well i have a completely different view.
i don't read the Quran literally, word by word, i read the message that they are trying to bring across.
that's why i don't believe in heaven or hell after death. i believe that heaven is a state of mind, sort of like nirvana, through positive thoughts come positive actions, and because of these you become blessed (you do something good, something good will happen to you. that's even a common belief). All you have to do is believe in god and work at living a good life and doing good deeds, helping people in need, dont steal, dont kill, etc. and if you dont believe in god, and you live a bad life and continuously commit sins, your heart will be full of hatred, you will have negative thoughts, which will lead to negative actions... and what goes around comes around. so you're in hell.
that's my point of view. its a bit different, but its how i see it.
im not saying that you will not be happy if you dont believe in god, but we are talking religion, so it almost goes without saying.