How can I save my deluded atheist friend's soul?
2015-08-07 16:37:12 UTC
Good friend of mine came out as a deluded atheist. To make sure I wasn't hallucinating, I asked him "Do you believe something can create itself from nothing?". And sure enough he said yes. How can I assure my deluded atheist friend finds Christ so he can be saved and go to Heaven?
147 answers:
2015-08-09 17:21:03 UTC
Well, first let him see that the Bible is a book of truth.

Number 1: ask him if Jews are real people. If he answers, "Yes", then move to question #2.

Number 2: ask him why the Jews are called "Jews". If he doesn't know, tell him to look to the Bible where the Jews are called Jews because they descended from the tribe of Judah.

Genesis 29:35 She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “This time I will praise the LORD.” So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children. NIV

Tell him to look and see if there is any other answer. There isn't any acceptable answer for the truth is accepted by the world.

Number 3: Now that the Jews are real people and they are in the Bible, ask your friend why Jews don't take Jesus as Lord and Savior and why they don't believe Jesus is the Messiah.

If he doesn't know, the answer is that the Jews holy text, the Tanakh/Old Testament was written before the coming of Jesus. This helps provide proof that the whole Bible (Old Testament/New Testament) were not written at the same time.

Now if we know that the Old Testament and the New Testament were not written at the same time, then the prophecies and foreshadowings of the Old Testament could not have been made up. Rather, they were made in advance and fulfilled later on. The fulfilled prophecies and foreshadowings are THE ULTIMATE PROOF of GOD.

What are some prophecies and foreshadowings given by God in the Tanakh/Old Testament that have come to be fulfilled, he may ask.

Now let's look at the Tanakh/Old Testament foreshadowings/prophecies concerning Jesus.

1) Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem---Micah 5:2

2) the King/Messiah was to bring salvation was to ride into Jerusalem on an ***, upon a colt, the foal of an ***-----Zechariah 9:9

3) the price of Jesus' betrayal was told to be 30 pieces of silver, told who would end up with the money (the potter), and where the silver would be cast (the house of the Lord-----Zechariah 11:13

4) that the hands and feet would be pierced-----Psalm 22:16

5) that He would be born of a virgin---Isaiah 7:14

6) that He would be pierced for our transgressions---Isaiah 53:5

7) that He would die with wicked, be assigned a rich man's grave, though He had done no violence or said anything deceitful---Isaiah 53:9

One foreshadowing fulfilled by Jesus is the Passover Lamb.

The Passover lamb died on the 14th of Nisan. Its' blood was placed on the door frames of the Israelites homes to protect the Israelites from the angel of death and the plague of the first born males. Those that had faith that the blood of the lamb would save them (the Israelites) were protected from physical death. The Egyptians, who did not have faith in the blood, died. No bones were to be broken on the Passover lamb.

Jesus, the true Passover Lamb, died on the 14th of Nisan. Those who have faith in the blood of Jesus to save them will be spared of spiritual death. Those who do not believe will suffer spiritual death/eternal torment in the lake of fire. No bones were broken on Jesus.

One foreshadowing you may not have known of is the names of the first ten descendants/genealogy of Jesus.

Look at the genealogy from Adam to Noah.

God always rewards the diligent student. Let us examine this chapter more closely. In our Bible, we read the Hebrew names. What do these names mean in English?

The Composite List

Now let's put it all together:






Mahalalel-----------The Blessed God

Jared-----------------Shall come down


Methuselah-------------His death shall bring

Lamech-------------------The Despairing

Noah------------------------Rest, or comfort.

Let's put the message/foreshadowing together, now.

Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest.

There is the good news of Jesus in the genealogy from Adam to Noah.

So there is proof that Jesus is the Son of God from the Tanakh/Old Testament which was written hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus.

One fulfilled prophecy that was recently fulfilled was the Isaiah 9:10 prophecy that the best-selling book the Harbinger was about.

This prophecy was fulfilled by Tom Daschel and John Edwards after the 9/11 attack.

Tell him that you have given him things to ponder.

Tell him the only reasonable response is that the Bible is God's gift to mankind to show us what God wants from us and how he expects us to act and what the future is.

God wants us to know that Jesus/Yeshua is the Son of God and is the Savior of the world.

No one can get eternal life/heavenly life without faith in Jesus and repentance of our sinful ways.

We are all sinners and unless we have faith in Jesus, his blood cannot pay the penalty for our sins. The result is an eternal existence without God and his blessings. It is pure torment.

May God Bless You Always

May Your Friend Find the truth and love God and gain eternal life.
¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤
2015-08-07 19:49:55 UTC
You're deluded too, so...? Personally it's incorrect that an atheist would say yes to that question. So he either doesn't know what he's talking about or you're laying.

Most importantly though... friend's respect each other's beliefs (or lack of) and right to have them, even if they are different. Try being a real friend.
2015-08-07 19:42:22 UTC
You can't force somebody to believe or not believe something that they just don't, so no, there is nothing he can do for you. I'd say just be patient, give it time, maybe study the bible (like actually read what is in there, don't just take somebody else's word about how they interpret it), that often helps fix delusion.

Ultimately though, it doesn't really matter. Whether or not somebody believes in god doesn't make them any more or less likely to be a good person. Both of you should just accept that you believe different things, and go about your normal lives as if nothing changed (because really it didn't).
2015-08-10 06:12:58 UTC
There is not one shred of evidence that a God exists. In actual fact Atheist do NOT need saving as they are very spiritual people - they just do not believe that a God or Gods' have existed. A soul is said to be the essence of someone...but nobody has EVER proved a soul exists....A bad brain can exist but not a bad soul. It is quite ridiculous to think otherwise!

Your idea about going to heaven is a complete nonsense. The only place you will end up in, is a grave or ashes scattered to the wind.

But if you believe you will go to heaven then that is what you believe. It does not prove that there is one or that you will go there.

All faith based religions are a complete and utter science fiction story, and bad science fiction at that! In other words they are not worth the scrolls they were written on......but i will go as far as to say that there are some parts of the Holy books that are worth following, but mostly they are common sense things that most societies do naturally without instruction from a so called Holy book. Things like murder,adultery,stealing,killing,are all covered in state law.

In Islam of course the religion is the state, Thats what makes Islam so abhorrent

Trying to save your friend is counter productive. You should be asking your friend to apostate to Atheism....its safer and does not subjugate.
2015-08-08 13:18:16 UTC
My best friend is Atheist and I'm a Christian but he is the most caring person I know I've never seen him get mad if someone hurts someone he will stop them he's donated sooo much money for charity he's proabably a better Christian then most people only he doesnt believe in God but if he is in Hell then I would be willing to save him and go there because hes such a good person you can't change his belief but he can still be a good friend
2015-08-08 02:09:24 UTC
How Can I Save my Deluded Atheist Friends Soul ?

I am sorry to inform you that you can not "SAVE" your Atheist Friends "SOUL"

Soul is defined as a religious Philosophical and mythological conceptional tradition in simple English .................. its GOBBLEDYGOOK What does a "SOUL" look like when we save things its nice to be able to see it to know its there ,

Hey surprised you actually associate or have a friend who is an Atheist , thats progressive The bible does warn about associating with nonbelievers but I guess that rule isn't Very Smart and is broken if your goal is to convert people

.. Being a person who is most likely well Educated .I will take it that you actually know the Definitions of the words you used in the question.

One does know that the word DELUDED is defined as A BELIEF held with STRONG Conviction despite it being contrary to reason and reality ..

Who BELIEVES the person has a soul ? so who has the Delusion The Atheist does not have that belief the questioner does . Try Punching your way out of a paper bag................... arguing who has the delusion remember its a strong BELIEF or conviction contrary to reason and reality

One might recall it is Christians and Jews who have based their religion on an 80 year old man claiming to hear Voices from a Bush funny they didn't question his mental faculties they just called him "SPECIAL"

.. Thanks for the question ...HEY if ya have time Visit a Library today ... Please have an Educational day
2015-08-07 16:46:04 UTC
Your meme is wrong. Atheists don't have a position on the origin of the earth as a group, only on the existence of God. Your suggestion that they do is a lie, making you a liar.

If you ask a scientist, they will tell you that earth formed by gravitational accretion, and have seen evidence of this elsewhere as proof. Gravitational accretion isn't 'nothing'. It's a natural process, like fusion, evolution and the water cycle.
2015-08-09 13:44:09 UTC
The question that a good portion of people don't ask themselves is why they believe the things they believe. A couple of questions to ask yourself for instance. Why am I a Christian instead of a Jew? Why am I not a polytheist? If I was born in what is today Greece in the year 360 bc would you follow Plato or would you find another person to follow? Would you form your own school of thought? If you met the man we call Jesus in the street when he was here on earth would you actually like him? Do you think you would of assigned him much importance back in the day? What if Jesus never existed back then but infact came today? Would you care what he had to say ? If you were an atheist, and I know that can be hard for some people to wrap their heads around, what would it take to convince you ? Better yet do you think you could be convinced by the argument that are normally presented? If you just happened to discover the bible when no one else was taking it seriously and it was just you, do you think you would agree to base your life and morals on the bible? Are morals even important when saying a religion is true or not? How could you argue in favor of any sort of god if you just looked at the world? If you really want to argue in favor of God shouldn't you be able to point to the world as a whole and say " This is clear proof of God/gods." ? If you can't ask yourself why.

This is only part of the myriad of questions that one should dwell on when they have the time. The questions also link one to what is the truth they will come to accept for a time. If Christ is the truth, then you have far more questions at this point than answers.

And even if christ is what you would call the truth and the savior, you have no power to save anyone. To pretend otherwise is to court arrogance of the highest degree. It would be up to God wouldn't it. Do not claim to want to save your friend when it would appear you are not even saved yourself. If you really want to know God/gods/ the universe/ nature ect you have to start by knowing yourself. By purifying yourself , by figuring out who you are , what you want and what there is to actually be had. What is the point in attempting to bring anyone to any sort of god or spirituality when at the end of the day you can't even figure out who you are and what you've done that you can call right or wrong?
Zulcan The Great.
2015-08-07 18:23:31 UTC
I believe you are deluded into thinking your friend could be saved and will go to heaven. That is a misconception and taken out of context. No one who dies will go to heaven or hell.

We will all be resurrected after the Second Coming and live on this earth. Some will perish and die because they will reject our Saviour. The rest will be given a chance to repent of their sins.

You are not responsible for your friend's attitude and behaviour. You are only responsible for your own attitude and feelings.

The soul is the physical and conscious aspect of the human being. One cannot exist without the other. A person who has died does not float away as a disembodied spirit to heaven. They are dead and buried.
2015-08-08 16:52:10 UTC
You can't save your friend because there is nothing to save. You are the one that actually needs saving. Speaking of Gods. Which God do you believe in? If you only believe in 1 God then that makes you 99% atheists because you believe that those others Gods and religions out there around the world are all creations of ancient people's imaginations to make sense of their world. The difference between your friend and you is that your friend throws your God into the pile and makes in 100%
2015-08-09 09:15:30 UTC
As difficult as it is for your friend to believe that there is a Creator, it is also difficult for Christians to believe that the Creator doesn't care about religions, or being worshipped. If you think about the scope of the Universe(s), and all of the life out there, and all of the beings existing in other areas of the Universe (not to mention, other realities beyond the physical one), you would find it impossible to believe that this unfathomable Consciousness we call God could possibly be interested in torturing souls, let alone eternally!.. for the dubious "crime" of not believing that a man who lived thousands of years prior to your time, is the doorway to eternal existence! Our souls are like threads from the fabric of the Divine. He/She/It is not going to damn portions of Itself over human belief systems. God thought himself into existence, from a void, and all that he is, is consciousness, is thought. And so are we and everything else, because everything that is, is of this same fabric. Your friend is not going to go to hell, but he might find himself in an apparent godless reality when he passes, because life on the other side is more or less what we expect. If you expect harps and clouds, that's what you'll get... at least, for a while, until you realize it's an illusion. Then you'll meet up with your soul group and plan your next life. Which might be as a Hindu, Moslem, or Atheist, for example. I would like to recommend the book "Journey of the Soul", by Michael Newton. It's a quick, easy, and very interesting read. He hypnotized thousands of people in order to glean information about life between lifetimes. There were no contradictions in the subconscious or superconscious reports between people of differing religions or culture.
2015-08-08 06:37:22 UTC
More than a BILLION believe god is the 'allah' who revealed him/herself to mohammed.

Muslims abhor ANY faith which has multiple facets of god and therefore fundamentally DISbelieve your acceptance of Jesus Christ being the one and only beggotten son of god and member of the holy trinity.

With a similar number of christians TOTALLY out of step with muslims, how can you be sure it's your friend who is deluded ?

Christians and muslims cannot BOTH be correct in claiming their faith reflects the 'truth' - one is clearly false

and by what logic do you assume 2 billion cannot be as WRONG as 1 billion ?

And where does that put nigh on 5 billion humans who follow neither islam nor christianity ?
2015-08-09 11:47:42 UTC
Are you a savior? No? Neither do atheists 'believe' something came from nothing. Science is figuring things out, it's not about belief. Do you believe there are groceries at a grocery store? You know it. Belief in good and evil as if it is 'knowledge' - isn't that the fall (ing asleep) of mankind. You're in a dream state. Immortality promised by the teaching (tree) of good and evil also promises immortality, but that is forbidden to us. We're mortal. Humble yourself and accept your mortality. Xtians mistranslated the Jewish TaNaKh, there is no hell and our planet is a paradise. Make good choices and live a good life, not because you wish to bribe god, but because you have good character. Because you choose to be good, with your free choice. The greatest way to want to do something is because you're not allowed. When you're allowed, you find you don't want the same thing. Your focus changes.

Since there is no hell, you can't be saved from it, and a mangod whose name...
2015-08-09 12:32:56 UTC
Your friend isn't delusional. In subatomic physics, all sorts of universal laws go right out the window, including cause and effect. In places smaller than an atom, it appears that there ARE uncaused causes.

Regarding your picture: that's cute. Cuteness doesn't help educate someone about the truth - it implies they're stupid and easily swayed by near-bullying tactics.

Now that I know you're referring to the universe in general regarding uncaused causes... your friend might be a little delusional. Science is still "out" regarding the beginning of the universe. We can currently trace back to the planck time of the big bang, but not before. Physics (as we know it) simply stops making sense.

And that means "we don't know."

So when we see people like YOU saying that YOU DO KNOW... we ask questions.
2015-08-07 17:38:56 UTC
That meme is incorrect. Atheists can believe in something. The definition of "atheist" is not believing in God, so they can believe. What they want to believe is up to them. Just cause your friend thinks that doesn't mean every atheist does.

Oh, and if you were a real friend you'd accept the fact that your friend is an atheist. And quite frankly - if you haven't already noticed - your friend is an atheist so he/she doesn't care about Heaven or Hell.
2015-08-10 21:34:00 UTC
The Truth is, sad though it be for us, that neither discussion nor argument wins men's souls over to God. Only if they are open to new ideas can it be of any use to them. It is the Holy Spirit's job to convict men's souls, not ours. And only He can do it correctly. So just accept your friend as he is, and continue to be a friend, but keep aloof -- we are not to mingle with the ungodly overmuch. And every now and then put in some spiritual advice. And leave it to him to take it or not. That's the best you can hope for ---- and pray for his heart to be open to God's Spirit.
2015-08-09 00:56:41 UTC
This is a stupid question you cannot 'save his soul' I am Christian and believe there is a god out there but do not believe that God made the earth, people have different views and you should learn to accept your friend and theiR own beliefs
Goldy Aluminy
2015-08-07 18:02:05 UTC
I simply don't believe in an infinitely complex machine that exists forever (that jewish god). Eventually, all machines break down to their components. If this machine has emotions, and according to the bible, it does, then it is torture to exist forever.

That something from nothing doesn't make sense. The universe has always existed in some form or another. It is also possible that there are multiple universes since a lot of things exists in multiples.

Your unique god is nonesense. You haven't been able to gather any evidence for thousands of years.
2015-08-08 10:19:56 UTC
If you want to save an atheist's soul, you should probably start by talking to a real live atheist, not just an imaginary atheist character in your head.
2015-08-08 02:13:18 UTC
Everyone has a free will. If it's his choice, so be it. I believe in God and the big bang theory, they correlate well together and makes a whole lot more sense than the bible. It all started with the word, a vibration; OM.

But, it's his choice to be an atheist, and his free will, and I think you should respect his free will, the same way he respects that your a christian.
2015-08-08 22:52:54 UTC
In my opinion there is no 'heaven' or 'hell', in fact I like too think it's more a journey of the soul. Your body is your carriage, and senses your experiences until your soul is ready too take that step on to the next path. We are all spiritual beings and believe me, we are all gods. Welcome to hell where we are all diveded by corrupt religion, amoungst other things. To share ideas and beliefs openly and respect others views is when we can live in peace, the only god you need to find is the one within.

Peace x
2015-08-08 10:59:04 UTC
Your heart is in the right place.........first show the best example as a Christian with love, concern, and share the basic understanding to be saved to others that OPEN up to you.

We can't shove the word down the throat as many have hardened hearts and no matter what you say they won't hear you..........

This world is getting worst every day with so much misunderstood issues and not searching for the answers...........Bless you and keep growing in Christ........keep your strength up by continue reading God's word, prayers daily............
2015-08-10 01:17:11 UTC
It sounds like your friend could be in grave danger. And you're concerned about him. Well I have a few suggestions for you. 1, Depending on what Christian denomination you are, you should go see your church minister or pastor and tell him about your atheistic friend. He'll give some advice. 2, The power of prayer has always worked and it doesn't fail at all. If you've heard of Saint Monica, read up on her because she too was a Christian and was concerned about her son, Augustine. He wasn't a devout Christian. He was more of a non believer. And eventually he converted. 3, Try to invite your atheistic friend to attend church with you on a Sunday morning. He may not like the idea but try it and introduce him to your church minister or pastor. Just remember, his conversion may take for a while to believe like you. Good luck and God bless you.
2015-08-07 16:44:25 UTC
Atheists don't believe nothing created earth. Go to school, and study science. There's an explanation.
Rick G
2015-08-09 09:45:41 UTC
Sorry, but only your friend can save his soul. What you need to do is to become a better teacher of God's word, and more importantly, live by that word.
2015-08-09 00:25:56 UTC
If God is any kind of reasonable being, then She has to make allowances for the Honest Mistake. There are no flaring neon signs pointing at the "right" religion, so there are obviously people out there who honestly want to be good people but never picked the "right" religion (if there is one "right" religion). So, if God is any kind of being worth worshiping, then either He will let people into heaven based on their deeds rather than their beliefs, or She will give everyone a last chance, with the flaring neon sign evidence of what the right religion is, to pick that. Either way, any kind of God I'm willing to acknowledge would not send a "good" atheist (or other non-Christian) to hell.

You may find this interesting (and amusing):
2015-08-09 16:36:30 UTC
This is hilarious. Never before have I seen such a ridiculous question. Theoretically everyone who has faith different to ones one can be deemed delusional. Some believe in a book which has been interpreted many times by many people and still take it as gospel word - one person either said it or he didn't if u ask me. Someone believes in Scientology good for them. Having faith in something is nice but not having faith in a unproven myth is good too.
2015-08-09 12:00:17 UTC
to answer your do NOT save your atheist friend's soul, only THEY can save their own soul.

Sounds to me like you're going to lose a "friend", or maybe they were just an acquaintance.

You are out of line.
2015-08-10 07:39:15 UTC
Acts 2:38
2015-08-08 00:10:05 UTC
You can't. Your friend is not deluded. He has expressed a rational belief. As of today there is no support for your belief. Read Richard Dawkins.
2015-08-09 09:07:43 UTC
If he's your friend then it shouldn't matter. Let him believe what he wants.

Also the meme is irrelevant. We don't think it comes from nothing, just something different.

Plus, in case you haven't realized, your friend is Atheist, aka doesn't care about heaven/hell.
Groove doctor
2015-08-08 11:56:10 UTC
To stand any chance of converting him, you have to first know how he thinks.

This is surely the best way to be persuasive. So go ahead and buy the cheap kindle book, "Why There Is No God" by Armin Navabi, and read all the arguments against theism. But be warned, don't be deceived by how comprehensively convincing the arguments may seem, we both know full well that's the devil trying to make you think rationally ;)
2015-08-08 07:24:33 UTC
For an in-depth look into the science behind the creation of this universe, one that makes a plausible argument I might add, please see "LOGICS of the KINGDOM: A Scientific Analysis of the Word of God," which is available on Amazon or Barnes & Noble (online).

As it may be said that all rivers lead to the same ocean, we can understand God as that ocean with everything that mankind has learned to be fact to be the rivers leading to it. As it turns out, everything that the Bible has proclaimed to be true is actually verified scientifically, but you must understand the four known fundamental forces at the deepest, subatomic level to be able to truly discern the bridges between science and the Bible. If you are interested to learning about the deep truth about how God and science relate, look no further than the first scientifically-verifiable theory of the universe that aligns itself perfectly with the Word of God as written in the King James Version of the Bible. Don't just take my word for it though. Do your own research. I spent three years and 8000 hours of study investigating the depths of both disciplines and bridged these with psychology as well. The theory is available in the book, "LOGICS of the KINGDOM: A Scientific Analysis of the Word of God." see:
2015-08-07 16:40:04 UTC
How is your friend the deluded one?

If God created the universe...who or what created God? Everything must have a beginning, so what's God's beginning?
2015-08-08 09:03:05 UTC
This is exactly why people can't stand what so many Christians are doing. Let him live his own life and exercise his own right to think for himself, and stop with this compulsion that Christianity instills by trying to shove your beliefs down someone else's throat.
2015-08-08 17:46:38 UTC
But a mystical being that has only been (allegedly) seen by a select few can definitely create that, which totally isn't deluded at all...
2015-08-08 22:46:19 UTC
If you did convert him you'd lose the only atheist in the entire world who claims that the universe came from nothing. None of the rest of us claim that, so you'd better keep him just as he is. It's not that he makes you look smart; he just makes you seem less ignorant than any one of the rest of us do.
StarGate I
2015-08-08 16:10:55 UTC
Let your friend peaceful. Everyone has his time to understand God. And it's not for not believing in God at the time that your friend will not be saved if he is a good person and do good. We will be saved by the good we do.
2015-08-09 09:14:01 UTC
All christians say that us atheists have said that we believe in something is made out of nothing,what a stupid statement to make,so let us clarify what we actually say and believe in,the universe is made up from matter,a black stuff,which we have no name for it at the moment, and anti matter,the universe is expanding from its original big bang,eventually it will stop expanding and go into reverse,know human can conceive trillions and zillions of mega tons of matter coming together as if drawn like a magnet,and eventually because of the sheer weight of this matter it will create an incredible explosion,another big bang,which will result in the birth of another new universe,having destroyed our old one that we live in now,that is how the stars suns and planets like our earth are created from nothing,the method is perpetual motion,it will take zillions of years to happen then another zillions of years to last until the phenomenon starts the process all over again,ok.
2015-08-09 08:48:25 UTC
Get a grip.

Newsflash: you are NOT ANY BETTER THAN YOUR ATHEIST FRIEND (or the rest of the human race, for that matter). YOU are -NOT- "special" because you BELIEVE you're going to a magical place called "heaven" when you die.

Get over yourself, get off your high horse and learn to ACCEPT THE FACT THAT PEOPLE MAY HAVE DIFFERENT BELIEFS THAN YOUR OWN. That is -LIFE-. Your beliefs do not, I repeat, DO -NOT-, make you a better person than him, and he certainly DOES NOT need to be "saved".

If anyone needs to be "saved", it's you - from yourself.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
2015-08-08 09:31:03 UTC
Anyone who thinks it's incorrect to say that something can create itself needs to study physics. It's ALSO incorrect to think that before the Big Bang, there was absolutely nothing in existence.
2015-08-08 01:37:16 UTC
Well Atheists cannot prove that something can create itself from nothing. Can they prove the earth made itself from nothing if they can't then their beliefs are wrong and makes no sense at all to believe something they can't prove. Christians however have had many miracles happen once they called upon THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL!!!!!!(:-)710. The miracles are people's lives being changed to them doing holy things which cause good to other people and themselves,people being healed from sicknesses and delivered from harmful addictions that cause death. The bible says THE SON OF GOD, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST DID THESE THINGS WHEN HE WALKED ON THIS EARTH AND IF WE CALL ON HIM AND WE RECEIVE THE SAME MIRACLES THATS PROOF HE EXIST AND EXISTED. TELL YOUR FRIEND ABOUT JEHOVAH JIREHS MIRACLES BEING DONE!!!!4444
2015-08-08 09:15:41 UTC
If you think that this person is deluded, then you ain't no friend of theirs.

Get a life!
2015-08-10 00:43:08 UTC
Save your friend's sanity and get out of their life
2015-08-08 10:14:04 UTC
If he's an atheist then let him be an atheist, we have freedom of religion and freedom from religion which gives us a right to follow any religion and also not follow any religion at all.
2015-08-08 22:02:38 UTC
Well, I can't exactly help you considering I'm an atheist myself.
Roberta B
2015-08-08 17:09:48 UTC
Each person must make up his own mind. We save our lives through faith in Jesus. You can tell your friend who does not believe in God the reasons why you acknowledge and accept the existence of our Creator, God. But everyone stands or falls on their own decision.

I have two things that might be helpful for you. I collected a number of reasons why I know that God exists, and why espousing atheism produces negative consequences, and I put them in a long response. Here it is, you can decide if you agree and if you want to share any of them with your friend.

Second, the best evidence for the existence of God is in his works. The Bible even says that in Romans1:19, 20

The link below gives examples of amazing evidences of intelligent design in creation - just click on the link, and click on the brochure entitled-

Was Life Created?
2015-08-09 16:12:18 UTC
So if something cannot come from nothing, where did God come from?

Oh yeah, poor, deluded men's imaginations over 2K years ago. Nvm
2015-08-08 02:02:15 UTC
you cannot as such for that is not up to the likes of you or I. The soul is part of God and will be recalled at death for other actions etc. Unless you are a master of divine wisdom such as Christ then you would be able to offset such as karma but no actions will prevent the soul in bodily bondage from thinking less about God. Only a very gifted soul will be able to assist here by meditation or a healing action as and when needed. Om Shantih.
Sarah ✮
2015-08-08 17:28:41 UTC
You have no respect for your friend at all,maybe it would be nice if your friend suddenly shoves atheism down your throat so you can have a taste of your medicine,you don't deserve your friend and stop being a Bible basher.
2015-08-08 03:52:40 UTC
How very arrogant of you to think you have the correct conclusion. To think you can 'save their soul' puts the tin lid on it.
2015-08-08 23:58:57 UTC
First you self be a good example.You can do this with proper meditation with proper guidance of a living spiritual master alongwith pious deeds..Then by seeing glorious changes and virtues in you he will be impressed and start following your path.Otherwise there is not much difference between you and your atheist friend.

We believe christ due to His impressive and glorious personality and virtues.
2015-08-07 17:07:35 UTC
There is a problem with your question. "Do you believe something CAN CREATE ITSELF from nothing?"

Nothing "creates itself."

Every bit of matter that makes up everything in our universe is already present, and has been from the beginning. Otherwise, nothing would exist, because nothing = NO THING. In other words, nothing is the ABSENCE of things ("things" being matter = anything that has mass and occupies a space).

In short, everything that has ever existed, presently exists, and will ever exist, is already present because the materials exist.

This is a pretty detailed answer for a non-serious question....
2015-08-09 05:55:36 UTC
Don't force him unless he asks of it. It's his choice. I believe in God but we are a diverse world that can never become alike completely, and there's no way we will all believe in one God. Yes, I find atheism sad, but there is nothing we can do about it.
2015-08-09 18:15:13 UTC
First of all stop trolling stop believing in the idiotic idea of infinite regression with out cause and tell him that atheism is an umbrella for about a dozen different kinds of people none of whom choose to see the big picture.
The Borg
2015-08-08 02:55:25 UTC
One man's meat is another man's poison. Just because you believe in christ and your friend doesn't does not mean that you are right and he is wrong.
2015-08-09 19:53:33 UTC
How about this?

First, do you know who God is? How can you save your friend if you don t know who God is?

God told you, three times.

God told Moses: "I am who I am"

Jesus said: There is only 1 commandment: "Love God and Love your neighbor"

Jesus also said, to pray, say "Our Father..."

If you read those three statements, there is only one concept that solves them all. God is Everything. If you believe in anything else, your God is lesser than "I am who I am", and you are not following the first commandment of Moses.

If you believe that God is Everything, than to save your friend you just have to give him a choice. Either he believes in God, or he believes in Everything. If he believes either, all he must know is that he is a part of that. All that are part are brothers.

As long as he chooses one or the other, than he is saved. If he only believes in self, than he is lost. But if he denies everything, than he is deluded. You must not hate the deluded. You must love the deluded. A person s a person, no matter how small.
2015-08-08 16:41:24 UTC
You cannot save anyone. Jesus is the Savior. You can pray for him and

put him in God's hands; that is what we are supposed to do, if you have

already told him about salvation through belief in Jesus Christ; his death,

burial and resurrection.
Don Verto
2015-08-08 07:24:56 UTC
You can not even save yourself,only Jesus Christ can save someone.It is true so called Christians have terrorised and killed millions over the centuries just like the Mohamadans did.The Koran mentions the people of the book,the Bible.If you take Bible names and stories out of the Koran then you will have little left.Jesus is our only hope,our only Saviour.
2015-08-08 03:24:23 UTC
Show him an actual god. Theists are the ones who believe the universe was created from nothing, or tells us where God got the materials needed to create the universe with? Did it just waive it's magic wand and poof?
2015-08-08 10:52:08 UTC
Believing in something more grand and powerful that oneself, is one thing. It's mentally healthy.

Believing in burning bushes talking or fish and loaves of bread multiplying out of thin air, etc.,

is delusional.
2015-08-07 17:57:17 UTC
I asked him "Do you believe something can create itself from nothing?". And sure enough he said yes.

- SO? That is exactly what fundies "believe", first there was nothing and then magically everything appeared. but then you should join the 21st century, "nothing" does not exist.

How can I assure my deluded atheist friend finds Christ so he can be saved and go to Heaven?

- How about if you - MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS - if he wants to go to hell - THAT IS HIS BUSINESS NOT YOURS.
2015-08-07 18:02:35 UTC
Tell Him to read up the History of the Jewish Temple Mount and Jesus Christ and why it matters today

cause what the bible says still remains true today about Jerusalem

Jesus Christ is Lord Daniel 9 Luke 19, 21
2015-08-08 06:10:03 UTC
First of all nothing can't exist and never has. Even so, mind your own business. Go play with your invisible playmates .
2015-08-07 20:08:29 UTC
He didn't say yes. This is a fantasy conversation. He probably said "I don't know, dude. Can we just play COD already?"
2015-08-08 14:29:38 UTC
Just warn him. That's all you can do.

Your ETERNAL SOUL is what matters! *HELL is REAL! JESUS SAVES! *Turn away from your sinful ways and put your trust in Jesus Christ, the Son of God! You MUST be BORN AGAIN! This is spiritual rebirth! You MUST possess the Holy Spirit!* TURN TO JESUS TODAY! CATHOLIC DOCTRINE IS FALSE! Live HOLY and follow JESUS! The pleasure of sin is temporary! Hell is forever! Don’t curse or use God’s Name in vain!
2015-08-08 04:54:08 UTC
Hello CC....thought you were my friend Hiniiken...this is the sort of thing he/she writes. I studied long and hard many religions until I concluded I cld not believe in any of them or a divine entity. You are welcome to believe as you wish but it is disrespectful say that we atheists are deluded....Mo University Lecturer (Theology,Comparitive Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion plus Eng Lit) Atheist.....PS An apology would be appreciated. Jesus in whom I believe as a good man with a good plan but who died as the rest of us do, would not be happy with you...turn the other cheek, etc....ring a bell?
2015-08-08 20:42:01 UTC
Christians, they actually believe nothing made a magical man in the sky.

I don't.
Alan H
2015-08-08 11:11:56 UTC
YOU can't. The Holy Spirit does that.

Your task is to live so redeemed that your friends want to know your

2015-08-09 09:25:47 UTC
Leave him alone. Believe what you want, but you need to respect other people's beliefs.
2016-01-21 20:08:07 UTC
Now if we know that the Old Testament and the New Testament were not written at the same time, then the prophecies and foreshadowings of the Old Testament could not have been made up. Rather, they were made in advance and fulfilled later on. The fulfilled prophecies and foreshadowings are THE ULTIMATE PROOF of GOD.
Peloristic Philosopher (A)
2015-08-07 16:46:54 UTC
OP must be a troll... neither science or atheism expects nothing to have created something. That is an old propaganda trick by fundamentalist Christians to belittle our position.
2015-08-08 07:20:23 UTC
How about how can you save your brain? Most atheists have seen through the lies and indoctrination of organised religion, I hope in time you and the rest of the world does the same. All religions are, are mind controlling cults and businesses.
2015-08-07 20:52:29 UTC
No. You are not their friend if you want to force your nonsense belief. Nothing made Earth? The Big Bang, dear! What made that? Energy can not be CREATED or destroyed, it was always there, the energy combusted, making the universe. Leave your "friend" alone.
Brigalow Bloke
2015-08-07 21:16:10 UTC
Do not educate them, or expose them to critical thinking, logic or science.

Lie to them constantly about how the world works. Feed them a steady diet of mumbo jumbo dressed up like real knowledge – the jumbo jet in the whirlwind for example – and pretend that it is deep wisdom.

Make them loathe their own natural bodies and functions. Convince them they are small and weak and worthless and need redemption. Tell them everything enjoyable is grievously wrong to even think about, and that their only fun should be in grovelling to an invisible friend.

Ensure that they resent anyone who is not like them in every way – skin color, nationality, political opinion but especially creed. Make such people out to be evil and vile and give them – impotent minorities all – the fictional power to somehow oppress and persecute the vast majority who do think like you.

Teach them to laugh at and dismiss out of hand any faith but their own. Early – early mind you – make sure they are taught the difference between superstitious deadly error – that one raving lunatic in the desert told the truth about a vicious god who killed people, and divine eternal truth – that another raving lunatic in the desert told the truth about a vicious god who killed people.

Instruct them with all severity and import to never question for themselves – to never think for themselves – to never live for themselves – but to seek answers only in one – just one – particular set of semi-literate bronze age folk tales.

Above all – and this cannot be overemphasized – make sure they cannot spell, use correct grammar, or understand basic English words.
anthony h
2015-08-07 19:03:12 UTC
You cant. only they can make the decision to go to God and have salvation. You can only give them scripture and trinkets of wisdom from the word. Then aside from that you set a good example and pray and ask God to give your friend a change of mind and heart. They have to choose God just like you had to. there are no short cuts.
2015-08-07 22:50:28 UTC
You can't. If they admit to calling themselves that they are beyond help. Your soul and progress is more important so focus on those things and pray to God!
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-08-09 08:51:25 UTC
WHICH god do you think is the REAL one ? Maybe you're as deluded as he is ! ? There are HUNDREDS of organized religions; Pick one !
2015-08-09 05:00:46 UTC
You can't force somebody to believe in Christ or not, that depends on them, but ultimately it depends on God. If God wants them to wake up, He will ensure that they wake up. God is all powerful and there is a reason why your atheist friend is still unable to see God and His goodness. God grants us free-will so He is not going to force your friend to wake up, but He can reveal His presence to your friend.
2015-08-07 17:29:49 UTC
You can lead an atheist to water but you cannot make him think.

PS This is the title of an excellent book by Ray Comfort. I recommend it.
2015-08-08 11:54:41 UTC
"Do you believe something can create itself from nothing?" Interesting question and your view of it even more interesting. My answer to your question is no. My question to you is who or what created God? I see pretty strong evidence of God being created by man, not vice versa. I guess my religion "slot" would be that of a skeptical agnostic rather than an atheist, but to each his own :)
2015-08-08 01:08:09 UTC
You yourself are in the wrong. Islam is the correct religion. I urge you to accept that there is no God except Allah and that prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah. Tell your friend to do the same. Firstly, the Quran is scientifically accurate whereas the Bible is full of errors and contradictions. Watch the debate between Dr Zakir Naik and Dr William Campbell to know what I mean. You can find it on YouTube.

Also, did you know that in the Bible, it says that after Adam (peace be upon him) ate the fruit, he was trying to hide from God and when God came, he asked 'Adam, where are you?', implying that God didn't know where he was. Do you really believe in a God like that? God is omniscient. Also, do you really believe that almighty God, the omnipotent creator and ruler of the Universe lived in the womb of Mary for 9 months, was born into the Earth, got circumcised on the 8th day and then got crucified by mere mortals just for your sins. Doesn't that seem illogical to you? Also, don't say that Islam is terrorism. Christians have killed far more people in the name of religion than Muslims, nearly 200 million slain in the name of Christianity in the last 2000 years. Enemies of Islam quote the Quran out of context but if I quoted the Bible out of context, it too will look like a dangerous book:

Kill anyone who works on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15), kill disobedient children (Ex 21:15), kill adulterers (Lv 20:10), kill non-Hebrews (Dt 20:16-17), kill witches (Ex 22:18), kill gays (Rom 1:21-32), blasphemers (Lv 24:14), any bride who's not a virgin (Dt 22:21)...

After winning battles, kill all male prisoners and take the women, children, and cattle for yourselves. - Dt 20:13-14
2015-08-08 06:57:36 UTC
Is your faith in God so small you don't think God will reach out to them Himself? Pray about it, but otherwise, debating ad nauseum about it will just make your friend think, "I picked the more logical thought process."
2015-08-08 06:17:54 UTC
By your own definition, you're delusional. You believe in God yet you think God came from nothing.
2015-08-10 08:50:16 UTC
While there are staving people to be fed, homeless people to be sheltered, poorly clothed people to be clothed, etc., I think you've got more important things with which to concern yourself.
James elvinia
2015-08-07 19:59:23 UTC
The best thing to do is to pray. Because whatever you do, it is impossible for you to touch or change one's heart. GOD is the only One who has the power to do that.
2015-08-07 20:56:50 UTC
If you trusted god then you wouldn't worry about it in the least.

Is he/she not capable of saving people?
2015-08-07 19:02:49 UTC
"ATHEISTS: They actually believe nothing has made this thing."

Are you kidding me?? Im an atheist myself and i belive that the big bang created Earth. Stop being so prejudice and let people belive what they want to belive!
2015-08-09 03:08:54 UTC

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. The universe, the everything, is nothing and everything at the same time, it wasn't created, it just simply is what it is.
2015-08-09 16:29:45 UTC
Strictly follow the rules. The rule says: "Do your Best in such critical junctures and leave the rest to God." God will surely take care of all his true devotees. Be always optimistic in your life.
2015-08-07 16:40:33 UTC
Provide him with objectively testable evidence that proves the existence of a god beyond a reasonable doubt.
2015-08-08 12:59:26 UTC
Snap an elastic band in front of him!

That s what Jesus can do for any of us who come to him and commit our lives to him.

Only Jesus can break the shackles and chains which rob us of our full humanity.
2015-08-08 11:10:17 UTC
Just pray for him and talk with him from time to time, but I can relate it is hard to bring someone to Christ without being pushy. Being humble can be hard especially when evangelizing you know what I mean?
2015-08-07 21:32:39 UTC
It's not our job to save people, that's God's work. All we can do is present the Truth, and the Holy Spirit will guide that person if they are willing. If they are not willing to listen to the guiding of the Holy Spirit, then there is nothing else God can do for that person. Be a good witness and in all things allow Christ's love to live through you as you walk in the light. God bless.
2015-08-09 12:12:31 UTC
Ask the Lord to work in Him & keep praying for him. Care for him, visit & involve him in your spiritual (church)life. Share the gospel with Him often & remind him of who God is & that He cares for him too. They say successful witnessing is taking the initiative in the power of the Holy Spirit to share your faith in Jesus Christ with someone & leaving the results to God. I'm glad you have a heart for the gospel & sharing your faith! So be prepared & share the Word with him & remind him often of what the gospel is.
2015-08-09 01:35:29 UTC
You have nothing to use to save anyone, and lying about what you claim about atheists should, according to you, send you straight to that hell place that you, within your delusion, claims to exist.
2015-08-09 13:29:41 UTC
I feel you

my friend used to be a Christian but when we got into a fight he became an atheist
2015-08-09 11:15:53 UTC
Keep it in a jam jar. (You can locate it in the pineal gland. Or the blood if you are a Jehomo's witless.)
2015-08-08 10:30:00 UTC
God has given us a free will - respect it.

St. Paul had said that if 'they would not welcome you, wipe the sand of your sandal and move on!'
2015-08-07 18:18:59 UTC
You don't.
2015-08-09 13:41:46 UTC
All you can do is throw a line out and hope your friend takes it and lets you pull them into the lifeboat your in.
2015-08-08 16:15:59 UTC
Sacrifice Your first born Child .
2015-08-08 02:58:02 UTC
You are not their friend but enemy and worse you are an enemy of God and Christianity since people like yourself drive people further from God and into becoming anti theists!
2015-08-09 16:17:27 UTC
You can't even save your own, dumbshit.
2015-08-08 13:00:02 UTC
You can only try to educate such a person. To actually be saved, they will have to come to the light themselves.
Vinegar Taster
2015-08-08 08:24:38 UTC
And you think an " all loving /all knowing / all powerful god would allow over one million kids to starve to death every year ? Want me to go on ?
2015-08-08 14:51:27 UTC
whos to say a spirit/creature made earth? think about the big bang, think about how it started the big bang came way before jesus/god was ever mentioned the big bang was well basically one big huge ******* planet that exploded [like what this world will do in 9000000000000000 years probably] so the big bang created earth BUT who/what created the big bang? nobody knows sadly because we can not seem to find the right pieces to back up the whole story but all that we know is god/jesus had NOTHING to do with it god/jesus came AFTER the big bang not BEFORE the big bang now back to the main question think about when we die what happens when we die? where do we go who created the land where we go to when we die? do we go anywhere? do we have spirits? who created spirits? think about the word "creation" then think about the word "nothing" creation means to create so basically it means itself yet.. over here we have "nothing" nothing.. oooh nothing.. nothing means... NOTHING so basically it means ITSELF just like CREATION! who created us, who created this land, who created the after life... NOTHING! therefore you and i are both creations and NOTHING at the SAME TIME! creations created NOTHING! christ is a CREATION! so basically christ is NOTHING! i am not here because i do not believe in christ.. i just dont "follow him" but the word/land heaven has me confused as to how it was made! and how christ was made if christ is the "creator" christ is also NOTHING! you are following NOTHING!
2015-08-08 22:58:21 UTC
number one is to pray for his soul. God took me down by life circumstances and then tried me for a period of time while building my faith. your faith at some point may inspire him. your walking properly, too. continue in prayer and thankfulness for Jesus loves us.
2015-08-08 08:45:27 UTC
what created god then? Nothing.

Is there evidence of god? no.

Is it reasonable to believe in something that provides no clues or evidence of itself? No.

Is it preposterous to insist that others believe in something that you cannot prove? Yes.
2015-08-09 08:58:46 UTC
Nothing much to say, just love him until your friend realize that you have a point.
2015-08-09 11:44:24 UTC
Most people dont believe Jesus is the only one true God. Only after he returns from heaven, will they believe in him but then it will be too late.
2015-08-08 13:51:19 UTC
The truth is we can not save people that do not want to be saved ! It is called " free will " !
2015-08-10 02:24:14 UTC
Take him to Soul Survivor!!!
2015-08-08 04:22:36 UTC
A good start would be to start being honest with not only other people, but yourself as well.
Lapiz Dominoes
2015-08-08 11:55:18 UTC
Perhaps he perceives `nothing` as in itself, holy, in non - religious terms.

The origin of the word, `Holy`, meant, `Whole`.

Lapiz D.
2015-08-08 04:44:48 UTC
Personally I think your story is bullsh//t

So the question is -

if you think its necessary to bullsh//t in order to justify what you believe- dont that mean your belief aint worth a damn?
2015-08-08 10:07:18 UTC
If anyone tried to interfere with my personal beliefs and alter my life I would use one word "Goodbye"
2015-08-08 02:13:55 UTC
Ummm its more complex then that. I wound suggest searching how evolutin works, theory vs hypothesis and then have a conversation with him, hear his side, tell him yours and thats it, you cant force him, and he cant force you.
2015-08-09 11:30:50 UTC
try burning the gay out of him. if that doesnt work i'm probably goin to hell so i'll give him an i told you so.
2015-08-07 22:09:13 UTC
God will say "It is not whether you believe in me that counts' but whether I believe in you!"
2015-08-07 20:35:23 UTC
well, there are two ways to look at this:

definition of deity:

Historically, natural phenomena whose causes were not well understood, such as lightning and catastrophes such as earthquakes and floods, were attributed to deities. They were thought to be able to work supernatural miracles and to be the authorities and controllers of various aspects of human life (such as birth or an afterlife). Some deities were asserted to be the directors of time and fate itself, the givers of human law and morality, the ultimate judges of human worth and behavior, or designers of the Universe, instead of being a natural result of the laws of physics.

In religious belief, a deity [1] is a supernatural being, who may be thought of as holy, godly, or sacred. Some religions have one supreme deity, while others have multiple deities of various ranks.

Earth is around 60 million years older than previously thought -- and so is the moon, new research finds


June 10, 2014

Source:European Association of Geochemistry


The timing of the giant impact between Earth's ancestor and a planet-sized body occurred around 40 million years after the start of solar system formation. This means that the final stage of Earth's formation is around 60 million years older than previously thought, according to new research.


New isotopic evidence supporting moon formation via Earth collision with planet-sized body

Date:June 5, 2014

Source:European Association of Geochemistry


A new series of measurements of oxygen isotopes provides increasing evidence that the moon formed from the collision of the Earth with another large, planet-sized astronomical body, around 4.5 billion years ago.


a new series of measurements of oxygen isotopes provides increasing evidence that the Moon formed from the collision of Earth with another large, planet-sized astronomical body, around 4.5 billion years ago.

This work will be published in Science on 6th June, and will be presented to the Goldschmidt geochemistry conference in California on 11th June.

Most planetary scientists believe that the Moon formed from an impact between Earth and a planet-sized body, which has been given the name Theia. Efforts to confirm that the impact had taken place had centred on measuring the ratios between the isotopes of oxygen, titanium, silicon and others. These ratios are known to vary throughout the solar system, but their close similarity between Earth and Moon conflicted with theoretical models of the collision that indicated that the Moon would form mostly from Theia, and thus would be expected to be compositionally different from Earth.

Now a group of German researchers, led by Dr. Daniel Herwartz, have used more refined techniques to compare the ratios of 17O/16O in lunar samples, with those from Earth. The team initially used lunar samples which had arrived on Earth via meteorites, but as these samples had exchanged their isotopes with water from Earth, fresher samples were sought. These were provided by NASA from the Apollo 11, 12 and 16 missions; they were found to contain significantly higher levels of 17O/16O than their Earthly counterparts.

Dr Herwartz said "The differences are small and difficult to detect, but they are there. This means two things; firstly we can now be reasonably sure that the Giant collision took place. Secondly, it gives us an idea of the geochemistry of Theia. Theia seems to have been similar to what we call E-type chondrites.If this is true, we can now predict the geochemical and isotopic composition of the Moon, because the present Moon is a mixture of Theia and the early Earth. The next goal is to find out how much material of Theia is in the Moon."

Most models estimate that the Moon it is composed of around 70% to 90% material from Theia, with the remaining 10% to 30% coming from the early Earth. However, some models argue for as little as 8% Theia in the Moon. Dr Herwartz said that the new data indicate that a 50:50 mixture seems possible, but this needs to be confirmed.

The team used an advanced sample preparation technique before measuring the samples via stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry, which showed a 12 parts per million (± 3 ppm) difference in 17O/16O ratio between Earth and Moon.
roger ramjet
2015-08-09 07:26:07 UTC
For a person of no faith, not explanation is possible; for a person of Faith, no explanation is necessary.

2015-08-08 16:36:51 UTC
Idiot, that's not your job. It's Gods job.
2015-08-09 20:59:31 UTC
why? the bible could be fake a book written by man? hmmm gets me thinking and christians isnt my religion of choice and please domt try to chamge his idea or beliefs its not gonna work son
2015-08-08 12:15:20 UTC
Save yourself, %#) everybody else!
2015-08-09 01:51:45 UTC
I would say you are the one with a problem , not your friend .
2015-08-09 12:58:35 UTC
2015-08-09 14:04:35 UTC
The same way you save yourself from your god delusion maybe?
2015-08-08 16:34:06 UTC
Talk to him about death and scare him with god
2015-08-09 13:04:15 UTC
Bottom line: we scare the crap out of you.
2015-08-09 12:03:41 UTC
funny thing, you talking about delusions.
2015-08-07 16:53:20 UTC
live it before him.
2015-08-07 16:38:38 UTC
what made god? something as you say cannot come from nothing
2015-08-09 07:54:27 UTC
No idea
2015-08-07 17:25:13 UTC
leave him alone...he is already is you that has the problem
2015-08-09 07:22:02 UTC
daaaaaaaaaaaa fukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
2015-08-07 23:06:08 UTC
HE is deluded.....? you have that *** backwards
2015-08-08 12:07:15 UTC
ask ur omnipotent imaginary f iend
2015-08-09 15:24:05 UTC
2015-08-09 03:40:37 UTC
dont know
2015-08-09 07:25:21 UTC
use the force
2015-08-09 22:22:13 UTC
my god why even comment on this..
2015-08-10 07:38:34 UTC
you need it too (by what the bible says)....
2015-08-09 11:27:11 UTC
by killing yourself
2015-08-08 20:42:55 UTC
******* might work
2015-08-08 02:10:35 UTC
2015-08-09 03:49:34 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.