Creationists: What is your REAL problem with evolution?
2008-08-15 12:56:54 UTC
is it that you are evolved from a common primate ancestor - shared by chimps and apes.
That the archaeological and genealogical facts have proved the Genesis fable to be absurd?
40 answers:
Richard F
2008-08-15 13:19:03 UTC
My REAL problem is your lack of evidence, and the fact you believe you have evidence. Truth is, you don't.

Darwin's Origin of the Species was a theory, put forth as a possible explanation for the known 'evidence' that fits into a single model. Evolution, being the only sound model around, has been gaining momentum ever since. If you find data that 'fits' the evolution model, it does not necessarily 'prove' evolution, merely fits the model.

Man and monkeys. Just because we have similar features, does not mean the more advanced (man) "evolved" from the less advanced (monkey). (I know it's apes).

DNA. Because man and ape both have DNA, with some similarity, does not mean we have common ancestory. While it "fits" the evolution model, it is not "proof." Similar DNA could also be used to suggest both man and ape had a common creator. Right? You might not like that conclusion, but it is equally valid.

Man is very finite, very small. Our recorded time here is a mere 10,000 years. Yet, we are trying to observe evolution that allegedly happened over billions of years. Do you really comprehend how slow that is? For us to ever observe it, and hence, "prove it," is doubtful. Even Darwin admits that.

Evolution is the best theory on the table. But it has not been proven to be true. So, my REAL rub with it is: Stop saying it is true, stop saying you have evidence, stop saying you have don't. Every time someone like you, alleges to have, "...the archaeological and genealogical facts..." makes themselves out to be a fool, or at best, is speaking foolishly.
2008-08-15 13:15:38 UTC
Creationists claim: "Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law. "


"Many people learned in elementary school that a theory falls in the middle of a hierarchy of certainty--above a mere hypothesis but below a law. Scientists do not use the terms that way, however. According to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), a scientific theory is "a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses." No amount of validation changes a theory into a law, which is a descriptive generalization about nature. So when scientists talk about the theory of evolution--or the atomic theory or the theory of relativity, for that matter--they are not expressing reservations about its truth.

In addition to the theory of evolution, meaning the idea of descent with modification, one may also speak of the fact of evolution. The NAS defines a fact as "an observation that has been repeatedly confirmed and for all practical purposes is accepted as 'true.'" The fossil record and abundant other evidence testify that organisms have evolved through time. Although no one observed those transformations, the indirect evidence is clear, unambiguous and compelling.

All sciences frequently rely on indirect evidence. Physicists cannot see subatomic particles directly, for instance, so they verify their existence by watching for telltale tracks that the particles leave in cloud chambers. The absence of direct observation does not make physicists' conclusions less certain. "
2008-08-15 14:58:36 UTC
The whole "It's ONLY a theory" thing makes no sense. How about the theory of gravity? I'm pretty sure most people take that seriously. Oh no, I guess God is holding us to Earth with a giant human magnet.

I don't understand why Christians can't believe in both evolution and creation. There's nothing that says everything in the Bible is to be taken literally. The thing about evolution is that it's threatening to die hard Christians, if evolution is true then Genesis is not completely correct. And if Genesis isn't completely true, what about the rest of the Bible? And if the Bible's not true, where's the proof that God exists?
2008-08-15 13:13:36 UTC
Amazingly enough, everyone insists on a choice of either one or the other. No one ever wants to talk about the possibility of both. No one ever wants to acknowledge the possibility that the other side might be right. Everything is blue or yellow, it is never green. Most problems and arguments in the world can be brought to resolution if we could stand in the shoes (and understand the arguments made by) the other side.

Evolution takes place. We know that. The starting point is the argument. An omnipotent God could have started at any point, set evolution in motion and stepped back. God could have created everything, just not in the time frame that many religious believe. Then again, God could have sparked the big bang and stepped back. There are lots of possibilities and many that could satisfy both sides, but rarely does anyone want to discuss them.

Enjoy your debate.
Steve C
2008-08-15 16:30:21 UTC
I do have issues with the theory of evolution. But I'm not a Christian Creationist, (and I don't rely on Genesis!)

The big problem I have with evolution is that the evidence (provided by archaeology) says that modern man hasn't changed over a time frame, where as change SHOULD be apparent. One of the central themes about evolution is that man is still part of nature, and as such should still be effected by the forces of natural selection.

Two possibilities either nature has decided not to change man (unlikely if nature ALWAYS strives for fitness!), or there's a problem with the theory of evolution.

As to why its still a theory:- Tell me how to design an experiment which can be tested/repeated and produce the exact same results (within the experimental error of course)

Newton's theories made a predictions which could be tested. his theories about the motion of objects, made clear predictions, and where found to make highly repeatable predictions (only found to go wrong at very high accuracy/unusual situations in 20thC). Due to this they become considered as unarguable fact and labelled as laws. As we don't yet have the LAW of evolution, it's still a theory.


I'm a Pagan/Animist, and I believe in MANY creations. I treat these as allegories for "how humans became so" as being JUST (not more or less) valid as a scientific one. Which I chose to one I chose to work with depends on what "hat" I'm wearing and I chose the one which is likely to provide the most appropriate model, for the problem I'm working on at the moment. After all I find saying things are exclusively one thing or another ("binary truth") is plain DAFT because it ignores the vast majority of things which happen to be "shades of grey".

I do beleive that the reason why we are here is because of emergent phenomena. I just don't feel that evolution describes it "quite" right.


I think part of Jennie's question reaches back to a question that lies right at the heart of fundamental science (LOL I just HAD to use that term. It doesn't mean scientists who hold "extreme" view, but those who attempt to study the nature/science of reality itself!)

Question is:-

Just how/why did the "universe" break symmetries in the first place?

Without a breaking of symmetries there would be absolutely no difference between ANYTHING contained in the universe there would be no way of determining up/down/left/right/position/number etc, there'd be no cells, molecules, atoms, even vast majority/all(?) subatomic particles simply wouldn't exist.

Even probability and chance can't cause change without broken symmetries! (Take a square If you throw a head rotate it 90 deg clockwise, tails and rotate 90 deg anticlockwise. result is still the same square! do the same with a rectangle and it's not the same.)
2016-09-30 03:48:15 UTC
Oh, they decide to assert they 'settle for' evolution now. the only ingredient is they think of it tells us that their incompetent buffoon of a writer is even smarter than they thought! because of fact - by some capacity - the Abrahamic God (no longer Mythra or Odin, innovations you) additionally created evolution! Who might have thought? Hes so clever he intentionally made it appear like evolution couldnt probable ensue via creation! Massacring all those harmless people at Jericho became worth a pat on the decrease back yet my hat is going off to God this time!
2008-08-15 13:35:07 UTC
Scientific Theories have been proved wrong before, some very popular ones that were believed for hundreds of years.

Theories should be rigorously debated, scientifically. Unfortunately the theory of evolution does conflict with the Bible. There are legitimate scientific theories that deny evolution and unfortunately proponents to evolution often ridicule such theories as being a product of religious belief rather than scientific thought. I think this to be Scientific bulling. Arguments that suggest most creationist only believe because of religious faith or arguments that present statistics about how most scientist believe in evolution doesn't actually argue the scientific argument itself, whether such statements are fact or not.

Most of the Wrong scientific theories of our past at one point had a majority consensus among scientist, this in it self doesn't mean they were correct. I also believe many people believe in evolution so the don't have to believe in a God just as some don't contend with evolution because they do believe in a God.

As a Christian it should be assumed that I will rigorously defend my faith with my mind and my heart, not solely one or the other. As a Scientist it should be assumed I will rigorously contemplate all evidence, even if such evidence goes against the prevailing scientific theory.
2008-08-15 14:15:48 UTC
The evolutionary tree is a connect the dots of genetically similar creatures. No instance of evolution has ever been observed. It does not explain exclusive symbiosis. Radio-isotope dating is based on unscientific assumptions and even the most reliable method is suspect (current Jersey case). Decay rates of isotopes beyond the shortest periods has never been scientifically proven (Uranium 235, half life 700 million years. I mean. Who's kidding who?). Studies of mitochondrial DNA support descent of man from a single individual, very much human. Evolution does not give process by which blood can change between generations (copper based to iron based).
2008-08-15 13:12:16 UTC
My problem is the fact that evolution has too many holes in it.

If anyone stops to take a look at this so-called evidence, they will realize that much of it is not evidence but simply a combination of assumptions and wishful thinking.

As an example, if the theory of evolution were true, then the fossil records would ALWAYS show a smooth transition from one life form to another, such that it would be difficult to tell where invertebrates ended, and vertebrates began. Though this is NOT always the case. Instead, fully formed life forms have been discovered to suddenly jump into the fossil record seemingly from nowhere, with illogical gaps before them where their ancestors should be. Many evolutionists do not dispute this fact, while others look the other way.

"I am quite conscious that my speculations run quite beyond the bounds of true science."

Charles Darwin

My dear Lyell,

You seemed to have worked admirably on the species question; there could not have been a better plan than reading up on the opposite side. I rejoice profoundly that you intend admitting the doctrine of modification in your new edition;† nothing, I am convinced, could be more important for its success. I honour you most sincerely. To have maintained in the position of a master, one side of a question for thirty years, and then deliberately give it up, is a fact to which I much doubt whether the records of science offer a parallel. For myself, also, I rejoice profoundly; for, thinking of so many cases of men pursuing an illusion for years, often and often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I may not have devoted my life to a phantasy. Now I look at it as morally impossible that investigators of truth, like you and Hooker, can be wholly wrong, and therefore I rest in peace. Thank you for criticisms, which, if there be a second edition, I will attend to. I have been thinking that if I am much execrated as an atheist, etc., whether the admission of the doctrine of natural selection could injure your works; but I hope and think not, for as far as I can remember, the virulence of bigotry is expended on the first offender, and those who adopt his views are only pitied as deluded, by the wise and cheerful bigots.

Charles Darwin
2008-08-15 13:26:30 UTC
Archeology has proved the Bible writings to be true. The furthest you can go back with evolution is with Darwin. There are pagan beliefs that believe man can be reincarnated into an animal(like a monkey-chimp-ape). And by your question you have not studied the DNA of a human. Darwin's theory states the survival of the fittest. He states the size of our brain is the reason we have evolved to what we are now. He bases this on scientific studies about the human brain, the same scientist have also stated that we as humans use 1/10th of 1% of our mental ability while a chimp uses 100% of its mental ability. Science has tried to create life from nothing-they failed! They have tried to make something evolve, they can't! The only thing that they have done, is to take life as it is, and clone it. But they have to start off with DNA that they did not create. I don't care what theory you come up with, 1+1=2,=2,=2,=2.
credo quia est absurdum
2008-08-15 13:10:08 UTC
The problem with evolution is that it is being taught as a finalized fact, which it is NOT!

There are still many missing segments in the so-called evolutionary chain plus there are some very pesky species which do not follow the "laws" of evolution.

It doesn't make any difference anyway since whether instantaneous creation or evolution, it was God who did it and all the argument in the world won't change that fact.
2008-08-15 13:10:03 UTC
The part of evolution that doesn't make sense to me is: when cells/specimens/magical goo started to form- what made it form into what it actually formed into??? So two little cells are hanging out, one "evolves" (over billions of years?) into a male cat and the other a female cat- what made the determination for male or female? Doesn't make sense!!! And how did the creatures "evolve" to form blood clots without bleeding to death first (I don't think anyone will be able to answer this). There are so many holeS in the "evolution" THEORY it's sad! If I have to put my FAITH into witch theory is more true, I'm gonna go with God!
2008-08-15 16:33:14 UTC
Causation. God provides the best explanation for the existence of the universe and all that's in it. (The alternative theory is that "nothing" exploded and resulted in everything that we see.)

Order. God provides the best explanation for abstract notions such as numbers, mathematical formulae, chemical-based processes, and natural laws. (The alternative theory is that the chaotic first elements ordered themselves into complex information systems.)

Design. God provides the best explanation for the absolute complexity inherent in cosmological, stellar, planetary, chemical and biological systems. (The alternative theory is that random chance engineered apparent design.)

Encoded Instructions. God provides the best explanation for the digital DNA code contained in and controlling the functions of all life on earth. (The alternative theory is that complex code, such as binary code running computers, can pop into existence without any kind of programming, testing and debugging process.)

Irreducible Complexity. God provides the best explanation for fully functioning biological organisms, systems, and subsystems that couldn’t come about through gradual evolutionary process without totally ceasing to exist at lower, evolutionary levels. (The alternative theory is that biological systems took huge, unseen leaps from simple to complex without any guided process or forward-looking instructions.)

Duality. God provides the best explanation for the separate human functions of brain and conscience (matter and mind). (The alternative theory is monism -- only matter exists and the human brain only appears to have a separate subconscious ability.)

Morality. God provides the best explanation for the existence of love, emotion, altruism, and inherent moral/ethical values throughout the world. (The alternative theory is that unguided materialistic processes evolve higher human consciousness.)
Take it from Toby
2008-08-15 13:08:15 UTC
The problem they have is that it is true, and they have to resort to extreme ignorance as a way to fight the truth. Notice that the more ignorant answers are the most against evolution
2008-08-15 13:11:33 UTC
you want to know how i know you're not as smart as you think you are? Here:

"The flu virus is a perfect example, changing every year to survive against inoculations."

Evolution = changing from one species to another

Adaptation = a change over time, but the basic components stay the same, in order to survive.

flu virus = adaptation NOT evolution!!!!

now....i disagree, because even Darwin himself claimed his assumptions were false and because evolution implies we all have a common ancestor. That isn't even possible and yeah the bible says we were created equally, sorry I chose to believe a perfect Deity rather than a imperfect man. You seriously need to re-study.
2008-08-15 13:41:16 UTC
I think you will find that Christianity and creation has been proved as fact when as Evolution has not been. So sorry there is no such thing as Evolution it is a load of rubbish.
2008-08-15 13:10:55 UTC
Their problem is that it's a theory being taught in many schools as fact. If you think about it, though, the big bang needed an outer force to set it into motion too. Evolution doesn't have to be at heads with religion, we simply make it so.
2008-08-16 04:52:41 UTC
people clig on to the belief that they were brough up with, skepticism and evidense are not part of religions philosophy so they reject every thing contrery to there indefensible beliefs.
2008-08-15 13:01:37 UTC
That they don't know what the word means. Observe the answers. In "theory of evolution" they understand the word "of" alone.

Evolution is the change in the relative frequency of alleles in a population over time. This definition is accepted across sciences.

This question is unfair to them. Evolution does not threaten their religion.
2008-08-15 13:25:34 UTC
why do you think all Creationists think evolution is wrong? plenty of the educated ones believe evolution as correct.
Born Again Christian
2008-08-15 13:06:45 UTC
Evolution is only a theory, a guess that has never been proven, or else it would be the Law of Evolution.

How did the very first lifeform come into existence, it there was nothing before it to evolve from? And life can't evolve from inanimate objects.

Answer - God created life!
2008-08-15 15:33:57 UTC
QUOTE:What is your REAL problem with evolution?

It's a lie!
Light and Truth
2008-08-15 13:04:42 UTC
No one has shown me were a lower order moved up to a higher, only within a species has there been evolution. "They" keep parading a branch of some tree and tell me, this evolved from this, and from this, and so on. I see no evolution confirmed, just another animal form that is similar, They have never shown me something evolving, just telling me because this is so smiler it had to evolve from a lower and I will not but it. A cat is a cat, amoeba is a amoeba, a dog a dog, not evolution. Just because they "appear" when they do, is no proof that they evolved.
2008-08-15 13:05:54 UTC
I have no problem with it.

It is quite an interesting theory. Yes, it is a theory supported by evidence, yet it remains a theory.

Nobody has ever observed one species change into another.

Nobody has ever recreated such an occurrence in the lab.

Nobody has ever proven the theory to be fact.

Why do people get so worked up when some of lack the faith they have in a theory?
2008-08-15 13:04:38 UTC
they dont like the fact that theres a reason why they feel its more acceptable for them to hump a chimp than it is for a horse to hump an
2008-08-15 13:07:52 UTC
Perhaps my problem isn't with evolution PERSAY, it's with the pretention of people like you who expect us to conform to the "inarguable truth" of YOUR "theories" and not even pause to CONSIDER the notion that we could be right.

God is all, and will forever be all. Amen.
2008-08-15 13:08:12 UTC
My real problem with it, is denying God as creator and sustainer of all life and it's beginning . That is what is absurd ! Science and God go together!
2008-08-15 13:05:50 UTC
What's my problem with Evolution is because Evolution is absurd. Evolution is a lie, Evolution is a hoax, Evolution is a cult, and Evolution is an insult to the human race, animal kingdom, and worst, To our creator God. Genesis was a true story. God created everything in six days. God planned and measured where to put Earth and the sun and all the other planets. God planned to put humans on Earth and God planned to sent his son to die for us all.
Cassandra S
2008-08-15 13:04:51 UTC
What my main problem with the theory of Evolution is that it is impossible. There are animals that in would be impossible for them to have evolved. One of them is the giraffe. It has so many parts in its neck that make it capable to bend down and drink water, otherwise its head would explode due to all the blood rushing to its head.

I also prefer to believe that God created me in his image rather than thinking that I evolved from a monkey that flings poo at its friends.

If you would like to discuss this, email me.
2008-08-15 13:00:54 UTC
I'm not a creationist but I've heard it said that if there was no Adam and Eve, then there was no original sin and no need for Jesus, so the whole of Christianity is undermined.
2008-08-15 13:02:59 UTC
The REAL problem is with the THEORY part of Evolution. As a Christian and a person who likes to study biology there is no case to argue, Evolution is real. Yet, it is when Evolution is used an explanatory device to questions like, "How did Humans get here?" "What is our purpose here?" Etc, Etc...that most Christians have a problem. Because at the root of Christian belief isn't a 6,000 year old Earth, but at the core is a Creator and specifically the creator of man. Evolution has not PROVEN that human beings evolved from single celled organisms or even a common ancestor of the primate family. They have demonstrated evidence but the linking of the evidence from the single cell to us today is merely theory. That is the REAL problem with Evolution.
2008-08-15 13:03:09 UTC
God created everything. I don't beieve the Genesis fable is absurd because it is not a fable it is the word of thge Lord. I think that people are scared to believe there is a higher power and accept the truth.
2008-08-15 13:02:15 UTC
If evolution is fact, why is it still called a theory? If it's proven, why on earth would we still be arguing our points today? Keep your beliefs, but don't attack ours.

It's not that we're offended that people believe we've descended from beings less intelligent then ourselves (though why you wouldn't be is beyond me) but because it's simply not what we believe.
2008-08-15 13:01:05 UTC
All the facts

and those FACTS prove their fairy tale wrong
2008-08-15 13:01:14 UTC
god created all

all has evolved into what we have today
2008-08-15 13:00:06 UTC
that religion still exists.
The One
2008-08-15 13:02:03 UTC
It is inaccurate. I'm pretty sure you evolved from a jackass.
fmko ( 無神論者は神を知っていない。)
2008-08-15 13:00:14 UTC
its taught as a fact instead of a theory...
2008-08-15 13:00:00 UTC
It insults God, dishonours God, and calls God a liar.
2008-08-15 12:59:41 UTC
God created all

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