according to christians, God exists despite lack of proof...........?
Grover says Hallowed be the Ori
2008-07-31 03:16:41 UTC
why do other things that lack proof not exist.

lots of people celebrate the easter bunny each year, doesn't that count as proof the easter bunny exists.

isn't it true that either both exist or neither exist.
24 answers:
2008-07-31 03:23:14 UTC
Now you've done it!! The god botherers hate to be asked for proof. To them, that is un-reasonable, but then so is atheism.

Brace yourself for abuse from these kind, forgiving, caring people.
2008-07-31 03:51:33 UTC
What do you mean, "isn't it true that either both exist or neither exist." That just simply doesn't make sense...your reasoning is flawed!

What you should say is, "There cannot be more than one truth!" Truth is truth and there cannot be two truths! For example, if Muslims say through Allah is the way and Christians say that through Jesus is the way...they both cannot be correct, because they contradict one another. If mormons say that they become gods some day and Christians say that it is impossible to become a god...they both cannot be correct!!

There is ample amounts of evidence for the Bible! When was the last time you have been to Israel? I would venture to say...NEVER! I have spent 15 days over there and have been through several museums and there is ample amounts of evidence to prove the events in the Bible are real and this stuff was dug up by believer and nonbeliever alike! In addition, all over Israel there are numerous digs going on and evidence upon evidence is being found. Oh yes, skeptics like yourself have challenge the validity of the Bible for thousands of years. They would say, "There is no such person as Pontius Pilot, because there is no historical writings about him (other than the Bible)." However, years ago, they uncovered a stone dated 2,000 years ago, which read that Pontius Pilot was the governor of Jerusalem and this stone is on display in a museum.

Another great proof for the Bible is the countless number of prophecies that have come to pass and are coming to pass. The Bible makes reference to a cashless society, written around 70 AD and today we see this happening right before our eyes, never in history have we been so close to this. The Bible also talks about a mark that people will receive in their right hand or forehead, which will allow them to buy and sell goods. Without this mark, you cannot buy or sell. And guess what, the technology exists today to make this happen and is already in use in pets and humans. Don't you know identity theft is the fastest growing crime. Wouldn't this mark (i.e. barcode or implanted chip) solve a lot of problems? And yet the Bible prophesied this would come to pass.

Read Revelation and Matthew 24 for all the details of what lies in the future and see how it compares to today.
2008-07-31 03:42:44 UTC
Lack of proof, you're saying? Just take a look around you. See the harmony that reigns. Do you really think that all this happens just accidently, from the collision of some cosmic bodies... Its nonsense! Even Albert Einstein, the great Scientist, acknowledged that there is a Superior Intelligence that's controlling everything. According to you why the earth remains on its orbit? Why the axis of the earth tilt just to such an extent as to preserve life? Why the composition of the atmosphere (air), remains relatively unchanged?... So much more points to raise that many books may be written! But to be more practical, who prevents a nuclear war to occur, thus destroying life on earth, as there are increasing tension bet nations. Again do not say that all these happen by accident. One very important thing is FAITH or believe in things we do not necessarily see. God is a Spirit Who we don't see but in whom we believe by faith. With the eyes of faith, we can see much more.
2008-07-31 03:39:16 UTC
True, but I don't think many people have been killed, maimed or mistreated in the name of the Easter Bunny. Although there was the Easter Bunny Rising in Honduras in 1924, of course.
2008-07-31 03:32:05 UTC
Come on you've gotta admit that the idea that easter is a celebration of spring time (which bunnies are symbolic of) is better than of some dude getting nailed to a cross.
Ivor Hugh G.Rection
2008-07-31 03:22:42 UTC
Wow, comparing God to the easter bunny? Original.

If it was scientifically 'proved' that God existed, everyone would believe without any effort of their own accord wouldn't they? The whole point is He wants to see who has faith in Him and who doesn't, and He rewards those who believe in spite of 'lack of proof'.

(Not that that will mean anything to you at all, you're obviously thinking 'how can you have faith in something that doesn't exist?', but, whatever...)
2008-07-31 03:32:14 UTC
I don't believe you are going to change the minds if believers,

Faith is a mind set of their existence. As long as they do no harm and try to better the world and stop telling every one their going to hell for not believing like they do I don't see the harm.
Maid Angela
2008-07-31 03:23:51 UTC
People worship what they want or need to worship. You can't prove a negative but common sense will tell you that the probability that a god like the Christan's think of him or her is so remote that it is not worth considering. However this will make not the slightest difference to those who wish or need to worship such a god. They will do so no matter what the evidence is
2008-07-31 03:21:17 UTC
God exists despite the ignorant who choose to ignore the proof that he exists. The Easter Bunny exists in the imaginations of little boys and girls. So therefore, they both exist, jsut one is literal, and the other is imaginary!
2008-07-31 06:15:43 UTC
What about love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, self control, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, mercy, justice, self-sacrifice, duty, honour?

You cannot prove any of these exist, but would you want to live in a world without them?

Where do they come from? Evolution cannot explain them. Surely, they describe God, who created all of this.
2016-09-28 05:15:44 UTC
the sorrowful section is there are fundie's accessible that may not get the comfortable sarcasm you have written and could maximum possibly replica and paste those words into their very very own individual questions... it is going to maximum possibly be the comparable fundie's that attempt to convince truthfully everyone the earth is in basic terms 6,000 years previous as a results of fact, if it became older, there would be not extra water attainable...
2008-07-31 03:27:03 UTC
There is no lack of proof. The proof is in the Holy Spirit. Jesus told us what the Holy Spirit would do in the world after He left the world.

If you want proof of God . . . I mean really, you have to go to God to get it. That's how I got it.
2008-07-31 03:24:23 UTC
Grover, you poor misinformed muppet, it's not only the christians that know God exist.
2008-07-31 03:19:53 UTC
actually bunnies do exist the last time i checked.
2008-07-31 03:24:58 UTC
If Ivor Hugh is right then God must be very insecure.
2008-07-31 03:27:25 UTC
If that's the case why don't atheists believe that living matter evolves from dead matter like Charles Darwin did.
The Mommy Delivered
2008-07-31 03:21:35 UTC will frighten the children...of course the easter bunny exists.
2008-07-31 03:22:52 UTC
Religion has about as much to do with science and "proofs" as science with cross-stitch embroidery.

Gosh, when will you clowns grow up enough to realize it.
2008-07-31 05:19:16 UTC
Here. This handy picture explains it all to you.
2008-07-31 03:22:10 UTC
You can't see the wind but we all know that exists.

You can only see the effect wind has on things- similarly you can only see the effect god has on people.
2008-07-31 03:23:29 UTC
I believe there is an answer,life itself is proof.The other is for your entertainment.
Sean the Holy Pirate AM
2008-07-31 03:21:52 UTC
Actually he exists because me and you cannot prove he doesn't exist, jebus get your story straight!
2008-07-31 05:27:43 UTC
for those who proof is necessary

for those who proof is possible...
2008-07-31 03:56:41 UTC
Islam is not the name of some unique religion presented for the first time by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who should, on that account be called the founder of Islam.

The Qur’an states that Islam – the complete submission of man before his one and only Unique Creator – is the one and only faith and way of life consistently revealed by God to humankind from the very beginning. Noah, Solomon, David, Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jesus – prophets who appeared at different times and places – all propagated the same faith and conveyed the same message of Tawheed (Oneness of God), Risaalat (Prophethood) and Aakhirah (the Hereafter). These prophets of God were not founders of different religions to be named after them. They were each reiterating the message and faith of their predecessors.

However, Muhammad (pbuh) was the last Prophet of God. God revived through him the same genuine faith which had been conveyed by all His Prophets. This original message was earlier corrupted and split into various religions by people of different ages, who indulged in interpolations and admixture. These alien elements were eliminated by God, and Islam – in its pure and original form – was transmitted to humankind through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Since there was to be no messenger after Muhammad (pbuh), the Book revealed to him (i.e. the Qur’an) was preserved word for word so that it should be a source of guidance for all times.

The miracle of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), i.e. the Qur’an, is for all times

All the previous Prophets of God were sent only to their people and their nation and their complete message was meant for a particular time period. Therefore the miracles they performed such as parting of sea by Prophet Moses (pbuh), giving life to the dead by Prophet Jesus (pbuh), etc. convinced the people of that time but these miracles cannot be analyzed and verified by us today.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last and final Messenger of God, sent for the whole of humankind and the message he delivered is for eternity. The Qur’an says:

“We sent you (Prophet Muhammad) not but as a mercy for all creatures.” (Al-Qur'an 21:107)

Therefore the miracle of the last and final Messenger should also be everlasting, examinable and verifiable by people of all ages, after its revelation. Though Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) performed several miracles as are mentioned in the Hadith (recorded traditions, sayings and actions of the Prophet), he never emphasized them. Though we Muslims believe in these miracles we only boast of the ultimate miracle given to him by Almighty God, which is the Qur’an.

Al-Qur’an is the miracle of all times which proved itself to be a miracle 1400 years ago and which can be reconfirmed today and forever. In short, it is the Miracle of Miracles.

Many people have a misconception that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the founder of the religion of Islam. However, Islam is in existence since the first man (Prophet Adam) first set foot on earth. Since then, Almighty God sent several prophets and revelations, the last in this chain being Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur’an.

Three options regarding authorship of the Qur’an

Probably, the only point of agreement amongst those who have the slightest knowledge of the Qur’an irrespective of whether they are Muslims or not, is that the Qur’an was recited for the first time by a man who was born in Makkah in Arabia in the 6th century (C.E.) by the name of Muhammad (pbuh).

Regarding the sources of the Qur’an there can be three basic assumptions for a non-Muslim:

a) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself was the author of the Qur’an; consciously, sub-consciously or unconsciously.

b) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) learnt it from other human sources or copied or adopted from previous scriptures or revelations.

c) Qur’an has no human author but it is a word for word revelation from God.

Muhammad (pbuh) was not the author of the Qur’an

1. Muhammad (pbuh) never claimed the authorship of the Qur’an

It is highly abnormal to challenge the testimony of someone who disclaims responsibility for producing a great work, whether literary, scientific or other. Yet this is precisely what orientalists and others, who are suspicious about the origins of the Qur’an, do when they claim that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the author of the Glorious Qur’an.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never ever claimed responsibility for originating it. He honestly said that it was Allah who revealed this Scripture to him. To think otherwise is illogical because it would mean that he was telling a lie.

From history we learn that between his youth and the prophetic mission that commenced at the age of 40, he had never been known to lie. He was so well known for his truthfulness, honesty and chastity that he was given the title “Al-Ameen” i.e. “The trust worthy” by friends and foes alike. Then why should he lie at the age of 40 while claiming to be a messenger of God?

It is interesting to note however, that although many of the Meccan Pagans rejected Islam and regarded the Prophet as a liar, they nevertheless trusted him and deposited their valuables with him for safe-keeping. This is apparent from the fact that when the Prophet decided to leave Makkah to foil an assassination attempt on him, he left the valuables with Hazrat Ali (R.A.) to distribute it to the rightful owners.

Once when Abu Sufiyan, one of the pagan chiefs of Makkah, went to Emperor Heraclius to ask for his support against the Prophet, on being questioned whether the Prophet had been accused of lying, prior his to claim to be a Prophet or whether he had betrayed his trust, Abu Sufiyan the arch enemy of the Prophet had to answer “No”. Thus even his opponents acknowledged his sincerity, truthfulness and honesty.

What logical reason can a person think of, for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to lie while stating that he was a Prophet and not the author of the Qur’an?

2. Material gain as the motive

Some may argue that Muhammad (pbuh) falsely attributed the Qur’an to God and called himself a Prophet for material gain. I do agree that there are several people who falsely claim to be prophets, saints and preachers for material benefits and thus become rich and lead luxurious lives.

Muhammad’s (pbuh) financial position was better off before than after the announcement of his Prophethood. At the age of 25, he married Khadija (ra), who was a very rich and wealthy businesswoman, 15 years before he claimed Prophethood. His financial position and life standard after claiming Prophethood was unenviable.

a. One of the wives of the Prophet (pbuh), Ayesha (R.A.) narrates that a month or two would go by without fire being lit in their house because there was nothing to cook. They survived on dates and water. Sometimes this diet was supplemented with goat’s milk from the people of Madinah. (According to Riyad-As-Saliheen by An-Nawawi, Hadith no. 492)

b. This was not just a temporary sacrifice but a way of life. This was at a time when Muhammad (pbuh) could have lived like a king, if he so wanted. There was a sort of discontent and protest by those close to him as to why should they live in poor condition when they could avail of all the luxuries. The Prophet was disturbed with their discontent and a revelation came commending him to tell his wives:

‘O Prophet! Say to your Consorts: "If it be that you desire the life of this world and its glitter then come, I will provide for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner. But if you seek Allah and His Messenger and the Home of the Hereafter, verily Allah has prepared for the well-doers amongst you a great reward.”’

(Al-Qur'an 33:28-29)

This evidence is also recorded in Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim.

c. Abu Zarr (ra) and Abu Hurairah (ra), the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) narrated that Muhammad (pbuh) never kept back any gifts and provisions secured for future use, but spent what he had on the poor and needy.

(According to Riyad-As-Saleheen, Hadith No. 465 and 466)

d. Inspite of the victories and achievements of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), at the time of his death, he was in debt, and his shield was in the hands of a Jewish citizen of Madinah as a co-lateral for his debt.

(According to Riyad-As-Saleheen, Hadith No. 504)

e. If Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) would have actually been the author of the Qur’an and would have lied for material gains, that it is a book of God, he would have never mentioned in the same Qur’an:

“Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say:

‘This is from Allah’ to traffic with it for a miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write and for the gain they make thereby.” (Al-Qur'an 2:79)

This verse rebukes those persons who changed the previous Revealed scriptures, or authored books with their own minds and said, “this is from God” for their personal material benefit. If Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had himself written the Qur’an, there were chances that at some point of time he would have been exposed, be considered the biggest hypocrite (God forbid), and would be cursing himself in his own book, which is illogical.


Is it possible that Muhammad (pbuh) might have claimed Prophethood in order to attain Status, Power, Glory, and Leadership?

a. Muhammad (pbuh) has universally been acknowledged as one of the most successful leaders in human history. A Christian scholar Michael H. Hart has given a list of what he considers the hundred most influential men in history, from Adam to the present time, along with a list of reasons for his ranking, in his book ‘The 100 – a Ran

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.