No electee can "wipe out the de fide doctrine" promulgated by previous valid popes. He made the attempt, but as a valid pope, he cannot erase his predecessors permanent doctrine on praying for the Turks and the Jews. Those who have done so prove their invalid papal status, i.e., , Roncalli, Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger. They were elected by irresponsible electors, to say the least. To say the most is to name the electors as sinful apostates who had no business electing unqualified traitors to the Catholic Doctrine.
The valid papal record shows that the True Church always prayed for the Turks & the Jews, for all to return to the protection of the True Faith for which All Men were created. The True Church was consistent & constant in her prayer for those outside the Church. As Traditional Catholics, we still are.
No go tell all those "catholics" that you know--and watch the sparks fly when they read this continuing message by Catholics who HAVE DONE their homework on what it takes to be a Catholic. The impostors in 1958 had been "blind-sided" by the :"papal populorum method" beginning with world-wide press, photo ops, and silly excursions by these electees; they did everything BUT behave as representatives of Christ and His Doctrine. Instead, they impressed the gullible with their impression of being papal representatives. And it worked! as Pentangelli said to Consire Tom in Godfather II. There is nothing like a closed conspiracy to pull off fraud at any level.
It is the false catholics who support the false popes of Vatican 2. Falsity is constantly revealed by the contradictions (Wojtyla even proudly issued a book entiled "Sign of Contradiction") but the new modernist members didn't get it.
It certainly is not the Traditional Catholics who were "thrown out" of their own churches, their own Mass, and forced to keep the faith in rented rooms & private homes. We will maintain prayer for the Turks & the Jews & in the Last Days there will be many who return to the message of Christ they knew before Muhammed came along. But Impostor catholics have a price to pay in Divine Justice for the uncharity committed against Catholics---those like Tammee, who have walked away from the modernist mess into heresy & apostasy without ever knowing why they thought they had to do so.
Traditional Catholics at