There is no evidence to support atheism. It is illogical, and its insistence on a natural first cause of the material universe violates natural laws. So it is also scientifically untenable.
The claim that atheists only accept that which is supported by sound scientific evidence is completely bogus.
Here are some examples of atheist so-called 'science' ....
Remember these supposed definite proofs of evolution:
Piltdown Man (fraud)
Nebraska Man (a peccary [pig]).
SW Colorado Man (a horse!)
Orce Man (a donkey!!)
Java Man (a giant gibbon)
Embryonic Recapitulation (fraud of Ernst Haeckel)
Rhodesian Man (an ape)
Taung African Man (a young ape)
Achaeoraptor (fake)
Marsh’s Horse Series (unrelated species cobbled together)
The Orgueil Meteorite (fraud)
Nutcracker Man (an ape)
Dating by index fossils (based on preconceived assumptions)
Peppered moths (faked evidence)
Peking Man (monkey).
“Monera” (another fraud of Ernst Haeckel)
Stanley Miller's origin of life experiments (hyped-up irrelevance).
Vestigial organs (now known to have a useful purpose)
This is what atheists call 'science'.
And remember all the evidence AGAINST evolution that is summarily dismissed or ignored, including:
The Law of Biogenesis
Information Theory
Guy Berthault's sedimentation experiments.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics
The Guadeloupe skeleton
The Laws of Probability
The ‘Challenger’ dredger failed to find any evidence of fossils forming on the sea bed (the findings were kept quiet).
The Casteneldo Skull
The Calaveras Skull
Tuscany child's jaw
Rapid burial of bivalves and other fossils.
Shortage of Moon dust
The Benzar mutation experiments.
Johannsen’s ‘pure line (breeding) research’
Human, historical records.
Raymond Pearl’s selective breeding experiments
Gene depletion.
Cladists against evolution
Short term comets
Lunar recession
The Cambrian Explosion
Polonium Halos
Herbert Spencer Jennings’ microbe breeding experiments
Non-extinct fossils.
Dudley’s radiodating research (1975).
Sunderland’s interviews with top paleontologists (1980)
Human artifacts found in alleged multi-million year old strata.
The Lombardy, carved, petrified Pliocene wood.
The Frieberg (Saxony Germany) Skull (found embedded in coal) [Otto Stutzer, Geology of Coal 1940].
Knife marks on Jurassic Dinosaur bones (Journal of the transactions of the Victoria Institute, 23:211-3).
Fisher Canyon, Nevada shoeprint in coal.
Bone found embedded in coal (Johannes Hurzeler Museum of Natural History, Basel, Switzerland).
Shortage of neutrinos being emitted from the Sun.
Bumpus’ Sparrows
C14 dating of coal and other fossil material.
The Morrisville gold chain found in coal (1891)
The Wilburton Oklahoma iron pot found in coal (1912).
Population studies
William J Meister Sr's fossil sandleprint containing trilobites
The Moab Skeletons
Polystrate fossils
Rapid fossilisation…………