Christians, can you think of one amazing sit'n that showed you God was really with you?
2011-08-03 01:08:05 UTC
Think back over your own life, can be while Christian or before, doesn't matter,
God knows what you will do, which way you will go.

Think about a situation that wouldn't make sense without God in it, or you don't
think is likely to happen EXCEPT God led in it.

Just take one situation and explain how it showed you God was really with you then.

Ten answers:
2011-08-03 20:56:59 UTC
I will share one - there have been many such attempts on me.

I was about 12. Got off the school bus and was standing on the corner. Waiting to cross. I lived in a rural town. Mostly orchards and the houses were sparse. A older style rust colored convertible stopped at the light with two dudes in it. I locked eyes with them and I knew. I waited a few seconds to see. They drove on about 500 yards and pulled a u'y. I took off running to the the first house. Banged on the door. No one was home. The house had porch with a hedge at the front door and I knew I could not hide there. They would see me. I was so paniced and even now, It it so upsetting to speak about it.

There was a VW bug parked in the driveway. I crawled underneath it, held my breath, and tucked my legs as tight as I could... I watched them running around the yard yelling, "Find her, find her. She's got to be here." I could see their shoes from underneath the Bug. Hell bent on finding me.

They did not find me. And after what seemed a lifetime, I finally crawled out and ran home. But couldn't say anything to my Dad and step mom. They didn't care.

I didn't realize until I became a Christian that God has ALWAYS been with me. He has ALWAYS protected me. This is just one incident. There have been too many.
2011-08-03 16:41:00 UTC
My favorite instance is when I was in Arizona near the Superstition mountains walking along the edge of the desert. It was 105 degrees out. The air is so dry in the desert a person doesn't feel it. The sweat dries on the body so fast it leaves a white salt residue. I had a jug of gator aid with me and was singing along sure I was headed in the right direction to where I parked my car. I parked it off the road and under a bush out of the sun.

From out of nowhere a dune buggy driven by a very tan, tall blond man in cut off shorts, no shirt and bare foot, stopped. I was getting a bit apprehensive at this point. He said, "Do you belong to a silver Chevette?" I nodded my head, yes. "You are going in the wrong direction. Get in and I'll take you to your car." If he had said it any other way I would have run. I got in and he turned the dune buggy around and took me to my car which was several miles in the opposite direction. He didn't say another word to me. He just stopped, let me out and I found my car where I had parked it. I turned around to thank him and he had totally disappeared.

Dune buggies are not quiet. I didn't even hear it go down the road. It was just gone. This tall blond angel rescued me from being a casualty of the desert that day. It was my first and only ride in a dune buggy.

There have been many instances like this that have happened to me. To see more: ANGELS
2011-08-03 08:31:53 UTC
When I was young, I was always in a hurry. I would run everywhere and throw temper tantrums anytime I had to wait; even if it was for just five minutes. Long story short, I was in a car crash and fractured two vertebrae (no one besides me was seriously injured, just some scrapes and bruises). As a result, I had to lay on a backboard 24/7 for three weeks. For a month after, I had to lay on a mattress, after which I had to wear a back brace for six months. What happened may sound terrible, but I thank God for that accident. After that, there were no more tantrums (at least about waiting) and I finally stopped speeding through life like a freight train. I took my time with things, and payed more attention to detail. He used that fracture to teach me patience, and that experience has saved me more trouble than I can measure.
2011-08-03 19:47:11 UTC
I think I might have used this recently, but it is one that really stands out in my mind.

A few years back my husband and I were at a Bible convention in Poland. We are also big photography buffs and bought some high end equipment for this trip (as we started in Prague and after the convention we were going to South Africa to visit someone). While we were in Poland an English guy contacted my husband through a photography forum he was on and wanted to buy some equipment from us. He and his Czech wife lived in Prague.

We met him the night we got back in Prague and sold him one lenses. They invited us to dinner the next day and said they would take us to the airport.

We had a nice time with them and they dropped us off to the airport and we started checking our bags. We were over the weight limit. (The weight limit from the US anywhere is or was 75lbs, but from Europe anywhere else not US bound is 50ish.) They were going to charge us $1000.00 US to take that extra bag.

We managed to get the one bag they sent through and I moved some things around and we decided to call the people who took us to the airport and see if we could get them to come back and take the bag and ship it to us.

It so happened that he was going to be in London the very day we were passing through to go home. So he took the bag with him and met us at the airport and gave it to us.

With all the fooling around with the bag we were starting to run late for our flight. I tend to be a worrier and amazingly at this time I was not worried. I had told myself that God worked all this other stuff out way before we even knew it was going to be a problem, He was not going to let us miss the flight. And He didn't.

Our trip lasted a month, and I only had a weeks worth of vacation pay before we took the trip, so we were hard up for cash by the end of the trip. But when we met the man with our bag, we sold him a whole camera outfit and came home with a pocket full of cash that we really needed.

I truly believe that because we were on the Lord's business on the trip in Poland as well as South Africa, He took care of us. I also feel that as long as we are doing the Lord's business, He will take care of us.
2011-08-03 14:10:39 UTC
Well , As you heard me say all too many times here...The easy answer for me that works for everyone else is to TEST HIM for his love and realness and validity...I began being not much of a believer but instead just going through the paces and accepting what I heard to be true...But for people like that , you're almost living a lie, because it makes one complacent and hesitant about what they believe and witness...Of course, we each test God in our own special ways and if God does not appeal to that , we make assumptions for either side of the fence..It is very difficult if you had a background with no instruction or guidance to prepare you for the God in the Heavens however..

But I began telling and asking God to reveal himself many many years ago, and he's never failed. So I would let my guard down for a bit and distance myself a bit and I would notice that whenever I would distance myself from God , I felt extremely uneasy about life and would begin to lose all that I had gained in the way of my success and peace and love of marriage and .....well, my soul for life..Then I would draw near to God again....eventually and all would be restored All too many times I would come to repeat this and all too many times...eventually God would allow me all that I originally had and much much more...Now , I'm not saying that we will all have luxuries and material things that are a witness that God is with us, but the very fact that I tested him and he became real at those right moments was validation enough for me..
2011-08-03 22:01:51 UTC
Yes---it was over 30 years ago when I went to a Daniel and Revelation Seminar with Bill Cox as the Pasture and the Whole Bible Proved itself out to me, a skeptic. To learn how these two books connect and the History behind them is amazing Grace. I wish every one could see these Seminar tapes---blow you away.. The End makes so much sense and Scripture proves its self out over and over again.
2011-08-03 08:20:07 UTC
For me, I am a shy person who always have stage fright when given presentation and so on. Well I was asked to preach in my church for 3 weeks ahead. When I preach that day, I didn't have the stage fright that I usually would have. I felt a power that overwhelms my being that gave me peace and helps me preach the whole time. Well, this just happened like 2 weeks ago and this still sticks in my head so I hope this help.
† John M †
2011-08-03 10:14:37 UTC
I was a hardcore sinner, dealing with drugs and I broke all His 10 commandments. When I was put in jail for my crime and pending a long life sentence, an angel disguised in the body of a retarded man came to tell me that I should not be worried and my sentence will only be 6 months, and I shall find my purpose in life. And, He did what He said.

The interesting point is that He did not wait until I declared that I repented of my sins, but He gave me the miracles anyway. It reminded me of the prodigal son, God gave me His Grace first, showered me with miracles and goodness in life, before He told me "I never condemned you....",

That Grace had empowered me to repent and serve HIM with all my heart and all my soul and all my strength right now, It empowered me to sin no more.

2011-08-03 08:09:23 UTC
they will give you plenty of examples where they got lucky and gave the credit to god. They dont speak much about the bad ones.
2011-08-03 08:13:10 UTC
well, my mom says tht I was a miracle :D

so here I am :D

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.