Does this make me a bad atheist?
2010-06-02 13:02:58 UTC
Hi, I'm TCA, and I think I have a problem. I like listening to some Christian music. I actually buy it from time to time, and I think I give the neighbors the wrong impression because sometimes they can hear the music as I pull up in the driveway after work. Yes, I do turn it up with the top down. Of course, I don't play it with my wife in the car (I don't want to give her hope that I'll go to church on any kind of basis, much less a regular one).

I guess what I want to know is, does being atheist mean that I have to hold all things religious with disdain, or is it okay to indulge every now and then when I actually like something?

Christians, if you're here, are you allowed to indulge in non-Christian activities without having your Christianity called into question? What do you think? Should people indulge in what ever they like, or are they bad Christians or bad atheists if they just happen to like some things that aren't consistent with their religious views?
29 answers:
Lil' Evil
2010-06-02 13:07:59 UTC
I tell you, we all have our little indulgences.

You like to listen to Chri$tian music, I like to dress up in my old Nazi Youth uniform and slap my jackboots on the marble floors.

Oh...and Money. I like Money.

Yours in Chri$t,

Eclectic Heretic
2010-06-02 14:30:00 UTC
Hoo, boy, you think YOU got a problem! Youse doen't even know from problems already! I'm an agnostic. I'm also a member (no shyt, card-carrying [official name tag, anyhow, if I can remember where I put it]) of a genuine christian church. And you worry about your taste in music? Hell, I go to a mainstream church, but I get on them because mainstream churches do NOT do good music. Try "The Old Rugged Cross" or "How Great Thou Art" or "Onward Christian Soldiers". those hard-core Baptists do the rousing music (the theology sucks, of course). Or go back to my Catholic roots with the Gregorian chants or the music from the High Mass in Latin. Now that is music to mine ears, as they say. I love the stuff. Just because I love it. Period. And I'm still agnostic. I like Sousa marches, the "1812 Overture", and Yo-Yo Ma does The Tango (Really, I have the CD). Music is music, listen to any damn thing you want to. If there IS a "god", she listens to the Beatles, Pete Seeger/Woody Guthrie, and Elvis anyhow.

Blessings on your Journey!
2010-06-02 13:14:56 UTC
I have always loved the song "Spirit in the Sky". Norman Greenbaum himself is Jewish, but that didn't from singing about Jesus. That's a healthy attitude, to not care too much in indulging in what isn't exactly what we take to heart. Christians can listen to Black Metal if they wanted to, and they do. Personally, I don't like Christian music, it never seems to be anything more than expressing love for the Lord most of the time. I understand inspirational music, but I've heard better than Christian music. But you can't account for taste.

That's like hating Braveheart because Mel Gibson directed The Passion of the Christ.
Michael Goodfellow
2010-06-02 17:04:44 UTC
It's an interesting question.

I don't think there is such a thing as a 'good' or 'bad' atheist. I think listening to Christian music is indicative of a possible inner belief. I can't say this with any certainty but down inside you may believe in Christianity but you are just telling yourself you're an atheist.
2016-12-16 19:03:31 UTC
Why do you no longer understand what an atheist is? ATHEIST - somebody who does no longer have self belief in a God – any God – no longer purely the Christian one. yet that does no longer propose they do no longer carry reliable ethical or non secular ideals! they could persist with any faith that does no longer have a god and there are distinctive those! Like BUDDHISM – non secular coaching from Buddha and his followers that by utilising destroying greed, hatred and fantasy (the reason for all suffering) guy can attain perfect enlightenment! the place do you think of Christianity have been given it is concepts of a soul and afterlife from for goodness sake? They stole it from the pagan tribes and peoples which existed 1000's and 1000's of years earlier Christianity! From the stone age with the aid of Vikings, Egyptians, Maoris, Aborigines, American Indians and exceptionally the chinese language, all of them had complex funerals and grave products to velocity the soul into the subsequent existence with convenience!
Jabber wock
2010-06-02 13:21:43 UTC

Well, then I'm an even worse one for all my liking of classical music, much of it religiously inspired. Not just that, but I rather like visiting old churches and medieval cathedrals, very much appreciating the splendour of their presence and the cleverness that went into their construction.

I also find nature beautiful, and I get the same sense of aesthetic from looking at astronomical objects and beautiful landscapes, the results of completely natural processes.

Of course, I could just accept that my aesthetic appreciation is completely independent of my rational ability to best understand the nature of the universe. Enjoying and understanding are two different things.
2010-06-02 13:17:08 UTC
That is the nice thing about being an atheist, you are not bound by some set lifestyle nor are there any self righteous idiot atheist leaders to tell you what is or is not the proper lifestyle of an atheist.

I tear open presents every christmas...but of course christmas was originally a pagan holiday until the thieving christians stole it.
2010-06-02 13:09:11 UTC
I think it more annoying to them than atheist mean i celebrate Xmas and i tend to forget that im not a christian. cept during grace and the familly goes on a jesus jerk fest

anyway, atheism is a belief not religion, you can do what are kind of loving deception youd care about

o but, he does exist, just not in the religious sense.

email me if you are openmind, i have proof, he controls the win and heat, noise etc etc

thru his manipulation of energy

theres proof, where science had failed.

yet I know I'm crazy.. deal with it

ahahah gods pissed at me now

2010-06-02 13:08:03 UTC
Asking christians if they can do stuff without having their christianity questioned is kinda a moot point considering the idea of athiests is that you don't want some overseeing body to tell you what a man in the sky thinks you should or should not do.

You either believe in a religion... and you follow it's rules

or you don't believe in a religion. in which case you are one of two people..

ones that think there is a god, but religion is a crock of sh**

or... you think god doesn't exist. either way, that can't be questioned regardless of what actions you take.. hell you could go to church for the simple sake you wish to support your family or enjoy talking to people at the church, but you can do all that without believing in god.

Do what you wish man. it's your life. F**k everyone else.
Classical Liberal Jochan
2010-06-02 13:05:07 UTC
No. I'm listening to Christian music right now. Earth, Wind & Fire. Not exactly Christian as a typical Christian band will play, but lyrical content dealing with spiritual Christian issues.
2010-06-02 13:06:38 UTC
I used to listen to christian music when i was a christian. Creed is one of those bands that is on the verge of being non christian. Nowadays, Im much more pickier about what I listen to.

I try to avoid anything that I find christianized for one, I wouldnt want to categorize myself with them, and for another reason, I dont feel comfortable doing "christian things".

Youre not bad, just a bit weird.
2010-06-02 13:05:48 UTC
Ha. There's no such thing as a bad atheist. It's fine to listen to because it can be uplifting and make you feel good. Doesn't mean that they're right. And the nice thing is that there's nothing stopping you just because you don't believe it. Christians would feel bad about listening to devil worship band but you don't feel bad about it because you don't have to believe it to enjoy it.
2010-06-02 13:08:27 UTC
I've never been much of a believer in god, but damn there are some good Christian songs out there, and I could careless that there actually talking about god or whatever, I just like it cause it sounds good.
2010-06-02 13:11:41 UTC
Absolutely, there's no such thing as a 'bad' atheist. Now if you were a naughty atheist, I'd have to give you a good spanking. Call me sometime.
2010-06-02 13:07:59 UTC
Those of us in the Atheist religion would have no problem you doing what you enjoy.

We don't really have a creed or doctrine of any sort.

There are no Orthodox Atheists that I know of. LOL
2010-06-02 13:12:55 UTC
I say do whatever the heck you want to do, you don't have an obligation to act in any specific way just because you don't believe in a deity.
2010-06-02 13:08:00 UTC
As long as it's not Donny Osmond or Cliff Richard you have a perfect right to annoy the neighbours.
2010-06-02 13:07:30 UTC
No such thing as a bad atheist. You don't have to agree with the lyrics to like a piece of music, that's fine.
2010-06-02 13:04:50 UTC
I honestly could not care less. Atheism only says that you don`t believe in God, not that you refuse to listen to Christian music.
2010-06-02 13:08:25 UTC
I think it is probably normal. Are you just checking to see if they make any sense? You know, it has been a while and you wanted to know if they came to their senses? I do the same thing with republican talk radio.
2010-06-02 13:05:26 UTC
One of my favorite songs from my favorite band (Blind Guardian) is called Precious Jerusalem. One of the lines in it is: "Let's celebrate the dawning of the Son!" That does not stop it from being badass. Enjoy what you will.
night bird
2010-06-02 13:12:23 UTC
i've heard lots of gospel music that i really like. you don't have to believe in the content to like the song. "puff the magic dragon" is still one of my favorites from many moons ago.
The angels have the phone box.
2010-06-02 14:04:31 UTC
At least make sure the music is quality.
2010-06-02 13:13:36 UTC
only eating chex cereal makes you a bad atheist

2010-06-02 13:06:47 UTC
If you like Creed I think I'm gonna throw up, please tell me you don't like Creed or worse yet the Hooters, oh yuk I am going to lose my lunch.
2010-06-02 13:05:16 UTC
Your a human. It is possible to believe in something and not be able to live up to it, or in your case live up to what you don't believe in?
2010-06-02 13:06:17 UTC
No offense meant but, it amazes me how religion can even screw up an atheists mind.
2010-06-02 13:04:28 UTC
As long as you don't hurt anyone else, do what makes you happy.
2010-06-02 13:04:54 UTC
The Christian Program and Purpose

Quote from the Talmud:

Libbre David 37: "To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly."

With enough research, Christianity and its cohorts can be summed up, revealing its true purpose. Jehova's Witnesses know of all the Pagan origins of the holidays, such as xmas and Easter. They are deluded as to the nazarene, as the nazarene is also a stolen CONCEPT, from some 18+ crucified Pagan Gods who hung from a tree, such as Odin. Everything in the Christian program is FALSE, STOLEN, CORRUPTED, AND COUNTERFEIT!

The entire purpose of Christianity is to PREPARE Gentiles to be slavishly obedient and worshipping of their jewish masters in a new world order, where the jews will have total and complete control, unless people wake up and this is stopped.

As can be seen from the articles on this website, the pantheon of Gentile/Pagan Gods (subliminal worship) was replaced with fictitous jewish archetypes with the program of Christianity. Along with this, the jews achieved a special status they did not deserve- being "The chosen of God." All of this is subliminal in that it creates the mindset of slavish, self-sacrificing, servile mentality in its victims, that readily accepts the jews to be in charge. The fictitious jewish archetypes such as the nazarene create a powerful subconscious association with what is known as "The God Part of the Brain" and act to transfer this mindset of worship to the jews who intend upon ruling the world. There is NOTHING at all spiritual about Christianity. The Bible is nothing more than a fictitious history of the jews, and intense blasphemy against the Gentile Gods and our True Creator God Satan, which means "enemy" in Hebrew. We prove all of this on this website.

Quote from the Jewish Talmud:

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

In addition to the subliminal workings, Gentiles are severely threatened with delving into the "occult" in order to remove all powers of the mind and soul and to keep these powers within the circle of ruling jewish masters for total abuse and exploitation of the Gentiles. Because sexual orgasm is the doorway to the power and advancement of the soul, the Christian doctrines have always worked relentlessly to suppress it. Christianity drums into its victims minds that they are nothing more than property. Their minds, souls and bodies all belong to "Jehova" which in reality is the top ruling Jews who are masters of occult power.

Quotes from the Talmud:

Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations."

The denegration of women in these programs is a sick, twisted and perverted attempt, again, subliminal, like the suppression of human sexuality, to deprive Gentiles of occult power. This has its origins in the Far Eastern teachings of "Shakti" which represents the female (subconsious and kundalini power) aspect of the human soul. The male aspect is the left brained logical side. Both must work together to achieve material results, which is the purpose of yoga. By suppressing the female side of the brain, one's powers of mind and soul are completely dormant and inaccessible.

Ouija boards, astrology, and other forms of divination have also been strictly suppressed in attempts to deprive Gentiles from communicating with our own TRUE Gods who have been shamefully and hideously blasphemed and labeled as "evil." Our Gods have been the victims of Jewish horror and gore Hollywood flics and other denegrating and insulting themes, where Gentiles are fooled into mocking, cursing, and fearing them, while working for their own damnation and paying out the *** for it, not only to the tune of trillions and trillions of dollars, but also with psychic energy. The jews have had a long history of deluding the Gentiles into paying for their own damnation and ruin. The war in Iraq is a blatant example, where thousands of young American men and women have died or are permanently disabled- all for Israel.


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