Oh, do you mean the old saying "Religion has caused more wars than any other thing"? An old wives' tale. A lie cooked up by the Godless to try and convince themselves that their own existence is somehow superior and cruelty-free.
Why don't you present the opposition, sir?
And on your assertion that "the entire concept of any god is simply not reality". It's called faith, and you'll never understand, if you continue to operate on the flawed "seeing is believing" basis for your understanding of the world.
And on your statement that you "lose friends every single day of my life because of religion and what it does to people". I'm not sure what you're saying here. Are they being kidnapped? If so, please call the police. Are they disappearing into thin air? If so, how do you know where they are?
Or, are you simply "losing" them in the figurative sense? Could it be because you mock their faith instead of accepting it and being their friend anyway and proving that the Godless can be nice, too? When they accept God's word, do they suddenly look at you with horror and run? If they just all of a sudden hate you, then I would question their motivations as not being Godly at all, and therefore not truly representative of their religion. Either that or you may want to re-think your personal hygiene routine.
People are fallible, sir; God is not.
There ARE those who misuse religion to achieve dubious ends. They're deplorable. But to disparage religion, a thing that has been a constant since the Dawn of Man, and that has irrefutably been the largest impetus for charitable deeds and goodwill among mankind, is to not see the entire picture.
You can do better than that.