Solomon had the temple for God's name, 1Ki.5:5. Psm.83:18, complete, 7 years
after it began, 1Ki.6:1, 480 years after Joshua at Moses death, Deut.34:7, year
2553[Moses died year 2553 plus 487 years later the temple is done], year 3040,
there are 19 bible books to put in the temple, Solomon will have 29[of 40] years
in the temple, 4 of the bible books will be done, along with 10 more bible books
when the temple is 420 years old and destroyed at Babylon, the 391st year ends
Judah kings, Jeremiah[Lamentations], Ezekiel and Daniel, 4 books to make 33
bible books and no temple to keep them in, year 3460 [ 606 BCE, of generations
in Matt.1:1-17, Abraham was son #20, years 2008 - 2083 - 2183[after Enoch was
son #7, Jude 14,15, and Noah son #10, yrs 1056 - 1656 - 2006], David was son
#33, years 2959 - 2989 - 3029, son #47 at Babylon, 606 BCE, 6[of 39] bible books
and 14 generations to Jesus son #61, Messiah[Emmanuel], Christ, God's anointed
to come to the earth and be cut off, Dan.24:-27; the bible books will be in the next
built temple in time of Ezra, and worked on 46 years again, John 2:19,20, the Lord
and Savior of the world, anointed by God, Matt.3:16,17; Luke 3;21-23, cut off age
33 1/2, David still in his sepulchre, Acts 2:27-35; when Jesus ascends. Hell was
pit, Cave, sepulchre, tomb or grave in the time of Christ Jesus being in Jerusalem.
Christ Jesus was age 2, Matt.2:11, all time before him ends as Old Testament
years, John is the last prophet, Luke 16:16,17, from the end of the Judah kings
2619 years ago at 2013 CE, the KJV Bible is 402 years old, age 303 at WW1,
there will be no king until Christ Jesus at his 2nd coming, his heavenly redeemed
from earth[the Pentecost anointed, forward, to include those sealed/anointed, to
make known to the world, all nations, the coming kingdom, Matt.24:3,7,14,36-38,
then the end will come, 1Thes.4:15-17, the time is right, God gives all time from
Gen.1:26, in years, God alone knows the day and the hour, 1Thes.5:1-9,21; for
children of the light of time and seasons, Jesus does not come as a thief in the
night. So from this Matt.1:1-17, lineage, the world has a Lord and Savior to save
all lineages or all off-springs of Adam that it is possible to save.
Due to the facts presented by this lineage of Matt.1:1-17; all those years, where
the bible book were at the time that they were there, with the Pentecost anointed
forward bringing us forth the New Testament[these being the heavenly, Rev.6:9-11],
then all time passing until at 2013 CE, the KJV Bible is in the world 402 years,
[and those that are sealed/anointed in the time of the end to be the heavenly], to
make the coming kingdom known, what is the minority or majority of the world,
of John 3:16; from Adam 6079 years ago, that has ever known the word of God?
Without this promise;
1Cor.15:22-28,51-53,"As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made
alive," all in order..: Heaven raised up to heaven first, for the new heavens, Rev.
20:1-6, earthly raised up for earth next, to the hew earth, Rev.12:13, until the
1000 years ends all evil, fire rains down from heaven to devour the resurrected
turned evil, Rev.20:9[as Gen.19:24; Num.16:32-35; Jer.7:30,31; 19:2-9, or death
& burial by fire or burial by fire, if not by God, Matt.10:28, there's a resurrection],
Rev.20:10; Only Satan, the beast and the false prophet is in the lake of fire.
The promised eternal life is in the new heavens and new earth, Rev.21:1-5, the
new earth is cleansed of all resurrected turned evil, Rev.21:8, as shown, humans
are devoured by fire. Every opportunity was given to each off-spring of Adam.