If the universe began with a "big bang", where did all the cosmic material which exploded come from?
2007-05-24 08:17:31 UTC
God is a supernatural being, therefore, although our minds find this difficult to comprehend, He had no beginning. He has always existed. The physical universe had to have had a beginning at some point. The beginning of the physical components of the universe had to exist BEFORE the "big bang" or there would not have been anything to explode, so where did it all come from? There is no such thing as no beginning for anything physical. It could not have just been there floating in space. I do not discount the possibility that there may have been a big bang, however, I believe IF this took place it was an act of the Creator of all things. For those who do not believe in God, I have already asked my question. Where did it come from?? Please spare me the arrogant atheistic mindless pre-programmed rhetoric and give me a serious answer after you actually take the time to think about this. Some research into physics and mathematical probabilities wouldn't hurt either.
33 answers:
2007-05-24 08:29:24 UTC
All you folks need to read "The case for a creator" Written by Lee Strobel, he happend to be an atheist when he started to write this book.

This gives the science behind all your questions and points to the truth (if you can handle the truth).

2007-05-24 08:35:29 UTC
God created the universe from nothing. I got this in my mail. The Big Bang is definitely the best scientific evidence God exists.

Where did the Universe come from?

Part 2: "Bird Droppings on my Telescope"

The Big Bang theory was totally rejected at first. But those who supported it had predicted that the ignition of the Big Bang would have left behind a sort of 'hot flash' of radiation.

If a big black wood stove produces heat that you can feel, then in a similar manner, the Big Bang should produce its own kind of heat that would echo throughout the universe.

In 1965, without looking for it, two physicists at Bell Labs in New Jersey found it. At first, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were bothered because, while trying to refine the world's most sensitive

radio antenna, they couldn't eliminate a bothersome source of noise. They picked up this noise everywhere they pointed the antenna.

At first they thought it was bird droppings. The antenna was so sensitive it could pick up the heat of bird droppings (which certainly are warm when they're brand new) but even after cleaning it off, they still picked up this noise.

This noise had actually been predicted in detail by other astronomers, and after a year of checking and re-checking the data, they arrived at a conclusion: This crazy Big Bang theory really was correct.

In an interview, Penzias was asked why there was so much resistance to the Big Bang theory. He said, "Most physicists would rather attempt to describe the universe in ways which require no explanation and since science can't *explain* anything - it can only *describe* things - that's perfectly sensible. If you have a universe, which has always been there, you don't explain it, right?

"Somebody asks you, 'How come all the secretaries in your company are women?' You can say, 'Well, it's always been that way.' That's a way of not having to explain it. So in the same way, theories, which don't require explanation, tend to be the ones accepted by science, which is perfectly acceptable

But on the older theory that the universe was eternal, he explains: "It turned out to be so ugly that people dismissed it. What we find - the simplest theory - is a creation out of nothing, the appearance out of nothing of the universe."

Penzias and his partner, Robert Wilson, won the Nobel Prize for their discovery of this radiation. The Big Bang theory is now one of the most thoroughly validated theories in all of science. Robert Wilson was asked by journalist Fred Heeren if there was an Intelligent Creator.

Wilson said, "Certainly there was something that set it all off. Certainly, if you are religious, I can't think of a better theory of the origin of the universe to match with Genesis."

For further reading:

"A Day Without Yesterday" - Albert Einstein, Georges Lemaitre and the Big Bang
2007-05-24 08:36:08 UTC
See the thing about this is we can use science to observe the world around us and use these observations to provide us with actual answers that are lots better than "your imaginary friend did it."

We don't know where it all came from. Great minds are studying all of the time to find the answer to these kinds of questions.

Gods have gotten credit for all kinds of things that people can't explain. Rain, lightning, the sun, earthquakes etc. But now we know what these things are and we know it's not some divinity going crazy somewhere.

Since so many things that used to be attributed to gods can now be explained as natural processes, why should it be so hard to accept that the universe was formed by natural processes that are also explainable by science? Does it bother you that it isn't Thor throwing the lightning bolts?

The neat thing about science is that it gives us the ability to find out about anything that we can observe. I know the universe is difficult for your mind to comprehend, but to science, it's just another thing that can be figured out and explained.

It's impossible to observe God. No divinity of any kind has ever been observed. That's why scientists have to look for the actual reasons that things happen. If we had all accepted the idea that everything is god and no further explanation is necessary, we'd still be in the stone age.
2007-05-24 08:33:33 UTC
You have one misunderstanding and one assumption that are not valid.

The misunderstanding is that the Big Bang was just a large explosion but otherwise like typical explosions. It was not. Unlike typical explosions, it is space itself that expands. It is not simply things moving through space like most explosions.

The assumption is that there was a time before the Big Bang. While we don't know at this point, it is quite possible that time simply cannot be defined previous to what is called the Big Bang. The reason is that time itself is part of the universe: it is affected by matter (gravity). As the density of matter goes up (close to the Big Bang), time itself gets distorted. It is quite possible (and in fact is a prediction of general relativity) that there is no time 'before the Big Bang'. It is like asking what is north of the north pole. That coordinate just doesn't go there.

This is not, of course, the only possible scenario that is allowed from what we know. For example, when quantum loop gravity is applied to this problem, the prediction comes out that there was a previous universe that contracted down to the density that got our universe going. This is an actual prediction from the math of this theory.

Another thing to point out is that what we usually think of as a vacuum (that has nothing at all in it) is a higher energy state than a universe that has matter in it. This comes out of applications of quantum mechanics to your question. Given this, a 'pure' vacuum would decay into a universe that has matter and energy. In that case, the universe has always existed.

While you might find these ideas mind-bending, they are supported by actual observations of how gravity and quantum level phenomena actually work. There are still many unanswered questions, of course. But belief in a deity is not the only, or even the most justified, alternative.
2007-05-24 08:32:00 UTC

You just said "There is no such thing as no beginning for anything physical. It could not have just been there floating in space."

Are you unaware of the first law of thermodynamics which says that matter can neither be created nor destroyed? Why on earth is it easier for you to believe that a god who may or may not exist must have existed forever, yet matter must have been created? Why could matter not have always existed and God never existed? Is it only this way because you say so, or do you have some kind of evidence to support your claim? And how can you demand scientific/mathematical research when you OBVIOUSLY have not done your own? Are you stoned or stupid?
2016-05-17 07:59:33 UTC
Physics is not "broken" because it is an excellent explanation of the world we observe. You are trying to use known physics to explain a singularity like the proposed Big Bang, which is not a good idea because in such a singularity itself, the details of how and which physics laws apply, is totally unknown. Also, matter didn't come out of nowhere and scatter into pre-existing space. Matter, space itself, and every definition of physical laws we have is part of, and is understood in the context of, the universe after the big bang. This includes you, your thoughts, your definition of reality and what makes sense, what you mean by "where does it come from," and so on. To "know" reality beyond that requires you to be transcendent and all-knowing, like God. But then that stops being science territory.
2007-05-24 09:04:07 UTC
Here's some quick logic and math demonstrating the finite size and age of the universe, as well as evidence which is suggestive of the existence of God.

First, the math:

Suppose I have an infinite pile of marbles and want to give you an infinite pile of marbles. How might I accomplish this?

I could give you all of them, just the odd numbers, or just keep 10 and give you the rest. In symbolic (mathematical) representation:

∞ - ∞ = 0

∞ - ∞ = ∞

∞ - ∞ = 10

As you can see, you get 3 different results for the same problem, and when dealing with infinity is known as the problem of transcending the infinite. Clearly, infinity is conceptual and has no correlation with anything is this physical reality. Is there anything you can start with, take away a quantity, and have as much of it as when you started? Similarly, you can not establish a line of anything by adding 1 piece at a time and ever have it reach infinity - it would always be just as far away as when you started.

From this, we can deduce that there can not have been an infinite series of events leading up to now since you can not add one day after another and ever arrive at infinity. We know, then, that today is not infinitely far away from the beginning of time. For the same reason, there can not be an infinite amount of matter. You can not add atom after atom, and molecule after molecule and ever arrive at an infinite amount, so we know that the present amount is not infinite.

This is all well and good, but is there empirical evidence for matter or time beginning? You bet there is. Astrophysics calls it the big bang. Hubble, Ballot and others have performed calculations on the red shift in stars and have determined that they are moving away from us in every direction. Merely "rewind" what is observed, and stars will gather at a central point. From this, it can be mathematically shown that gravity would collapse them in upon themselves, and they would reduce down to a singularity. What you and I observe today is known as the "space time continuum." What this means, essentially, is that time is a part of space. At the moment that space exploded into existence, time began.

Don't be too quick to move on from this next point, though! All matter came into being in an unimaginably powerful explosion, and whether you believe God did this, or it being the result of blind, senseless chance, here is the fascinating thing: the heat associated with this (detectable in residual form today) was on the order of 200 quadrillion degrees! That is 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 degrees celcius. Care to guess what is associated with an explosion and intense heat?

And God said, let there be LIGHT!

This must have been the most blinding flash of light there ever was!

Let's bring this around to a millenia old argument which all of you depend upon today.

That which begins to exist has a cause. You and I don't expect a horse to poof into our living rooms and beginning doing nasty things to our carpets. Neither do we expect ANYTHING to appear uncaused. Belief in this sort of thing is worse than magic, because with magic, there is at least a magician to pull the rabit out of the hat.

As demonstrated above, the universe began to exist, and the new theories being proposed to replace the big bang have their origins in philosophical objection, not in empirical observation. (The multiverse certainly belongs in this category.) Really, it ought to give you pause when credible physicists, mathematicians and astrophysicists all begin to back away from a perfectly elegant theory because of its implications.

As a logical consequence of the above, therefore the universe was caused.

Think with me for a moment! What cause can you think of that can set time and matter in motion? It must have been timeless, powerful enough to control and cause the laws of physics, and not have been part and parcel of the thing which it caused; in other words, was immaterial.

What else is immaterial, eternal, and all powerful if not God?

2007-05-24 08:27:58 UTC
There are scientific conundrums here that we have not yet answered but that is no reason to invoke god as an explanation. People have been doing that since the dawn of time and have always been incorrect. Science doesn't claim to be at a point where it can explain everything yet but new discoveries are constantly being made. To invoke god without any evidence automatically discounts any scientific explanations that may arise in the future.

From an objective point of view what is more probable:

1) The existence of a being outside the realms of science that is undetectable and not subject to the laws of physics; or

2) That we simply haven't YET discovered what caused the big bang.

If you hang your faith on us not yet knowing what caused the big bang, whats going to happen to it after scientists discover the actual answer? You will have to look for another gap in our knowlegde and fill it with god (and so on)
2007-05-24 09:18:32 UTC
All matter is eternal. It cannot be created or destroyed. If the Big Bang happened, it was God's way of organizing the Universe out of pre-existent matter. There is no such thing as creation ex-nihilo (out of nothing). God divided, separated, organized and shaped the universe. This is the most correct translation of the Hebrew "bara," which is usually rendered "create."
Champion of Knowledge
2007-05-24 09:40:09 UTC
Have you bothered to take your own advice given in your last few sentences?

As I understand it, the "Big Bang" theory simply states that all the Energy in existence burst forth in an infinitely small amount of time from a infinitely small point in the infinite Field of POTENTIAL. (Matter is Energy, it is only a small frequency range of Energy that we PERCEIVE as Matter, using our senses.)

Nothing on the physical plane has ever existed, or ever will exist, which did not exist first as Potential. Everything that exists as Potential is Intended to exist on the physical plane, and will have the Opportunity to do so.

Even after it exists on the physical plane, it will still have almost limitless Potential, it will have an Intent (Purpose) for existing, and it will have unending Opportunities to realize its Potential and fulfill its Intent.

The three qualities mentioned (Potential, Intent, and Opportunity) form a Trinity I choose to call God.

So, even though it would be entirely accurate to say that I don't believe in the Christian God, it would not be accurate to call me an Atheist, because I DO have a God I choose to follow. Like the Christian God, my God is Supernatural; unlike the Christian God, my God can and has been proven!

(At least to MY satisfaction; it is immaterial to me (or my God) whether you choose to accept It. You won't be punished either way!)


Thanks, mathmatician! You may not have given this questioner any acceptable Knowledge, but you've certainly given me some! I appreciate it!

Ditto, Regius (Tom)! You expressed my thoughts much better than I could!
2007-05-24 08:25:38 UTC
Something has just "always been". If the BB came from an alternate universe, where did IT come from, and so on, and on, and on. Some people say it's God, some say there is a scientific explaination for it. But there is some structure or being that is not subject to time. Period. Everyone can call it whatever they'd like. "A rose by any other name..."

J P is a smart person.
2007-05-24 08:36:06 UTC
We're used to viewing the world and time passage in a linear mode. There is a beginning, a middle and an end. But in viewing the greater universe with time scales and complexities far beyond our current comprehension, who is to say that space and time have a beginning, a middle and an end?
2007-05-24 08:28:01 UTC
Terrific question... and one which must be answered by a question.

Why is a beginning point necessary for the "stuff" of the universe? Could it be that matter, energy and space have always been around; could the "big bang" have been merely the most recent bang?

And please, try to consider these questions without adding in the muddy component of god... It will only tend to cloud your vision. A creator-god is not necessary in a scenario where there is nothing which needs creating.

[][][] r u randy? [][][]

Graciela, RIRS
2007-05-24 08:26:46 UTC
Of course it is difficult to grasp the concept that the universe is eternal. Our human minds can not handle the concepts of infinity or eternity. It's completely mind boggling. I can honestly tell you I have no clue where the materials that made up the universe came from, or whether they had a beginning. However, that doesn't mean I have to jump to the conclusion that was a creator who is also eternal.
2007-05-24 08:29:38 UTC
"Some research into physics and mathematical probabilities wouldn't hurt either."

Nice, you though that in there when you don't even realize that the Big Bang was not an explosion, it's not like a bomb at all. The big bang was not an explosion in space; it was more like an "explosion" of space. It did not go off at any particular location and spread out from there into some imagined preexisting void. It occurred everywhere at once.This release of an incredible amount of energy cooled and expanded over billions of years, eventually coalescing into the matter that makes up the atoms and molecules of our bodies, our world, our sun, our solar system, our galaxy, and all the galaxies of the universe.
Dean D
2007-05-24 08:24:59 UTC
There can be no right answer except that God was behind the big bang! Only God can make something as awesome as the universe out of nothing. There is no other logical explanation
2007-05-24 08:30:15 UTC
Well, it's entirely possible that two black holes, filled with compressed matter, collided, releasing the matter into what is now our universe. I mean - I realize God is the easier explanation and that's why most people prefer to say that instead of considering the more mind numbing explanations that take a lot of thought and consideration to wrap one's mind around. But it still boggles my mind that "poof", everything existed is more plausible to you guys. For me - God and the Natural Universe are one in the same.
Samurai Jack
2007-05-24 08:25:25 UTC
You are simply making the assumption that matter could not have always existed...that it *must* have had a beginning. Yet, you have no problem with your god having always existed and having no beginning.

When you look at the two, there is ample, repeatable tests that indicate and expanding universe.

There are, however, no tests, and no evidence, to indicate the existence of any god.
New Dog Owner
2007-05-24 08:31:01 UTC
This is an example of why science can neither prove or disprove God. Those on both sides of the issue who claim differently are being disingenous.
2007-05-24 08:21:36 UTC
I have struggled with this question as a Christian and have come to the conclusion that the big bang is probably not how God did it. Science is okay to fit into what wee believe as Christians, but don't try to squeeze God into the little box that science allows for Him.
daljack -a girl
2007-05-24 08:23:01 UTC
I'll be glad to answer what I believe.....but please stop with the put-downs.

I'm not a scientist so this is just me, an average person talking.....I think whatever matter that exploded was in existence in some form forever....there was no "beginning".
2007-05-24 08:21:16 UTC
I think the people at CERN in Geneva are trying to answer this question using the new particle accelerator presently.

You can have all the wrong explanations right now provided by all manner of religious creation stories... or you can give science a little more time to provide the correct explanation, take your pick.
Grendel's Father
2007-05-24 08:29:02 UTC
All cosmic material is kept in the cosmic material locker on the 02 level aft the bridge.
2007-05-24 08:28:43 UTC
He spoke the Universe into existence. There were no 'left overs'.
2007-05-24 08:21:41 UTC
You forget that quantum mechanics allows for existence ex nihilo.

Look up Heisenburg's Indeterminancy Principle. Look up Inflaton while you're at it.

While the visible universe had a beginning, there's no reason to suppose the whole Universe did so as well. The Universe itself could be eternal whereas our small visible portion of it has a distinct beginning point.

No need for a deity then.
2007-05-24 08:23:49 UTC
The material that forms the universe always existed in one form or another.
2007-05-24 08:30:14 UTC
something had to exist before existence? you are 'off your rocker' lassie,

which fool indoctrinated you with that mush?


I wish you poeple would warn me and i'd get cushions - that's the second time in three questions i've fallen off my seat laughing!


p.s cosmology and rhetoric both are higly valid fields of investigation,
2007-05-24 08:22:05 UTC
2007-05-24 08:20:29 UTC
2007-05-24 08:20:39 UTC
How many times a day is this asked? God always existed? Prove it. You cannot.

So you can spout your believer pre-programmed rhetoric and complain my answer is not good enough, right?

Have you done your research? If so, cite sources. They cannot be religious texts.
2007-05-24 08:20:56 UTC
Yes- matter existing is a tough one to believe but a supernatural being is thouroughly believable.... *rolls eyes*
2007-05-24 08:22:00 UTC
From a previous universe that had contracted to an infinitesimal size.

That's why it couldn't contain itself forever.

Next question?
2007-05-24 08:22:00 UTC
You will get insulting remarks and probably some *cheers* it is because they do not know. . .simple as that. :)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.