Alex Collier is a contactee who has also talked about the reptilians.. you can find his lectures on youtube. He said the reptilians were being mandated to be off the planet by a certain date, the given date has already passed, I forget exactly when it was, but supposedly they were supposed to vacate or the benevolent beings would interfere and force em out. Seeing we haven't witnessed the sh#t hitting the fan I would guess they left peacefully or that plan fell thru.
I've also heard the things David Icke has seen and the information given to him has been tainted. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know and is doing what he believes, but I think it's quite possible he is being manipulated. I've been told anything too much in the public eye, anything too well known, has been moderated within a level of control. Take the information Carl Sagan was bringing to the public a few decades ago. As Canibus said, 'was tryna keep western civilization on a need-to-know basis'
When I first started researching Icke interested me, but I really just stay away from him now.. too much possibility. To tell you the truth I'm kind of on the edge about the Draconian presence thing, it could be another ploy to distract you.. don't underestimate these peoples' craftiness. As for the idea that the dracs are in control here, I don't believe that.. I don't think they'd be allowed to manipulate on THAT level. I think the ones doing most of the manipulating here are humans, and I'm not talking about the illuminati. Everybody knows about the illuminati now.. doesn't that say something in itself? I've heard the people who really control this world are not known, they're not in the public eye as national figures, the national figures are the puppets they use to create the image that they're the ones controlling everything, but really, I think even they are kept on a 'need-to-know' basis.. they're probably manipulated just like we are to believe they have to go along and do what they do to secure their own safety.. I think they sell us the people out knowingly, but they do so out of fear. And the small group of people truly controlling things are actually doing so as part of their soul's destiny.. it's not a warped sense of meaning, or greed or hate or anything you would think like that. Everybody has a soul, it's a very real thing, and that soul incarnates with an intent.. the intent to grow and learn in some area. Some souls incarnate with a sort of mission to fulfill that that soul agrees to undertake before they come here.. these souls are very specific in their role and they are now doing what they must in maintaining this entire system of control and pitfalls etc etc because that is the stage set on earth by divine purpose. I think of it like a ethereal obstacle course for the rest of us.
The main purpose of my message is to not worry about reptilians or any crap like that, it may have just been a distraction all along anyway. Your main concern should be your own growth. Freeing yourself from the constraints of the system in place. It's the test of life. Just keep researching from every aspect and bringing awareness to your surroundings. Know thyself, take note of your behavior and question yourself. Meditation is a huge help. That should be your main concern tho.. once you've got that you may wanna start thinking about becoming more self-sustainable and not relying on supermarkets and public utilities as these things may fall into chaos at the current rate we're going. The old system is going to hold on for as long as it can, but the power is in the people, they designate how long that will be. The only point I'd like to exaggerate is that we can't allow this to be a violent change, that would accomplish nothing but fueling the same level of consciousness we are trying to separate from. Peace & love fam.
Edit: LOL @ all the thumbs down. I guess a message of peace and humanity just isn't appreciated like it used to! As Sam noted, first it has to be ridiculed before people can come to their sense. I still love you all ;]