Why do people hate Christians soo much?
2009-11-27 17:40:23 UTC
It seems people on here assume Christians are all religious and bigoted zealots who hate everyone but heterosexual Christ-obsessed freaks.
I am Christian. I am Catholic. But I don't hate anyone. I don't think I'm better than anyone else because of my beliefs. I do think. I do have brain. I just hate the way people make generalizations. It's horrible. I know I kind of made one in the question I asked in the title, but still. Why do people make generalizations so much? I am half black, but I'm not a robber and I'm not "ghetto". I am Christian, but I don't hate everyone who is not like me.
Not all atheists are evil hedonists with no values.
Not all teenagers are rude and obnoxious trouble-makers
Not all Muslims are crazy fundamentalists with explosives tied to their chests.
Not all homosexuals are evil sinning perverts.
Why do people make so many generalizations? Is it because people are too small minded to realize that everyone is different and people don't come out of a cookie cutter?
42 answers:
2009-11-27 17:46:02 UTC
when are the christians gonna let gays enjoy the same rights that we enjoy?

and understand their right to refuse to get an abortion is the same as someones right to have one?

when they get out of my life, I will forgive them for imposing their will on me. simple enough.

they are guided by their design to get converts. they are gonna have to break that habit and start respecting free will and not give lip service to it.


so state your case,

you defend the rights of homosexuals to marry and enjoy equal status as any heterosexual couple in this country?

defend a womans right to an abortion while reserving the right to not like it?

I notice you still don't state your position on these obvious positions of one citizens rights being controlled improperly by a govt, prove me wrong by stating your POLITCIAL position. Your bishop in RI has already chosen for quite a few of you...
2009-11-27 17:59:36 UTC
Because most of the Christians on this site present themselves to be those hateful bigoted ones. Either that or they refuse to listen to anyone else's viewpoint and misrepresent others beliefs. Or both. We shouldn't assume you are all like that, true. But, it is hard when that is most of what we see on here.

And it's not just on here either. Prop 8 in California, Bush attacking Iraq because God told him to, etc... These major things effect everyone. We are supposed to be a secular country, yet, it seems, the far-right Christianity base will stop at nothing to change that. And if they aren't the people directly responsible for the erosion of our secular government, they are voting the people into power who are. I'm sorry, but I don't want my country to be another theocracy like Iran or Afghanistan flying a Christian banner instead of an Islamic one.

If you aren't like that, bravo. We'd probably get along fine. I have no problems with any religion in general. I simply have problems with religious people who feel they are above the law and can do whatever they want, yet then hide behind it and cry foul the second the tables turn even slightly.

If they would calm down, I'm sure they would be more than surprised to see how much the rest of us do as well. They encourage the opposition and dislike you speak of in your question.

Edit: May I please point to Lightening from the East and Marz SFECU's answers? These are the people who are making you look bad. I'm also going to go ahead and cite Camille as well.

These answerers have reminded me of another reason. A complete lack of responsibilty for one's own actions. (Not all Christians again to be clear) You ask an honest why question, Camille gives you a "we're supposed to be hated. It means we're doing God's work". Complete lack of ability to look at her own actions for even 5 seconds. That verse sums it up for her, and that's it. Case closed.
The Sun is Shining Bright
2009-11-27 17:52:06 UTC
Because a lot of Christians that you meet in real life have there noses stuck in the air. Not all but a lot. Even on tv, all you ever hear is about sending hundreds of dollars and you will receive salvation. All you hear about is a bunch of people who do not question what is told to them and just go along with it and then point there fingers saying your going to hell and you must do what they say and be just like them or you will be punished. They push and push and push and think they are better than others thinking that is love. Thinking that they really care about you when all they are doing is chasing others away with there ignorance. I used to be one and it is the best decision I ever made to leave it. Im not going to lie though, it works for some people. And I have seen some pretty humbled Christians who are truly loving. But for a lot they get arrogant and really think everyone is going to hell if they do not do something about it RIGHT NOW not realizing that a lot of people do not care to be Christians or have ANY religion shoved down there throat.
2009-11-27 18:06:37 UTC
Good points.

Thank you.

We all have our differences but that doesn't mean that we have to kill each other to show our superiority over another. There are areas in which we will never agree with each other upon but there is a right and wrong way of venting our differences and objections.

An example might be on abortion.I disagree with abortion but I don't have to burn abortion clinics down to prove it. I can object in other manners that don't do physical or economical damage. I will defend being pro life forever but there is a right and wrong way of doing it. I intend on doing it the right way.

A Christian has the right to express his/her beliefs and (per Christianity) has an obligation to share the reason for their faith with others. It doesn't mean that violence need arise from this expression. The Christian is to seek the aid of the Holy Spirit and tell/exhibit the way of salvation. If the person is moved and ultimately accepts salvation through Christ---great. If they don't, I fear for their eternal destiny. Why should a Christian keep the best news ever (salvation through Christ) to himself and not tell others of this good news? He shouldn't. There is nothing wrong with trying to help while doing it in a proper way.
2016-04-06 09:02:13 UTC
Because this forum is mostly populated by Americans who encounter Christianity more than other religions. If America was primarily Hindu, and Hindu's were constantly trying to convert people, have their doctrines in the classroom and legislated laws based on the morals it promotes, then people would oppose Hinduism the way you see Christianity opposed. So I suppose it doesn't support a thesis that Christians are uniquely hated.
2009-11-27 17:51:16 UTC
That's an interesting question. I think a lot of it has to do with the in-your-face M.O. of many protestants who insist on converting "unbelievers" which is a huge turn off and only serves to alienate. I don't think that they honesty realize the damage they cause to Christianity as a whole. I am also Catholic and have been confronted by these types wanting to "convert" or "save" me, which is very annoying and if I happened to be a non-Christian I would probably find it even more obnoxious and annoying. Perhaps this is one of Satan's clever ways of enticing people to turn away from God and (specifically) Christianity?
2009-11-27 17:46:33 UTC
Idk, I guess the crazy ones who act like everyone who isn't christian or hetero is evil and of the devils work and doesn't have a basic education in science gives the good ones a bad name.

I hate the generalizations myself, it's the same way if you're an atheist like me. Apparently we're monkey loving satanist heathens to some people.

I guess, and this goes for all groups with a bad stereotype, the good ones just have to stand out more than the bad ones if we ever want it to end. Some people are just too ignorant to understand that we're not all exactly the same.
2009-11-27 18:23:17 UTC
The problem with Christianity is :Evangelicals/Fundamentalists.

Those people give ALL Christians a negative image with non-christians.

There was a time I tried to differentiate between sane Christians and the insane Evangelical type but it is impossible to engage in this debate being mindful of the feelings of people who do not deserve poor treatment/hatred.

I even use to begin any argument with "This statement is directed ONLY at the Evangelical Christians, all other Christians please do not read my statement unless you wish to be offended."

Did not work too well because the moderate Christians still read my statements and since their Jesus is the same Jesus the Evangelicals use all they saw was an attack against Jesus/Christianity and not an attack against Evangelicals.

I suggest you clarify your Christian position more often, like start by saying "I am not one of the crazy Evangelicals who would murder you and your family for daring to question Christianity."

At the same time...Liberal and Moderate Christians have allowed the Evangelicals to enter the House of Christ, you do share a belief with them even though they would condemn a moderate christian just as quickly as they condemn non-christians...they would not exist if the moderate and liberal Christians would stand up to them, make as much noise as they do and just outright condemn the Evangelicals the way they condemn you for being a different kind of christian.

But if you did condemn them...would that make you any better?

So sorry, I do generalize...there is not enough time in my day to split hairs...and in many ways I blame moderate and liberal Christians for allowing the Evangelicals to be the Voice of Christianity. You want to hold your silence while a bunch of nuts speak for ALL get use to being lumped into the same category as the nuts.
2009-11-27 18:13:56 UTC
because the news mostly over dramatizes things(tv and internet don't help either) but most of te time a lot of the Christians are LITERALLY quote the bible on things like homosexuality instead of thinking of what those words ment when the book was written, and im with you that not all christians are what the media portrays them to be, but people go on stereotypes and theres nothing we can do just hold firm in your beliefs (and no offence but when we get down to it we are extremly closed minded[human race])
2009-11-27 17:47:29 UTC
I don't agree with these particular generalizations, but some people like to use them to simplify things, they see a similar trait thats shared with many (but not all) of a particular group and make that into a stereotype.

for example; "japanese people are short."

now, not all japanese people are short, some are far taller than average, but the general height of an adult japanese male is lower than many other countries... so saying japanese people are short is not a racist opinion.

people are always going to make generalizations because without them, most people cant comprehend the complexity of humanity.
2009-11-27 17:53:38 UTC
Hello Pineapple cupcake: have you ever read your Bible?

Because Jesus told us why the world hates Him and will hate us.

In case you have forgotten and it is obvious you did I am providing a site that will give you the right info on why this and why that.

By the way homosexuals lifestyle is perversion and if you are a Christian you need to know it. It is a sin before God. But God has someone to help them get delivered from this kind of lifestyle.

go to this site to get some wisdom
2009-11-27 17:52:44 UTC
any religious person is complicit in the collective retardation of humanity

oh there are spooky invisible fellas in the sky watching our every move 24/7 who have nothing better to do than spy on us.

all you religious folk if you truly think death leads to eternal bliss than why do you wear a seat belt?
2009-11-27 17:47:21 UTC
You are taking the weigh of the world upon your shoulders and it will only cause you added stress down the road....All you have to do is to live your life in love, try your best to do right by the next man and let God deal with the people that he created...Afterall, we are all God's creation and he knows each and every one of us better than we know ourselves.....Just relax Dear.....
2009-11-27 17:46:42 UTC
Ok in case you havnt been paying attention its the christians that murdered 6 million jews

and the christians who wage war on muslims

and the christians who hate the gays

and the chritians who knock on your doors
2009-11-27 17:47:21 UTC
then good for you, and keep it up!

i don't hate Christians, but I hate the ones that act like how you described in the first sentence.

people are just narrow-minded and want everyone to believe what they believe I suppose.
2009-11-27 17:44:37 UTC
In the usa all the 'born again' christians seem a bit menta, over the top,l and give the total wrong impression. Just say your catholic
2009-11-27 17:51:51 UTC
Once you establish that there is a God, and He has "rules" and then you express those rules to others the hatred begins.

Those that fight against immorality will be hated. We get our morality from God. That is why there is hatred.
2009-11-27 17:52:28 UTC
There are a lot of folks who think the way you do.

Not many of them visit here.
2009-11-27 17:45:37 UTC
Pineapple Cupcake :P cute name

haha jk.

It's because it's the way things are. Ont R&S, we're really not serious about the least I'm not.
2009-11-27 17:48:14 UTC
Rejoice when the world hates you because of Christ.

Matthew 5:11-12

11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.


18"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.'[b] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me. 22If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin. 23He who hates me hates my Father as well. 24If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: 'They hated me without reason.
Just for Jesus <3
2009-11-27 17:44:53 UTC
Because of the stereotypes.

Many people believe Christans

Hate gays

Hate people who get divorced

Hate people who believe in abortions

Hate all non-Christians

Are judgmental

Think they're better than everyone else

Don't have thoughts of our own

Don't have any fun


They don't bother to get to know what we're really like =\

(This is NOT all people, just some)
2009-11-27 17:49:19 UTC
Because some of them horribly misinterpret the Bible.
2009-11-27 17:51:10 UTC
You obviously haven't seen the question where a christian answered : '' All non-christians should be euthanized''
2009-11-27 17:46:24 UTC
You are right. Although the Atheists in here have proved themselves to be ignorant and pesty, (to say the least), I have a friend who is a borderline Atheist, and he is a very nice polite careful person and quite intelligent.
No More Democrats or GOP, please
2009-11-27 17:43:52 UTC
People don't hate Christians. However, they aren't very fond of arrogant, self-righteous Christians.
2009-11-27 17:44:18 UTC
There are so few people like you in the world. I wish everyone could think like this.
Geoff T
2009-11-27 17:44:06 UTC
coz the pope is the richest man in the world while MILLIONS starve

religion is a scam
2009-11-27 17:44:04 UTC
Church folks tell their kids I'm going to hell, and that's not true. It's disrespectful to say stuff like that.

2009-11-27 18:13:24 UTC
its because theyre such great dancers
90's grunge girl
2009-11-27 17:46:28 UTC
do you find this question as generalizing?
I'm a bit of a tool
2009-11-27 17:44:04 UTC
I like this saying:

"It's not God I dislike. It's his fan club I can't stand."
2009-11-27 17:43:44 UTC
We don't hate you as individuals. You might be a kind person, yes.

We hate the fact that being the kind/thoughtful person you are, you believe in a book that discriminates and threatens people. It means you support all the killings it did.
2009-11-27 17:46:11 UTC
I don't hate you, i hate what your religion does to you.
2009-11-27 17:44:17 UTC
It is because Christianity makes very high claims concerning God's existence, which challenges their atheism and pokes holes in their vacuum. They like the vacuum. They like having the universe with only one god in it: themselves.
Manda Bear
2009-11-27 17:44:13 UTC
Matthew 24:9 (New International Version)

9"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me."
2009-11-27 17:44:39 UTC
because they are haters and only haters hate other people or their religions
2009-11-27 17:43:05 UTC
R u kidding me
2009-11-27 17:46:38 UTC
2009-11-27 17:44:18 UTC
You gleefully await the destruction of humanity you're in a sick death cult.
2009-11-27 17:43:26 UTC
Some people are just ignorant. Plain and simple.
2009-11-27 17:43:51 UTC
cuz you and muslims and others are deluded and you think you're delusion prevails over everyone and everything.
2009-11-27 17:43:50 UTC
small minds...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.