Here's some quick logic and math demonstrating the finite size and age of the universe, as well as evidence which is suggestive of the existence of God.
First, the math:
Suppose I have an infinite pile of marbles and want to give you an infinite pile of marbles. How might I accomplish this?
I could give you all of them, just the odd numbers, or just keep 10 and give you the rest. In symbolic (mathematical) representation:
∞ - ∞ = 0
∞ - ∞ = ∞
∞ - ∞ = 10
As you can see, you get 3 different results for the same problem, and when dealing with infinity is known as the problem of transcending the infinite. Clearly, infinity is conceptual and has no correlation with anything is this physical reality. Is there anything you can start with, take away a quantity, and have as much of it as when you started? Similarly, you can not establish a line of anything by adding 1 piece at a time and ever have it reach infinity - it would always be just as far away as when you started.
From this, we can deduce that there can not have been an infinite series of events leading up to now since you can not add one day after another and ever arrive at infinity. We know, then, that today is not infinitely far away from the beginning of time. For the same reason, there can not be an infinite amount of matter. You can not add atom after atom, and molecule after molecule and ever arrive at an infinite amount, so we know that the present amount is not infinite.
This is all well and good, but is there empirical evidence for matter or time beginning? You bet there is. Astrophysics calls it the big bang. Hubble, Ballot and others have performed calculations on the red shift in stars and have determined that they are moving away from us in every direction. Merely "rewind" what is observed, and stars will gather at a central point. From this, it can be mathematically shown that gravity would collapse them in upon themselves, and they would reduce down to a singularity. What you and I observe today is known as the "space time continuum." What this means, essentially, is that time is a part of space. At the moment that space exploded into existence, time began.
Don't be too quick to move on from this next point, though! All matter came into being in an unimaginably powerful explosion, and whether you believe God did this, or it being the result of blind, senseless chance, here is the fascinating thing: the heat associated with this (detectable in residual form today) was on the order of 200 quadrillion degrees! That is 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 degrees celcius. Care to guess what is associated with an explosion and intense heat?
And God said, let there be LIGHT!
This must have been the most blinding flash of light there ever was!
Let's bring this around to a millenia old argument which all of you depend upon today.
That which begins to exist has a cause. You and I don't expect a horse to poof into our living rooms and beginning doing nasty things to our carpets. Neither do we expect ANYTHING to appear uncaused. Belief in this sort of thing is worse than magic, because with magic, there is at least a magician to pull the rabit out of the hat.
As demonstrated above, the universe began to exist, and the new theories being proposed to replace the big bang have their origins in philosophical objection, not in empirical observation. (The multiverse certainly belongs in this category.) Really, it ought to give you pause when credible physicists, mathematicians and astrophysicists all begin to back away from a perfectly elegant theory because of its implications.
As a logical consequence of the above, therefore the universe was caused.
Think with me for a moment! What cause can you think of that can set time and matter in motion? It must have been timeless, powerful enough to control and cause the laws of physics, and not have been part and parcel of the thing which it caused; in other words, was immaterial.
What else is immaterial, eternal, and all powerful if not God?