Simple actually,
Why do we need God?
We can't really do anything ourselves... Having said that, think about it.
Can you MAKE your food? NO, you go out to the supermarket and buy it, or go out to your yard and pick an apple from the tree you planted, right? Well, how did you make that tree give you an apple? Just cause you planted it and watered it? Not really, what then did you do to make that apple tree different from the orange tree you planted next to it?
Okay now you'll tell me, the nursery, duh!!! Well think some more, how did the nursery come up with the plants/seed? did they make it?
----- Think you got the issue of Creation :P,... but now you see WHY we need the Creator ;) (aka, God for those of you who didn't know)
So now that's the basis of life, food, shelter, clothing, etc... these you can't make, so thank God that He created them and allowed us to understand how to use them =) , but still there's more~!
Life without rules, some people would say ROCKS!! right? Well, not
We ourselves lay rules for our kids, we follow rules, etc, so we too need some guidance and here's the part where religion kicks in. God, we have already established created all, right? So? Well who would know better than the one that made it to run it right? I mean seriously, when you by a new stove, do u bother to look at the stove's manual, or do you make one your own? lol, better yet, do u reach instead for the refrigerator's manual!
Okay... moving on.
Why do we need to pray? Prayer comes in SO many forms and all depends on your faith. That being said the basis of prayer should and in the religion i follow, comes from (get this) OBEDIENCE! ha! well, ( I bet if i mentioned the religion i follow now, you'll either stop reading, or TOTALLY change your attitude or view of this but, oh well, your loss) okay in the Quran it says to establish prayer (so many times and places) and usually followed by and give charity, but we're focusing now on prayer, so... 1. obedience 2. submission 3. remembrance 4. purifying (okay, for any non-Muslim you can't really understand this point, but for those out there, you totally know what i mean ;) )
1. obedience. Well remember being a kid? Your mom and dad pretty much told you what to do, right? And because you lived in their home, under their roof, ate their food, lived off of them basically, it all had to be done.
Well there's this incident were a scholar was asked by a great prince (ruler) for some advice that would strike fear to his heart. So this scholar didn't fear anyone and told him, if you wish to disobey God, then don't eat His food, and don't drink from His water. The man said what are you talking about? Where do you expect me to get food and water from? Everything is His food and water? The scholar then said, is it befitting that you eat and drink at your hosts table than you insult him personally? Is it then befitting that you take from His blessing and then you reject Him? The man said give me another piece of advice. If you wish to disobey God, don't do so on this Earth, don't do so on His land. The man said where do you want me to go?! Everywhere I go will be the land of God, where ever I go God's sky will shelter me. The scholar then responded, is it befitting that a host invites you to his house and then you cause wreck and havoc in his house, you disobey what he tells yo to do?
So you see that prayer is constituted from obedience and is a great form of showing thankfulness and respect.
2. Submission follows alongside with obedience. By being obedient you are saying you have submitted yourself, correct?
3. Remembrance!!! To be human is to err. Heard it a lot, huh? Well it is also our nature to forget. And I'm sure many can agree to this. That is why we all need remembrance. Muslims have five obligatory daily prayers. Meaning we pray five times a day, and all scheduled. first is the dawn prayer, then the noon, and then about afternoon, sundown, and then the night prayer. We make time from our day to stop everything when we hear the call to prayer, to go and worship God. Talk about worship! And on top of it all, many Muslims wish to do more, so they pray the extra prayers too! Well back to the main point when you stop your daily life to go back and reflect on something it really makes you feel...
4. Purity. You remember that God is the One who Created you and to Him is our final return. You remember and you feel GOOD after it.
So then, why not live as if he didn't not exist? Many people are doing just that, and they call themselves along the lines of atheist, etc, yet they work so hard in denying that there is a God (rather than doing what you think, and ending these so called wars your talking about). And others too, unfortunately there are also non practicing muslims, as they like to call themselves, but in reality there is no such thing, by not practicing they have fallen. That simple. You can't really be a club member and not pay the membership fees, right?
Ofcourse He listens, but I've already written alot and honestly (time for prayer ;) ) If you want I can e-mail you later with an answer to the second part of your question LOL, if you really feel like you can handle more!!!