One of the most common questions on here is of proof. “Where is your proof that God exists?”
The simple answer is that the proof is everywhere.
Some people wish to discount the bible as a source of evidence. “There are no references to Jesus outside of the bible. There’s nothing to corroborate his existence.” they say. While not exactly true (there are references outside the Bible), the point isn’t really relevant. The Bible itself is a collection of books by different authors. If I took every book written about Isaac Newton and compiled them into one book, would that call into question the existence of Newton? After all, there would be no “outside references” to confirm his existence.
“How can you believe in some invisible sky daddy?” Is God invisible? I wouldn’t know. I don’t know what God looks like. I could walk past God every day and not know it. Just because you or I haven’t seen him, doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist.
Similarly, the science community has discovered several planets. How? These planets cannot be seen so how do they know they exist. Simply by observing the effects they cause on celestial bodies around them. I could say the same about God. I know he exists by observing the effects he has had on the people and the world around me. If you haven’t seen the effects, maybe it’s because you haven’t looked for yourself, in the same way I haven’t seen the effects of the earlier planets I mentioned. Not because they don’t exist, I just haven’t looked.
Similarly, I’ve never seen China, the Space Needle, or the Pacific Ocean, but I have no doubt they exist. Why? Because I’ve read books, heard eyewitness accounts and seen photographs. Ahhh, but what eyewitness accounts or photographs have there been of God? None that I know of, but there have been plenty of eyewitness accounts of the works of God and plenty of photographs, yes photographs, of messengers of God. Take for example, the events at St. Marks Coptic Church in Zeitoun, specifically the apparitions of the Virgin Mother. These apparitions were photographed, televised, witnessed by millions, written about in the international secular and religious press, and seen by both religious and political dignitaries such as Abdul Nasser, president of Egypt and self-proclaimed Marxist.
A belief in God is inherent; it’s part of our nature. It’s been there since the dawn of humanity. People don’t choose to believe in God, people choose not to.
Yes, there is proof that God exists, but it’s difficult to see if your eyes are closed.