2006-12-30 09:39:02 UTC
Did man actually evolve from an ape? If so, why is it that apes are not extinct? Why is it we still live in harmony with them? When will the rest of the apes evolve? I believe that God created the ape, just as he created man, the earth, and all the other animals. Was it not Noah that loaded two apes on the ark? Evolution actually sounds silly when you think about it. What do you believe?
35 answers:
2006-12-30 10:41:56 UTC
I believe that evolution is a man-made theory, therefore it is flawed. It is a lie and cover up. It is man's way of saying that they do not need God. The problem is that God is always here and always the same. However, evolution theory will change over time.
2006-12-30 10:15:21 UTC
I believe you need to do some more reading about evolution. Man didn't evolve from ape. Man and the great apes have a common ancestor, two distinct species, therefore you will not see current apes evolve into man. You state evolution sounds silly in one breath and then reference something from the Noahs Ark story with the next breath. Have you read the story of Noahs Ark? Genesis? Talk about a silly, fantasy world. Evolution, while not perfect, and while not complete (yet), is still the most reasonable, and logical theory we have. I suggest a lot more research for you concerning evolution. Actually learn what evolution is saying and don't go to your favorite intelligent design website for the biased info, do some real reading.
2006-12-30 10:01:00 UTC
Do you not realize how many times a week this stupid question is asked? (and answered, but I realize believers don't actually read the answers) I may as well ask "If god created man from dirt, why is there still dirt?"

Evolution theorizes that man and apes BOTH evolved from a common ancestor. Chimps are our closest relatives, sharing 98% of the same DNA as humans. It is thought we and the chimps split from a common (and now extinct) ancestor about 6 million years ago. Please read a proper book or website on evolution....Dr Dino isn't. Answers in Genesis also doesnt' count

You can "believe" whatever you like...that doesn't mean that's what happened. Creationism and Noah actually sounds extremely silly when you think about it. The problem is, you haven't actually THOUGHT about it at all. You have just believed what your pastor spoonfed you.

I prefer facts to belief. The facts are that evolution did happen, and is happening. It is the single best explanation for the wide variety of life we see around us, and to explain the evidence of the fossil record. I know facts are actually have to think, and read something other than the bible.



Where to start? may have taken lots of biology and genetics classes, but did you read the texts or pass the exams?

How the hell does granite prove a creator? It proves that there is a core of magma under the crust of the earth.

The Inuit have only been living in Northern climates for a few 1000 years, not long enough to evolve into something different. People in tropical climates have evolved dark skins to deal with the sun, not reflective ones...though that sounds interesting.

There is NO scientific proof of creationism, the IDiots do no original research, their only purpose is to find fault or doubt with evolution. It is a moribund idea which has been soundly defeated in scientific circles as well as in the courts. The overwheliming majority of scientists support evolution, not creationism.

For you to say that fruit flys share more DNA than chimps, and then in the next line to say you are educated. Sorry. You are uneducated and just plain wrong.

You're blind ignorance should be embarassing to you, I'm embarassed for you.

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."

Charles Darwin
2006-12-30 09:40:40 UTC
I think that if I had a dollar for every time an ignorant believer posted this question I would be very rich indeed. But to treat it with way more respect than it deserves...

Man and the apes, indeed every species on the planet have common ancestors the vast majority of which do not exist today, read The Ancestors Tale by Dawkins ro get some idea as to how it works.

Apes will only evolve from their current state if there are selection pressures on them to do so. Most of the selection pressures at the moment are from trying to avoid death from human beings and as evolution works over geological time for the most part they will probably die out as a species and will be an evolutionary dead end.

Relativity and quantum theory sound way more silly than evolution yet happen to be true, I suggest an education.
2006-12-30 10:18:07 UTC
Energy creates atoms, creates matter, all life and objects are made out of matter. God's Spirit would be then pure energy. Therefore from the Creation viewpoint he created the Heavens and the Earth he created all life, through this pure energy.

There has been no missing link found. Some animals can evolve to a certain stage and no further. Some creatures have remained exactly the same for millions of years. Therefore is it possible that since God created the monkey he could have also created man in his un-evolved stage and we are a completely separate species?
Rance D
2006-12-30 09:46:35 UTC
I hear this argument all of the is a bad argument. Christians belief that God created man from the using your own argument towards this belief can you tell me why there is still dust???

Let me put evolution in a different way that may appear to your limited Christian thinking. You believe that all of mankind originated with Adam & Eve, right? Now, if we are all decendants of these original parents then why doesn't all of humanity share the same characteristics? Look at your family line. Doesn't the majority share similar features & characteristics? Changes occured, however, as different cultures and backgrounds married into your family. Even in Christianity you would have to conceed that evolution must exist to some degree or another. Otherwise, how do you explain such variation by region in humanity? Black? White? Asian? Indian? Clearly humanity has undergone some changes since Adam & Eve. Since the bible does not attempt to explain this variation we must conclude that evolution is the cause.

So, if you think about it, evolution isn't so silly, is it?
2006-12-30 10:04:14 UTC
Humans and modern apes evolved from a protoape; humans did not evolve from modern apes. The other apes have evolved for their environments. We do not live in harmony with apes. Gorillas are endangered by poaching. Orangutans are endangered because of man's destruction of their habitats. Since you got nothing right, evolution sounds even better than it did before you asked your question.
2006-12-30 09:45:56 UTC
What it sounds like is neither here nor there-a fact is a fact and biological evolution definitely occurs. Mother nature isn't concerned about your subjective view of what's silly. Everything evolves due to evolutionary pressures in their environment and apes, mankind and every other species are evolving continually however now that man controls the environment he also limits the evolutionary pressures acting on species. Species are going extinct now at a faster rate than ever before precisely because they are unable to adapt to changes made by man to their habitats.
2006-12-30 11:21:10 UTC
Man and apes evolved from a common ancestor, starting about ten million years ago. Evolution is now a proven fact, so it is time that you learned how it works; see the reference for a fascinating account. As for the ark story, it is pure fantasy; half a dozen separate scientific disciplines (as well as eyewitness accounts dating from the purported time) show that the tale is fiction.
2006-12-30 09:40:49 UTC
if you spend FIVE MINUTES researching evolution on the internet, you can answer these questions. You think that evolution sounds silly because you have not read anything about it other than creationist propaganda. Do you really think this sounds more silly than: an unseen unshown all powerful god creating TWO human beings, placing them in a garden, then populating the earth from these two people, and at the same time telling us that incest is wrong???? If you do, then there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with your sense of logic.

I don't believe in creationism, I don't believe in evolution, I accept evolution as a FACT.

Did you know that churches all over the world are protesting a Kenyan museum that is trying to display an exhibit showing the evolution of mankind USING actual fosils, and that creationists have been sending the museum bomb threats?
2006-12-30 09:45:49 UTC
I think you and every other "believer" in creationism needs to study evolution before making such uneducated statements as "man didn't evolve from ape."

Evolution does not state ANYWHERE that man evolved from apes.

Biological evolution, simply put, is descent with modification.

Biological evolution is not simply a matter of change over time. Lots of things change over time: trees lose their leaves, mountain ranges rise and erode, but they aren't examples of biological evolution because they don't involve descent through genetic inheritance.

The central idea of biological evolution is that all life on Earth shares a common ancestor, just as you and your cousins share a common grandmother.

Through the process of descent with modification, the common ancestor of life on Earth gave rise to the fantastic diversity that we see documented in the fossil record and around us today. Evolution means that we're all distant cousins: humans and oak trees, hummingbirds and whales.

Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees. Humans and chimpanzees are evolutionary cousins and share a recent common ancestor that was neither chimpanzee nor human.

Humans are not "higher" or "more evolved" than other living lineages. Since our lineages split, humans and chimpanzees have each evolved traits unique to their own lineages.
The atheist revolutionary
2006-12-30 09:42:41 UTC
Man did not evolve from apes.Men and apes had a common ancestor.Lucy was the last common ancestor of man and Chimpanzee
2006-12-30 09:43:20 UTC
Man and ape both evolved from a common ancestor from which we split a few million years ago.
2006-12-30 11:21:19 UTC
I also believe God created all things. As in evolution the missing link has never been found. In the bible there are no missing links, the only thing that is missing is ones resistance to believe.
2006-12-30 09:51:06 UTC
if God made adam from dirt, why is there still dirt? you gotta be kidding me! we are talking about apes and evolution. an evolving process. Man came from the dust and sand. Made from it, not evolving from it. get it? hence, creativity.

For the questioner, evolutioists will just tell you that it was more erect and intelligent type of primate. They are constantly coming up with new ideas whereas we keep the same values. Interesting, is it not?
2006-12-30 11:56:16 UTC
There's a text box at the top of every Yahoo! Answers page with the caption "Search for questions" beside it. Try using it before you repeat the same ignorant question that other people have already asked today... this week... hell, even this month. Repeating questions already asked and answered is actually silly when you think about it. What do you think?
2006-12-30 09:46:16 UTC
I believe is it an insult to the human race to say that we descended from apes. Allah, the Creator of apes, is the Creator of human beings as well. The first man on earth was Adam who was a human being in heaven then was sent to earth because he sinned. Was he originally an ape in heaven then evoluted to become Adam? Did this happen in heaven or on earth?

I do not believe in the theory of the evolution of man from apes, with due respect to everyone.

2006-12-30 09:42:56 UTC
I don't think man evolved from apes. More likely they both evolved from some common ancestor. That's why there are both man and apes on the planet.

Noah and the flood are fairy tales, so no comment on that.
2006-12-30 09:42:10 UTC
Evolution is only a process. God used a lot of technology to create us, I imagine evolution was one of the processes.

God has never told us the details. Why would he? Moses, at the time would not have understood such details.

God's purpose is a lot more important than the details of how he did what he did.

2006-12-30 09:48:24 UTC
Evolution is extinct! :-)

Did you know granite is a rock that could only be here by a creator?

If evolution was TRUE, wouldn't Eskimos have hairier bodies than we? Wouldn't people who have lived in tropical climates "forever" have reflective skin?

I agree with you! Evolution make NO sense. It actually takes more blind faith to believe in that, then it does to believe that we were made by a creator. There is scientific proof of "creationism"...more and more is being found all the time...and more and more SCIENTISTS are changing their beliefs, from evolution to creation based on what they are finding.

It's funny how REAL PROOF that there is a creator can be staring people in the face..yet they can deny it, and just keep believing in a THEORY written by someone who didn't have even half the scientific tools as we do today, tools that prove his theory was wrong.

BTW..we genetically share more of our DNA with fruit flies than we do with apes....maybe a fruit fly is the missing link..a really big fruit fly...
2006-12-30 09:44:33 UTC
apes might have shared a common ancestor with humans but humans did not evolve from apes themselves
2006-12-30 09:55:10 UTC
Humans didn't evolve from apes. Humans and apes evolved from the same point of origin, at which point their evolutionary paths diverged.
2006-12-30 09:50:23 UTC
Noah did not go around the world and collect two of every animal. Don't you realize how stupid that sounds?

If it was raining so hard how did he get to Australia to get Kangaroos? and then to Canada to get Polar bears and then to Asia to get Siberian Tigers and to the desert to get Camels, etc?

He was supposed to be building an Ark, where did he get all that free time and if most of the world was flooded and how did he get around without his Ark?

The Bible is full of contradictions and bull-sh*t, don't believe it, use your common sense, that's why you have it.
2006-12-30 09:47:00 UTC
"From the beginning of the Creation God made them male and female..."-- Jesus (Mk. 10:6)

Scripture says God SPOKE all things into existence with His Word:

" By the Word of the Lord were the heavens created, and all the host by the breath of His mouth. For HE SPAKE AND IT WAS DONE; HE COMMANDED AND IT STOOD FAST". (psalm 33:9)

You cannot assume that each 'day' in Genesis is millions of years because the "sun , moon, and stars" were created the day AFTER the "plants, and green trees"... (Not possible if there were millions of yrs.)

Don't be deceived...

The order of creation days DOES NOT allow it for each 'day' to be millions of years.

Most real science confirms the Bible. See here:
Mr. Bad Day
2006-12-30 09:45:14 UTC
Evolution does make sense. Creationism makes sense, too. But it makes a little less sense.
2006-12-30 09:47:47 UTC
go to a website or read a book about evolution
2006-12-30 09:45:10 UTC
Noahs ark was a fictional story, invented by moses. I'm a christian, and i'm saying that.

you should do a bit of research on that topic instead of blindly saying that it's silly.

and, please, stop listening to the pope!
2006-12-30 09:42:52 UTC
evolution made man and the fool came up with god mans big mistake
2006-12-30 10:20:35 UTC
Dear barbie,

You've got the truth. God created everything! Evolution is not only silly, it is absurd! "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
2006-12-30 09:42:28 UTC
You need to take Biology 1,2, and 3. And then some genetics classes to boot.
2006-12-30 09:48:20 UTC
Before you start posting all this crap can you read a book about it first? At least that way you can be semi informed.
2006-12-30 09:41:37 UTC
so an invisable man made us from dirt? dont you know the jews took that story from the greeks? look up prometheus and there is more proof of evoltion than there is of god you just choose to ignore it
2006-12-30 09:41:38 UTC
If babies come from parents, why are there still parents? Just because one thing comes from another doesn't mean that other thing has to go extinct.
2006-12-30 09:44:10 UTC
I believe you have a valid point. All we would need is a transitional form and I would be on the evolution band wagon.
2006-12-30 09:40:42 UTC
If your god made adam from dirt, then why is there still dirt?

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