Would a real god not ever let us know he exists by actually showing us he does to where we know it for fact?
2013-04-12 03:00:20 UTC
Would a real god let us go to hell or get zapped out of existence because we don't actually know if he exists or not, and he will not show us he does exist?

Would a real god actually be a just god or one like the bible describes him to be?
Sixteen answers:
2013-04-12 03:11:23 UTC
A moral god, by nature's and man's standards- Hell No. A moral God would provide a trustworthy 'safety-net', and instead of governing our lives, a moral god would counsel our lives, which requires a great deal more personal involvement. That would show that he cares, instead of setting laws and consequence like an absent earthly ruler.
Diana B
2013-04-12 10:18:54 UTC
"Would a real god not ever let us know he exists by actually showing us he does to where we know it for fact?"

That's a matter of argument. If you believe in free will, then a real god would have to keep things ambiguous - like one of those movies where the ending can be read in different ways. Do you think that the movie "Inception" doesn't exist either?

Maybe nobody painted the Mona Lisa because Da Vinci didn't write an explanatory caption for it. (Think that sounds crazy? substitute the Mona Lisa with something abstract - something that looks very much uncreated or undesigned.) Maybe nobody directed "2001: A Space Oddyssey" because it too is ambiguous.

Atheists often post questions like this - they champion logic, yet premise their questions based on assumptions which could make sense but are no more logical than the beliefs of religious people.

All these questions do is highlight a reasonable difference between believers and atheists - as each side is wont to do - and then blame one side for not being like the other.

Religious people obviously don't believe that god needs to show he exists - that's why they are religious people. That's what religious people do.

"Would a real god actually be a just god or one like the bible describes him to be?"

The real god in the bible IS a just god. You are confusing "just" and "merciful".
2013-04-12 03:15:04 UTC
God says in the Holy Qur'an and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Mohammed ( May the peace and blessings of God be on Him ) that everyone will be judged according to their knowledge . If someone did not ever hear about God from some/any kind of source then that person will be tested after they die on whether or not they would of believed had they been given the chance . If that person passes the test they will enter Heaven a garden of bliss . This same test will be given to insane , young children, babies, and any mentally disabled person . God is kind and just and he will never punish his creation unjustly .
2013-04-12 03:42:55 UTC
No. He would show people that he exists and when these people saw him they would actually believe in Him, and then just get on with their lives 'as if' he did not exist.

Yes. He would zap people into hell because then they would know that he exists, and would believe in Him and then, they would get on with their life 'as if' he did not exist.

Yes. The God would be just and also like the bible describes him as opposed to how people interpret it, and understand what the bible says about him.
2013-04-12 03:29:26 UTC
Let me answer you question with a series of questions.

What is faith?

Would faith exist with our knowledge of God's existence through physical evidence?

Why is faith so important? Why does God value it?

Would our choosing God mean as much to Him if we simply did so because we could see Him?

If you were Him, how would you test your true followers? By showing yourself, or concealing yourself so that their love for you would prove to be genuine?

God bless.
2013-04-12 03:29:55 UTC
We know God exists because the Laws of Physics don't change.

Just ask yourself this; is it reasonable to assume that there can be universal constantly applicable tendencies, without SOMETHING keeping them from changing? Why on earth can physics have laws at all? Is there some Law that says that Laws can't change, and if so, what Law keeps that Law from changing?

But since you won't listen to things like that, let me explain something about the Bible.

Gods, in ancient times, were more along the lines of forces of nature. They were about as personal as a thunderstorm; which is to say, in your face and inexorable. They were named as the forces behind everything inexplicable that happened, big or small. No rain? Blame a god. Earthquake? Blame a god. You pray and suddenly there's rain? Praise a god.

The Hebrews adopted this same idea, but get this; they had a God who could do for everything, not just for a few things. Every catastrophe, every setback, every victory and every "glory" that the Hebrew people committed could be shunted off their shoulders and named as the power of their God.

Now all this time, God was punishing the Israelites. Why? Because they were not living in accordance with His laws. His laws of nature, of sociology, of psychology, and so on. They were doing evil things like pillaging other people; so of course he was going to bring down punishment upon them in the form of unfriendly Assyrians and unforgiving neighbors. That punishment is built into the very fabric of the sociology, the fabric of the universe.

Likewise, when so-called "Christians" today speak with words of hatred, saying things like "That soldier deserved to die," of course God will punish those people with unfriendly neighbors and unforgiving attitudes. The punishment for living incorrectly is built into the fabric of the universe.

It is only by breaking this cycle and by giving us a good example of pure holiness that God made us capable of traveling down the path toward proper living. Jesus is not some kind of esoteric get-into-heaven-free card. No, Jesus is meant to be an example of how to live lovingly, how to care for others. All you need is love, love is all you need, and all that.

And guess what? We know that we need to love each other, because the rewards of altruism, although for unfortunate reasons not strictly natural to us, are nevertheless built into the fabric of the universe; collectively, pure altruistic groups are more successful than pure non-altruistic ones, even if the individual who falls into selfish ways may have better options available at the expense of society.

God is a just god. The laws of human interaction are just indeed. They reward us for loving one another, as the Lord has decreed.
2013-04-12 03:05:24 UTC
"I've been cruising this planet for over 60 years.

IF God existed he would know what sort of evidence would convince me of his existence… if he wanted me to know it ;)

So far?

Nothing; nada; zilch."

I suppose HE either doesn't care about ME in any way whatsoever…


God is imaginary... I'm going with the latter.

I’m 100% certain god is imaginary.

If he really existed he would have found a way to convince me he exists.

Obviously he hasn't cos just as obviously he doesn't.

If you wanted to convince someone you existed, what lengths would you go to?

Would you drop a few seriously ambiguous ‘clues’... OR, introduce yourself.

Seriously - this has SCAM written all over it.


Pretend you were some place and you were invisible – let’s say 50% of the inhabitants “knew” and “loved” you – let’s say you wanted the other 50% of the inhabitants to “know” and “love” you too… cos you really do love them all soooo unconditionally…

What lengths would you go to convince them?

Seriously - this has BOOLSHYT written all over it.


“If you have "substantial" evidence supporting your god, lay it out - but be aware that the way you feel when you look at puppies or sunsets, or conversations you had with yourself, or your inability to explain something any other way do not constitute evidence.”

“Understand that:

Dreams are not evidence.

Wishful thinking is not evidence.

Logical fallacies are not evidence.

Personal revelation is not evidence.

Illogical conclusions are not evidence.

Disproved statements are not evidence.

Unsubstantiated claims are not evidence.

Hallucinations/delusions are not evidence.

Information that is ambiguous is not evidence.

The Universe doesn't care what you believe in.

Data that requires a certain belief is not evidence.

Information that cannot be verified is not evidence.

Information that cannot be falsified is not evidence.

Experiments with inconclusive results are not evidence.

Information that is only knowable by a privileged few is not evidence.

Experiments that are not and cannot be duplicated by others are not evidence.

The wonderful thing about science is that it doesn't ask for your faith, only your eyes.”

2013-04-12 03:09:13 UTC
"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made*, so that people are without excuse." Romans 1:20

*in Philosophy, Mysticism and Religion. These have been as long as we can remember. To the rest, there´s no excuse.
2013-04-12 03:02:46 UTC
What we can logically deduce is that if God exists, he doesn't mind what we believe about him, otherwise he would show himself

It's not inconceivable that a God would exist and not show himself, he may want us to have maximum diversity of experience, and consider e.g. atheism as valid an experience as theism, and decide not to show himself so as not to 'collapse the wavefunction'.
2013-04-12 03:08:26 UTC
The cosmologists say that the Universe is finite. Therefore, it is has boundaries. Now my question to you is that, can you see those boundaries? If not, then how can you say that they exist?

My point is that you don't have to see something to prove whether it exists. Through reason and deduction, you can also prove things, like cosmologists proved that the Universe has boundaries, because it is finite.
Matthew T
2013-04-12 03:05:05 UTC
We reject God. It's not just a matter of not knowing.

If we hear about the love of God and we don't seek Him, then we have rejected Him.

God has to reveal Himself or we will never find Him and He only reveals Himself to those who have a desire to know Him.

So many people on this forum mock God. Do we think that if God revealed Himself to them that they would come to love God? I think they would not.
2013-04-12 03:13:55 UTC
as douglas adams demonstrated - god exists as an article of faith and faith is unprovable - should a proof of god exist, the need for a god of faith would vanish and so would god vanish in a puff of logic
2013-04-12 03:14:37 UTC
no god has already made him self plain by every thing he created

he even contacted men and had them write down things

jehovah god is a just god the holy bible is his word
2013-04-12 03:02:23 UTC
The god of the bible is as evil as he is good. He creates faulty humans then curses them eternally for his mistakes. He's a poor excuse for a loving deity.
David Auburn
2013-04-12 03:06:12 UTC
How does the Bible describe him to be? I mean, there are countless verses that say that he IS love, he is humble, he is forgiving, he is just and ready to help the poor one crying for help.
2013-04-12 03:01:31 UTC


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.