When you say you've tried witchvox - did you look under all the options like individual adult listings, events, and such too? Honestly, I was poking around there one day for my home state and stumbled upon a group that meets regularly at a farm that's literally 2 miles away from my house - they've been around for years and I had never heard of them until I stumbled upon an event listing at The Witches Voice, which hadn't been there the last time I looked there. Keep checking there for things that may be within reasonable driving distance for you - and as soon as you find something - an open circle or event being held some weekend, even if it's an hour's drive or so, go and mix and mingle. Networking really helps. I started out driving to circles & events that were a little over an hour away and making friends to keep in touch with and through those contacts, I was directed to events and shops and things much closer to home that I had never found when looking on my own. If you find some individuals listed in your area, you may want to suggest a local meetup - once a month afternoon tea at a central coffee shop or restaurant, or something like that. If you find there's a large bookstore central to your contacts that has a cafe in it, that would be perfect.
That's kind of one downfall for pagans in that the pagan community doesn't advertise much, if at all, so it often takes a lot of patience and networking before you find the like-minded folks and gatherings that are closer to home. And of course, the closer you are to the southern states may make it a little more difficult for you. Esp. when you're right in or not far from the "Bible belt" areas where pagans tend to me even more so "in the broom closet". They are much more open in my North Eastern area of New England.
As others have suggested, you may not have specifically pagan shops near you, but perhaps you have some holistic health centers or an apothecary or two nearby - places that focus on alternative healing practices and/or herbs/incense/oils, etc. - these are the types of places you are likely to find some others like yourself.
And for the meantime and in-between times, I would suggest joining an online egroup or two. There are tons of pagan egroups, Yahoo Groups, MSN Groups, etc. This will help you with networking with others who are on similar spiritual paths and you will have some common interests with. I find belonging to a couple online groups helps to supplement personal studies. You can jump in on discussions, ask questions, and see different viewpoints on various subjects which helps to prompt you to look at them from different angles and learn more about them. Many of these types of groups have their own chatrooms as well for the occasional real-time discussions and social time.
As far as your hubby - find some seasonal activities that you can do together to honor the Sabbats and other things that are important to you in relation to your spirituality. (i.e. - for Earth Day, my boyfriend and I are planning to go take an after work walk around the neighborhood and pick up litter from the sides of the streets to be disposed of properly.) When you do your part to preserve the natural world, this honors the gods. You can always do a solitary ritual when you want to offer up some more formal prayers and gratitudes - but get your hubby involved in some occasional activities that aren't focused so much on the "religious" aspect, but still connects you spiritually, to your path as well as to your husband.
My boyfriend is from a Jewish family - we manage to find ways to share in the values that we both believe in and honor them, and sometimes that entails just sharing in common interests together that may not seem "religious", but can be very spiritual and enjoyable for both of us. I'm very lucky in the fact that my sweetie really enjoys the outdoors and is appreciative of the beauty of nature, so this makes it very easy for me to find activities that will satisfy both of us and keep me feeling spiritually "connected". But then, who doesn't enjoy getting out on a nice sunny spring day and getting a little fresh air and sunshine?
For Beltane - you and your husband could get some Spring flowers for your home, go for a nature walk (any state parks nearby you?), and cook a seasonal/Sabbat related meal for dinner (light some candles considering this is a fire festival and have a romantic candlelit dinner & desert, and you could save some to leave outdoors for an offering.) - and/or, if you have a fireplace or a place to have a fire outdoors in your yard - you could spend some time around the fire there too. The possibilities are really endless if you start thinking "outside the ritual circle" a little bit. ;)