Where is the Word Trinity in the Holy Bible ?
Marlin Mason
2011-07-01 10:11:43 UTC
Churches can talk all kinds talk , About three in one . Tell me where the exact word TRINITY **** Is in The Bible . It also say Satan is the god of this world . That there are many gods but only one true god. So how do you explain that ?
25 answers:
2011-07-05 07:47:25 UTC
Some critics of the Trinity doctrine claim that since the word "trinity" is not found in the Bible it isn't true. Furthermore, some assert that if God wanted us to believe in the Trinity He would have stated the doctrine clearly.

First of all, it is illogical to claim that since the word "Trinity" is not found in the Bible that its concept is not taught therein. This kind of objection usually demonstrates a prejudice against the teaching of the Trinity. Instead, the person should look to God's word to see if it is taught or not.

Second, there are many biblical concepts that people believe in that don't have a specific word describing them used in the Bible. For example, the word "bible" is not found in the Bible, but we use it anyway to describe the Bible. Likewise, "omniscience" which means "all-knowing," "omnipotence" which means "all-powerful," and "omnipresence" which means "present everywhere," are words not found in the Bible either, but we use them to describe the attributes of God. We don't have to see a specific word in the Bible in order for the concept it describes to be true.

Following are other words that the Bible does not use but the concepts are mentioned:

•Atheism is the teaching that there is no God. "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'" (Psalm 14:1).

•Divinity which means divine quality or godlike character. Yet, we speak of the godlike quality of the Lord God. See Psalm 139.

•Incarnation which means the word (God) who became flesh. Yet, this is definitely taught in the Bible (John 1:1,14).

•Monotheism is the teaching that there is only one God (Isaiah 43:10; 44:8).

•Rapture is the teaching that the Christians who are alive when Jesus returns will be caught up to meet Him in the air (1 Thess. 4:16-18).

So, to say that the Trinity isn't true because the word isn't in the Bible is an invalid argument. Furthermore, to say that if God wanted us to believe in the Trinity He would have clearly taught it in scripture, is also an invalid argument. Something does not have to be clearly formulated in the Bible to be valid. Not all things taught in the Bible are perfectly clear. Take a look at the book of Revelation. It contains many things that are cryptic that must be interpreted after examining all of the Bible. Even then, there are disagreements as to what some things mean. Yet, we know that the truths there are true whether or not we discover them.

Nevertheless, there are scriptures that demonstrate a Trinitarian aspect.

•Matt. 28:19, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

•2 Cor. 13:14, The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

•Eph. 4:4-7, There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. 7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.

•Jude 20-21, "But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith; praying in the Holy Spirit; 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life."

As Far as Satan being the god (little g) of this world?

“god of this world” (or “god of this age” [NKJV]) indicates that Satan is the major influence on the mind-set expressed by the ideals, opinions, goals, hopes and views of the majority of people. His areas of influence also encompass the world’s philosophies, education, and commerce. The thoughts, ideas, speculations and false religions of the world are under his control and have sprung from his lies and deceptions.
E. M
2011-07-01 10:39:32 UTC
Satan is described as the god (little 'g') of this world because more people will choose to follow him than will choose to follow the one true God. There are many other words besides Trinity that do not appear in the bible but which we know exist - elephant for instance.

The trinity refers to there being 3 entities to the Godhead, not a three headed God as some like to tell us we believe in. Each entity has a different role but each are divine. God the Father is the Creator, God the Son is the Saviour who took our punishment for sin and God the Holy Spirit is our Comforter and Guide whom Jesus promised when He was about to ascend to Heaven.

Being a 'g'od is very different from being God and Satan will meet his fate eventually and be punished for leading many astray. Those who choose to follow him in this life will follow him to everlasting punishment also.
2011-07-01 10:37:44 UTC
You already know the answer to your first question. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one in purpose, but are separate beings. Satan is the god of this world because he is allowed to have influence over man, for a time. Whether it be material things or any other type of perversions that will corrupt the human mind and take you away from Christ. He is quite successful isn't he?? 1/3 of the hosts of Heaven are followers of Lucifer.

"God" is the Father, Elohim. Jesus is also a god. He works under the direction of Heavenly Father, such as creating this world. Hence, the Godhead working as one with purpose.
2011-07-01 10:30:45 UTC
Just because the word "Trinity" is not in the Bible, does not mean the doctrine of the Trinity is false. Because we do not use scripture to objectively prove the Trinity. WE USE SCRIPTURE TO PROVE THAT JESUS IS GOD. Once we do this, that automatically triggers the doctrine of the Trinity as an explanation. The Trinity doctrine is formulated by using parts of scripture (entities) combined with a valid reasoning process based upon a self aware God who knows Himself and is capable of acting upon that knowledge. Since the 4th century, we can now with complete confidence, and without any doubt, INTERPRET many verses in SCRIPTURE as definitely referring to the Trinity. One such verse is Matthew 28: 19. And those submitting other verses to you are valid and true INTERPRETATIONS despite other interpretations.

2011-07-01 10:24:41 UTC
It isn't in there. It is a false belief. The bible tells us exactly the opposite!

“Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at God’s right hand. ‘Look! I can see heaven thrown open,’ he said, ‘and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.’”—Acts 7:55, 56, The New Jerusalem Bible.

At John 14:28 Jesus says "the Father is greater than I am."

So where did this teaching come from? The Christian Century, in its May 20-27, 1998, issue, quotes a pastor who acknowledges that the Trinity is “a teaching of the church rather than a teaching of Jesus.”

The New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) discusses the Trinity at length and admits: “The Trinitarian dogma is in the last analysis a late 4th-century invention. . . . The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.”

So the trinity was a pagan idea that came from many different cultures that had triad gods.
2011-07-01 10:37:23 UTC
The word trinity is not in the Bible neither the idea of such.

One can give trinitarians all the proof in the world that this is not a Bible teaching and they will still profess belief in it.

Proof such as what is said in the Catholic Encyclopedia.

The New Catholic Encyclopedia states: “The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. But it is precisely this formulation that has first claim to the title the Trinitarian dogma. Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.”—(1967), Vol. XIV, p. 299.

But what I think is interesting are the words of Jesus.

John 17:20-24

King James Version (KJV)

20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;

21That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

22And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

Does this mean that there is no longer a trinity (3 in 1) but many in one? Are all who go to heaven now part of God and Jesus? What would that be called?
2011-07-01 10:23:21 UTC
...the word "Trinity" is not used, however, it doesn't have to be use... The Scriptures speak for themselves... God The Father...El Shaddi, Ha Shem (Genesis...chapter 1 vs. 1) ...God the Holy Spirit, The Rauch HaKodesh (Genesis, chapter 1 vs. 2) (and) the Earthly Manifestation of God as a human in the form of God the Son... Elohim, (Genesis, chapter 3 vs. 8 ) The Father, The Holy Spirit and The Son... "One" God, Supernaturally Manifested in '3' distinctive Persons (as) confirmed by Scripture....Matthew, chapter 28 vs. 19 !
Lorraine Law
2014-02-21 21:22:49 UTC
I can't find the word Trinity in the Bible. God's word is set, He does not lie.

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are Titles….It's the Name that matters and His Name is Jesus.

James 2:19 -Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

Matthew 28:19 refers to the Name. Would you send your son to save someone you love? OR would you go yourself. God is all-powerful, He can do anything. He will be the only one we will see on the Great Judgment day…we will see Jesus, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. God is the Father, God is the Son, and God is the Holy Ghost and all these 3 are Only 1.
2011-07-01 10:20:37 UTC
Trinity is a word used to refer to a doctrine that is in the Bible. The word "Bible" is not in the Bible, and yet no one argues that that is what it is.

The Bible frequently refers to "gods" (with a little "g") as anything that we put above God himself. It is synonymous with idols in most cases.
Aonghas Shrugged
2011-07-01 10:17:48 UTC
The Bible was written in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. Complaining about the absence of some particular English word is rather silly.

Common sense should tell you that a book can discuss a topic without choosing to use a particular word that describes or even summarizes that topic. Do the words theology, hermeneutics, polytheism, hygiene, and eschatology appear in the Holy Bible? No. So are you going to claim that the Bible says nothing about them?

(Sometimes people scare me, especially when I realize that in a democracy they have the right to vote.)
2016-03-13 16:27:46 UTC
The Word trinity is not in the bible therefore should not be treated as a Word from God. God does not need you or anybody TO ADD TO HIS WORD.
Invisible spiritman
2011-07-01 10:16:59 UTC
Trinity Simply means, triunity, such as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, which is mentioned many times in the Holy Bible...
2011-07-01 10:13:09 UTC
The word trinity may not be in the Bible, it just indicates the existence of 3 persons in 1 God...Pointing out that the Bible doesn't explicitely use the word Trinity doesn't prove anything
2011-07-01 10:16:14 UTC
the word itself isn't the bible. But the Father is in the OT, the Son is in the NT and the Holy Spirit is in both
2011-07-01 12:46:39 UTC
Well, you will not find it in the English, Latin, or Greek (etc.) Bibles, though the concept is there.

However, I have heard that it is in the Aramaic N.T. John 5:24-27:


24ܐܰܡܺܝܢ ܐܰܡܺܝܢ ܐܳܡܰܪ ܐ݈ܢܳܐ ܠܟ݂ܽܘܢ ܕ݁ܡܰܢ ܕ݁ܫܳܡܰܥ ܡܶܠܰܬ݂ܝ ܘܰܡܗܰܝܡܶܢ ܠܡܰܢ ܕ݁ܫܰܕ݁ܪܰܢܝ ܐܺܝܬ݂ ܠܶܗ ܚܰܝܶܐ ܕ݁ܰܠܥܳܠܰܡ ܘܰܠܕ݂ܺܝܢܳܐ ܠܳܐ ܐܳܬ݂ܶܐ ܐܶܠܳܐ ܫܰܢܺܝ ܠܶܗ ܡܶܢ ܡܰܘܬ݁ܳܐ ܠܚܰܝܶܐ25 ܐܰܡܺܝܢ ܐܰܡܺܝܢ ܐܳܡܰܪ ܐ݈ܢܳܐ ܠܟ݂ܽܘܢ ܕ݁ܳܐܬ݂ܝܳܐ ܫܳܥܬ݂ܳܐ ܐܳܦ݂ ܗܳܫܳܐ ܐܺܝܬ݂ܶܝܗ ܐܶܡܰܬ݂ܝ ܕ݁ܡܺܝܬ݂ܶܐ ܢܶܫܡܥܽܘܢ ܩܳܠܶܗ ܕ݁ܰܒ݂ܪܶܗ ܕ݁ܰܐܠܳܗܳܐ ܘܗܳܢܽܘܢ ܕ݁ܫܳܡܥܺܝܢ ܢܺܚܽܘܢ܂26 ܐܰܝܟ݁ܰܢܳܐ ܓ݁ܶܝܪ ܕ݁ܠܰܐܒ݂ܳܐ ܐܺܝܬ݂ ܚܰܝܶܐ ܒ݁ܰܩܢܽܘܡܶܗ ܗܳܟ݂ܰܢܳܐ ܝܰܗ݈ܒ݂ ܐܳܦ݂ ܠܰܒ݂ܪܳܐ ܕ݁ܢܶܗܘܽܘܢ ܚܰܝܶܐ ܒ݁ܰܩܢܽܘܡܶܗ܂27 ܘܰܐܫܠܛܶܗ ܕ݁ܢܶܗܘܶܐ ܥܳܒ݂ܶܕ݂ ܐܳܦ݂ ܕ݁ܺܝܢܳܐ

24. A-meen, a-meen, amrina-l'khun: d'man d'shami' Milthi oo m'hai-min l'man sha-dirni, it-leh khayyeh l'allam oo l'dyanah la a-teh, illa shanni-leh min mo-tha l'khayyeh. 25. A-meen, a-meen, amrina-l'khun: de-atya sha'atah (ap hash-sha e-tee-ha) im-tee d'meetheh nish-mi-oun qa-lah d'Barrit-Allaha oo haleen d'nish-mi-oun nikhoon. 26. Eichana jeer del-Abba eet khayyeh b'Qnoom-heh, hei-cha-na ap yahib l'Barra, l'nih-woon khayyeh b'Qnoom-heh, 27. oo ishd-tal-litteh denih-weh awwid ap dei-nah, d-barreh hao din d'na-sha.

24. "Amen, amen, I am telling you, that whoever listens to my words and believes He who sent me, has [achieved] eternal* Life, and will not come [before] judgment, except they has passed from death to Life. 25. "Amen, amen, I am telling you, there comes an hour -- which has just arrived -- when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of Allaha (God), and those that hear [it] shall live [again.] 26. "Because as for the Father there is Life through his Trinity, so also He has given the Son Life through his Trinity; 27. "And his work is to be also to judge, since his Son was a human [being.]

The word within the Syriac script is 'ܒ݁ܰܩܢܽܘܡܶܗ' Aramaic '𐡁𐡒𐡍𐡅𐡌𐡄' English Transliteration 'b'Qnoom-heh' English translation "Trinity"

I personally have not been able to confirm this myself, I have not been able to determine which form of Aramaic it is and so have not found it in a strict lang dictionary.

Oremus pro invicem.
2011-07-01 10:52:29 UTC
Read Genesis 6:1-3 "God" "Spirit"-Holy Spirit

" 2 Samuel 23:2,3"Spirit of the Lord", "God of Israel", "Rock of Israel"-Jesus.

" Isaiah 6:3,8 "King, the LORD Almighty"-God, "Lord"- Jesus,

" Isaiah 42:1 "I"-God, "Chosen One"-Jesus, Spirit" Holy Spirit"

" Isaiah 48:12, 16,17 "First and last"-Jesus "Spirit", "God"

" Isaiah 61:1 "Spirit" "Sovereign LORD"-God, "Lord", "Me"-Jesus

" Isaiah 63:10 "Holy Spirit", 14 Spirit of the Lord", 16, "Father"

: Habakkuk 3:18,19 "LORD" "God" "Savior"

" Haggai 2: 5-7 "Spirit" Holy Spirit", ""LORD Almighty"-God, "Desire of All Nations"-Jesus
Reverend Shistain Brown
2011-07-01 10:17:02 UTC
You must be mistaking the Bible for The Matrix
The Zinger
2011-07-01 10:13:45 UTC
the word trinity does not appear anywhere in the bible.
2011-07-01 10:14:48 UTC
sola scriptura is is absolute rebellion over the authority Christ place on St Peter....and I know you guys try to weasel your way out of this, but it is the most insidious kind of rebellion, and you get sucked into it because you want to feel special. Satan works on that feeling. It will send you to a hotter hell than you would send everyone else to.
2011-07-01 10:26:35 UTC
Simple. There are many "gods" but ONLY ONE GOD---->>The True And Living GOD.

2 Corinthians 4

Amplified Bible (AMP)

4For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers' minds [that they should not discern the truth], preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ (the Messiah), Who is the Image and Likeness of God.

Isaiah 45

Amplified Bible (AMP)

18For thus says the Lord--Who created the heavens, God Himself, Who formed the earth and made it, Who established it and did not create it to be a worthless waste; He formed it to be inhabited--I am the Lord, and there is no one else. +++"The Trinity (Triunity) of God Definition of the

Trinity (Triunity) of God

Trinity: Webster’s dictionary gives the following definition of trinity: “The union of three divine persons (or hypostases), the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in one divinity, so that all the three are one God as to substance, but three Persons (or hypostases as to individuality).” Synonyms sometimes used are triunity, trine, triality. The term “trinity” is formed from “tri,” three, and “nity,” unity. Triunity is a better term than “trinity” because it better expresses the idea of three in one. God is three in one. Hypostases is the plural of hypostasis which means “the substance, the underlying reality, or essence.”

Ryrie writes:

A definition of the Trinity is not easy to construct. Some are done by stating several propositions. Others err on the side either of oneness or threeness. One of the best is Warfield’s: “There is one only and true God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three coeternal and coequal Persons, the same in substance but distinct in subsistence.”13

Person: In speaking of the Triunity, the term “person” is not used in same way it is in ordinary usage in which it means an identity completely distinct from other persons. Actually the word persons tends to detract from the unity of the Trinity. According to the teaching of Scripture, the three Persons are inseparable, interdependent, and eternally united in one Divine Being.

It is evident that the word “person” is not ideal for the purpose. Orthodox writers have struggled over this term. Some have opted for the term subsistence (the mode or quality of existence), hence, “God has three substances.” Most have continued to use persons because we have not been able to find a better term. “The word substance speaks of God’s essential nature or being and subsistence describes His mode or quality of existence.”14

Essence: In its theological usage, essence refers to “the intrinsic or indispensable, permanent, and inseparable qualities that characterize or identify the being of God.” The words triunity and trinity are used to refer to the fact that the Bible speaks of one God, but attributes the characteristics of God to three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The doctrine of the trinity states that there is one God who is one in essence or substance, but three in personality. This does not mean three independent Gods existing as one, but three Persons who are co-equal, co-eternal, inseparable, interdependent, and eternally united in one absolute Divine Essence and Being.

Typically, the words triunity and trinity are used to help us express a doctrine that is scriptural, though replete with difficulties for the human mind. Again, it needs to be emphasized that this is a doctrine that is not explicitly stated either in the Old or New Testaments, but it is implicit in both. Note the following points:

(1) Evangelical Christianity has believed in the doctrine of the Trinity, Triunity, or the Triune Godhead because of the teaching of the Bible as a whole (Old and New Testaments) and not because of one or two particular passages. As will be shown below, the whole of Scripture gives testimony to this doctrine.

(2) There are many specific passages which teach us there are three distinct Persons who possess deity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, but the Bible also teaches us with equal emphasis that there is but one true God or one Divine Essence or Substance and Being.

(3) Taking the whole of Scripture, one can see that there is stress on: (a) the unity of God, one Divine Being and Essence, and (b) on the diversity of God in this unity, three Persons identified as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It speaks of these Persons in such a way that it ascribes absolute undiminished deity and personality to each while stressing that there is but one God in divine substance. It is the doctrine of the trinity that harmonizes and explains these two thrusts of Scripture—oneness in three personalities.
2011-07-01 10:13:09 UTC
Better yet where is the word Bible in the Bible.
2011-07-01 10:12:48 UTC
God said he had a holy ghost, isn't that good enough? God used to brag about his holy ghost, oh yes, and then later claimed a begotten son, that makes three.
єdgє spєαr ✔
2011-07-01 10:17:27 UTC
One of the many reasons why Christianity is a corrupted religion.
2011-07-01 10:13:41 UTC
the word is not there

it teaches the trinity in the bible

many false god's are made by man that does not mean they actually are god
2011-07-01 10:13:20 UTC
Father, Son, Holy Spirit. One, two, three. WOW wasn't that hard?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.