I don't believe in a religion. I believe in God. Just establishing reality for you, to begin properly. Someone once said, "Begin the way you wish to end." Good advice.
God's love did it for me. Especially after I rejected my family's generational Mormonism, only to find He loves EVERYONE exactly the same. I like that in a God. Shows He's not partial, unlike the human mormon god. God loves nonbelieving mockers as much as believers. His merciful love is constant, too, being able to see through why certain people mock Him. Right into their sad, lonely, frightened, injured souls. Imagine that! It may not be news to you, but it certainly was to me. (I never really liked the mormon god. He always seemed so.... indecisive, so human, so randy every time you went to the bishop to clarify a sticky doctrinal point. Yetch. And they are ALL sticky. Sigh.)
So my faith in God has everlasting, abundant love for all creation. Even you, no matter if you mock Him or not! You are on equal footing when it comes to being loved for who you are. Whew! So, what say you about that, eh? Do you like being loved by Him as much as I do? Probably. But the question will always remain.... will you someday admit it?