God exists.
Donald Shaw
2006-03-02 21:06:46 UTC
Only God can save souls, Christians who try to do His job just annoy people.
2006-03-02 20:57:41 UTC
I dont believe in god, and I personally dont go around trying to get everyone else NOT to believe in god.

So why should people who do believe be trying to get others to believe?

If someone wants to believe in god, they will. You shouldnt be out recruiting them. Its not a damn sport.
2006-03-02 21:16:18 UTC
Because its not your business what someone believes. You can have a discussion, but not a one sided bombardment.
2006-03-02 21:14:00 UTC
because not all people believe in him. everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
2006-03-02 20:57:30 UTC
because people are free to believe whatever they want.

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