You're last paragraph (not the details) is what makes no sense to me...never has, and it's really quite ridiculous. Was Jesus NOT a human? Did Jesus NOT sin? I'm sure, because dude, he WAS a human, he CLAIMED to be the son of god, and who's mother CLAIMED to have conceived him WITHOUT having sex...ya...ok...I don't understand most of you Christians. Besides, if jesus dies for our sins, if we didn't sin, he died in vain, correct?
What also really annoys me is how christians think
that, basically, the bible is saying how we are all
cruel, bad, unworthy,and sinners. Yepp. Sounds
just like the inspirational holy book I want to base
my life around. RIGHT.....
The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie
can make you live forever if you
symbolically eat his flesh, drink his
blood, and telepathically tell him you
accept him as your master so he
can remove an evil force from your
soul that is present in humanity today
because some rib woman was convinced
by a talking snake to eat from a magic
Makes Perfect Sense!"
"Spiritual people inspire me,
Religious people frighten me."
"EVERY religion claims to be the ONLY
one that's right...therefore they are ALL WRONG!"