Why do atheists ask for proof of God, when either way, they'll just continue to deny Jesus?
2008-08-01 11:53:07 UTC
Whenever someone asks "Give proof that God is real," and someone DOES give them good proof, they choose to deny Him anyway. So why do some atheists ask this question? Is it because they're trying to generalize rant, or mock the believers??
51 answers:
2008-08-01 11:57:14 UTC
cuz they know he's real and don't want to admit it
james o
2008-08-01 12:04:18 UTC
Well, I'm not sure what you would consider "good proof."

I've never seen anything that remotely resembles anything like that.

I think most people who pursue this line of thought (and you're in good company, I understand, because I have read that Sir Isaac Newton believed that his highest achievement was his proof of God -- yet one more proof of God that will not work.) are so wrapped up in their own convictions, and the obvious rightness of their convictions, that they literally cannot see the holes in their arguments.

Nobody today has made a serious claim to prove that God exists. The few attempts I've examined have been without merit. Usually, they involve some "assumptions," and if you accepted those assumptions, of course you would also accept the existence of God.

I think most intelligent people who have some life experience have bumped into this problem a few times, and they know that the proof of God by logical argument is impossible. Proof of God is indeed very real, but it can only exist in your own heart. You cannot give it to another, since they cannot ever truly know the contents of your heart.
2008-08-01 11:59:20 UTC
So far I have yet to see one, and I used to be in ministry so I am sure I could evaluate one as being good. So far I have yet to see anything approaching a proof or even adequate evidence that there exists a god of any kind. No one is trying to mock a believer, well okay some are, but really present the proof as an add on to your post.
2016-04-05 02:47:53 UTC
It’s like my atheist buddy gay as a three dollar bill and the IQ of a bag of nails asked me how do priests make holy water, I told him they take tap water and boil the hell out it anybody can do it. And he is always yapping about there not being a god and why I never agree with him, I keep telling him if I agree with you we will both be wrong then, oh ok he says. I keep telling him Knowledge is knowing about god; Wisdom is knowing you know nothing and atheism is none of the above. I asked him do you know what an atheist smells like. He said what? I replied depends. Atheists and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason. And this god does not exist, BS he keeps saying I didn't claim god exists, he said I was blaming you for claiming he does... What? Like that makes any real difference in the real world? Why does he believe me without question when I say there are four billion stars (Like I actually know), but loses his mind when I say I don't know if god exists? I said God must love stupid atheists. He made SO many. His reply was, no way god only made stupid Christians... ok Mr. God less. He got mad when I said hey you need to be able to laugh at your atheism beliefs, everybody else does. Ya your right Ray I feel better now. He seen me on Q&A and decided he was going to give those damn Christians a piece of his mind. (F**K like he can afford to do that...) He likes to call them the artificial god worshippers; I don't know either he thinks it pisses somebody off? I told him giddy up their Christian artificial intelligence is no match for your atheist natural stupidity and off he goes. I tried to explain to him a Christian is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a nice way that you will look forward to the trip. He was down the other day depressed some Christian put him in his place, I to him said Jesus loves you, it’s just those damn Christians that thinks you're an ******, and he felt better. Whoever coined the phrase "Quiet as an atheist" has never stepped on one. I discovered my gay atheist friend screams the same way whether he is about to be hit by a bus or he gets 10 points on Q&A. Smile you’re never going to know the answer till it’s too late.
2008-08-01 12:21:28 UTC
I would love to see this proof. I hope it is not the bible. That is just not proof enough for non-believers. I have yet to see proof of god other than my faith and the signs that I see all around me. But those are MY proof and are not proof enough for an atheist. So I hope you have something really mind-boggling, or you will let alot of people down.
2008-08-01 11:58:45 UTC
There has never been ANY proof. If there was, there would be no such thing as "faith" or "belief".

I don't expect you or anyone else to come up with proof in that which does not exist OR in that which most every "believer" says you must have faith in... in order to see the proof for yourself (which is logically impossible). Most atheists know you cannot provide proof. If and when this is said, it's to try and make people like you THINK.

Edit: I tell you what. When you stop acting like a child whose just lost some game and is acting out ("No you tell me first, then I'll tell you".... blah blah blah... - you have plenty of answers here) then I'll consider taking people like you, and your so called (but conveniently missing) proof, seriously. Mmmkay?
2008-08-01 13:05:34 UTC
I have yet to see a "proof" of any god or Jesus. Beliefs are not proof. And should you give me "proof" then I will be a "believer". Until then all you have ever shown is smoke and mirrors.
2008-08-01 11:56:10 UTC
What's this 'good proof'?

Well? Spit it out already, we're all willing and ready to see it you know.

This is not a game. Like tit for tat. Atheists ask this question because all the supposed 'proof' is not proof at all. I don't generalize or rant.

I do mock, but I don't have anything stopping me.


"When I choose 'best answer,' I'll spill it. K? Keep the answers coming. Some are very interesting. But I can totally understand why the Atheists wouldn't believe."

I predict that you will choose a theist. Why? Because it's obvious that you have a biased view.

You have the same 'proof' as anyone else: nothing. If you had real evidence, you would be bursting at the seams telling the world. Not withholding it like a petty child on a forum.
2008-08-01 12:00:40 UTC
1) There has never, and I mean NEVER been any good proof presented. So you cannot really say that we continue to deny even in the face of good proof.

2) Even if such proof of god was presented, that wouldn't mean that Jesus is necessarily real.
2008-08-01 11:56:23 UTC
stronger than yesterday

what proof has ever been given that god is real?


i dont deny god, i have never experienced god, if you have great, good for you, you have a reason to beleive but i havnt so i have no reason to beleive in him

if actual realistic, sufficient sound evidence was brougth to light, which will not happen on a y/a q/a site, then i will not deny it, i do not deny evidence now and i wont then, no matter what it shows

and jesus has nothing to do with god for many other people who are not christains

so you could prove jesus existed, but not god


there is no sufficient answer to that question as it is false

you will "deny" the answers you get given because you have made a false statement that will be disputed

i answered all i could, if you dont accept that and you deny my answer, then theres nothing i can or will do about that


no they do not ask for proof "because they are trying to generalise rant or mock the beleivers"

is that more the answer you are looking for?
2008-08-01 12:20:16 UTC
For some people seeing is believing they need scientific or physical proof. However that's the great thing about our Lord if you seek it you will find it. It's just whether you choose to believe it or not. That's faith and without faith you can not be saved they tend to believe that it's luck or a considence when things work out. Where as believers know that there is no luck that it is because it is the Lord's will that things worked out that way. I guess that's why there's a highway to hell and only a small path to heaven! And those atheists are only searching for the truth in there own way, they mock what they can't understand and what they fear!!
2008-08-01 12:10:54 UTC
There is no good proof; only anecdotes...

Edit: I actually know what your proof is. It is the same as a million others and probably the most asked on Y!A.

How did it all begin?

How lame. And utterly invalid in the context of the Anthropic Principle.
2008-08-01 11:58:25 UTC
As the others said....What proof are you referring to?

Edit: lol ok what answer are you looking for? you post a question on here asking why we deny your proof and then you don't want to show it to us until we answer this question. But when you ask a question like this the obvious answer is where is the proof which many of us have already said.

David Carrington Jr.
2008-08-01 11:57:43 UTC
The problem is what you consider "good proof" is anything but.

Atheists -- at least this atheist -- have no vested interest in denying what is proven. We simply refuse to believe what is unproven. What is this good proof you claim to have?

Edit: You have your answer. We've not seen this "proof" you claim to have.
2008-08-01 12:02:11 UTC
I've yet to be given anything remotely resembling proof. I only get more deluded ramblings, circular logic, straw men, threats of hell and raving declarations of faith.

PS flowers are pretty does not equal the existence of your god or anyone else’s.

EDIT: Answering your question is impossible. It is no different than trying to answer:

Do you still beat your wife?


Are you still a member of a cult?
Captain Sarcastic
2008-08-01 12:05:28 UTC
There is a difference between proof and fallacy, and there is none of the former and scads of the latter in these debates. I've always found a bit of mildly amusing irony in the term Christian Apologetics...
2008-08-01 12:06:39 UTC
I myself am a believer, but i would very much like to see this proof. Just out of curiosity.
David V
2008-08-01 12:02:45 UTC
I ask for proof, but have never received any good proof, hence, my continued questioning.

Let's see this proof (keeping in mind that ancient texts that prove their validity by referencing themselves don't count).
Siñorina Lizardi
2008-08-01 11:57:59 UTC
Who's Him? God or Jesus? Atheists aren't the only ones that deny Jesus.
2008-08-01 11:57:09 UTC
What good proof would that be? Belief in God is a matter of faith... there's aspects of our universe that seem 'designed' but thats not proof perse


Thats circular logic, you say you'll give good proof once the atheists tell you why they deny your good proof when you haven't showed them to begin with...
2008-08-01 12:02:28 UTC
Give me proof and I will believe! no doubt. I require evidence to believe in something whether it is god, the tooth fairy or that a friend who will remain nameless still has my 'Friday' DVD...
Gen•X•er (I love zombies!)
2008-08-01 11:57:43 UTC
Because, we know that there can't possibly be any god(s). We're asking you for proof because we know you can't provide it. Does that make any sense?

Add: I totally answered your question. Let's see this proof! Let's DO this thing!!!
2008-08-01 12:00:24 UTC
Why do theistic loons keep CLAIMING that they have "proof", yet they NEVER offer it up ?

Oh, I claim to have proof that Zeus and Santa exist, so now you MUST worship both of them...Quid Pro Quo.
Jess H
2008-08-01 12:10:14 UTC
No atheist has ever rejected "good proof" of God. We haven't seen any good proof.

You show us one single piece of "good proof" and we'll believe it.
2008-08-01 11:58:34 UTC
The mere fact that they are still asking for proof suggests that the Christians have thus far failed to deliver.
Bob Arctor
2008-08-01 11:59:21 UTC
Ok, I want proof of God AND Jesus...

thanks for pointing out my mistake! ;)
2008-08-01 12:00:51 UTC
Please provide your "good proof" of God and I have every right to deny Jesus because I am not convinced that he ever existed.
Guessses, A.R.T.
2008-08-01 11:57:31 UTC
My Answer: For the most part, I disagree... IF Theist could "prove" a Deity actually does exist, I think Atheists might change their mind.
Anonnie Mouse
2008-08-01 11:59:18 UTC
I have another question for you:

Why do xians, when asked for evidence of their god's existence, instead of providing the requested evidence, they whine about how nobody would believe them even if they had evidence? Uh, which I believe you don't, am I correct?
2008-08-01 12:29:58 UTC
Well why is it when we give you Christians tons of evidence that evolution is a proven fact, you still continue to deny it?

Stupid Christians.
2008-08-01 11:58:52 UTC
probably the understanding of the concept of "proof" is different for two
2008-08-01 12:00:08 UTC
I am anticipating your proof, please chose me as best answer so that I may see this truth.

And I promise to you, that if it is good proof as you say, I will become a believer.
A Bean
2008-08-01 11:58:52 UTC
You people have NEVER given proof of anything. What a f*cking joke! Maybe when you do we'll stop asking.
2008-08-01 11:56:22 UTC
What proof are you speaking of?

Edit: Okay, the answer is because it is not in my nature to believe things just because someone tells me to. If you offer irrefutable, verifiable proof of anything supernatural (God, Jesus, fairies, whatever), I'll accept it. It is not in my nature to deny anything out of stubbornness. I like to be aware.
2008-08-01 11:59:38 UTC
Because your proof is either illogical or irrational.

Ex. the bible is full of hate and contradictions.
2008-08-01 11:57:56 UTC
There is no proof. You either have FAITH or you don't, and that's it. No-one can prove God's existence.... it's impossible.
The Walkin' Dude
2008-08-01 12:07:58 UTC
You got proof? Give it!

I'm waiting....tick-tock!

You do realize that if you had proof you wouldn't call it faith don'you?

edit: I call bullshit!
2008-08-01 12:06:07 UTC
Well didn't Jesus said that .. those who believe they don't need a proof .. those who don't .. what proof can make them believe ,,, ??? Jesus talking to them .. that must be IT ..... THE PROOF ... wow ......


We are getting here all exited about the PROOF .. that we all know he does not have ... only IF >>>> He is the ONE ...

even believers must agree with my conclusion surly !!!
child of God
2008-08-01 11:57:44 UTC
Yes, to all of the above. Occasionally there is the rare find of an individual who is truly seeking something more than what he or she has experienced.

2008-08-01 11:56:41 UTC
What proof are you talking about? I have not seen this proof. Perhaps you could provide such.
2008-08-01 11:56:50 UTC
umm what proof?

give me some actual proof and i'll be on my knees repenting, but since no one has actually come up with any....
2008-08-01 11:57:33 UTC
I don't think you understand what would constitute "good proof".
Punk Rock and Minerals
2008-08-01 12:00:53 UTC
You haven't convinced them. They need quantifiable, verifiable data. Until they get that, you won't convince them.
2008-08-01 11:57:05 UTC
The "good proof" you have is your speculation.
2008-08-01 11:57:36 UTC
You have lost me, there is proof? That would be important. I think I might have heard about it? Please share.
TriciaG28 (Bean na h-Éireann)
2008-08-01 11:56:17 UTC
There is not one single iota of "good" proof.

If there is, they're keeping it well hidden.
2008-08-01 11:59:21 UTC
One of the most common questions on here is of proof. “Where is your proof that God exists?”

The simple answer is that the proof is everywhere.

Some people wish to discount the bible as a source of evidence. “There are no references to Jesus outside of the bible. There’s nothing to corroborate his existence.” they say. While not exactly true (there are references outside the Bible), the point isn’t really relevant. The Bible itself is a collection of books by different authors. If I took every book written about Isaac Newton and compiled them into one book, would that call into question the existence of Newton? After all, there would be no “outside references” to confirm his existence.

“How can you believe in some invisible sky daddy?” Is God invisible? I wouldn’t know. I don’t know what God looks like. I could walk past God every day and not know it. Just because you or I haven’t seen him, doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist.

Similarly, the science community has discovered several planets. How? These planets cannot be seen so how do they know they exist. Simply by observing the effects they cause on celestial bodies around them. I could say the same about God. I know he exists by observing the effects he has had on the people and the world around me. If you haven’t seen the effects, maybe it’s because you haven’t looked for yourself, in the same way I haven’t seen the effects of the earlier planets I mentioned. Not because they don’t exist, I just haven’t looked.

Similarly, I’ve never seen China, the Space Needle, or the Pacific Ocean, but I have no doubt they exist. Why? Because I’ve read books, heard eyewitness accounts and seen photographs. Ahhh, but what eyewitness accounts or photographs have there been of God? None that I know of, but there have been plenty of eyewitness accounts of the works of God and plenty of photographs, yes photographs, of messengers of God. Take for example, the events at St. Marks Coptic Church in Zeitoun, specifically the apparitions of the Virgin Mother. These apparitions were photographed, televised, witnessed by millions, written about in the international secular and religious press, and seen by both religious and political dignitaries such as Abdul Nasser, president of Egypt and self-proclaimed Marxist.

A belief in God is inherent; it’s part of our nature. It’s been there since the dawn of humanity. People don’t choose to believe in God, people choose not to.

Yes, there is proof that God exists, but it’s difficult to see if your eyes are closed.
2008-08-01 11:56:38 UTC
and someone DOES give them good proof,???????????????????

What constitutes this???
2008-08-01 11:59:26 UTC
I don't understand it either, I've given so much proof for the Christ and apostles that I don't think I can give anymore. :)

edit: Ummm, why all the thumbs downs?
2008-08-01 11:57:03 UTC
Yes... They are just so Ignorant.

They wont change anyway.
Sarah P
2008-08-01 11:56:20 UTC
Please tell us about this "good proof."

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.