Do you not realize how many times a week this stupid question is asked? (and answered, but I realize believers don't actually read the answers) I may as well ask "If god created man from dirt, why is there still dirt?"
Evolution theorizes that man and apes BOTH evolved from a common ancestor. Chimps are our closest relatives, sharing 98% of the same DNA as humans. It is thought we and the chimps split from a common (and now extinct) ancestor about 6 million years ago. Please read a proper book or website on evolution....Dr Dino isn't. Answers in Genesis also doesnt' count
You can "believe" whatever you like...that doesn't mean that's what happened. Creationism and Noah actually sounds extremely silly when you think about it. The problem is, you haven't actually THOUGHT about it at all. You have just believed what your pastor spoonfed you.
I prefer facts to belief. The facts are that evolution did happen, and is happening. It is the single best explanation for the wide variety of life we see around us, and to explain the evidence of the fossil record. I know facts are actually have to think, and read something other than the bible.
Where to start? may have taken lots of biology and genetics classes, but did you read the texts or pass the exams?
How the hell does granite prove a creator? It proves that there is a core of magma under the crust of the earth.
The Inuit have only been living in Northern climates for a few 1000 years, not long enough to evolve into something different. People in tropical climates have evolved dark skins to deal with the sun, not reflective ones...though that sounds interesting.
There is NO scientific proof of creationism, the IDiots do no original research, their only purpose is to find fault or doubt with evolution. It is a moribund idea which has been soundly defeated in scientific circles as well as in the courts. The overwheliming majority of scientists support evolution, not creationism.
For you to say that fruit flys share more DNA than chimps, and then in the next line to say you are educated. Sorry. You are uneducated and just plain wrong.
You're blind ignorance should be embarassing to you, I'm embarassed for you.
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
Charles Darwin