I do have issues with the theory of evolution. But I'm not a Christian Creationist, (and I don't rely on Genesis!)
The big problem I have with evolution is that the evidence (provided by archaeology) says that modern man hasn't changed over a time frame, where as change SHOULD be apparent. One of the central themes about evolution is that man is still part of nature, and as such should still be effected by the forces of natural selection.
Two possibilities either nature has decided not to change man (unlikely if nature ALWAYS strives for fitness!), or there's a problem with the theory of evolution.
As to why its still a theory:- Tell me how to design an experiment which can be tested/repeated and produce the exact same results (within the experimental error of course)
Newton's theories made a predictions which could be tested. his theories about the motion of objects, made clear predictions, and where found to make highly repeatable predictions (only found to go wrong at very high accuracy/unusual situations in 20thC). Due to this they become considered as unarguable fact and labelled as laws. As we don't yet have the LAW of evolution, it's still a theory.
I'm a Pagan/Animist, and I believe in MANY creations. I treat these as allegories for "how humans became so" as being JUST (not more or less) valid as a scientific one. Which I chose to one I chose to work with depends on what "hat" I'm wearing and I chose the one which is likely to provide the most appropriate model, for the problem I'm working on at the moment. After all I find saying things are exclusively one thing or another ("binary truth") is plain DAFT because it ignores the vast majority of things which happen to be "shades of grey".
I do beleive that the reason why we are here is because of emergent phenomena. I just don't feel that evolution describes it "quite" right.
I think part of Jennie's question reaches back to a question that lies right at the heart of fundamental science (LOL I just HAD to use that term. It doesn't mean scientists who hold "extreme" view, but those who attempt to study the nature/science of reality itself!)
Question is:-
Just how/why did the "universe" break symmetries in the first place?
Without a breaking of symmetries there would be absolutely no difference between ANYTHING contained in the universe there would be no way of determining up/down/left/right/position/number etc, there'd be no cells, molecules, atoms, even vast majority/all(?) subatomic particles simply wouldn't exist.
Even probability and chance can't cause change without broken symmetries! (Take a square If you throw a head rotate it 90 deg clockwise, tails and rotate 90 deg anticlockwise. result is still the same square! do the same with a rectangle and it's not the same.)