When Jesus taught Christians to love our enemies and turn to the other cheek after being slapped, was he teaching us to be pacifists?
2017-02-19 22:09:58 UTC
Matthew 5:38-48

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
28 answers:
2017-02-19 22:23:51 UTC
Actually, the quote of loving your enemy comes from Lev. 19:18 and has NOTHING to do with being pacifists. So now that we have that straight, we can address the nature of the question:

As far as the 'turn the other check' was simply referring to being insulted. In biblical times, to slap a man with the back of your hand (much as it is today) was a HUGE insult to ones manhood. So again, no reference to being a pacifist. Just an admonition to disregard insults.
2017-02-25 05:34:09 UTC
christ is teaches us the truth, and how to deal with confrontation... jesus was taught in this way based on the premise that we are all brothers and sisters, as children of god, and should act accordingly... christ taught the way to god, through salvation, which means to have 'peace and goodshall' towards ones fellow man, without exception, including oneself... all through out the new testament christ is telling us that the same divine essence within himself, resides in all of us, but humans, ordinarily, are too contaminated by ego to recognize this...

christ was alone in his faith, being in full god/self/world realization, while the remainder of humanity struggles to grasp spiritual understanding and awareness... jesus operated by the logic that 'god is everywhere', and did not make himself out to be any more exceptional than anyone else... although he could not deny that he was the son of god, he did not limit that to mean that he is the "only one..." christ said, "the kingdom of heaven is within you, which supports the divine trait of omnipresence... this ran contrary to the traditional orthodoxy, and is likely why the church authorities falsely accused him...

christ came to make the new covenant with mankind, 'cause of man's tendency to depict god as "elsewhere", in a hypothetical place and time, as in the old testament... the god jesus spoke of was taught as not only a transcendental reality, but an immanent one as well... in john 10:34, jesus is quoted as saying, " are gods", making reference to psalm 82:6... even christ's disciples, who were spiritually advanced, in their own right, became timid when jesus invited them to join him on the water as he stood on it's surface, ("as if it were possible for the lord to deceive them")...
2017-02-21 16:41:51 UTC
Well, I have to give credit to Jesus for preaching this humility and love. But I also think it's too idealistic and naive. Even Jesus could not achieve the things he preaches - he chased the money changers out of the temple and he also cursed a fig tree. Where is the turn the other cheek, where is the hand over your coat, where is the walk two miles?
2017-02-20 19:41:49 UTC
Pacifists in the physical realm, but warriors in the spiritual realm; "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and rulers of darkness." Jesus promised to avenge us of our adversaries "if we ask him". I have known numerous people who have either died or were institutionalized by becoming victims of spiritual warfare. We are in the midst of a war for men's souls. It will get worse before it gets better.

The night Jesus was taken to stand trial, he told Peter to bring a sword. (just in case).
2017-02-20 13:24:48 UTC
Yes, he was.
2017-02-20 03:54:26 UTC
No he was teaching Give your enemy chance to repent and Change their ways 2 slaps then we Kick Butt

Proves we are Not the Aggressor the Bible only says though shall Not Murder
2017-02-20 00:46:58 UTC
Seems like most "Christians" choose to ignore these passages. It requires a great deal of hypocrisy to be christian.
2017-02-19 22:41:44 UTC
Hardly,because Jesus was not and is not a pacifist. Nor are God's people pacifists.

Take a look at the word picture of Jesus Christ at Revelation 19:11-15, where it says, "11 I saw heaven opened, and look! a white horse. And the one seated on it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness. 12 His eyes are a fiery flame, and on his head are many diadems. He has a name written that no one knows but he himself, 13 and he is clothed with an outer garment stained with blood, and he is called by the name The Word of God. 14 Also, the armies in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15 And out of his mouth protrudes a sharp, long sword with which to strike the nations, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. Moreover, he treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty."

When God authorizes a war, His people, obviously including Christ himself, respond, with the fearless words of Isaiah: "Here I am, send me"! That particular battle of Rev. 19 is to be fought by heavenly forces of Jehovah, according to the scriptures.

Armageddon will see the fulfillment of God's promises that clarify exactly who will live, and those who will not survive the "war of the great day of God the Almighty." (Rev. 16:14; Psalms 37:29; Proverbs 2:21, 22.)

My e-mail is always open for you.
2017-02-19 22:24:39 UTC
No he was not teaching us to be pacifists. This is another immoral teavhing from that work of fiction the Bible. Should the USA have invited the Japanese to attack the rest of its fleets after Pearl Harbour? Perhaps it would be a good thing according to the teachings of this myth if Europe was now ruled from Berlin by the National Socialist Party. May be Chritianity thinks it would be ideal if all of East, South and Southeast Asia was under Japanese Imperial rule. That is what this immoral banality teaches us.
2017-02-19 22:16:58 UTC
Every situation requires wisdom, most times you need to be humble, sometimes you don't, you need wisdom to know when to do what.
of Me of Him
2017-02-21 22:43:23 UTC
To understand of whom a Jesus is, is to know He is spirit. Not of this world of an eye for eye an tooth fo a tooth. For A in Christ is “I” in the, he/his . For the old think eternal for eternal any think is dead and not alive of God any more.

“But I say to you” ; for love another is the spirit who is beside you, holy spirit. And these who truly been born again is born of the spirit this one inside You “I” Come. These who believe and hear my word will be putting the eye of “I” (Christ)… For in this the true of this I opens the door of _all to present_ of God’s own image. By this in of holy spirit, the peace God rest on you. So when you done all stand! (Mat 5:39; But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; For as God is true fear not man!

“but whoever slaps you on your right cheek,” When this of the Lord is broken by; whoever slaps you on your right cheek; by turning the other cheek it’s still the same face. But nevertheless an true answer face to face! For by doing so the love of God stood and the truth of the Lord prevails. For the Lord is on the way/love heart one, not my way; another way, is a lie. But love another Stands, the Spirit of then spirit. For the Lord is one not two. If we are born again we will find these attitudes in ourselves of His own body. The love of God that the Father and Son be present in us to all. NOT Pacifists!!!

When war comes by cross word puzzle, not him or nor to the truth but something else,

You of the spirit then being of God, his then

In spirit of now you then to (coat) for the glory of Go For as these are seen It bless you father who is in heaven, But nevertheless truth is never cooperation compromise so that In God now the Lord is blessed For the Son has the power to forgive sins. (40 “If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.)

41“Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two.

Again of His, “go with” the Spirit your love of his; for in His sight even: if he hold the world of two it is on him not You.

42 “Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

Things of Christ of “I” is your body and He of him never changes horse in the middle of the street for the river that’s in the middle is one planted by the water.

You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.’ 44“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on evil and good, and sends rain on righteous and unrighteous. 46 “For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?

47 “If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?

48“Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
2017-02-21 16:18:52 UTC
This piece of teaching is all about meekness and meekness requires initiative from very young age. However this piece of teaching has been distorted. To give in or to give up does not mean surrender or losing face. For instance: When people say let go or unload then how to let go or unload? If a person does not know enough then all knowledge is nothing to this person.

This piece of teaching also indicates something very deep and it takes loads of sufferings in order to understand. As well as it is teaching about the mutual sufferings. I wish to share but really I can't type that much.

Be also very careful that many people abuse this piece of teaching for their gains.
2017-02-21 00:23:02 UTC
Look up what He did to the money-changers in the Temple and then ask yourself that.

Can you see an angry Jesus after you with a whip? "Now, Lord, calm down. I can explain! Ow! Just let me...ow! Aren't you a pacifist? What about turning the other cheek? Oh, that cheek! I thought you meant the face! Ow!"

Think about it.
2017-02-20 23:57:51 UTC
One can't take a reference and make a doctrine out of it -- honestly, anyway -- without considering other teachings that can affect the outcome. Such as when Jesus sent his disciples out into ministry the first time, he told them to take not even a bag or extra sandals. The last time he sent them, he gave these instructions, "He who has a purse take it, and likewise a bag. And let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy one." Luke 22:35-37. This was immediately after the institution of the Lord's Supper, and just before his capture and crucifixion. Things were going to be very different.

There is a time for pacifism - a soft answer -- and there is a time for self-defense. Don't get them mixed up.

Forgive me.

2017-02-20 15:21:58 UTC
We covered this at church this week actually. Matthew 5:38-48. But long story short, he wanted us to be peaceful resisters or pacifists if we were put into situations or like where I have been when people you thought you could trust really are not what they seemed. It is a good way, it is the way God wants us to fight with each other if we have to, not each other. I think unless changes his mind, he would have everyone be peaceful, unless they mess with Israel and his Children and People.
She Dances With Love
2017-02-20 08:57:46 UTC
To understand these passages of verses, I felt it important to begin with Jesus who on the Mount was giving His sermon to all who came. Jesus begins with the *Beatitudes* which begin with:

*Blessed are.*

The text doesn't say those Jesus discusses will be blessed, but that they are blessed! So when we study it's helpful to keep in mind that these statements known as the Beatitudes underline the difference between human values and God's and calls us to view life and success God's way. When I read them, I feel God is preparing me; clarifying how pure and Holy God is... showing me how to live and be... humbling me too, as a human being who desires to demonstrate all that is being accomplished and manifested in me, due to God's direction and loving kindness towards me (you, all of us). And I know that as I dwell here with you and the others I am being blessed; because I see a cherished difference explained to me in these passages. From the worlds human understanding into God's Divine understanding and differences as shared to all of us, through Jesus Christ; who so loved God that He knew what it means to have "The Fullness of God" in operation... as *Blessed Are!*

As salt and light, believers are called to demonstrate God's love and the only way to do this is to savor and illuminate God's way which alone can preserve and guide humanity.

He wants us to question righteousness, in the way God sees *righteousness*. Each example in this chapter contrasts what "was said" (in the Law) with Jesus' explanation of what God intends human beings to understand. In saying "do not murder' God was speaking not only against the act, but against the very hostility towards and contempt for others which leads to murder. He was teaching us that we must not see others as objects to be used. (As this happens so often, even when we feel and think our intentions are good! ~ that is a heavy weight to think of.)

The eye for an eye law, was meant to keep people from taking revenge as no person in their right mind wants to loose an eye or a tooth. However when injuries set in, people did lunge forth with an BE attitude of revenge.

These passages have nothing to do with an attitude of Pacifism, rather they point to God wanting us to have the kind of righteousness operating in ourselves that is found in God. Jesus Christ explains that what God wants is for us, as He Himself does, not to seek revenge but to treat others with grace. It is God's way to do good to those who injure Him. This is to be our way too. (This question you ask should shake the ground beneath us Bruce; as it asks us to consider God's Righteousness in a deeply aware way, and Jesus directs us to consider coming out of seeing only the legalities of the Law, so we can be governed by The Love and Grace of the Spirit of God's very heart, and be governed by His Righteousness. In fact, to be Righteous as God is!)

When we know just what pleases God with certainty, we can be counted as those who are in mentioned in the Beatitudes! *Blessed Are's* Why ~>because we become those whose image has been changed through all that God is revealing ~ the Blessed Spirit of God counsels us, renewing our hearts and minds, so our souls do prosper with God's blessings. As this is created inwards; then it can flow outwards to all men as we begin to understand like Jesus Christ does!

Legal righteousness is not enough for God, look at Jesus Christ to determine what His Righteousness consists of, and ask God... to sharpen our minds and hearts to this because, in calling for perfection Jesus reminds us that true righteousness is actually found in being like God. (Matt 5: 43-47)


This is the kind of question that dares us to go back and restudy all that Jesus Christ has to say concerning .... the Be-attitudes... to give attention to the compassion, mercy, help, comfort and sensitivity to God; as people who are hungry and thirsting. (Ty for asking; as this really cleared up and dispersed that lingering fog that tries to roll in over my landscape so much so that I find myself not being able to recognize with clarity those deeper truths, which inspire so much! ~ If we don't seek the depths, breadths, widths and heights of Gods Love; how can this be manifested in us, kinda thing? Gleaning God's He-artfulness for His Creation!)
2017-02-20 08:39:13 UTC
Yes jesus want us to be pacifist and mostly to not seek revenge when we are offended.

Yesterday when Pope francis was commenting this passage of the gospel he said that seeking revenge will not solve problem, it can only make things worse again. He said the only way we could stop problem is to answer to hatred with love.

However he distinguished :seeking revenge and seeking justice.
2017-02-20 08:12:45 UTC
These three examples are nearly always misunderstood!

Firstly, strike the other cheek. Note it's the right cheek first. This is because people were assumed to be right handed which meant to strike the right cheek of someone else you used the back of your hand. That's the kind of strike a master would give a slave or to someone subordinate. Offering the other cheek is basically saying "why don't you strike me as an equal?" It's clever confrontation.

Secondly, clothing. In first century Israel it's important to note that if you saw someone naked the shame was on you not on them. Having just two pieces of clothing and having one taken from you legally but then offering the other is effectively offering the other person shame.

Thirdly, go another mile. The Romans were brutal occupiers such that the Emperor realised constraints were necessary in order to avoid rebelions. One of these constraints was that soldiers could not require civilians to carry their loads longer than a mile. Offering to go another mile creates an awkward situation that not only has some amusing element but effectively objects to be forced to go the first mile.

All three responses demonstrate CONFRONTATION for injustice. They recognise that there is no point phyiscally challenging the dominant power but EVEN then we should not simply be silent. The reality is that following these precise instructions could result in punishment and even imprisonment. They are fundamentally underpinned and supportive of biblical commands to fight injustice... it's just these examples are fights with words. (incidentally fighting words is always preferable but never the last line)

Jesus was ONLY a pacifist in the sense that He avoided violence where possible or where violence could not achieve the desired result.... He Himself was violent against the moneychangers and since there was no sin in Him neither is there in us when we use violence to protect ourselves, the weak or God's glory.

...on God's glory. Unfortunately, throughout history there have been lots of sorry examples of people seek self glory or assumed God's glory in order to iniciate war and death. In simple terms they were wrong. We cannot know if they were simply deluded or they knowingly loved war. Irrespective, they used and applied the notion of God's glory without God's instruction or ironically God's glory. The fact that some have gone to war for God's glory in error in no ways diminishes Christians use of violence in the right circumstances anymore than we should refuse to use a doctor because there was a doctor on the news who used his medical position to abuse patients.
Special EPhex
2017-02-20 00:45:13 UTC
Christ is teaches us the Truth, and how to deal with confrontation. Jesus was taught in this way based on the premise that we are all brothers and sisters, as children of God, and should act accordingly. Christ taught the Way to God, through Salvation, which means to have 'Peace and Goodwill' towards ones fellow man, without exception, including oneself. All through out the New Testament Christ is telling us that the same Divine Essence within Himself, resides in all of us, but humans, ordinarily, are too contaminated by ego to recognize this.

Christ was alone in His Faith, being in full God/Self/World Realization, while the remainder of humanity struggles to grasp spiritual understanding and awareness. Jesus operated by the logic that 'God is everywhere', and did not make Himself out to be any more exceptional than anyone else. although He could not deny that He was the Son of God, He did not limit that to mean that He is the "only one." Christ said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, which supports the Divine trait of omnipresence. This ran contrary to the traditional orthodoxy, and is likely why the church authorities falsely accused Him.

Christ came to make the New Covenant with mankind, because of man's tendency to depict God as "elsewhere", in a hypothetical place and time, as in the Old Testament. The God Jesus spoke of was taught as not only a Transcendental Reality, but an Immanent one as well. In John 10:34, Jesus is quoted as saying, " are gods", making reference to Psalm 82:6. Even Christ's disciples, who were spiritually advanced, in their own right, became timid when Jesus invited them to join Him on the water as He stood on it's surface, ("as if it were possible for The Lord to deceive them").
2017-02-19 23:25:11 UTC
As a born again, five point Calvinists, Southern Baptist and sailor in the USN, I see no call to pacifism in the Bible. God has always raised up warriors. On the night Our Lord was betrayed he told those who had no sword to sell their cloaks and buy a sword, thus our Lord would be a firm advocate of Christians arming themselves.
2017-02-19 23:22:50 UTC
I ask you this, is it evil minded to offer your other cheek after it has been struck? Is it good, or both? The answer is evil minded. So no, to pacifism in this command.

Pacifism was taught more in the love behind John 10:29.
2017-02-19 23:01:47 UTC
LOVE your enemies is the verb 'agape' in the Greek and it means great

HEAT, closeness to. It's different from the noun 'love' or 'agape' which

the apostle Paul explains in Corinthians.

LOVE your enemies is ACTION. Not behaviour.

The apostle Paul said that LOVE was like pouring HOT COALS on their head.

What does your enemy WANT from you? Think of how those who really

don't like you act around you? If you go up to them, greet them,

ask them how it is, how do they then react?

I've had some 'weird experiences' with this. We've had an enemy for

years and years. We did not resist evil. But this meant we DID THINGS,

did things that showed love, not resistance.

When I showed close love for, this enemy RESPONDED positively!

Liked it. I would NEVER have expect this. But it happened.

Now, it DIDN'T last. He went BACK to being an enemy...kind of

an addiction. But we change all that.

Jesus is talking about not resisting EVIL.....and evil can mean anything

hurtful, anyone who is being hurtful. My experience has been that

this is not done intentionally, or even realizing the import of it.

It might be rage, misinterpretation, maybe making a mistake.

We give them time to realize what they do. To me, that takes

someone who is very strong within, very sure, not easily

put down.
2017-02-19 23:00:05 UTC
Not sure. Even Christians disagree in its meaning. As for loving your enemy I think it means to not hate but try to understand and work it out. As for turning the other cheek it can be confusing. Surely Jesus was not advising one to be abused. Maybe he did promote not fighting but again working it out for peace and happiness for both sides. Because Jesus is all about love, I think keeping that idea in mind when trying to figure out what he is saying might help to see a truer meaning.
2017-02-19 22:54:57 UTC
He is teaching us to not pridefully fight back out of anger.
brother trucker
2017-02-19 22:26:58 UTC
He was teaching us to be perfect. Before you say pacifist define that. Jesus teaches us to be at peace with our fellow man but also to protect the widow and fatherless. In other words we are to protect the less fortunate and oppressed.
2017-02-19 22:18:45 UTC
the idea of turning the other cheek has a greater meaning and NO, it doesn't mean to be a passivist. not totally. we are asked and led to believe in Peace, not to kill, not to harm others and be like doves but wise as serpents.

the idea was that it was legal to hit a slave. but it was not legal to hit a slave with one hand not the other. so to turn the other cheek would've have meant that a rich man had to use his illegal hand to hit the face again.

it is applied to those make a person angry enough to strike back, but that shouldn't be the issue. We need to forgive others especially if we cause the anger, and not to retaliate. a soft answer turns away wrath, Proverbs
2017-02-19 22:16:59 UTC
LOL. Great question - given that EVERY PERSON who calls themselves christians REFUSE to live by the teachings and expectations of christ in the New Testament.

So, i think it's hilarious to ask people questions about his teachings, when those same people are ALL traitors to christ and his teachings.
2017-02-19 22:13:04 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.