Do you want to know why I have such a problem with religion?
2006-12-19 04:57:10 UTC
Check out this section on religious violence.I don't agree with these people completely,but they do have some good information,and most of what they say can be verified.There are also quite a few more reasons.There are a wide range of problems with religion including things like mental health issues,discrimination,cruelty to certain groups,as well as others.
This is just one group of reasons.
On a personal level,add to these reasons the basic premise that the entire concept of any god is simply not reality,and finally,the fact that I lose friends every single day of my life because of religion and what it does to people.
- We can do better than this...
Eighteen answers:
2006-12-19 05:36:38 UTC
Oh, do you mean the old saying "Religion has caused more wars than any other thing"? An old wives' tale. A lie cooked up by the Godless to try and convince themselves that their own existence is somehow superior and cruelty-free.

Why don't you present the opposition, sir?

And on your assertion that "the entire concept of any god is simply not reality". It's called faith, and you'll never understand, if you continue to operate on the flawed "seeing is believing" basis for your understanding of the world.

And on your statement that you "lose friends every single day of my life because of religion and what it does to people". I'm not sure what you're saying here. Are they being kidnapped? If so, please call the police. Are they disappearing into thin air? If so, how do you know where they are?

Or, are you simply "losing" them in the figurative sense? Could it be because you mock their faith instead of accepting it and being their friend anyway and proving that the Godless can be nice, too? When they accept God's word, do they suddenly look at you with horror and run? If they just all of a sudden hate you, then I would question their motivations as not being Godly at all, and therefore not truly representative of their religion. Either that or you may want to re-think your personal hygiene routine.

People are fallible, sir; God is not.

There ARE those who misuse religion to achieve dubious ends. They're deplorable. But to disparage religion, a thing that has been a constant since the Dawn of Man, and that has irrefutably been the largest impetus for charitable deeds and goodwill among mankind, is to not see the entire picture.

You can do better than that.
James P
2006-12-19 05:06:58 UTC
People always confuse organized religion with God when really one has nothing to do with the other. Organized religion's are run by men, all who are flawed and easily corrupted. God would still exist without religion and "the entire concept of any god is simply not reality" is the most ignorant thing I've ever read. So you can explain every unknown mystery in the universe huh?

Yes, there is alot more to life then just what we see.
2006-12-19 05:10:38 UTC
Religion definitely has done a lot of good and bad, like nuclear power anything with a strong potential for good can be easily used by someone else for bad.

A religious leader is no exception, he too is human and has all the potential for evil. The old testament and New testament differ in many ways, Punishing the wicked is strong in the Old Testament, while the atonement of Christ is Strong in the New Testament.
2006-12-19 05:10:46 UTC
There are many wars caused by so called religious groups. Its terrible and God will surely judge many on this issue. True Christianity is a relationship with Jesus. It is a beautiful love story. If one loves the Savior they could not commit these crimes of murder, rape, etc. Every man must seek the truth and some just get caught up in their own ambitions instead of God's plan. Don't let your eternal destination rest on what other people are doing or not doing. Every man must come to God and answer for his own life. I notice that your name is Satan. You may have thought that was just being funny. But, Satan is the one who comes to steal, to kill and destroy all of mankind. You are using a name that is total evil and yet you seem to be against all this. Why, are you using a name so evil when you speak against evil?
2006-12-19 05:29:38 UTC
I don't know much about what religion did to you and i can almost understand how you feel.Yeah sure we fail, we do wrong, we hurt peoples feelings, we do all of it, the fact is when you are a christian in a religious faith, you are still human and so is everyone else who tries to live religiously. Only the angels in heaven were made perfect.

As a christian myself trying to be one 24/7 isn't easy if i'm surrounded by people who aren't.
2006-12-19 05:13:44 UTC
You do realize that in this world there are good and honest men and women who love God and their fellow human beings and have taken to their hearts the message of Jesus, they are not as great in number as we would like but they are there, it is a shame that more Christians are not like these because if they were those who are hurt and searching for meaning would be more attracted to Christ and His Gospel message.

I have to admit that I too get really fed up with the double standards of fellow Christians and cannot stand the holier than thou Bible bashers, but my saving grace is that I have been privileged to know some real followers of Jesus and these keep me hoping.
2006-12-19 05:13:25 UTC
"The Bahá'ís should deal with the members of all religious sects, however, with the greatest tolerance and friendliness, and try to point out to them the significance of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh to the world in this great Day.

(Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p. 511)

Let him also attempt to devise such methods as association with clubs, exhibitions, and societies, lectures on subjects akin to the teachings and ideals of his Cause such as temperance, morality, social welfare, religious and racial tolerance, economic cooperation, Islam, and Comparative Religion, or participation in social, cultural, humanitarian, charitable, and educational organizations and enterprises which, while safeguarding the integrity of his Faith, will open up to him a multitude of ways and means whereby he can enlist successively the sympathy, the support, and ultimately the allegiance of those with whom he comes in contact.

(Compilations, NSA USA - Developing Distinctive Baha'i Communities)
family guy
2006-12-19 05:14:58 UTC
well if you can show me where in the bible the good lord jesus promotes voilence then i will be a christian no more.... or was it something he said hhmmm what was it oh thats right the two great comandments to love god first for life and 2nd to love your neighbour as yourself..... nope still dosent ring a bell for some? well let me spell it out for all of you people out there GOD HATES VIOLENCE also anyone who does violence regardless of what so caled religion hes apart of he will answer to the son of man in fact we all shall for that matter and as for there being no god?? well in that case you just keep puting your faith in the so called ideas of man or do you not see the wisdom in creation?? the beauty in life?? do you supose it all just hapened to miracously fall that way?? well i feel sory for you i hope one day you have the veil removed from your eyes and you can come to apreciate NOT RELIGION but the loveing provisions that god has made for all who want to get to know him good luck!
2006-12-19 05:06:27 UTC
Youre confusing religious zealotry with faith.

Faith is a good thing.

While real belief in any religion brings with it the understanding that we are all created from the same god you worship therefore we all shud be respected.

People who hurt in the name of religion, are inexcusable and self defense to oppression of faith is confused by religious separatism.
2006-12-19 05:07:37 UTC
If thats why then you should have a problem with humanity, itself. There are lots of things that motivate violence and intolerance. Take racism. Would you say you don't believe man should exist because racism will always exist as long as we have different skin colours?
2006-12-19 05:04:13 UTC
Is it religion or God that you have the biggest problem with? Take it up with God as others are not responsible for the choices you make, you are. Forget religion and seek God.
2006-12-19 05:04:27 UTC
You would like Sam Harris' book, "The End of Faith". He cites some good examples of what you are talking about.
2006-12-19 04:59:52 UTC
Thats just a sect. A few people who give the rest a bad name.
devora k
2006-12-19 05:02:22 UTC
I believe you have a right to speak your mind but we have a right not to read you. You are so wrong that i would not want to waste my energy on what would be a losing battle. Good luck to you, you do need it
Blondie B
2006-12-19 05:18:38 UTC
After checking out the site....I see no need to comment on it.
2006-12-19 05:11:02 UTC's a well-substantiated fact that countries that are the least religious have the lowest rates of crime, deaths, and legal problems.
2006-12-19 05:05:21 UTC
well said, but certainly not understood by your targeted audience. their sense of reality is altered so you're just wasting your breath.
2006-12-19 05:00:02 UTC

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