I feel like giving up with life, will God punish me?
2010-02-05 22:14:29 UTC
I've been suffering social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and depression for more than 2 years. I'm at my last year of highschool and to be honest, all its been is hell for me.

To put it simple, I'm a loner at school. I have no friends, no girlfriend to care for and love, and no one to just talk to. I'm just so lonely and empty and it hurts a lot. I've tried to make friends, but they all have their own friends. They judge me before they know me. Other guys might be jealous of my good looks, but thats not my fault. Plus, no girls talk to me anyways...I've been fighting for such a long time, but I'm at my end of the road now.
I don't think I can keep on going. I dream that the world will be a better place in the future, I hope that people will realize that there are people out there who are seriously hurting and all that they ask for is a simple friend, say hi to them, it really makes their day.

I want to just jump off this high bridge in my city. Close my eyes and fall to my death. I'm on medication, but it doesn't work. I'm going to try benzodiazepines on monday, but I dont think it will help.

I feel like giving up, but I'm scared God will punish me. Will God punish me? What do I do? I've lost hope with this world. I've lost hope for humanity. It will never change and it will never get better. I don't belong in this world.
54 answers:
2010-02-05 22:20:16 UTC
God doesn't exist, so no worries there. I strongly suggest that you get psychological counselling. Two hands DOING SOMETHING are better than a thousand clasped in USELESS prayers.

@ Sylar - For all the sanctimonious know-it-all Christians who answered you with "God WILL punish you" just remember that they know absolutely NOTHING about "God," and are just parroting what their preachers are telling them. Do not give any credit for any answers from intellectually vacuous monotheists. Remember, we all go through bad periods in life, but this is the only life you can know for CERTAIN that exists, so live it as if your glass is half-full instead of half-empty, and get some serious counselling.
2010-02-05 22:25:48 UTC
Okay. I'm on the same page here. Life is basically the same for me minus the depression or anxiety, so in a way i can and in a way i can't relate, but if you jump off a bridge so people will finally notice you that is not good. Your family might love you? They probably do. There is a BIG world bigger then high school, and honestly, you shouldn't base your life on your experience in school, they are two very different things and one is WAY smaller then the other, and since there is such a huge world ahead, why jump off a bridge now? Why not go and test the waters for the rest of your life instead of putting all your family through the tragedy of your suicide? If five years from now, you still have no social life, and you feel the same way, go jump off a bridge, its your decision. Whatever you do, if you are right with God, he won't punish you. We're forgiven already, I just think you should give the world a chance. High school sucks eggs. Don't worry about high school. Its almost over. There is usually always a silver lining, I haven't found mine, but you are way too close to go jump off anything.
2010-02-05 22:35:21 UTC
Unfortunately, many of us have been there and I know you have heard it before, it will get better. That said, if you are a Christian, it is wrong to kill yourself. In my opinion, God will not punish you but will be hurt by you taking the precious life he has given you. Also, how about your parents? Not only will they blame themselves, but they will be totally empty without you.

I can tell just by reading what you have written that you are a caring and good person. Sometimes others are just too caught up in their selves to pay attention to others around them. In highschool, it's all about being cool and the fact that you are a "loner" probably makes them a little uncomfortable because they DON'T know you! People always fear the unknown. I see you as independent, kind and an old soul, but I'm older.

Please, if not for yourself, but for your family, do not harm yourself. I can guarantee you are loved. If you weren't, you wouldn't care what God thought!

Now, what you need to do, is place all this passion into making this world a better place. The smallest and most simple things make the biggest changes. Honestly, you touched me with this letter. I love that a highschool senior has such love and fear of God, that he shared such personal feelings with others.

Finally, sometimes antidepressants/antianxiety meds can make suicidal thoughts much worse and even affect logical thinking. You may want to discuss your thoughts with your family doctor. I'm not a big psychiatrist fan, sorry. I've been in your position and have had thoughts of running and jumping out the window. I thank God for my children and husband. They are the only reason I am here.

Good luck and stay just as you are!
2010-02-05 22:43:21 UTC
O.K. I'm a high school junior and I can be a loner at times, I dont have a boyfriend because I dont need one. You know if you are searching for love, receive it from God, why go look for some person that can leave you. God will never leave your side because he is the one that truly loves you. I'm sure that there is a lot of people that know that there is people out there hurting. Everyone knows what hurt is and what pain is, your not the only one. DONT give up, God loves you and your not alone because he is with you. Im a Christian, so please bear with what im going to say: your social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and depression are things that you can give up to the Lord. You don't have to be taken down by those sorts of things because those things are not from God. You can get delivered from those types of things that are putting you down. Please don't hurt yourself. You should pray to Jesus to renew you heart and ask for forgiveness. Ask that he takes your pain and loneliness away. If you would like a friend to talk/e-mail to I can be your friend, you can even talk to me on twitter @greensmith93, if you have one. PLEASE no spam mail, im just trying to be helpful. So keep you head up, and there is a lot of people in this world that do care for people that are seriously hurt. God Loves You
2010-02-05 22:22:03 UTC
Hey man.

First of all, you need to know that you're not alone on this. So many people have had this problem or problems like it before. Everybody deals with depression, and everyone gets through it. I delt with it for the first time last year and I felt the same exact way.. If your a believer in god than believe in him and believe that he has got something way better planned for you. The good thing about your situation is that Highschool is nothing! Once you get out of highschool, everyone goes there seperate ways.. Most "cool" or "popular' chicks end up pregnant or something.. The "jock" guys end up being losers.. and its so true.. the outcast end up being the most sucessfull. Highschool does not determine AT ALL the kind of person you are or that you're going to be. Whatever you do, dont give up. I swear to you that Highschool completely goes out the door once you enter the real world. You'll look back and laugh at it just like everybody else does now. If you ever need to talk, hit me up man. Stay up and dont let this bother you. You're way stronger than you think
2010-02-05 22:39:57 UTC
If you need the image of a God who will punish you for quitting while still in your teens, use it. I'm an atheist, so I see it differently.

It sounds to me like you might be an Aspie: have Asperger's Syndrome. Many of us live with it, and once you know what it's all about, you can adapt pretty well. Much of the problem rests with the fact that teenagers usually expect to "fit in," to not only want what their peers want and not want what their peers do not want, but at the very least to know what they want.

Aspies know that their minds do not work the same as ordinary people's. That's both the good news and the bad news. Often, it's because yours actually works better in many respects, but it leaves you with knowing that you don't know how other people think. You can't assume that you can accurately interpret their non-verbal cues, or even many of their verbal ones. You probably don't even realize how often others rely on that sort of thing. And you may or may not understand that you are misunderstood even when you speak very clearly and straightforwardly.

So remember that you need to be yourself, and that's a big enough job for now. Later you may be able to find others that sympathize and empathize, but for now, you need to study your own needs and desires, goals and frustrations, and not assume they resemble what seems to be the inner self of others. Check out the links below.
2010-02-05 22:32:46 UTC

DON'T GIVE UP! So what a couple of people wont be your friend big deal! I understand how you feel I'm in middle school and it's not that similar but still I understand how everyone feels.

Don't give up hope! There's always a special someone for everyone! You just gotta keep going in life! It's like an endless road, you'll meet bumps and you'll meet smooth edges but no matter what your still on the road! Please don't give up! Don't fall down! and don't think your a failure or loner!

I hate the fact that people just want to die cause of loneliness and no partnership. Not everyone is perfect! Everyone has flaws and everyone makes mistakes. Life is life and you can't change it!

Maybe that's just the school you're going to. I ,myself, in Elementary school have been a loner and talked about it to my counselor and she said don't give up hope. The only special place is at home with your family. If you join things that you like, possibly, just maybe there is a friend willing to meet you.

Ignore the guys, they don't know your story. If you express your feelings people will understand you more. I am telling you, Please don't drive off the road, don't jump off the bridge, don't give up. If I really didn't care about you and your life, I wouldn't have typed this passage!

When I clicked the next page, I saw a glimpse of your topic and immediately switch back. I will be your friend, we won't be able to contact in real life but we'll keep each other company.
2010-02-05 22:30:30 UTC
Hang in there, life is a lot different after high school. I don't know what happens to people if they kill themselves, different faiths have different ideas about it. Some cultures like the Japanese people revere it in certain circumstances. As for your medication not working, have you ever seen an allergist? sometimes when folks are depressed, it turns out they are actually suffering a specific type of allergy reaction that can be cuased by some common foods, like wheat gluten. They go through some heavy stuff like you are now. As far as not having friends in high school, that's not unusual. I was disliked becuase I was smart. Other girls hated me becuase I was athletic and developed early, and the guys hated me becuase I was taller and stronger than they were. I had a lot of adult freinds though, like 30 and 40 year old people. I was involved in groups outside of school, for music, local sports teams, I worked at a newspaper, and volunteered a little, things like that. I found they were more mature than the high school kids, I fit in with them. The world can be crazy, but when all you can see is the bad, it's easy to miss the good. Keep your head up, and hang in there, I've seen a lot of trouble myself, and there's always a better day ahead, if you can hang in there to see it.
cory m
2010-02-05 22:30:18 UTC
God punish you? Grow the **** up, god doesn't have to punish you your doing a pretty good job by yourself. Listen forget what people think, first you must learn to love yourself. Secondly, do something like working out, jogging, clubbing or whatever your into, find your nich.The more you do things you like the more you will enjoy being you. Third, women love men who are free, make no excuses for being yourself. say what you feel and mean what you say. Look them in the eye and smile it makes you more approachable and not a creep.

This is the most important thing I'm going to say to you, if you do not love yourself don't bother jumping off the bridge, because your already dead....
2010-02-05 22:32:37 UTC
I know exactly how you feel. I'm only in 9th grade but I feel your pain. I used to be the same way. You could kill yourself and end all the misery quickly, BUT you shouldn't!

Don't beat yourself up. I know you said you've tried hard to get through it all but is it really worth killing yourself? I mean think about it. For one thing, your family will be completely destroyed emotionally if you do it. You'll be hurting people you love and people who love you.

As for whether God will punish you or not, it's hard to say without getting too opinionated or religious. But doesn't killing yourself count as a kill? "Thou shall not kill." Killing yourself certainly counts against that. So, I can't really say for sure whether or not it's forgivable by God, but do you really want to take the risk?

Besides, isn't it better to have a lone life than no life at all? Don't give up! You're still pretty young, there's still plenty of time to make friends. Just keep trying! I decided not to do it, so can you! Please don't give up on yourself! Just hang in there, buddy!
2010-02-05 22:19:42 UTC
To be honest, it sounds like you're suffering punishment already without worrying about God's wrath.

I suffered from the same things pretty badly. I found that anti-depressents actually made me worse (for some people the have the opposite effect) and I feel much better when not taking any medications. You should look into cognitive behavioural therapy, its about changing the way you think, step by step. Find some things that you enjoy and stick to them. As bad as things get, they will get better.
2010-02-05 22:40:51 UTC
What you need to do is go to a Church and pray and ask God for help and tell God your story and he will help you. talk to a priest he will also help you with getting better. And I have seen people that have had it worse then you and when they found Christ their world took a great upturn.

God is not like an entertainer who shouts to an audience, “I love you!” He loves you individually. He knows everything there is to know about you and understands you better than you understand yourself. His love is custom-made for you alone.

Imagine your heart is like a lock. Only one key fits it perfectly. That key is God's love for you. His love for you doesn't fit anyone else and his love for them doesn't fit you. God doesn't have a master key of love that fits everyone. He has an individual, special love for every single person.

What's more, because God created you, he knows exactly what you need. You may think you know yourself, but only he knows best. In heaven, we will learn that God always made the right decision for each of us based on love, no matter how painful or disappointing it seemed at the time.

No other person can ever know you as God does. That's why no other person can love you as he can.

You can email me at if you need any more help. =)
2010-02-05 22:23:39 UTC
A lot of people feel the way you do. You need to get some professional help. As far as God. You seem to care what others think about you. You should care what God thinks. He hasn't given up on you, so why would you give up on yourself. Talk to a counselor or maybe even your parents. I know it's a terrible time in your life but things always get better. You have to be patient and willing to open open.

I wish the the best of luck.

As far as I am concerned, You belong here with the rest of us.

Please don't give up.
Denise J
2010-02-06 11:05:47 UTC
Dont give up. I promise things will get better for. You may think that is a easy way out but trust me its not. You will hurt so many people. Plus i was taught that if you commit suicide you will go to hell. I would like to be your friend. I a couple years older but Im sure we could become real good friends. My e mail is and im on facebook and myspace. Hang in there!!
2010-02-05 22:23:59 UTC
I'm no psychiatrist, and I'm like you in the way that I have both social and general anxiety. That's what led me to be an independent person. I do solo things that make me happy; listen to music, play videogames, watch TV, play DDR, etc. Do you have any siblings? They can be your friends and your support. If you don't have siblings, talk to you parents. Ask them to help you... it's not good to have them unaware of how you're feeling. Imagine how they would feel if you were gone... they would hate themselves to think that they couldn't help you, so it's unfair to hurt yourself. You can get a pet. Make a dog your best friend. Continue through life and pursue your goals knowing that there's nobody to bring you down. And then maybe when you start a new life in college, try to have a little fun and someone will come to you. Good luck.
2010-02-05 22:25:44 UTC
I can tell you really are hurting, trust me I know what it is like to want to just end it all.

I don't want to cause you any pain but i have to say god will punish you if you end it.

He made you on this earth and it makes him angry if you destroy what he made you to be.

Never say you don't belong, you have a place and a special one at that.

Everyone has a set of skills that makes them unique, from drawing to sports.

One thing you have to change to try to help make this better is stop saying there is no hope

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't your right."

Go to the doctors seek the help you need

I think you just need a fresh start

tell your parents what you are going to, move to a new school where you can get a kind new friend to help you with everything.
2010-02-09 10:03:54 UTC
hang in there. you're just a kids. once you get a little bit older, you'll discover that there is a lot of good in the world too and most of humanity is not all that bad. some kids at school maybe mean but, eventually they grow up. so my advise is to hang in there and seek some counseling. maybe you need to try a different brand of medication. keep ya head up.
2010-02-08 22:32:59 UTC
my best-friend/[now-ex] boyfriend committed suicide almost 4 years ago. it was devastating. i highly suggest you get some help and talk to someone. don't lose hope, Jesus loves you so much. God forgave all your sins past, present and future.

what you want to do is a sin, yes. but God wouldn't punish you. suicide is not the unpardonable sin. once you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, your salvation cannot be taken away.

also, if you lost hope. i don't think you'd care as much as you do right now. things seem rough, but how do you know it will never get better? you surely wouldn't find this out if you didn't exist.
2010-02-05 22:21:59 UTC
You may feel that no one cares, but there is always someone who does. Sometimes it just takes a while to realize that.

Try to remember that life is bigger than high school. Try other ways to find friends. Extra curriculars, clubs outside of school, or maybe look into group therapy. That could be very helpful for you. Or maybe a church group, if you are religious.

As for one will know the answer to that until they die, and you're too young to learn the answer to that now. Experience life before you experience the afterlife.

Maybe its time to try a new medication. If what you're taking is not working, there are plenty of other options.

If no one cared, they wouldn't respond to your question.
2010-02-05 22:35:55 UTC
cmon dude, things could be waaaaaaaaaaay worse than they are, just look at the people of Haiti, be grateful for what you have, as little as it is. You are not the only one that feels that way, and life is full of opportunities. Besides, life has just started for you, someday u'll be 30 and u'll think how stupid those thoughts were.

I'm 22, I've moved to the US five months ago to study, I'm alone and I haven't made any friends yet. Of course it sucks, but it doesn't suck so much as to kill myself! cmon man!
2010-02-05 22:30:25 UTC
I can easily relate to your plight. I'm 41 now, but back in my grammar school days, I too, was teased, made fun of and bullied because of my last name and my outward appearance (not that I'm deformed or anything). I also wore glasses, which didn't help, but that too, wasn't my fault. I had to wear glasses because I had an eye operation when I was 3 years old or I would have gone blind in that eye if I didn't have it. Anyway, I feel your pain and I know right where you're coming from, but I'm born again in Christ and, I can tell you this much: God WILL punish you if you take your own life. Self-murder is just as wrong and immoral as murdering another person. If you jump off that bridge, remember that there's no turning back; you can't undo what you've done - and there are no second chances once you take your own life. What's done is done, so I would think long and hard about what you said here. Relying on medications and even other people won't help. Worrying about not having any friends also will not help. Remember that the ONLY TRUE friend you will EVER have in this life is Jesus Christ. He will NEVER fail you nor will He leave you. If you're not saved, I strongly suggest you begin by reading the Bible and humbling yourself before Christ. Confess your sins to God and surrender your life to Christ. ONLY He can turn your life around and make it a better one for you. Since I've been saved (the day I was saved was shortly after my father passed away 8 years ago - and he too was saved, praise God), I have seen the Lord work out situations in my life I NEVER thought I would ever get through or see a solution to. He has provided everything I've ever needed in my life and has definitely NEVER failed me at all! I've been saved for 8 years now and I know that the only one I can trust and depend on is God - period! I've had so-called 'friends' in the past who have just used me, taken advantage of me and even betrayed me, lying to me, etc., but I look back now and realize all that I've learned through those experiences, which is ALWAYS be on your guard. There are many people out there that will truly take advantage of you if they see any sign of being naive or being easy-going with you. Remember I said I was bullied - and it STILL bothers me a bit today, even though that happened so long ago, but it's toughened me up. The experience made me strong, which was God's doing through those experiences. Today, I'm always watchful and aware of who I bother with, but the most important thing to remember is, God is the ONLY TRUE friend you will ever have in this lifetime. Do NOT worry about how many or how few friends you have. I have only have a few friends, but three of them live out of state, so I only see two of them. Even though I don't have many friends, it doesn't bother me - why? Because of my past experiences with people I thought I could trust who said they were my friends, but were just out to use me for my car and even money, so I don't care anymore about how many friends I have. I'm happy to have the few that I have. Even if I had none, it wouldn't bother me either 'cause of the way people treated me in the past who I thought were my friends. Just remember to lean on the Lord - confess your sins to God and turn your life over to Christ. I PROMISE you that you will NOT regret that decision to do so! Hope this helps you! Pray earnestly and faithfully to God with sincerity and humbleness in your heart. God will know if you mean what you say or not, as He knows our every thought. :D May God bless you!
2010-02-05 22:22:29 UTC
I read it all, SO this is my opinion, I think you dont have to think if god will punish you, he wont, you are the responsable of your actions, I understtand you cause Im a lonely guy too,but I noticed that I cant give up if I young yet, think about it, you have a whole life to live, dont give up and try to be better than the day before good luck and remember GOD WONT PUNISH YOU
2010-02-05 22:22:01 UTC
I know what you are going through. High school sucked for me to. Now I am 24 and life has gotten way better over the years. There is so much more to life than high school. I hope you make it through these tough times to become a better and stronger man. A really good place to meet people is in church. Most Christian church's will welcome you with open arms and will not force you to become a member if you do not want. They really get a "high" off of helping others. That would be worth trying.
2010-02-05 22:22:51 UTC
God, would indeed punish you. He doesn't want you to play his role, in which you take a life, only giving them obviously, making children.

You shouldn't feel like theres something wrong with you, and don't conclude to suicide right away.

I'm honestly not sure if God would accept you into his Kingdom, but suicide is a sin.

It's a deadly sin from what I've been told, and suicide and abortion fall into the same category.

Don't feel like a stranger, come say hi to me, or someone, and maybe you could even visit a therapist, they may know. And did you ever think about talking to a priest at church? I'm sure they could help. :)

Best wishes,

xx Amanda.
2010-02-05 22:21:55 UTC
Mat 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Don't ever give up! It's not what God wants for you. There are millions in this world who suffer greatly everyday either physically or mentally but giving up is not the answer. I hope that the scripture above will bring some comfort to you. Has ther is peace, joy and comfort in Jesus Christ. Read the bible and find your strength. Jesus does love you!

Edit: Hang in there and endure to the end for this is what we are meant to do. And know that your reward will be great.

Rev 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: ...

God bless you!
2010-02-05 22:30:00 UTC
God is in the saving business - He is not out to "get people" nor to "punish them". People have the natural tendency to do that to themselves by the wrong choices they make. Firstly; you have to deal with what is really wrong. You mentioned, that you have anxiety and mental depression. These things, undoubtedly, will cause you to see things through a tainted mindset. What you NEED to do is to go and see your family Dr. and have it checked out. Depression is no joke and nothing to be played around with. YES; you DO belong in this world and you DO have something unique to contribute to it too (but you don't realize it as of yet). Realize, that God does value you and regards you as very precious to Him. I agree, this world does plainly "suck" at times (some times more than others) but it is the only one we have at this time. Take heart in the fact, that God is not finished YET with the world and His Divine Plan for it (that is ALL the people in it) ! God will be making a NEW Heaven and a NEW EARTH when Jesus returns again. This NEW one will not "suck" and great times are assured for ALL humans ever born. Take comfort in these words and remember, you have unique gifts or talents to share with others now, in this present existence or life. Ask God to help you but you have to deal with the mental depression too - so see your family doctor. If God is for you, then who can be against you?
2010-02-05 22:22:24 UTC
High school may not be for everyone.

Sometimes your friends in high school arent really your friends.

After high school you might find new friends when you go university or work.

Yes guys hate and envy other guys who look better than they do, its a good thing means girls will like you more.

You approach a girl when you think she likes or fancies you, or you never know she might approach you.

Try other medications. It takes a few tries to find the right one. Don't give up it will get better and you have years to come.

God will not punish you. God is a forgiver not a punisher.
2010-02-05 22:21:48 UTC
I don't think suicide is the answer talk to your parents about how you feel everyday until it gradually gets better. Continue your medication. Talk with your friends and teachers and most importantly PRAY. talk to god about you problems and ask him to help you. Im not sure about weather God will punish you, stretch through it be strong and best of luck.
2010-02-05 22:35:29 UTC
I really hate my school too, If god loves you then that's all that matters life will get better for you

so don't kill your self, cause you'll go to hell i think and it's not worth it, people that do care about you are going to be sad if you killed your self like your family, and you have to think about it other people have it worst like them people in Haiti but there being strong and you should be to,you have a computer i'm assuming other wise i wouldn't be telling you this

your bless and you don't even know it,
Matt M
2010-02-05 22:21:56 UTC
Never Give Up!!!! God will never give you something that you can not handle. He gives you these tough tasks to strengthen you in your faith. Killing yourself will do no good, all it will do is send your right to HELL... No kidding it really does. Once high school gets out things will get better. You will make new friends and have a much better life, trust me. So please don't give up on life, god , or anyone. You have the strength to make it though.
2010-02-05 23:10:21 UTC
Remember ; It`s not about us , it`s about Him ! If you didn`t belong in this world GOD would not have put you here. Pray asking GOD to guild you in His Will and what He wants you to do with your life for Him .. As long as you are a child of GOD , that`s pretty much all the love you really need . Now it is up to you to share His love for you with others so they may know Him as you do ! Have you ever visited a rest home to share your "Faith" ? Have you ever volunteered for charity work ! You need to share yourself not because you want love and attention , but because GOD wants you to share the same love for them , as He has shown for you ! GOD is the only one you must please ... Psalm 40 : 1 ~ 4 ... I waited patiently for the Lord ; and he inclined unto me , and heard me cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay , and set my feet upon a rock , and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth , even praise unto our God : many shall see it , and fear , and shall trust in the Lord. Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust , and respecteth not the proud , nor such as turn aside to lies ...... KJB
2010-02-05 23:00:15 UTC
Hi bro!

I've been suffering for more than 7 years now from a severe mental illness,and I am same like you,far away from my friends for years,no friends at the place where I live,I look good but still girls hurt me in the past.I had major depression at age 15.Many things happened to me and I suffer from schizophrenia about 5 years now,I see hallucinations,hear voices and I have huge delusions sometimes(example I have a huge fear and anxiety that something bad will happen to my family,may God protect them)

The good news is that,this is all a test which only the wise can understand.You see I'm a Muslim,and in Islam we believe that when we are in hardship that it is only for us a test so that if we pass it we'll be given a greater status in paradise.Cause a man usually loves God when everything goes well,but how about when it doesn't?There must be evidence of a persons faith.

Well for this God says in the Quran

"Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe," without being put to the test?" [29:2]

[2:214] Do you expect to enter Paradise without being tested like those before you?

[22:11] Among the people there is the one who worships GOD conditionally. If things go his way, he is content. But if some adversity befalls him, he makes an about-face. Thus, he loses both this life and the Hereafter. Such is the real loss.

2:45] You shall seek help through steadfastness and the Contact Prayers (Salat). This is difficult indeed, but not so for the reverent,

[103:1-3] By the afternoon.

The human being is utterly lost.

Except those who believe and lead a righteous life, and exhort one another to uphold the truth, and exhort one another to be steadfast.

There are many reasons why one is tested,the main reason is that God already knows all but man doesn't know,he is never satisfied and always seeks more.So God wants to prove what a man truly deserves,and the biggest reward is when one is patient during calamities.He forgives also a person when he/she suffers and guides him.her to the truth.God makes sometimes a person to suffer so that the person can be better and more wise in understanding life and who God is.

[47:31] We will certainly put you to the test, in order to distinguish those among you who strive, and steadfastly persevere. We must expose your true qualities.

The good thing that happen to me is that I've changed during these years,i've understood life and I understood the Creator.So it changed me from a rebellious person to a very good person,now i try to help people and do as much as good as I can.

Ask yourself why all the prophets(peace be upon them) suffered,read about their life and especially read from Islamic website how Muhammed(peace be upon him) suffered for 23 years from the pagans,and many who followed Islam and also those who followed the previous prophets were tortured.

It is cause there are evil men and they should be exposed,and those who are truly believers will never give up of God,they will be rewarded with much blessings and they should be patient

God says in the Quran:

"Verily, with hardship there is relief" (Qur'an 94:6)

"Perhaps Allah may bring victory or a decision according to His Will." (Qur'an 5:52)

"And put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed..." (Qur'an 5:23)

"O you who believe! Seek help in patience and the prayer..." (Qur'an 2:153)

"...Bear with patience whatever befalls you...." (Qur'an 31:17) and "Be not sad, surely Allah is with us." (Qur'an 9:40)

"So do not become weak, nor be sad..." (Qur'an 3:139)

Put your complete trust to God,ask His help,and read the complete Quran and authentic books about Islam,I've found the truth 7 years ago,and wisdom and faith kept me alive still,God has plans and He only wishes us the best,He says a true believer never wishes to live better in this world instead of hereafter,everything that happens is for a reason,and it is more logical than you can even imagine,to understand this it'll take time and effort,don't ask all your questions to be answered in a day,you'll realize truth more and more as the years will pass.Islam is the truth.

However may God guide you and protect you,accept Islam i'm sure you'll be much more better,the wisdom of the Quran is far better than what you read from antiIslamists.None can offer logical answers as Islam can.The truth is there ,you only have to take a closer look into it.

Do not kill yourself no matter what cause God created you and you have no right to take away your soul...

{And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allaah is Most Merciful to you}, [Holly Quran Soorah an-Nisaa., Aayah 29].

The Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said, "Whoever Allah wishes good for, He inflicts him (with hardship)." [Bukhari]

For those who are afflicted with disaster, glad tidings await them: so remain patient and happy with your Lord. "He cannot be questioned as to what He does, while they(the wicked) will be questioned." (Qur'an 21:23)

Then is he whom
2010-02-05 22:29:13 UTC
Please talk to someone. I know you are going through a rough time, but there are still people who care about you. Please don't hurt yourself. I myself have experienced some hard depression times lately, and I'm pretty close to you in age. Give the meds some faith. If they don't work, try something else, but don't give up hope. High school is crap, but if you make it to college, it will be a smoother ride. Even if you don't, you have so many opportunities, and you can still live a great life. There are other people with as much problems as you do, and we all believe you can make it through this.

As for if God will punish you, who's to say? A commandment is "Thou shalt not kill", and suicide is a form. Often times in our lives we all lose faith in God or even humanity. Trust me those times will pass it only takes one good thing to change your whole perspective in life. God will not judge you for losing faith. Jesus too lost faith in GOd at one point in his life. God will always be with you whether you know it or not. He will always be ready for you to find him again and will welcome you with open arms.I will pray for you and I really hope that your life improves.- good luck
2010-02-05 22:23:04 UTC
To tell you the truth suiciding isn't worth it. Think about what you can still do in the future. I'm a loner too but found a few new friends to hang out with. I only had one girlfriend in my life so far. Hey use your good looks to your advantage with girls, I wish I was handsome like you. I know how it feels to be a loner. To keep life interesting for you try flirting with girls because it create drama. Don't Die A Virgin!
2010-02-05 22:21:26 UTC
to give up on life is to punish yourself. this world is warfare and wages = competition. if you're going to make your exit then you better be sure about it because once you are benched, you aren't coming back into the race... which means your status beyond death will not be what it should have been because you became so wrapped up in yourself that you denied everyone else your effect on them.
2010-02-06 22:50:04 UTC
Instead of sitting around on Yahoo complaining about how crappy the world is and blah blah, go out and do something about it!

Life is not something to be wasted. Appreciate it and make the best of it.
2010-02-05 22:32:48 UTC
I feel your pain.... honestly i can relate to you. I used to be so depressed. i was thinking about life like what is the purpose of it?? so i started doing research about religions in attempt to find the answer about life. I found islam the most beautiful religion... it is not just a religion but it is a way of life... i think you should do the same.. im not saying you to come to islam but i encourage you to find faith in something.

P.S dont kill youself, sweetie ... suicide is one of the biggest sins.
2010-02-05 22:18:39 UTC
Actually, psychotropic meds do help; I've had/have trouble with anxiety and depression. You just have to find the right cocktail of meds and sometimes that takes a while.
2010-02-05 22:17:40 UTC
If you think you have it bad:

I was thrown out of college, I am on house arrest for something I didn't do, and I also have no friends.

I went to see my doctor about depression, and he helped me. Now I am getting my life back on track.

Go see your doctor immediatly!!!
2010-02-05 22:24:49 UTC
First thing would be to drop mythological beings as a cause. I had bad depression but I overcame it by going totaly organic, non-processed foods and balancing my mind body. Balance you sodium, potassium, magnessium intake. I consider driugs othing more than a band aid and sometimes an enhancer to more depression. It starts with total balaning of the body. Look up how to make your bady more "alkaline", learn yoga & breathing techniques , go organic, balance your minerals
2010-02-05 22:24:13 UTC
Your high school life doesn't sound all that much different than mine was.

Thing DO get better. Don't give up! Turn to Jesus!

Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)
Like My Icon?
2010-02-05 22:19:28 UTC
normally i'd ignore and read all questions but what i can say for this one is do not dare give up. you may be wrong. face it, many of us 'don't belong.' you do realize if you give up your life, you are giving up something many people lost by tragedies. it's awfully hard to explain. but you do need help.
2010-02-05 22:24:55 UTC
awww dont worry just try to be more out going and make people laugh.dont think about the negative things about yourself instead think of things that you are good at and show everyone.people suck and theres alot of people that never reliaze what there doing and its gonna ge them back one sucks but we have to get through it
2010-02-05 22:20:04 UTC
No one belongs to this world.

This might work : Think, start thinking.
2010-02-05 22:19:33 UTC
A lot of people feel this way. Please hang tight.

I would hate to see your family have to deal with your death. I'm sure you are an amazing person,

and people love you, and God loves you. Please, please, just stay strong, there is much more to life
2010-02-05 22:17:47 UTC
light at the end of the tunnel

hang in there
2010-02-05 22:23:35 UTC
yes he will punish you. get off the medication because you don't need that ****. you got one shot at life so make the best of it.
2010-02-05 22:18:48 UTC
First off, how do you know that God is even real? There is no scientific evidence to prove that God is, indeed, real, which means that if he is not real he won't get mad at you. But to be completely honest, nobody really knows whether there is a God or, if there is a God, if (s)he will get mad at a person for commiting suicide. Somehow, I don't think that, should God be real, (s)he would.
Deb R
2010-02-05 22:17:44 UTC
Hang in their and don't give up..Continue to pray and God will see you thru it all.
7th heaven freak
2010-02-05 22:26:14 UTC
you'll be ok hun... Please hang in there. I have depression. I know it's hard... if you ever need anyone, just comment on my questions.... whether it relates or not. Please hang in there
2010-02-05 22:30:37 UTC
i feel loads better about myself!!!
2010-02-05 22:25:00 UTC
Keep fighting the "good fight". Live fighting the "good fight". Die fighting the "good fight".
2010-02-05 22:18:27 UTC
God wont punish you. Jesus will.
2010-02-05 22:30:32 UTC
I don't believe in a God, but I'm an ex-Catholic. I've heard about 2 billion times that God would punish you. But forget that, please please please please please please PLEASE DON'T DO IT!!!!!!! It breaks my heart that you'd say that!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! I'm sure the kids at your school don't HATE you, and they would be devastated if you... PLEASE PLEASE!! THINK ABOUT YOUR FAMILY!!!! THAT IS SO SCARY!!!!!! I THINK I MIGHT GET SICK!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER YOUR GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!! I KNOW, I'M THE LOANER AT MY SCHOOL, SOMETIMES I WISH I COULD BE LESS AWKWARD AROUND PEOPLE!!!!!! THEIR NOT BETTER THAN YOU, YOU ARE ALL SPECIAL!!!!!!! YOU ARE SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! OH, GOD!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.