I think I might have used this recently, but it is one that really stands out in my mind.
A few years back my husband and I were at a Bible convention in Poland. We are also big photography buffs and bought some high end equipment for this trip (as we started in Prague and after the convention we were going to South Africa to visit someone). While we were in Poland an English guy contacted my husband through a photography forum he was on and wanted to buy some equipment from us. He and his Czech wife lived in Prague.
We met him the night we got back in Prague and sold him one lenses. They invited us to dinner the next day and said they would take us to the airport.
We had a nice time with them and they dropped us off to the airport and we started checking our bags. We were over the weight limit. (The weight limit from the US anywhere is or was 75lbs, but from Europe anywhere else not US bound is 50ish.) They were going to charge us $1000.00 US to take that extra bag.
We managed to get the one bag they sent through and I moved some things around and we decided to call the people who took us to the airport and see if we could get them to come back and take the bag and ship it to us.
It so happened that he was going to be in London the very day we were passing through to go home. So he took the bag with him and met us at the airport and gave it to us.
With all the fooling around with the bag we were starting to run late for our flight. I tend to be a worrier and amazingly at this time I was not worried. I had told myself that God worked all this other stuff out way before we even knew it was going to be a problem, He was not going to let us miss the flight. And He didn't.
Our trip lasted a month, and I only had a weeks worth of vacation pay before we took the trip, so we were hard up for cash by the end of the trip. But when we met the man with our bag, we sold him a whole camera outfit and came home with a pocket full of cash that we really needed.
I truly believe that because we were on the Lord's business on the trip in Poland as well as South Africa, He took care of us. I also feel that as long as we are doing the Lord's business, He will take care of us.