The CHRISTIANS that pose as 'messianic jews' are precisely that: CHRISTIANS.
There is no 'messianic' sect IN Judaism.
Anyone who knows the history of the Messianic movement KNOWS that they used to call themselves 'hebrew christians'. The entire movement was FOUNDED BY CHRISTIANS. The entire movement is FUNDED BY EVANGELICAL CHURCHES.
Messianics are Christians - it's not up for debate, it is objective, verifiable *fact*.
And for anyone who still doesn't quite get it, here you are:
Here are what the two groups believe in, so you can judge for yourself:
Messianics worship Christ.
Messianics pray to Christ.
Messianics believe in the 'virgin birth' and in 'original sin'.
Messianics believe in the 'resurrection'.
Messianics believe that a man can die for the sins of others.
Messianics believe that their god demands a blood sacrifice.
Messianics condemn ALL NON CHRISTIANS to 'hell'.
Jews worship only G-d.
Jews pray only to G-d.
Jews reject the idea of 'virgin birth'.
Jews reject the idea of any man dying for the sins of others.
Jews don't believe in 'hell'.
Jews DO believe that the righteous of ALL faiths reach 'heaven'.
Jews know that Jesus did NOT fulfill the JEWISH messianic prophecies.
Jesus is utterly *irrelevant* to Jews.
Now - do the groups SEEM like part of the same religion???
And for those of you who STILL don't want to accept it, here are the words OF the founder of a large Messianic group:
Abridged from: "Holy Terror" by Flo Conway and Jim Seigelman
In a document entitled "What Evangelical Christians Should Know About MESSIANIC 'JEWS'; A Confidential Report: Not to be Distributed to Non-Christians," Meyer reveals his goal:
˜We define ourselves as evangelical fundamentalists and we seek the cooperation of individuals and Christian bodies meeting this description.We believe in affiliation with a local church and being accountable to the church for service and discipline. We will uphold the local church wherever we can.
˜We consider ourselves an arm of the local church. We are primarily evangelists and we are always mindful that we should not usurp the authority of the local pastor. As we win and disciple (convert) Jewish people, we urge them to take their place in a local evangelical church or establish a congregation and call their own minister. Our duty is to aid the church at large and we work as an arm of that body to gather in the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.'
And for those of you who are NOW going to protest that Jews who practise Christianity are 'still jewish' - WRONG.
Both our Jewish scriptures and our Rabbinical authorities define Jewish identity - Christianity does not get to come along and REdefine it.
A Jew who converts to another faith is no longer Jewish. Simple as that.
There is a biblical basis for this. Look at 1 Kings 18-21. Elijah tackles the Jews who were worshipping the Pagan deity, Baal: 'How long will you go limping with two different opinions? If the G-d of the Jews is G-d, follow him! But if Baal is god, then follow him!'
But they could NOT have their religious cake and eat it.
Judaism and Christianity are mutually exclusive. Believe one, and by default, you reject the other. A person cannot be a Jew AND worship Jesus.
Most of the great Jewish sages have stated categorically that once a Jew embraces another faith, they are no longer Jewish:
A Rabbi in the later Middle Ages named the Hai Gaon, as quoted by Aderet in Responsa, VII #292, stated that a Jew who converted out of the faith was no longer a Jew.
This was shared by numerous rabbis, which can be seen in the Responsa literature of Simon ben Zemah of Duran, Samuel de Medina, Judah Berab, Jacob Berab, Moses ben Elias Kapsali, and others in the Middle Ages.
Most recently this can also be seen in the Responsa of the Satmar Rov in his Divrei Torah, Yoreh Deah #59, paragraph 5, as well as in the Responsa of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Even Haezer Volume 4 Number 53.
Moses ben Maimon, called Maimonides, also wrote that if a Jew converted to Christianity, he or she was no longer a Jew. ( Maimonides, Hilchot Mamrim Perek 3, Halacha 1-3, as well as in Maimonides's Mishnah Torah, Avodat Kochavim 2:5.)
Rabbi Moses Isserles demanded formal conversion back to Judaism for those who converted out of Judaism but who then wanted to return.He demanded ritual immersion (mikveh) and repentance before a court of three (beit din). This can be seen also in other Responsa literature: Radbaz, Responsa III, 415; Moses Isserles to Yoreh Deah 268.12; and Hoffman, Melamed Leho-il II, 84.
Furthermore, this is the attitude of many Orthodox rabbis today. Orthodox Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, writing for the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, for the National Conference of Synagogue Youth, the Orthodox Youth Group, in his book The Real Messiah, on page 21 wrote:
Christianity negates the fundamentals of Jewish faith, and one who accepts it rejects the very essence of Judaism. Even if he continues to keep all of the rituals, it is the same as if he abandoned Judaism completely.
A Jew who accepts Christianity might call himself a `Jewish Christian,' but he is no longer a Jew. He can no longer even be counted as part of a Jewish Congregation.
Similarly, so long as one believes that Jesus was anything more than a human being who lived and died around 2,000 years ago, that person cannot convert TO Judaism, and become a Jew. The two faiths of Judaism and Christianity are simply mutually exclusive and incompatible.
JUDAISM alone gets to define JEWISH IDENTITY.
I call upon all RIGHTEOUS CHRISTIANS to stand side by side with their Jewish friends and CONDEMN the lying Messianics.