"I've been cruising this planet for over 60 years.
IF God existed he would know what sort of evidence would convince me of his existence… if he wanted me to know it ;)
So far?
Nothing; nada; zilch."
I suppose HE either doesn't care about ME in any way whatsoever…
God is imaginary... I'm going with the latter.
I’m 100% certain god is imaginary.
If he really existed he would have found a way to convince me he exists.
Obviously he hasn't cos just as obviously he doesn't.
If you wanted to convince someone you existed, what lengths would you go to?
Would you drop a few seriously ambiguous ‘clues’... OR, introduce yourself.
Seriously - this has SCAM written all over it.
Pretend you were some place and you were invisible – let’s say 50% of the inhabitants “knew” and “loved” you – let’s say you wanted the other 50% of the inhabitants to “know” and “love” you too… cos you really do love them all soooo unconditionally…
What lengths would you go to convince them?
Seriously - this has BOOLSHYT written all over it.
“If you have "substantial" evidence supporting your god, lay it out - but be aware that the way you feel when you look at puppies or sunsets, or conversations you had with yourself, or your inability to explain something any other way do not constitute evidence.”
“Understand that:
Dreams are not evidence.
Wishful thinking is not evidence.
Logical fallacies are not evidence.
Personal revelation is not evidence.
Illogical conclusions are not evidence.
Disproved statements are not evidence.
Unsubstantiated claims are not evidence.
Hallucinations/delusions are not evidence.
Information that is ambiguous is not evidence.
The Universe doesn't care what you believe in.
Data that requires a certain belief is not evidence.
Information that cannot be verified is not evidence.
Information that cannot be falsified is not evidence.
Experiments with inconclusive results are not evidence.
Information that is only knowable by a privileged few is not evidence.
Experiments that are not and cannot be duplicated by others are not evidence.
The wonderful thing about science is that it doesn't ask for your faith, only your eyes.”