1. You seem to have an issue with comparing the norms of a past era, ie 1840 with that of the current time, 2011. Did you know that the founding fathers of America would be considered "racist" if you applied the same standard to them? Thomas Jefferson and other framers of the Constitution the same Constitution that gives "equal rights to all men," had slaves and was a slaver. Yet, he and others are looked up to as great men.
Brigham Young, living in an earlier era where the norms of society were vastly different than they are today, would have seemed to hold the "typical" attitudes of the era. Brigham Young did state that all men are children of God and are equal in that sense. He did however, notice inequality of races and spoke of that perceived inequality. Times change, attitudes change, and prophets change. Thats why we need ONGOING revelation and CURRENT day prophets. So in a real sense for me, the fact that the CURRENT prophet in our day, Thomas S. Monson, has different opinions than Brigham Young actually is a testimony BUILDER for me, that it tells me God leads us dynamically, and does not stay stagnate with outdated doctrine.
2. Brigham Young spoke of the doctrine. However, it was NEVER taught as official church doctrine. NEVER. It may be his opinion, but it was never doctrine. You, as a Mormon, certainly have your own opinions on things. Like whether Mitt Romney or Obama should be president. Either opinion does NOT change your status as Mormon, nor effect church doctrine. Brigham Young had his own opinions, just like we ALL do.
3. Joseph Smith taught a doctrine, polygamy, that had a purpose in its day. It is no longer needed. Many women were righteous, but did not have righteous husbands. Many single women had no prospect for finding a righteous husband. Yet, the doctrine of the church taught for a Celestial marriage women had to marry in the "New and Everlasting" covenant. Or, they would not reach the highest degree of heaven.
With no prospect of an eternal marriage, one of the purposes of polygamy was to allow more women the opportunity of a Celestial marriage. Joseph Smith married several sisters, in the covenant of marriage to allow them the access to the Celestial Kingdom. However, something very important that the anti-Mormons will not tell you is this: NONE of those other marriages where ever sexual. None, other than Joseph's marriage to Emma. Emma even said so. The other sisters even said so. Anything different from that would be a blatant lie. And you know the source of all lies, do you not? This important distinction supports the singular purpose of plural marriage as I stated it.
4. The same explanation for question #3 applies. These marriages were in name only, and were essentially performed in name only for the purpose of completing a requirement to enter the Celestial Kingdom. That is all.
5. This statement is false. Anti-Mormons use this argument so much that it is boring, if not laughable because of its errors. They suppose that just because there is a picture in the BofA that they imply the entire BofA comes from a funerary text. There were MULTIPLE records that Joseph Smith was translating. Not all of them were recovered. Just like we do not have access to the plates of Gold that contained the Book of Mormon, the record Joseph Smith used in translating the BofA is not available in its entirety either. So you, I, and any anti-Mormon would be totally false and inaccurate to say the BofA came from a funerary text because WE DO NOT HAVE the source of the BofA. Like, duh!
With all of this said and done, it does not really matter what I say here, or what anti-Mormons say either. The proof of the pudding is what GOD has to say about it. And for that matter, I would rather put my trust in God than any anonymous faceless person I have contact with here.
If you want to know the truth of things, why not ASK GOD. He would know, would he not.
Pray to him, and ask him, with real intent, with a desire to know, being sincere and humble..he will give you the truth.
That is what I have done. That is what 14 million LDS have done. And that is why I am a