Please help, I'm doubting my Catholic faith (long, but please answer)?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Please help, I'm doubting my Catholic faith (long, but please answer)?
27 answers:
2011-05-23 15:45:44 UTC
Its good to doubt your religion from time to time, because you shouldn't believe something that you are just told, you should convince yourself of the truth. Personally, I'm protestant and I didn't know that the Catholic Bible was different to the Protestant Bible so I'll have to check that out! (Thanks! or do you mean differing English translations?!?!). More of what I think you should focus on is the difference between the Protestant and Catholic religions and set a baseline on what you except as truth, what you want to research more on (in the Bible), and what you don't believe. From there you can work through your "research further" pile by asking more questions on yahoo answers, asking your friends, asking a priest (for Catholic clarification NOT on Protestant ideas), and reading the Bible (ask again if you want some verses because I have a program on my computer where I can search through different versions of the Bible and find verses and compare them). Then you will know what you believe and accept as truth. Repeat this process every once and a while (its like taking out the trash) and when new ideas/beliefs pop up (like the Protestant beliefs are right now) sort through them and mediate which side you will accept as truth.

WARNING: Do not do this process rapidly or quickly or make rash decisions, because your beliefs effect your perspective which effects your thoughts which effects your actions which effects your life. Research well, long and hard.

Hope my long return paragraph helps!
2011-05-23 15:59:43 UTC
Alright, in response to this whole Catholicism vs Protestantism thing; I did a Google search for "essential Christian doctrine." These are the doctrine that all Christians must agree upon. Any further disagreement is basically not necessary to the Christian faith, though it might be interesting and important in its own way. However, these are the fundamental doctrine:

1. The Deity of Christ

2. Salvation by the grace of God (we're not saved by what we do, we are saved by God's grace; we all fall short of God's glory; we all need forgiveness through Christ's death)

3. Resurrection of Christ

4. The Gospel is God's word

5. Monotheism (only 1 God)

If you don't disagree with those 5 doctrine then don't worry about it. Catholics and protestants alike can agree on these. In that way I'd have to disagree with your priest. There really is nothing wrong with being a protestant. Being born into a particular denomination of Christianity really shouldn't matter. Anyone who says otherwise is mistaken. Try doing some research on your own. I don't know that I can answer all of your more minor concerns here. A site that helps me with some stuff is Study Christian doctrine if you have the time. Make sure to familiarize youself with the New Testament. Hopefully you can get to the point where you can tell if someone is mistaken or simply bs-ing you.
Alone within me
2011-05-23 15:43:00 UTC
I'll start by saying, I'm not Catholic so I can't tell you anything about that. In my opinion it's perfectly natural for a person of faith (any faith, not just Catholic) to sometimes doubt their religion. If you truly believe in God, then start there. Pray. Ask God for guidance and what you should believe about your faith.

I know people from different religions and most of them will tell you that they are taught in their church that their faith is "the one true faith". Clearly if there really is one true faith then the others are misinformed :P

I'm not going to try to convince you that your faith is wrong or right, but if you are doubting then maybe take some time to go to other services of different religions. Not to convert but just to see how different and alike some religions really are. You could always find somebody in your church who is understanding that you could talk to. If you don't want to talk to a priest or your parents, maybe there is a younger adult that may be willing to help you find answers.
2011-05-23 17:26:08 UTC
Well, your question is pretty long and detailed, and I doubt I could reply to all things. However, it seems like one of your overriding concerns is it appear to you that one must be Catholic to get to heaven. While I think it HELPS, it isn't the only thing necessary. Why does it help? Because we have all the sacraments.

Let me direct you to this very faithful website (I belong to the organization) which addresses the question:

"Without the Church There is No Salvation"

Issue: What does the Catholic Church mean by the phrase, "Outside the Church there is no salvation" (extra ecclesiam nulla salus)?

It cites everything from Scripture to Church Councils.

It sounds like you are experiencing a lot of angst about the faith. I would suggest going to a place with very orthodox, very helpful Catholic posters (see source). BTW - by orthodox - I mean those who adhere to the teachings of the Pope and the Magisterium (the Teaching Authority of the Church), not the Orthodox Church.

I can sincerely empathize with your plight. I'm 45 now, but lost my faith at 15. I went all the way over to atheism for 25 years. I would be careful in believing your protestant friend saying that the chapter is filled with lies. There are so many types of mainstream protestantism, it boggles the mind. The Lutherans are split into different groups even - Missouri Synod, etc, with their own beliefs. So what may be true in the chapter may not match any specific church completely. FWIW, Martin Luther wouldn't recognize the Lutherans of today.

If you do end up at the forum below, please feel free to ping me - my screen name is Sheeniac.
2016-10-28 16:40:44 UTC
My Catholic Faith
Mike N
2011-05-23 19:20:09 UTC
The meat of your question here is your doubting. What your particulars of your doubting are isn't important here in this Answers format, unless you're here to challenge the Church in her dogmas as opposed to dealing with your doubting. Everyone has doubts, myself included, and I dealt with my doubts by reading and studying other faiths, including talking with others and even attending some of their church services. And with all that, besides feeling like I'm due another doctoral degree, I can most gladly say I'm more Roman Catholic now than I've ever been in my life, and I always tell people that I'm a Roman Catholic of almost 60 years now. My faith never left me just because I doubted. My faith was just clouded by those doubts, but now I'm oh, so clear about my faith, and thank God immensely that I'm Roman Catholic. If you doubt the things you claim to doubt, then study the Church's ruling on it. Don't just listen to nonsense you hear here on Answers or in general scuttlebutt, which is about as accurate as Swiss Cheese, with all it's holes in it. Be mature, be adult, and be responsible. Your faith is more your life than anything you do while you're alive here on earth, so act like you know that, and study seriously and responsibly, and read what the Church has to say about the matters involved in your doubts, including talking to Priests and other Church officials. One day you, too, will be saying you're a Roman Catholic of 60 or so years, and be extremely glad for it as well. God Bless you.
2011-05-23 16:00:13 UTC
You are just too young to give you all the information you really need to truly understand your faith. Sometimes a college degree is needed to tackle all the points you mention. The best I can tell you now is that there can be only one truth in the world since God is that Truth who can never change. Catholics do teach that all who are saved are through the Catholic Church (ONE Truth) through a sincere, honest and INFORMED conscience. This is accomplished by a very special spiritual union with the Church attained by at least an implicit intent to join if they really sincerely ever come to realize this ONE Truth concept. There is only ONE Truth in existence and it is up to each of us to seek it out. May I recommend you watch the TV program "A Journey Home" on TV channel EWTN. It is about true stories of converts to our faith. As a convinced Catholic for over 50 years, even I am impressed by their experiences. And do pray while you continue in your very sincere search.
Aleria: United Year Of Faith
2011-05-23 18:18:07 UTC
The priest is correct. God created one path, one religion and therefore there is only one authentic religion. Regardless of if some of the people in it, its still the authentic, the original Church of Christ.

We see this in the Bible because St. Paul tells us "one faith, one baptism" and we see it says "the church", not multiple churches.

God only made one Church and that is the Catholic Church.

Does this mean all other churches are outside of salvation? No, it does not, but what it does mean is that they do not have the FULLNESS of faith.

Its like the Catholic Church has the most beautiful diamond in the world and all the other churches have beautiful cubit zarconia, but they aren't the full diamond.

Also, only God can decide where someone goes according to their faith and actions. The Catholic Church does believe people of other religions can get into Heaven as long as they did not reject Christ and His Church.

As for baptism, the Catholic Church teaches 3 types. The normal means (baptism by water) is what we are all called to (Christ says no one can enter into heaven unless baptized by water and Spirit), baptism by desire (a want to be baptized, but was unable to be before death) and baptism by blood (unbaptized person who was martyred for Christ).

Those who reject baptism are placing themselves in grave danger of Hell.

These are God's rules, not ours.

I recommend speaking to your priest for him to explain the why to many of your questions or e-mail me and I will give you a more in depth answer.
2011-05-23 15:46:51 UTC
I will try and give a brief overview of Catholic teachings you have a problem with, contact me if you want me to go more in depth.

"why aren't gays allowed?"

Gays can practice the faith if they adhere to Catholic teachings. One of these gays may have a problem with is sexual ones, the Church teaches that sex should only be practiced inside the context of marriage and only be natural. Natural insomuch as it is done between a man and a woman using the correct parts, no contraception, no using of the wrong orifice, etc.

"Why can't women be priests?"

Why would they be? You must understand that each sex has a sacred duty, each of great importance. Each has a duty of parenthood, priests have spiritual parenthood and mothers have material parenthood. Jesus was a man and he chose 12 men to preach. It is clear that men have the duty of looking after the spiritual well being of God's people.

The Catholic Church is the only authentic Church! It was founded by Jesus Christ in 33AD, that is one of our core beliefs. All other "churches" aren't really churches at all, but man made imitations, rebellions from the authority that God set up here on Earth. This is not to say all other Christian communities are 100% wrong, but their faith is incomplete, altered, watered down. Catholic means universal, full, complete.

The Church was created to give humans salvation, this is not to say that all non catholics are damned automatically. The Church teaches the idea of Invincible Ignorance, that if someone is either not exposed to the Catholic Truth or exposed unfairly, then he is blameless for his lack of faith and is instead judged based on his accordance with natural law and the vigor in which he sought God.

We are saved by Grace through Faith. We are not saved through Faith alone or works alone, they work hand and hand.

It is your Christian duty to share the message of the Church with others, people need to be told the Truth. Your unwillingness to share says that you don't really believe it is necessary that others know the Truth. That said, there is a good way to do it and a bad way. Always be polite, but be sure they know that you don't approve of the 38000+ man made Christian communities.

Jehovah's Witnesses tend to be extremely hostile to other faiths, Catholicism especially. Perhaps not now, but eventually, they will start to call you a pagan and deceived by Satan. When they do, respond with charity and the truth about what you believe.

If your friends say they are Catholic yet don't attend Mass, they are not Catholic, they reject a core teaching and therefore excommunicate themselves. Evangelize them and teach them in the Holy Catholic Faith that they may repent and accept the Church in its entirety.

Catholicism is not an "easy religion", your friends just aren't following it.

Our Lord said that Baptism was for the forgiveness of original sin, if you don't agree, take it up with Him.

I am not saying your JW friend is condemned, neither is the Church, only God judges. Your prerequisites for being saved seem to be off. You are not saved because humans believe you are "good", you are saved based on your relationship with God, whether or not you want to spend an eternity with Him. If you do, you will in Heaven, if you don't, you won't.

The Catholic Bible is authentic, it bears every one of the caniocal books. Protestants have faulty theology and take out books at their leisure. They are famous for editing Bibles, don't let them fool you into thinking their Bibles are right.

Those traditions you speak of were man made traditions, the Catholic traditions I think you are referring to are quite different. They are Apostolic Traditions, passed down from the times of Jesus that have deep meaning.

Your Protestant friend is in denial that his faith was founded by men and imitates the authentic faith. No nice way to phrase that, really, he says that historical facts are "lies" because they conflict with his beliefs.

Lol at the Atheists here who didn't read your story but just said "be an Atheist"!
2011-05-23 16:05:56 UTC
What is authentic about the Catholic Church? For one it is not a religion nor a denomination. it is true Christianity. Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church in 33AD, not 38,000 denominations and non denominations of Protestants. The Protestant religions came along 1,500 years after the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church wrote and compiled the holy Bible in the 4th century u nder the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Martin Luther "edited" the bible. He removed 7 books and several verses that he did not agree with. Everyone has the chance at salvation. The Catholic Church evolved from Judaism. One must remember that Jesus was also Jewish. It seems to me that you are not doubting. It is that you do not know your faith very well. Sounds like your protestant friend is a bigot of the Catholic Church. As you grow older you will find that many many people hate Jesus Christ's Catholic Church and will tell lies and spread hate about it. What your priest said about the "Rapture" was true. No one knows when Jesus will return and for many centuries different Protestant religions have tried to predict His return and have been wrong every time. The Jehovah Witness have predicted several times that Jesus has returned. He hasnt and they were wrong.

Who has said that gays werent allowed in the Catholic Church? Not God. All sinners are welcome. Women are not priests because Jesus only appointed men to be priests. Women have other duties in the church. If you look around your parish church you will see that women play many different roles. They are nuns, teachers, they head many of the different ministries in the church.

Please dont listen to those who want to trash Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church

Catholic Christian convert †
2011-05-23 15:59:03 UTC
I have quite a bit in common with you but won't get into great detail on this site. I was also raised Catholic and went through the very same. My advice to you is to first, be very careful who you take advice from. You need to search your soul and better yet...look in the Holy Bible for the answers. I can give you many or show you many so you can see for yourself. When it comes to the Catholic religion, it is pretty easy to point out differences between their bible and the Holy Bible. For example, they took one of the commandments away (idolatry...for good reason). Just be careful with what you are told. Remember what your ultimate goal should be if it isn't already...Love God, love Jesus and build your faith in them...not a "religion" if you have doubts. There are no doubts in our Lord. Work hard to be a faithful person for God and the rest will fall into place. I would like to speak to you because like I said....I was in your shoes, not too long ago! God bless you.
2011-05-25 00:38:44 UTC
to cut to the chase , go to matthew 7; 24-27 16;19. 28:19-20 john 20;23

that should starting getting you back to what church is authentic and has the authority
2011-05-24 11:42:53 UTC
First, your only 15.

2nd, you seem to be in conflict with your faith due to peer pressure.

Talk to your family, your priest or deacon.

Have you been confirmed? If not, you need to enroll in Faith Formation class at your Parish. This may help you with all your questions and doubts.

Why Be Catholic?
2011-05-23 15:35:41 UTC
Sin is by definition missing the mark that god set of us so even thet smalest thing that is not in gods intentions is sin

pretty much we are sinning all the time but when jesus nailed sin to the cross sin stopped mattering and you only must accept to go to heaven and you will.

This means God doesn't encourage homosexuality but he does love them so we should to and accept them like any other person

remember the old testament is good but the new testament is what was made to prevent us from being ruled by law and instead be lead by god
Dennis Sagt
2011-05-23 15:45:26 UTC
The CC says that non Caths can go to heaven. Search "invincible ignorance." As for your lackadaisical Cath friends, you'll find tepid faith in any church.

Only males can be ordained because Christ was a male and He chose only male apostles.

Homosexuals can go to heaven too. Being homosexual is not a sin, engaging in homosexual activity is. Having sex outside of marriage is wrong, but brings neither automatic nor irrevocable damnation.
2011-05-23 15:36:03 UTC
I would encourage you to continue on with your Catholic faith. I am Catholic myself and I am 20 years old. It is very important to attend church on Sunday no matter what anyone says. We are called to keep holy the sabbath on Sunday. And if it helps I am a gay Catholic and believe me sometimes it is very hard and I feel so judged. It is okay to be gay, we are just called to not take part in "homosexual acts" or sex. I am allowed to still have relationships with guys I just cannot have sex. But a lot of times Christians don't understand that and view me as a sinner all together and I guess they assume I am having sex. I would suggest you keep your head up and stay strong. There is always going to be conflict among religions, but you just have to remember one thing. Religions will not matter in the end. What will matter is that you accepted Jesus as your savior and repented of your sins. Religions are just a place for people to chose where they feel welcomed and where they can worship the Lord. Just make sure you accept him and repent and you will be saved. Religion will NOT matter in the end.
2017-03-05 10:01:34 UTC
2014-05-22 03:01:12 UTC
Hello' My name is John. I grew up in the Catholic Church & was an alter boy. For yrs I went to Catholic School & Catholic Church. I eventually got tired of the Service because it was basically the same repetitious thing every Sunday. Also' I asked My parents & priest why we couldn't read the Bible. They said the priests are the only ones that were supposed to read it. I said is it a sin to read the bible? it should be available for everyone because its our instruction book for our life, & guide to live our lives. Learning about what Jesus did & following his example, so' a lot of things didn't make sense. So i left at age 14. when I became 31, some friends i was working with introduced me to Christianity & recited some verses to me from the book of John about being born again. They said that in the book of John that Jesus said in John 3.3 " that unless a person be born again they cannot see the Kingdom of God. They also told me about rev 3.20 that Jesus said" I stand at the door [door to your heart] & knock, Anyone who opens that door & invites me in , then I will come & dine with him & he with me. They explained that Jesus is standing at the door of everyone's heart in the whole world ready to have a real relationship with them when they invite them into their hearts. but' he cant force his way into your hearts, that's why he doesn't just do it, even though that's what everyone needs. we must give him permission because we have a free will. It has to be our freewill decision. Its better than any religion can give to us. Because we can have a real relationship with him & God's Holy Spirit. They told me also that Jesus says in John 3.5 that unless a person is born of water & of the Holy Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God,& it says in acts 2.38 how to get the Holy Spirit. That we must verbally say out loud that we are sorry for our sins & repent of them. be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ,[ which is basically following what it says in rev 3.20" asking Jesus to come into your heart. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. So' they said do you want to get born again & follow what it says in the bible? I said sure! Why not. I believe in the bible. I just wish i would of started reading it when i was a child. When i look back on it, I would of had a 20 year head start from where i am now. I found out that when a person gets born with Gods spirit that they are supposed to feed the Spirit with the word by reading the bible everyday, because it starts nourishing & growing the Spirit that God wants to place in you. After a while when it gets bigger & stronger, you can feel it getting strengthened in the Morning. I got born with God's Spirit 1st, Then My mom Got born again. Now we read the bible in the morning, every morning because we have a hunger for it. If you dont feel the need to read the bible for nourishment,[because the words in the bible are nourishment] than you do not have God's spirit yet. you need to follow what it says in John 3.5. Unless you get filled with Gods spirit you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.& hungering for the daily nourishment is the only way to test to see if you have the Spirit. You can actually feel your Spirit being fed, just like if you were starving in your phisical body & suddenly ate a big meal. You can feel it.Thats how you can tell if you are following the requirements of the verse in John 3.5, then you will know without a doubt that you will make it to heaven. Also talking & praying to God & Jesus. If you would like to have this assurance & know you are truly born again with God's Spirit then feel free to Contact me at Also' read read John chapter 6. It talks about eating the flesh of the Son of Man & feeding on Jesus. I know this sounds crazy, but Jesus is referring to reading about him, that's what he means by eating him & feeding on him, because it says in John 1.1 that Jesus was the word.Then in John 1.14 it says that the word became flesh & dwelt among us, The only begotten Son of God. Jesus is the word & when we get filled with God's Spirit, then we are supposed to feed the Spirit with God's word which is Jesus & Jesus says in John 6.57" So he who feeds on me will live because of me, Also in John 6.50 Jesus says'" This is the bread which comes down from Heaven, that one may eat of it & not die.[He is referring to Eternal death, not physical death.] Now I know that the priests say that you must eat the little wafer bread that they give you at Communion time, & thats what they told me too! And when I was a boy i believed that because i didn't know any better. But if you think about it, Do you feel real nourishment from it & do you really think that that would supersede God's Holy Word. Of coarse not! Thats how God already Originally intended for his believers to keep strengthened & nourished & learning his word at the same time so we could be well educated & ready to defend the faith in season & out of Season, like it says in 2nd tim 4.2.[1. Verbally ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins. 2.ask Jesus to come & live into your heart & become your personal Lord & Savior. 3. Then ask God to fill you with his Holy Spirit. Then Get a NIV bible. I think its the most easy to understand. It doesn't have all those words that we don't use anymore. Or get a New King James version. I would recommend a King James version because it has all those old words & some of the ways it describes things isn't very understandable. After a while you can start feeling the nourishment coming in when you read it daily. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen right away. Also' You don't have to say Hail Mary's anymore & never had to.. Somebody hundreds of yrs ago made that up but its not necessary because Jesus says in Matthew 6.7-9 When you pray' not to use vain Repetitions, but to pray in this manner. then he recites the Our Father Prayer. because in the Our Father prayer there is different topics. But he also states in verse 8 that Your Father, God already knows what you need' so you dont need to repeat it over & over Repetitiously. Anyway' There is so mush more interesting things I could say & if you get back to me I will be happy to answer any Questions you may have. Thats all for Now. God bless you & please ask Jesus those things before you go to bed or let Satan get you so busy & influence you to put it off. If what I say is false then nothing will happen, but if what I have just told you is real then when you follow those instruction [which are all biblical] then you will discover that you have a REAL relationship with Jesus that you can feel growing inside of you. Good Luck . John D.
2011-05-23 15:39:01 UTC
"why aren't gays allowed?", "Why can't women be priests?" Those are very good questions. Maybe you should ask yourself if you want to be part of a religion which can in any way justify these oppressive traditions. You should explore for yourself and break away from the dogma. It will be there should you choose to return to it. You've already found several things you call lies and that don't make sense to you, so it seems like you know the right answer.
2011-05-23 19:27:32 UTC
You should have a long chat with your parish priest. then Seriously consider a refresher catechism course.
2011-05-23 15:39:15 UTC
catholics have had a long history that interfers with their faith overall.. for starters they violate the ten commandments frequently by worshipping graven images (the crucifix) and they pray to other than god (mary and the saints) the crusades were a war against the muslims which we all know violates thou shalt not kill, the inquisition sponsored by the vatican wasn't very christian like!!

I've always felt toO that the catholics mourn their faith rather than celebrating it

you're not alone in your doubt of catholicism. I would guess that more than 50% of catholics in the US have lost their faith and are just going through the motions

Free your mind.. stop letting some ultra rich priest (i.r. the pope) tell u what to think
2011-05-23 17:37:27 UTC
Yet Jesus pressed His disciples: “But whom say ye that I am?” Finally, Peter proclaimed, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

To this startling confession, Jesus responded, “Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.” To come to a correct understanding of Jesus requires more than an understanding of history, it requires a revelation from the Holy Spirit.

Jesus then added, “Thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Of course, the rock upon which the church is built is not the fickle apostle, but rather Jesus Christ. Peter didn’t see himself as the foundation of the church; rather, he says in Acts 4:11 that Jesus Himself is the chief cornerstone.

In Matthew 28:18 it says:

"Then Jesus came to them (the disciples) and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

satan's grandiose design for the final deception was to lead everyone to transgress against the authority of heaven, even the religious world. Obviously, some scheme would have to be devised which would make Christians comfortable in their transgression, which could be promulgated in the name of Christ, and which would operate across all the boundaries of denomination and creed. Somehow, the plan would have to destroy the traditional view of the Bible as the final authority in matters of faith, and establish some other authority which would still retain a respectable Christian image. In order to encompass all churches and faiths, the program would have to be outside of any doctrine, prophetic interpretation, or standards of living, since these would produce only division and disagreement.

To achieve success, then, in his fantastic goal of harnessing the Christian world in disobedience to God’s laws, Satan had to meet four elementary requirements:

1. Make Christians feel secure in breaking the law.

2. Lead them to distrust the Word of God as the acid test of truth.

3. Establish another test besides the Word that would appear genuine and appealing.

4. Leave out all doctrine, prophetic interpretations, and Christian standards that would prove divisive.

It is not hard to see that all these elements would have to be incorporated into any vast trickery to unite Christians in disobeying the Ten Commandments.
The Not-So-Loved Apostle Paul
2011-05-23 15:44:40 UTC
It is good that you question these things. If you believe that it is the good that you do that saves you, you are bound for somewhere other than heaven, my friend. What saves you is believing that Christ died on the cross for your sins, was resurrected, and ascended into heaven, according to scripture (1 Corin. 15:1-4).

Who to believe? Why, God, of course. If you have no faith in the Bible, then you have lost the battle already. What you need is to study the word of God. There is no other way for you to reconcile these things. And if you begin to study the word of God, you need to study the word of God rightly divided, as Paul exhorts us to do in 2 Tim. 2:15.

My father was catholic, as was his family all the way back to Italy. My mother's ancestors were Mormons. Both religions are wrong in their teachings, and that is all I will say on that score.

The Bible can easily be understood, when it is rightly divided. If you need to know more, you can feel free to e-mail me. We can discuss the Bible and what it says, therefore what God has to say, rather than what any religion has to say.
2011-05-23 15:34:14 UTC
You sound too rational to remain a Christian for very long.

I had the same questions, and after awhile I realized that the Catholic church doesn't have any of the answers, nor does any other church.
2011-05-23 15:34:14 UTC
You are catholic because you were brought up as a catholic,why do you not believe the muslims are correct?what evidence do you have that any god is real?Think about things a bit more.
you can
2011-05-23 15:35:00 UTC
Join the Jehovah's Witnesses. Ask any of them for help. If you don't like it, just leave
2011-05-23 15:42:56 UTC
Religions are bad for you

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.