assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatahu
may the peace and blessings of Allah be with u
dear brother, when u read the quran try understanding it with an open mind. and also while quoting something try reading the verses next to it. when u say that this verse is preaching non-violence, then try reading the verses that are next to it also. then you will know what Allah is speaking of. please for ur Lord's sake
there have been many people who have given quotes from quran saying that Allah asks u to kill infidels or non-beleivers. but how many people know what a infidel is in islam.
in·fi·del (nf-dl, -dl)
1. An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam.
2. One who has no religious beliefs.
3. One who doubts or rejects a particular doctrine, system, or principle
if this is the infidel u are talking and linking to islam, then u are wrong. an infidel is not a man/woman from the opposite Faith. it simply means a person who is leading astray from the STRAIGHT PATH, which leads to God. in layman terms, it means, a person who commits sin. and every right religion and God will say the same thing.
WHO IS AN INFIDEL/ unbeleiver/ kufr?
who are not kind and compassionate to entire humankind
infidels are people who torture others,
who dont help needy ,
who commit adultary, who lie, steal and kill
those who bear false witness against brothers
those who dont serve their parents and community
those who take taxes
those who associate false Gods
those who do not give charity
those who opress the orphans
those who burn widows alive with their dead hubbies(sati)
those who shave widow women bald (christianity)
those who considered woman was a slave and 3rd class citizen
those who say that a woman cannot give witness
those wgo play with a woman's reputation
those who say that woman cannot be educated or give sermons
those who let their women and men commit fornication
those who do not desire what they deisre for them selves
those who are not kind
those who are not patient and enduring
those who are arrogant
may the peace and blessings of Allah be with u