Time to wake up "Christians", He didn't say to get saved. Salvation comes at the end.(1Peter1:9) His words through the gospels basically were; repent, believe the gospel, follow Him (meaning His example and teachings continually) He never said build large buildings with tall steeples and crosses, or have more church programs! He never said anything about using the pagan holidays that the churches use. This is just a handful of traditions of men that Christians follow. Less than maybe 2 or 3% of "Christians" have a clue. If you love HIM, you will not love things of the world. “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1John2:15)
It takes faith to trust our Creator/Savior and follow His commandments, law, and statutes as Abraham did in Genesis 26:5, but the Bible in Romans4:3, says he was a man of faith.The preachers of today misuse the teachings of Jesus and especially Paul to make themselves and their listeners feel better about not following the Creator/Saviors laws and commandments. In effect, they are saying they do not care or love Him enough to follow His directions after He died the most horrible death for them. Many abuse Matthew 5:17, which reads; “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets, but to fulfill.” They like to say the word “fulfill” means the law has been done away with, but that makes the Savior’s statement read against itself in the last part of the statement. In the original Greek (From the highly respected Strong’s Concordance), the word “fulfill” can mean fully preach, perfect, or supply. These uses make better sense with the Savior’s teachings, but it does not suit preachers who say the law has done away with.
Preachers also like to use Paul’s letters to the churches to say the law was done away with. Paul’s letters to the churches were written to answer special problems in various cultures having various traditions and problems that we often do not understand today. They are often used by preachers to justify ideas the rest of the Bible won’t support. If the law of our Creator had been nailed to the cross instead of our offenses, there would be no more sin, because sin is a violation of His law which would have been done away with. Churches still refuse His law!
Many abuse Paul’s letter to the Galatians to say the law is a curse. Our Creator never gave a cursed law. He would not have delivered His people from Egyptian slavery, lead and fed them forty years, drove out their enemies, and brought them to a land flowing with milk and honey just for them to have a cursed law. The letter to the Galatians was a letter to a specific group of people who were basing their salvation Pharisee law instead of trusting the Savior.
Another is Romans 6:14, where Paul says that we are not under the law. We are not under the law, but under grace, in that we don’t get the punishment we deserve, if we trust the Savior. Grace is unmerited favor or mercy, and our Savior gave us the greatest mercy, so we should love him enough to keep His law. The preachers of the dispensation will usually never acknowledge this. See: John14:15,1John2:3-6,Rev.14:12,Rev.22:14 in the unadulterated King James Bible.
Lets examine some of lies told to people about the Sabbath of our precious Creator/Savior 1. “It was nailed to the cross.” They use Colossians 2:14-17 for this. Colossians2:13-14 reads,“And you being dead in your sin and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you of all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.” Verse 13 clearly refers to our trespasses (sins) being forgiven. Verse 14 does also, because Romans would nail a handwritten list of offenses to the cross of people being executed, but our Savior took our trespasses out of our way and took them upon Himself on the cross. If the law had been nailed to the cross, there would be no one ever sinning; as there would be nothing to violate, and sin is a violation of His law. Colossians 2:15 tells of His triumphing over principalities and powers (the accusers of His people). Verse 16: “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or in the new moon, or of the Sabbath days.” In verse 17, Paul was saying these are a shadow of things that are coming, “but the body is of Christ”. Paul was saying our Savior is the most important subject; and if He had triumphed over principalities and powers, why let ordinary men add things such as false humility or angel worship (verse 18) or rules/traditions of men (verses 8,21-23) to their eating , drinking, observance of a holyday, new moon, or the Sabbath? These verses are about not letting people add things to His law. They NOW say,“ Jesus nailed the law to the cross”, but breaking His law is sin, and the land is NOW filled with sin.
2. “Paul and the others gathered on the first day of the week to break bread in Acts 20:7” What is forgotten is the Hebrew observance of Melaveh Malkah which immediately follows the Sabbath, and is still recognized today. King David started this tradition, and it’s normal to share food during this time. Paul could have easily used this time to preach. Also, unlike with our days, they measured days evening to evening, and Melaveh Malkah starts in the evening.
3.”Paul told them to put aside money on the first day of each week in 1Cor.16:2” Where does this change the Sabbath to being the first day of the week? Today, churches take up collections on the first day in connection with their meetings, so they ASSUME that early brethren were also using the first day instead of the Sabbath for worship. Today churches take tithes from the assembly, and tithing is part of the law that churches like to say was done away with!
4. “He rose on the first day” We have baptism to recognize our death, burial and resurrection with Him. He never said to worship His resurrection, and HE NEVER SAID HIS SABBATH COMMANDMENT WOULD BE CHANGED
5.”After His resurrection, He appeared to disciples on the first day” Often they use John20:19&26, but the two appearances are EIGHT days apart as stated in verse 26, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME DAY OF THE WEEK! Pentecost is also said to be on the first day of the week, but it was also His holyday Shavuot, and you rarely hear about that! I don't Pharisee myself with kippahs and shawls: but for the record, the Commandments of Elohim are His, not Moses!