I would like to believe in god but...?
Not a Member
2009-08-26 22:33:16 UTC
As close I get is an understanding that god could be nature.

Nature, the beginning and end of all life, the cycles of light and dark, heat and cold, waxing and waning moons, the cycles of the stars... Wheels within wheels rotating like a giant clock from my beginning to my end.

I see no personality in god. But many people like to add junk and that is either bad personal transference or traditional religious clutter. The god in my life would be chaotic but regular and hold all power alone, just like nature. Free from man's poor interpretations.

I've been struck by lightning, touched by my god it seems, and lived to tell the story. Does this make me a saved believer in Nature?
Thirteen answers:
2009-08-26 22:43:33 UTC
God is your subconscious mind, which you can have direct "communion" with by combining the sun and the moon, the left and the right sides of the mind, the feminine and the masculine, which will light the torch inside your mind...just like your very alchemical baphomet avatar which was drawn by the famous magician Eliphas Levi.... we are the Gods... hehe

Every man and woman is a star

there is no god but man

2009-08-27 09:14:54 UTC
What is nature in your opinion?

Some people would suggest that nature is the untouched part of our world. Domestication, civilization, and technology is all unnatural is some sense, to some people.

Not to me though. In my opinion, anything that happens is natural because it happened in a natural way, and of course everything we've changed was originally and untouched part of nature, so it really is all the same to me.

If you agree with me on the definition of nature, and you say that nature is God. Then you're really saying that you're a Pantheist. Which is quite a valid position, you'll find many people who see things the same way.

If however you're suggesting that God is just the untouched part of nature. Then I don't agree or really see your point at all. In that situation, it would seem that humans and God are in a battle for power, one that we seem to win far too often.

"I've been struck by lightning, touched by my god it seems, and lived to tell the story. Does this make me a saved believer in Nature?"

LOL! Yes it does, in some sense ;D
2009-08-27 05:44:30 UTC
I believe in the Triune Godhead - God the Father, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We believe there is only one God in three persons - with each Person of the Divine Trinity being co-eternal and co-equal.

I believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God and that it was given to us by inspiration of God through the Holy Spirit for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction so that we may all be made complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work for the glory of God Himself.

I believe that God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, came to our earth in the flesh, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a perfect and sinless life, went to the cross to die and shed His blood for the sins of this world and then was buried. We believe that Jesus Christ then rose from the dead on the third day and then ascended into heaven where He now sits at the right hand of God the Father as Lord of lords and King of kings.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to God the Father and heaven - that there is no other name under heaven by which man can be saved - and that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on the cross. We believe that Jesus Christ is truly the way, the truth and the life that leads to eternal life and eternal salvation with God the Father and that there is no other mediator or savior between God and man other than Jesus Christ.

I believe that the gift of eternal salvation with God the Father can only be received by grace through faith in Jesus Christ - not of any works that we could do - no matter how holy and pure those works may be - for the Bible tells us that we have all sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.
2009-08-27 05:42:01 UTC
I understand what you mean. If you're looking for a religion to follow that practices along the lines of what you already believe, I'd suggest Wicca. Don't let anyone on here tell you lies about Wicca, either...its one of the most peaceful religions there is. Read up on it and judge for yourself.

Buddhism also fits, though not as well. Buddhism is more of a life philosophy than a 'religion' per se, so, its a fairly easy one to adopt to your personal beliefs of what 'god' is.

Take your time, do your research, and if you MUST chose a religion, pick one that fits you. Not one that other people shove down your throat.
2009-08-27 05:37:50 UTC
I find it kind of amusing that you've mixed Monotheism with a nature version of Paganism (kind of like Druidism but not quite)

But whatever floats your boat I say.

Go with it if it's what makes you happy, just don't force other people to conform against their wills.
2009-08-27 05:50:49 UTC
God is real,people like to add and take from Gods word they will be judge for this

God has (((((((((( ALL))))))))) power and he alone many people interpretation scripture differently and being struck by lighting does not make you saved believer by nature

Jesus is the one that )))))))WILL(((((((((( save you just by asking him

repent truly repent God will forgive you

start reading your Bible believe what is written in it

if you have trouble understanding it get a Bible study that will help

also ask God for wisdom in understanding it.

being struck by lighting may have been Gods way of getting your attention
2009-08-27 05:38:21 UTC
Is this legitimate? I think that if there really is a God, you are much closer to him already than any Christian will ever be.
2009-08-27 05:38:55 UTC
We are God's personality every living thing is it's consciousness.

The secret of the Illuminati is to manipulate God by manipulating the masses.
2009-08-27 05:37:23 UTC
2009-08-27 05:38:52 UTC
So go be a pantheist. Problem solved.
Secret Agent of God (BWR)
2009-08-27 05:38:42 UTC
Who cares what it makes you? I think your God is beautiful. :)
2009-08-27 05:38:17 UTC
Science is what you're talking about.
2009-08-27 05:38:17 UTC

nature is not a God

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