[ ] Clueless Noob [ ] Lamer [ ] Logtoucher
[ ] Loser [ ] Spammer [ ] Troll
[ ] Pervert [ ] Geek [ ] Weakling
[ ] Idiot [ ] Nerd [ ] Unworthy
[ ] Racist [ ] Fed [X ] Freak
[ ] Fundie [ ] Sociopath [ ] Yahoo moderator
[ ] Unbearably self-righteous person
I took exception to your recent:
[ ] Answer [ X] Question [ ] Personal message
It was (check all that apply):
[ ] Lame/Pathetic [ ] Stupid [ ] Abusive
[ ] Clueless [ ] Idiotic [ ] Brain-damaged
[ ] Imbecilic [ ] Arrogant [ ] Malevolent
[ ] Contemptible [ ] Libelous [ ] Ignorant
[ ] Boring [ ] Dim [ ] Cowardly
[ ] Deceitful [ ] Demented [ ] Self-righteous
[ ] Crazy [ ] Weird [ ] Hypocritical
[ ] Loathsome [ ] Despicable
[ ] Belligerent [ X] Mind-numbing [ ] Maladroit
[ ] Much longer than any worthwhile thought of which you may be capable
Additional Details
Your attention is drawn to the fact that:
[ ] This question has been asked approximately two million times in the past week
[ ] You self-righteously impose your religious beliefs on others
[ ] You directly flamed me
[ ] You showed intelligence off the deep end of the bell curve
[ X] You backed up *nothing* you said
[ ] Not only that, I could argue your case better than you
[ ] You will undoubtedly one day be eligible for the Darwin Award
[ ] Nobody likes you
[ ] This has been pointed out to you before
[ ] You assumed anti-liberal was Republican or anti-conservative was Democrat
[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting
[ ] You used "Dr. Dino" as a verifiable source
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ X] You posted an artfully disguised equivalent of a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] You posted low-IQ flame-bait
[ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll
[ ] You cited Wikipedia and/or YouTube and expect us to take you seriously
[ ] You are profoundly ignorant of atheism
[ ] You are profoundly ignorant of your own religion
[ X] You are profoundly ignorant of science
[ ] You are profoundly ignorant of life in general
[ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed on general principles
It is recommended that you:
[ ] Get a clue
[ ] FOAD
[ ] Go away
[ ] Grow up
[ ] Never post again
[ X] Read all similar questions
[ ] stop using R&S and get a life
[ ] stop sending personal hate mail and get a life
[ ] ask a cop for a very needed tasing
[ ] Have your medication adjusted
[ ] DIAF
[ ] Actually post something relevant
[ X] Read a science book
[ X] Apologize to everybody on R&S
[ ] consume excrement
[ ] consume excrement and thus expire
[X ] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're talking about
In Closing, I'd like to Say:
[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help
[ ] Take your gibberish somewhere else
[ ] Some day you will die, and that makes me happy
[ ] Learn how to respect people different than you or get off R&S
[ ] Most of the above
[ ] All of the above
[ X] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[ ] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form
Chris Cross Christ