What proof and evidence is there that atheism is true?
2011-06-15 12:07:12 UTC
Noun: The theory or belief that God does not exist"

Taken from the 1st result using the Google search "define atheism"

So self-proclaimed atheists, where is your proof and evidence for this theory and belief?

DON'T try and redefine atheism to avoid the issue.
34 answers:
2011-06-15 13:05:31 UTC
There is no evidence to support atheism. It is illogical, and its insistence on a natural first cause of the material universe violates natural laws. So it is also scientifically untenable.

The claim that atheists only accept that which is supported by sound scientific evidence is completely bogus.

Here are some examples of atheist so-called 'science' ....

Remember these supposed definite proofs of evolution:

Piltdown Man (fraud)

Nebraska Man (a peccary [pig]).

SW Colorado Man (a horse!)

Orce Man (a donkey!!)

Java Man (a giant gibbon)

Embryonic Recapitulation (fraud of Ernst Haeckel)

Rhodesian Man (an ape)

Taung African Man (a young ape)

Achaeoraptor (fake)

Marsh’s Horse Series (unrelated species cobbled together)

The Orgueil Meteorite (fraud)

Nutcracker Man (an ape)

Dating by index fossils (based on preconceived assumptions)

Peppered moths (faked evidence)

Peking Man (monkey).

“Monera” (another fraud of Ernst Haeckel)

Stanley Miller's origin of life experiments (hyped-up irrelevance).

Vestigial organs (now known to have a useful purpose)

This is what atheists call 'science'.

And remember all the evidence AGAINST evolution that is summarily dismissed or ignored, including:

The Law of Biogenesis

Information Theory

Guy Berthault's sedimentation experiments.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The Guadeloupe skeleton

The Laws of Probability

The ‘Challenger’ dredger failed to find any evidence of fossils forming on the sea bed (the findings were kept quiet).

The Casteneldo Skull

The Calaveras Skull

Tuscany child's jaw

Rapid burial of bivalves and other fossils.

Shortage of Moon dust

The Benzar mutation experiments.

Johannsen’s ‘pure line (breeding) research’

Human, historical records.

Raymond Pearl’s selective breeding experiments

Gene depletion.

Cladists against evolution

Short term comets

Lunar recession

The Cambrian Explosion

Polonium Halos

Herbert Spencer Jennings’ microbe breeding experiments

Non-extinct fossils.

Dudley’s radiodating research (1975).

Sunderland’s interviews with top paleontologists (1980)

Human artifacts found in alleged multi-million year old strata.

The Lombardy, carved, petrified Pliocene wood.

The Frieberg (Saxony Germany) Skull (found embedded in coal) [Otto Stutzer, Geology of Coal 1940].

Knife marks on Jurassic Dinosaur bones (Journal of the transactions of the Victoria Institute, 23:211-3).

Fisher Canyon, Nevada shoeprint in coal.

Bone found embedded in coal (Johannes Hurzeler Museum of Natural History, Basel, Switzerland).

Shortage of neutrinos being emitted from the Sun.

Bumpus’ Sparrows

C14 dating of coal and other fossil material.

The Morrisville gold chain found in coal (1891)

The Wilburton Oklahoma iron pot found in coal (1912).

Population studies

William J Meister Sr's fossil sandleprint containing trilobites

The Moab Skeletons

Polystrate fossils

Rapid fossilisation…………
Shazzy S
2011-06-18 16:17:20 UTC
1. GOD is Man Made- God is man's idea of a Better Man. Something bigger, something scarier. In the olden days, men aren't afraid to do wrong because hell, the worse thing they could do is kill you. Therefore Great men throughout history ( Jesus, Mohammad, etc) invented religion to scare people into doing good. Why people need to be scared of THE FIERY DEPTHS OF HELL instead of their own conscience and morality is beyond me.

'2. 'God', the almighty, ruler/maker of the entire universe- if he exists, why would he dictate a Book on how mankind should live, when were this itty bitty so tiny not even snot sized planet compared to THE GALAXY.

3- Adam and Eve can't populate an entire world with just.Them. Religion says that they had twin babies, which grew up and married each other and have more twin babies. Not only does it not make sense, it really contradicted with GOD's words, that is - thou shall not commit incest? So if you're trying to populate the planet it's Ok to commit incest?

4. God promotes hate on people that have other sexual preferences. People are people, if they like boys or girls it's their problem. It isn't a disease. Oh and btw AIDS is not spread by gay people. It's spread by sexually promiscuous people, straight or gay. Just putting it out there, if you try to say AIDS is God's punishment for buttsex or something-

There's more, but I have class tomorrow and I have an assignment. Goodnight!
Raven Slight
2011-06-15 12:20:26 UTC
First, using one source for a definition is pathetic. Not giving that source is even worse.

But the thing is that the source, Google dictionary, gives:

** "Disbelief in the existence of God or gods"

** "the doctrine or belief that there is no God"

** "a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods"

** "Atheism is commonly defined as the position that there are no deities. It can also mean the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. A broader definition is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist."

** "atheist - related to or characterized by or given to atheism"

** "atheistic - rejecting any belief in gods"

Of these first six, only one is yours and only one other can be interpreted to mean yours. Your selectivity works against you.


Now, to concede on that point...Where's your proof and evidence that pixies do not exist? Unicorns? Odin? Zeus? Pokemon? Ganondorf? Leprechauns? Allah? Ra? Nymphs? Cyclopses? Present evidence and proof against all of those and then talk about who has the burden of proof.
2011-06-15 12:19:15 UTC
The capitol G suggests you are speaking of the abrahamic deity. First of all the concept of God or no god can't be proven. You can't "prove" magical beings exist or do not exist. Thus you can't "prove" that Santa, Allah, Ra, or any of a hundred gods or goddess's don't or do exist. So what one does is look at the evidence available. You as a christian person use the descriptions of Odin, for example, in the Norse literature and comparing that to what we know in science and with the historical record relegate old Odin to mythology--even though you can't "prove" he doesn't exist.

The abrahamic god--we have literature--just like norse mythology. When we examine that literature we find the following: The story of Noah and the Ark is totally falsifiable by modern science. further-we find that the noah story was most likely plagarized from the much earlier sumerian epic of gilgamesh. We find that the science of linguistics totally falsfies the tower of babel story, we find that evolutionary theory, genetics, archeology, indicate that the biblical creation story likewise is false beyond a reasonable doubt. We find that there is no historical evidence whatsoever that the hebrews were ever in bondage in egypt, no evidence at all of the plagues, the exodous, the wanderings in the desert, and finally no evidence of hebrew occupation of the promised land until about a thousand years after the story. Further we find that the moses characters early life was lifted from the much older sumerian king sargon myth. We find no first person evidence for jesus--none of the roman historians in the first half of the first century that lived in jerusalem and wrote about riots, miracles, wonders of nature, trials etc--none of them (notable among them pliney the elder who wrote voluminous history and was there in the entire first hqalf of the first century).

So--we find a universe that requires only the interaction between and properties of mass and energy to get the universe from the big bang to the earth today--no magics were required. If one is rational one realizes that we didnt go billions of years without magic--had all sorts of magics for a couple of thousand years in a little spot in the middleeast-and then went back to no magics.

Sorry--while you can't rigorously prove no god--you can use reason and logic to determine if there were on it most certainly isnt the mythical god of the abrhamics.
2011-06-15 12:17:35 UTC
I believe that God does not exist.

First I must start by defining my subject, God. God is a being perfect in every way. He is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He is all loving, he is vengeful, he is jealous of other gods. He controls everything I do, gives me free will and decides whether I live and die. He created me completely, knowing what I was and what I would become, and at the end of my life he will decide whether or not to condemn me forever to a lake of eternal torment because I became the creature he created me to be. he has millions of voices on earth who proclaim a personal connection to him, to know his will, and all those who oppose them are infidels. More often than not even two of Gods Speakers can not agree with one and other.

So before we even get to Does God Exist, lets try an easier question. Can God Exist.

Is He perfect? Well obviously not, he displays human weaknesses, and permits and commits evil deeds.

Is he omniscient? Well if so he is a malevolent creator and thereby not benevolent? If not then he is not omnipotent and thereby not God.

How can he control all if I have free will? Its a logical contradiction

How can his speakers disagree so much. Certainly God would have been clear to not spread conflicting instructions to his people?

Based on this, and hundred and hundreds of other reasons, God can not exist. God can not exist here on earth, nor anywhere else in existence. His existence on its own is inconsistent with our own. He is a concept, one that's poorly defined because it is impossible as long as you believe in logical absolutes.

Therefore, If God Can Not Exist, then God Does Not Exist.
2011-06-15 12:17:58 UTC
This would be more appropriate to be in the philosophy section of the forum, since it has to do with philosophical truth. Anyway a theory when not relevant to scientific explanation, means that it is something that could be right and could be wrong; it has no objectivity. Therefore, atheism is the belief that there is no Gods.
Aonghas Shrugged
2011-06-15 12:14:57 UTC
"DON'T try and redefine atheism to avoid the issue." So you are saying that choosing the particular definition of atheism that underlies your question is a right that you reserve solely for yourself while denying it to everyone else. Cool! What a great way to stack the deck of the question!

(I'm not an atheist but you've even succeeded in annoying me with this tactic.)
2011-06-15 12:21:19 UTC
The complete lack of any evidence to prove the existence of any god is reason enough to assume that no gods exist.

What proof or evidence is there that Christianity is true? None. Christians believe in an unobservable god who never interacts with us. Even though he is supposedly all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, he allows terrible things to happen to good people. They believe in Jesus, a man who was supposedly known throughout the land for his miraculous works, but went unmentioned by any of the historians who lived during that time. They believe that Jesus was crucified by the Romans, who kept very detailed records of everyone they crucified, but there are no records of Jesus' crucifixion. That's already a long list of unsupported claims and I've only scratched the surface.
2011-06-15 12:15:05 UTC
Do you believe that I have an invisible pink unicorn in my kitchen? Your answer is most likely a simple "No". Can you prove however that I do not have an invisible pink unicorn in my kitchen? No, you cannot. When someone makes a claim that something exists, the person who makes this claim needs to provide the evidence to support it. You cannot prove a negative. So in this example, I need to prove that I have an invisible pink unicorn in my kitchen for it to be true. In your case, you need to prove that there is a god and more specifically that this god is the Christian God. For thousands of years now though no one has ever managed to provide evidence for the existence of any god. Therefore atheism is true, until the moment that someone manages to prove the existence of his or her specific god. Since this has not happened for all these years, the chance that any god will be proven to exist is close to zero.
2016-11-19 06:54:28 UTC
there is not any such factor as a Humanist atheist faith. you will hit upon no Cathedrals or churchs below the atheists. What myou would desire to be greater effective fascinated in is, how atheism have been given so super with out congregation of church properties to spred the be attentive to no god. it is no longer a faith, it quite is in basic terms a concept in some human beings minds. you will see no atheist on television preraching the no be attentive to any god or on the line corners or going door to door, you are able to prefer to ahve questioned how there would desire to prefer to be maximum of with an identical strategies.
2011-06-15 12:10:32 UTC
What proof is there that Jesus and God is real?

Just to stir it up; as the great story tale was created in the middle east, I think that the Muslims may have it right!

Im no Atheist, but I believe in Science and the physical proof of evolution! Why do you think we still have a tail bone?!

Hope this helps.
2011-06-15 12:14:46 UTC
Atheism consists of belief in what is apparent. The supernatural is not apparent, so gods are not part of that. Research burden of proof for a clearer understanding.
Vincent G
2011-06-15 12:11:18 UTC
From the lack of reason to believe otherwise. Atheism is the default value in the complete lack of evidences. Same as the reason I do not believe in unicorns, the phoenix, alien abduction, ghosts and vampires.
Noua semper
2011-06-15 12:10:30 UTC
Its hard to prove that something exists when you're only evidence is a 2000 year old, fundamentally flawed book. Plus science explains pretty much everything in a verifiable way.
Noko Fap
2011-06-15 12:12:21 UTC
first point: you're an idiot

second point: it isn't a theory, it is the notion that you have no concrete evidence to prove your theory, why do we need evidence to prove you have no evidence because you have no evidence. and to add, the bible is not evidence, it is a book, there is no reason why it is no less true or false to every other religious scripture, unless of course you assume multiple gods exist in the universe
green meklar
2011-06-15 14:36:05 UTC
We can start with the Problem of Evil:

Come up with an adequate response to that, then we can move on to the next point.
2011-06-15 12:14:06 UTC
Where is your evidence that atheism is NOT true? Your religion is 100% faith based and you have no proof to support your claims, and you never will, because "god" is imaginary.
2011-06-15 12:13:46 UTC
I'm not going to answer the question because any answers given that explain the question's irrationality and therefore impossibility to answer will be ignored. How do I know? Only Shockofgod and his slaves ask that question.
2011-06-15 12:08:49 UTC
The distinct lack of gods in the natural world around us.

The fact that humans tend to invent gods that look and behave like human beings... bit of a give-away that one.

The fact that we now know how pretty much everything in nature came about... and no gods were required.

The fact that "An intelligent being" isn't really an answer to the question, "What created intelligent beings?"
$0V13T RU$$1@
2011-06-15 12:09:48 UTC
God has no proof for existance and is an illogical being. Therefore god most likely doesn't exist since there is no proof and the logic of god's existence is flawed.
Steve H
2011-06-15 12:09:30 UTC
The belief something doesn't exist is a negative claim. Burden of Proof is on you genius.
2011-06-15 12:17:30 UTC
You do not have to prove that something does not exist. the burden of proof is on the person claiming it does.
2011-06-15 12:14:39 UTC
A total lack of evidence to support (and a lack of compelling reason to infer) the existence of 'god(s)'.
2011-06-15 16:21:27 UTC
The proof is that there is absolutely no proof for any religion.
Super Atheist!
2011-06-15 12:16:11 UTC
The same evidence there is that ASantaClausim is true.

Try again.
2011-06-15 12:09:51 UTC
Existence of Dawkins & Einstein.
Dr. Arroganto
2011-06-15 12:08:15 UTC
I am an atheist. I don't believe god exists.

There you go. Atheism is true.
2011-06-15 12:09:55 UTC
I don't have proof, just like you don't have proof your God exists. Typical hypocritical Christian......
2011-06-15 12:08:25 UTC
That is completely contradictory to what atheism stands for....
2011-06-15 12:07:47 UTC
"DON'T try and redefine atheism to avoid the issue."


But their "non-belief" "lack of belief" is something non-active, that's why they are not here spamming R&S.
2011-06-15 12:09:14 UTC
Where is anyone's PROOF for what they BELIEVE? Reread your own quote.

Stupid question.
2011-06-15 12:11:08 UTC
No trolls allowed, they have cooties!
2011-06-15 12:08:50 UTC
erm....atheism is not just a word my friend. i think you are missing a huge point.
2011-06-15 12:09:37 UTC

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