To understand these passages of verses, I felt it important to begin with Jesus who on the Mount was giving His sermon to all who came. Jesus begins with the *Beatitudes* which begin with:
*Blessed are.*
The text doesn't say those Jesus discusses will be blessed, but that they are blessed! So when we study it's helpful to keep in mind that these statements known as the Beatitudes underline the difference between human values and God's and calls us to view life and success God's way. When I read them, I feel God is preparing me; clarifying how pure and Holy God is... showing me how to live and be... humbling me too, as a human being who desires to demonstrate all that is being accomplished and manifested in me, due to God's direction and loving kindness towards me (you, all of us). And I know that as I dwell here with you and the others I am being blessed; because I see a cherished difference explained to me in these passages. From the worlds human understanding into God's Divine understanding and differences as shared to all of us, through Jesus Christ; who so loved God that He knew what it means to have "The Fullness of God" in operation... as *Blessed Are!*
As salt and light, believers are called to demonstrate God's love and the only way to do this is to savor and illuminate God's way which alone can preserve and guide humanity.
He wants us to question righteousness, in the way God sees *righteousness*. Each example in this chapter contrasts what "was said" (in the Law) with Jesus' explanation of what God intends human beings to understand. In saying "do not murder' God was speaking not only against the act, but against the very hostility towards and contempt for others which leads to murder. He was teaching us that we must not see others as objects to be used. (As this happens so often, even when we feel and think our intentions are good! ~ that is a heavy weight to think of.)
The eye for an eye law, was meant to keep people from taking revenge as no person in their right mind wants to loose an eye or a tooth. However when injuries set in, people did lunge forth with an BE attitude of revenge.
These passages have nothing to do with an attitude of Pacifism, rather they point to God wanting us to have the kind of righteousness operating in ourselves that is found in God. Jesus Christ explains that what God wants is for us, as He Himself does, not to seek revenge but to treat others with grace. It is God's way to do good to those who injure Him. This is to be our way too. (This question you ask should shake the ground beneath us Bruce; as it asks us to consider God's Righteousness in a deeply aware way, and Jesus directs us to consider coming out of seeing only the legalities of the Law, so we can be governed by The Love and Grace of the Spirit of God's very heart, and be governed by His Righteousness. In fact, to be Righteous as God is!)
When we know just what pleases God with certainty, we can be counted as those who are in mentioned in the Beatitudes! *Blessed Are's* Why ~>because we become those whose image has been changed through all that God is revealing ~ the Blessed Spirit of God counsels us, renewing our hearts and minds, so our souls do prosper with God's blessings. As this is created inwards; then it can flow outwards to all men as we begin to understand like Jesus Christ does!
Legal righteousness is not enough for God, look at Jesus Christ to determine what His Righteousness consists of, and ask God... to sharpen our minds and hearts to this because, in calling for perfection Jesus reminds us that true righteousness is actually found in being like God. (Matt 5: 43-47)
This is the kind of question that dares us to go back and restudy all that Jesus Christ has to say concerning .... the Be-attitudes... to give attention to the compassion, mercy, help, comfort and sensitivity to God; as people who are hungry and thirsting. (Ty for asking; as this really cleared up and dispersed that lingering fog that tries to roll in over my landscape so much so that I find myself not being able to recognize with clarity those deeper truths, which inspire so much! ~ If we don't seek the depths, breadths, widths and heights of Gods Love; how can this be manifested in us, kinda thing? Gleaning God's He-artfulness for His Creation!)