Where you alive before the internet? What was it like?
2020-02-17 15:47:31 UTC
Where you alive before the internet? What was it like?
93 answers:
2020-02-20 07:08:53 UTC
Perhaps for most people, the time was less stressful prior to the Internet.  People made phone calls as necessary, not every 5 minutes as so may do today; texting etc. The time before the Internet was more family oriented, as the family st in the LR to watch TV or films recorded on the VCR from the TV. 
NPG Starlett
2020-02-20 07:00:51 UTC
Yes, by 2 years. I was born in 1988. The internet didn't become available for the public till the late 1990s. We got the internet in 1998, when I was 10. For the first 10 years of my life, I remember it as quite magical. I spent a lot of time outdoors, learning how to maintain a home, very confident when talking to people, read a lot of books. I wouldn't have it any other way - although now I don't know how I would have spent my childhood look at electronic screens all day.
2020-02-19 22:34:50 UTC
Life was wonderful then. People talked face to face, no one with a cell glued to them.
2020-02-19 20:07:14 UTC
Nope, I wasn't, thank god
2020-02-19 15:41:05 UTC
There was no Internet for the first 32 years of my life. So I knew that world very well. And I can tell you  - the world is NOT better because of the Internet. In fact - it's much worse. Especially when it comes to how we relate to one another. For one thing - because there was no way to respond immediately to what someone said [other than to a person you were talking to on a landline phone] you were forced to consider your response. We also didn't know about every awful thing that's happening in the world. It's seriously depressing to be informed about things that you have no power to effect in any way whatsoever. Around the clock 'news' is an awful thing. The Internet made it even worse. Well there you go. That's just some of it. 
2020-02-19 10:37:34 UTC
I was born in the 80s and until about 1995 there was no internet and no fast internet until at least 2000 or 2005. We watched television for news. All the gaming systems were "offline" meaning you had either 2 or 4 controllers for friends. There was no "apps" that made complicated tasks easy. Probably the worst thing was no GPS. You used maps and often times got lost.
2020-02-18 18:34:03 UTC
Answer:  There I alive before the internet.  Or maybe here I alive.  I'm not sure.
2020-02-17 21:22:14 UTC
the internet gave me life
2020-02-17 16:25:37 UTC
It was brilliant.

Kids played outside every day. We rode bikes, played football in the park.

But we ALL KNEW don't go to see that creepy guy in the black dress and white collar. we all knew he was a wrong 'un.
2020-02-17 15:52:52 UTC
Depends what you mean by internet. The ARPANet was being put together around the time I was born, but I was in my thirties by the time it was in common use and I was adult long before the WWW came into existence. I would say people had longer attention spans and were more prepared to listen, and information and learning had a kind of scarcity and rigour to it which it now lacks. There was also a lot more face to face communication between strangers and acquaintances in public places.
2020-02-20 17:12:47 UTC
People were not as uptight, the nightly news had no agenda except to report the days events no matter how boring it was, neighbors talked to neighbors, it was still safe to hitch hike, time went by slow, the summers school vacations seemed to last forever... the Internet made people crave information on every little thing, people stopped talking face to face, people started crawling into their little safe space and isolating themselves into fantasy worlds....and them Gaming systems came along which allowed players virtual experiences, now we have a couple of generations of kids who have social functioning much as the internet has advanced us, it has also set us back on other levels, but that may be due to how the mind works and how it is manipulated through social engineering to be compliant consumers of useless stuff.
2020-02-20 16:22:35 UTC
Much more carefree and you weren't fully aware of the ugliness of people
2020-02-20 09:56:39 UTC
Harder! But then we didn't know any different. At university i spent close to 40% of my life in the library, not on a computer either. The only computer I had access to was a dedicated word processor. Although Tim Berners-Lee had invented the web (he used the acronym w3 though) I knew nothing about that.
2020-02-20 08:36:55 UTC
Much as it is now, but with different means of communication.....Including talking to each other!
2020-02-19 17:05:30 UTC
 When I was born, there was no internet.

But now we have it, and we can go to:

Do you do it ???
2020-02-19 15:47:54 UTC
haven born  ..........
Don Verto
2020-02-19 15:15:29 UTC
We used a slate and graphite pencil.
2020-02-19 13:54:44 UTC
You had to think for yourself, get up and do something about it.  Maybe even speak to people! 

Actions more then words....
2020-02-19 07:56:50 UTC
I was born in the early 70s.

People read newspapers

You would NOT be able to see the stock price of a stock, every second or minutes. So there was not much of a chance to say it is time or not to sell that stock at 11:36am Pacific time. 

There was NO way to see the closing Dow Jones at 1pm Pacific Time or 20 minutes after it closed. The ONLY way would be IF your city had a later afternoon paper that came out either at 4pm or near 4:30pm. IF NOT then you would have to wait for tomorrow's morning paper. Another way would be catch it on 6pm, 10pm or 11pm news.

News did not travel that fast even with TV news.

Encyclopedias was used to do research for school reports for a class. Some parents went to the used book store to buy a set of Encyclopedias. 

One had to go to a travel agency to plan a trip, well the price for hotel, airline ticket and how many days. There was NO way to find out how much hour by hour. Like now is a good time to buy ticket(s) and book the hotel.

There was nor direct deposit at all. People went to their bank's ATM or in side the bank during open hours to deposit any checks. You did not have to check your check bank account almost every moment. Just to make sure it was not hacked and money taken or moved around.

Kids and Teens went out a lot more and hanged out with friends.
2020-02-18 20:33:13 UTC
When internet didn't exist at all? No. But I was alive when not everyone had internet, I was one of the ones who didn't have a computer in the house. It was a much better time to be honest. We used to use the yellow pages to get phone numbers and to find locations. When we wanted to order something, we would call through a landline phone. To find our way around through public transit, we would use maps. If we wanted to buy books we would go to book stores or public libraries. Also when I was a kid, I used to play outside, even ride my toy car and bike around the neighborhood and the park. I remember seeing kids play outside, they also used to play hopscotch, jump rope and many other nice games you don't see kids playing nowadays. People would go up to people and make conversations. Things seemed to changed a lot when social media became popular and then the android phones came in.
2020-02-18 18:29:11 UTC
Peaceful.  Definitely less stressful.  Too much knowledge whether good or bad is stressful and the Internet gives both good and bad.
2020-02-18 17:40:39 UTC
It was scary to say the least
2020-02-18 14:55:24 UTC
Yeah. It was not that different except we couldnt just find an instand asnswer for questions, and people were harder to contact/ locate. I think people had less neuroses and less information overload.
2020-02-18 13:38:14 UTC
We used libraries, books and encyclopedias when we wanted to know stuff. We never panicked because we didn't have immediate access to a phone. We travelled a LOT. If you wanted to experience the world, you didn't do it through a screen; you did it in person. We went out a lot more; meeting up in friend's houses... bars, donut shops, restaurants and cafes. We were social without social media. We did things face to face. 
2020-02-18 13:02:43 UTC
A friend of mine told me it was quieter and life was more simple.

But is needed for communication between professionals for services but it should not be allowed in school unless it is monitored by a teacher and with parental controls in the classroom on computers and not cell phones.  Kids should never be using cell phones in the class room unless they are provided by the school and hooked to a central system and controlled by the teacher.
Green Puffin
2020-02-18 10:25:17 UTC
Well for a start, we had Television and books, which were made out of paper and cardboard.  Kids played outside or families sat down to play board or card games.  It was brilliantly fun.
2020-02-18 10:23:33 UTC
It was peaceful.  And people still displayed a modicum of common sense.  But now, people have allowed the Internet to influence them so deeply until they have lost all common sense, decency, courtesy, and respect, including self-respect.  What a tragedy.
2020-02-18 09:08:34 UTC
Well, we were living in the modern era at that time.  We had telephones, color tv, air conditioning and traveled on jet airliners so that part isn't that much different from today.  When ppl drove cars (yeah there were BMWs, Mercedes back tnen), they were not playing with their cell phones because either those things weren't invented yet or later in the early 1990s, very few ppl had em (too expensive).  We didn't have email so we would write a letter on a piece of paper, put em in an envelope, put a stamp on it and mail it.  If we were exchange students (e.g. in Europe), we'd look for special commemorative stamps showing castles, historical events (like D-Day June 6, 1944) and the recipient of the letter would save the envelope.  100 years from now, ppl will look back at today and wonder how ppl got along without whatever invention they will be using in the year 2120.  Good question!
2020-02-17 17:23:47 UTC
We read books. Took long bike rides. Had hobbies. Hung out with friends. Played games. Went swimming. Made snowmen in the winter. Had snowball fights. Drew pictures. Wrote stories and poems. Learned to cook. Learned to fix cars. Daydreamed.
Charles Veidt
2020-02-17 16:05:38 UTC
Yes. It was fun when not everyone had their face glued to a screen all the time.

That said, there are some wonderful conveniences - you can look up a YouTube tutorial on just about anything these days. Back then, you had to go to the library and look up a reference book.
2020-02-20 21:05:58 UTC
Yes.  Imagine no internet, no computer, no software too.

Look.  The fact is that people do not know what else is there until the technology is created and we know what we can do with it.  

It was a much better world really.  We only saw violence in other places on the news.  Or heard it on the radio. And they were only a few hours in a day.  So people could actually have a life.  Do something with their life.  Meet new friends "have a new plan, Stan' type lifestyle.  

It was safer and the evil people were unknown.   Our lives evolved around our "small circle of friends" and what they went through.   But nothing out of the ordinary.  The private issues were kept private.  No one needed to know about their neighbors in any way.  And really is why religion held a central focal point of culture.  

My childhood were the Sandlot days of old.  Neighborhood kids getting together at the lake on summers or riding bikes or playing with guns and pretend military or cowboy and Indians in that day.  Adults had more respect back then where you respected them and community leaders as well.

There is old Joni Mitchell song "Big Yellow Taxi" with these lines

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you got

Till it's gone
2020-02-20 17:33:08 UTC
 I was alive for forty years before the internet. Now the communicating and information is improved in our lives. As then and now life was accepted for what it is. 
2020-02-20 14:47:23 UTC
Yes. We used the Library -books. We also used the telephone. I used to phone my professors. That is, until I became one. Then, I'd phone my colleagues.  No matter. I was one of the first to use Yahoo & Google. I use to use Dog Pile before.
2020-02-20 00:57:15 UTC
Oh, it was horrible!  People actually had to talk to one another to know what was going on, children had to play outside, they had to learn to interact with each other, people actually read books, they had to learn use cursive writing in school instead of tapping on a screen, they worked outside and were in touch with nature, and they communicated face to face.  There was no one texting while driving, people didn't have their noses stuck in their phones all day, they didn't spend their entire waking hours glued to their computers, and they were very deprived of instant world-changing information.  We wouldn't have heard about the coronavirus for weeks or months, no one would have been tweeting about the condition of the world, and people couldn't have cared less what movie stars or sports figures were doing every minute of every day.  The world was much more calm and people were resourceful.  I'm sure you think that would have made it a terrible pace for you to live. 
2020-02-19 20:46:47 UTC
No, in 1993 the internet had already existed. Of course it was very different then. Pretty bad compared to today.
Sure To
2020-02-19 16:19:07 UTC
I was alive for 30+ years before the internet. I love the internet becuz I love to learn, but honestly, life was better without it. Friends got together and did things. Friends had the goal to spend time together. You didn't text each other all day long without meeting face to face.

You dated someone by spending time with them and getting to know them, in person.

Books and libraries were where you would go if you wanted to research or learn something. Families spent time together in the evenings, or over dinner, not sequestered in a room with their cell phones.

I honestly feel like human relationships have become much more shallow, and less significant and healthy as a result on the internet.

As much as I love it, and would miss it, I can honestly say I wish it had never come around.
Obi Wan Knievel
2020-02-19 14:46:55 UTC
Yes I was.  And I won't lie, it was pretty good.

I'm a member of the last pre-internet generation, and we had a blast.  Forget social media, we actually socialized with each other.  And forget sexting, we actually had sex.  And we got away with stuff all the time, because we didn't record ourselves doing it and then broadcast it to everyone.

Looking stuff up was a drag, though.  If we wanted to look stuff up, we had to open these big paper things called books and search through them until we found what we were looking for.  
2020-02-19 14:25:55 UTC
I was born just after the war (1944) having no electricity inside the house and just a water spout in our street.

It was very different to these kind of days. Every now and then we used to go to the cinema and keep on talking about that particular film for weeks. So our imagination had been vitalised more but since we had to do more hard and rough work our vitality was being spent on those important things as well.

Therefore I would conclude that we have to see the same glass either from half full and half empty or turn it round and see it from half empty and half full!
2020-02-19 13:55:39 UTC
I wrote my letters once or twice a year.
2020-02-19 00:46:14 UTC
Yes, I am really old (70) and life was less complicated. Face to fface conversations, letters, phones (yes we had them), and much less opportunity for people to abuse, bully etc.
2020-02-18 14:49:19 UTC
yes I was alive believe the internet. and even before cellphones. we talked to each in person and even visited each other. today kids waiting for the school bus, have their cell phones on and do not even talk to each other. they are so busy texting each other. we even had television when I was growing up, yes it was black and white and hardly many channels, but we enjoyed television. families got together
2020-02-18 14:06:56 UTC
I was alive before World War II. Fortunately I was too young to realise the horrors going on in England and Europe and my parents survived it, though Mum's nerves were shot to pieces. I mean, a bomb rolling down the street when she had to grab me away from the window as I watched it, fascinated. I didn't enjoy the rationing but my teeth, weight and health were much the better for it. It was great having freedom to run and cycle all over the place with pals but we all cleared the streets to go in for Dick Barton. Getting a second hand motor bike was tremendous though I had to learn mechanics to keep it going! Then I got musical instruments and learned to play several. Work improved when I left a Dickensian business to join a modern one as a graphic designer - hand lettering, then Letraset… not a computer in sight then. When they did start to creep in, I stuck to my hand-craft skills and found creativity with art and music deeply satisfying. I am glad I lived before the internet. I had a life, and freedom to live it to the full.
2020-02-18 13:11:26 UTC
It wasn't actually as different as some people make it out to be.  You had to work a little harder to get information - by talking to people, reading books, magazines, newspapers, etc.

You didn't have ready access to literally every piece of music and video in existence - so a lot of what you watched/listened to was dictated by what was on the tv/radio, unless you wanted to go out and purchase a physical copy.

There was still plenty of misinformation and disinformation out there - but it didn't spread quite as quickly, and the most ignorant and arrogant people didn't have the kind of bullhorn that the Internet has provided them.

The Internet is like any other tool - it can be used and it can be misused.
2020-02-18 09:30:57 UTC
I was yes. I grew up in the 1970's. Well, everything needed to be researched using encyclopedias, the library, newspapers, and so on. There was also much more post/mail then. One listened to the radio, and bought LP and 7 single/45 records much more, like for certain songs. In short, various other sources were used. And, children also played outside much more.  
2020-02-18 00:53:18 UTC
I was a young adult before the introduction of the World Wide Web in 1989. I did the same as I am doing now but I spend more time on the internet. I went to work. I worked on my hobbies and did martial arts training twice a week at night.  Paid the bills in person. I went to the movies and watched them on VHS tape. I read a lot of books and I socialised on the weekends. 
Me don't kno
2020-02-17 19:51:36 UTC
Question, what year was the internet?
2020-02-17 18:06:15 UTC
We knew more people. We met together. We communicated face-to-face or by phone or letter. Electronically there was only telephone, radio and television (3-12 channels). And just like God for atheists, we couldn't conceive of anything existing outside our diminutive paradigm of reality.
2020-02-17 16:24:25 UTC
There are a lot of positive things about 'the internet' of course

but before it .. it was great.

Children used to play outside with their friends (you know, REAL games)

People used to talk to each other in the street .. rather than walking around, head down, texting other people.

When you were on holiday you were 'on holiday' .. your workplace COULDN'T contact you.. and you actually sent things like ''Wish you were here postcards'' to friends rather than texting photos.

People used to go to shops to shop .. and actually see, touch and even try out (or try on) the thing before they bought it .. and have a conversation with a real shop assistant .
2020-02-17 16:21:47 UTC
It was fine, as kids we were always outside playing, and people would actually talk to each other instead of texting.
2020-02-17 16:12:10 UTC
People read more and played outside...
Jan C
2020-02-22 00:33:12 UTC
I lived in a peaceful home with family who talked to each other. There was no TV either, so we had lots to discuss. (School, church, nature and many other things) 
2020-02-20 03:11:29 UTC
For one thing, we learned how to spell and learned proper grammar. Obviously you have grown up with your computer. In other words, overall, we are smarter.
2020-02-19 21:23:05 UTC
If you wanted some piece of information, like "who won the world series in 1936?" or "what is the sum of angles of a convex polygon?", or "where do wombats live?" you couldn't just ask your phone --- you had to go to a library, possibly bother a librarian, and then search through books.  It could take hours.

Also, if you needed to buy something --- say, a 10-32 socket head cap screw with left-handed threads, you really had to search, possibly call some likely suppliers, look in printed catalogs, and then likely GO TO A STORE, possibly inconveniently far away.

Buying 100 shares of common stock had to be done through your personal stockbroker, and the transaction cost might well be more than $200.

If you had an unusual income tax problem, it was hard to find the right form --- it might be at your public library, or you might have to write a letter (on paper! mailed with a stamp!) to the IRS to get them to mail you the right form.  Then you'd have to neatly fill in all the forms, xerox them (again, at your public library), and mail them in with a cheque.

People used to write letters.  People used to buy physical books.  Students would have to accumulate their own library of relevant books, and move boxes of books from place to place.  People got the news from newspapers delivered to your door by underpaid people.

There were only 3 or maybe 6 TV channels, and what they had on was what you could watch.  If you missed seeing a show when it was on, you just missed it.  If a movie was not on one of the TV channels or in your local movie theater, there was no way to see it.

Nobody walked around with a phone.  If you wanted to phone someone, you'd have to find a phone, and then dial in the number of a phone you hoped they'd be at.  There were public phones that took coins.
2020-02-19 15:43:19 UTC
Yes, and it was actually terrific. I wouldn't at all mind returning to those days.

People did real research, in libraries and archives and serious books, journals, and documents of verified reliability.

There were no trolls; public discourse was more intelligent and civil. That's not to say there weren't political, ideological, and ethnic conflicts and arguments, because of course there were, but they were handled in a less hysterical, less juvenile, and far more informed manner.

The news cycle was slower, allowing for far more serious analysis. People got their news from newspapers, news magazines, and reputable broadcasters, not trashy online sites with often-bigoted agendas.  It was easier to avoid the rubbish tabloids and others that existed only to screech, scream, and attack.  In fact, life in general was a little slower, resulting in less stress and anxiety.

Garbage like child porn and white supremacist sites existed, but it was far more difficult to locate and obtain.  Porn existed, but again, it was harder to find and more limited in type. The easy availability of online porn is causing a lot of people significant problems in their offline sex lives.  The desperate need to curate one's life via social media did not exist at all, so that levels of social anxiety were far lower.

People actually engaged in conversation and with the world around them. They didn't simply stare at their phones as though God were speaking to them.  These days, any place where the public gathers leaves me laughing, because 99% of people are gazing blank-faced and slack-jawed at some device.  You'd think they'd all been drugged.  This, too, has contributed to the social anxiety explosion.

I could go on, but that's enough.  I recently read a lengthy article lamenting that the Internet didn't turn out to be the wonderful thing everyone thought it would be.  It certainly did not.  While there are some positives -- we can communicate much more rapidly and efficiently, for example -- there are far more negatives.

I'd be absolutely delighted to return to the pre-Internet days.
2020-02-19 12:24:45 UTC
PEOPLE were more social and less vain.TV did not have as many choices;people read hard cover books,and no selfies
2020-02-19 11:24:48 UTC
Yes, life was much simpler, the internet is a sea of debauchery, filth, and at the same time there are some good things
2020-02-19 02:13:45 UTC
The internet is an amazingly fast and compact learning tool!

When I read history books I now have instant maps an arms reach away.  If I want to research a minor incident or get an elaboration of the event it's now only a key stroke away!

I have re-read books on the WW2 pacific theater. How Japanese pilots could basically dead recon fly over vast ocean expanses.  It may stretch your imagination but maps of the 60's didn't cover all the Pacific!  I had a complete detailed map with the internet, could pull up obscure Chinese aircraft with a keystroke!  Much different re-reading the same book after some 40 years!   
Kazoo M
2020-02-19 01:16:46 UTC
The youth would go outside and play many sport activities, weight concern was never really an issue since most of the youth were always very active.

People were more friendly with one another regarding communication of which is frowned upon today.

Overall society in the past was more harmonious and compassionate.
2020-02-18 23:38:45 UTC
 Natural,as our body (and eyesight) was developed and built  for, not staring at screens all the time,often for pointless reasons. I admit to being guilty of that .
2020-02-18 19:46:36 UTC
2020-02-18 18:35:28 UTC
It was horrible!  People you didn’t know tried to talk to you instead of hiding behind computer screens.  We picked Presidents based on values instead of TV personas, well except for Reagan.  Life wasn’t worth living.
2020-02-18 17:59:57 UTC
I was alive before the first DARPAnet experiments that led to the internet, but by the time I entered college, the internet was being born.

What was it like?  Well, to be honest since we didn't have it beforehand, we didn't think about it much.  We were doing fine with broadcast TV networks and hard-wired phone lines.  We didn't know what we didn't have because it hadn't been invented yet.  So it was just fine.  And then it got better.  It is always a matter of getting accustomed to something new.  You didn't know beforehand what it would be like so how COULD you treat it differently?
2020-02-18 14:39:04 UTC
no, before the internet life must have been boring on the TV life was boring, before cars life was boring, before their was me life was boring! 😂
2020-02-18 13:16:23 UTC
Well, it was different.  For a start, there was no Internet.
2020-02-17 22:31:14 UTC
Life before the advent of "The Beast System" was wonderful and generally, uncomplicated. D*mn that Al Gore!
2020-02-17 17:42:02 UTC
the world was a lot better place
2020-02-17 17:28:45 UTC
Yes, most of the people on Earth were alive before the internet.

We talked to people, we went out of the house and did things instead of using Google and text messaging.
2020-02-17 16:07:14 UTC
A lot of stuff was harder, like renewing driver's licenses.  You *had* to go to the DMV every time.  When buying software, like a game, you had to go pick up a package with disks or CDs.  


The worst part was when you had a dumb idle question, and could not get the answer in seconds from Google.  Then you had to go the rest of your life without learning that Wilma Flintstone's maiden name was Wilma Slaghoople.  It was tragic.
2020-02-17 15:56:43 UTC
Didn't hear of it. Never had it so we never missed it. I will be 75 this month and when I was in the 3rd grade we saw a paper where some time in the future we would be able to see the people we are talking to on the phone. Many years later that came true.
2020-02-17 15:53:17 UTC
Yes I was alive before the internet and I am still alive for the internet.  We had a life is what we had, we did not sit for hours in front of screens typing clicking etc.  We actually went outside the house to meet up with friends (not contact them via Facebook etc) and talk to them.

If we wanted some information about something then we went to the library and looked the information up. 

I used to write a lot of letters when I was younger but I have to admit that an email is a lot easier.  I just sit down type my message and send, no walking down to the post box to post the letter on a cold and chilly day. Although I disagree with e-cards for birthdays, okay if you forget to send card, an e-card is nice but you cannot stand it up with your other cards.

There is a lot of minus points about the internet but there are also a lot more +s.
2020-02-21 06:32:41 UTC
Better I used to meet my Friends in Coffee Bars and we would talk face to Face these days even before we get the coffee someone walks away talking to a piece of plastic so i drink my coffee and leave
2020-02-20 21:33:55 UTC
Landline telephones, lots of friends that were PRESENT, typewriters and word processers that looked like a typewriter.  No email, no WiFi, no cells.  Lots more time to play outside, explore, more awareness of nature, an innocence era where you felt safe and secure.  Friends called on the landline and you could laugh, giggle and have such a good time.  Riding ponies with other friends who had ponies, exploring the land.
2020-02-20 10:37:46 UTC
You know, there was at least three or four thousand years of human history before the internet. But in my lifetime (I was born in 1972),  the internet really started to take off about 1996, 97. From my perspective, the internet has changed things in lots of ways really but most noticeably in how we consume media (tv, movies, music etc.) and how we communicate (Facebook, email, social networking etc.). There are downsides to it of course but generally I think the information super-highway has changed things for the better. The days of having to for example, use clunky VHS video cassettes to record tv programmes or watch films seem like a very long time ago.
2020-02-20 07:13:39 UTC
Life was simpler and not so complicated, children played outside and families did things together. Not like today where a family at a restaurant all spend their times on a cell and hardly speak to each other. It has its advantages but many people are hooked by it.
2020-02-20 02:13:22 UTC
Nope i wuz born on jan 3, 2008. I am much younger than you
The Thinker247
2020-02-20 00:23:23 UTC
It was good. People watched TV and chatted about the program they watched, they talked to each other, played board games like snakes and ladders, ludo and cards. They went out, kids played out, people went shopping together and had time for each other, basically everything done online now you had fun doing back in the day. Happy times
2020-02-19 20:38:00 UTC
black-&-white t.v but no color t.v., no cellular phones, no internet; the only computers were huge, huge devices owned by science companies, no rocket ships or orbiting space stations, no birth control pills, no dvds, no t.v. show recording devices, electric guitars.
2020-02-19 18:05:58 UTC
I was alive and also before mobile phones, it was   

Just normal to us to make a call either on the landline or in a public phone box ,as for the internet we would be reading more books ,newspapers etc,then ,I find that now we can communicate so much quicker via text and e mail which is great whereas in the past we would have had to send a letter of it was a document although there were fax machines ,there are a lot of people who bemoan the internet because or trolls ,the amount of time young people spend online etc which is true but I think the advantages we have now outway this and I’m glad we have the internet 
2020-02-19 17:20:36 UTC
It is 'were' not 'where', moron.
2020-02-19 13:09:16 UTC
It was a dark and dangerous time, wild beasts would kill and eat our children, and we couldn't even share cute cat pictures to cheer us up. Paper cuts were  a common cause of death, we watched black and white TV in the dark because there was no electricity . I was raised as an orphan because both of my parents were strangled in a tragic telephone cord accident. We had to copy boob and dick pics by hand and mail them to each other, and they had no captions. 
2020-02-19 10:10:30 UTC
Life was much more peaceful and simple. Most people had good moral values and and principles by which they deliberately chose to by based on their religious upbringing "treated others the the way they wished to be treated" golden rule).Athiests were unheard of!
2020-02-19 09:11:04 UTC
Families played Games together, like Monopoly. Or played Cards.

They would talk and laugh together watching favorite TV show that comes on once a week.

Oh and played outside.

Who wants to do any of that stuff if you have the internet?
2020-02-19 04:00:21 UTC
We had radio and dial up weather information, we also had some dial up chat lines, you press 3 to talk to the next person. We had libraries, we had books by mail order, we had lots and lots of cool magazines to read, ..... We had a letter sent by mail, we had letter tinder, you exchange stamps envelopes and letters written by hand with the opposite sex and got things in the mail a handwritten letter with perfume.
2020-02-19 02:56:22 UTC
No trolls to dampen my day.
2020-02-18 23:08:35 UTC
Even politics was a lot more gentlemanly.
2020-02-18 17:58:29 UTC
Very different than now. In ten years or more, what we think of now as cutting edge will be old-fashioned and quaint. That's how quickly technology is changing our lives. None of that will come from America if things continue as they are. A whites-only hell doesn't really produce that much except concentration camps, destruction, starvation and death. 
2020-02-17 17:01:36 UTC
Russians weren’t screwing around with our elections on social media 
2020-02-17 16:41:39 UTC
Yep, to get up and turn the channel was physical exercise. To send mail required a stamp. To have wars was dirt clogs and rocks ND one time BB guns you went out side for fun played hide and seek and you had to go to the theatre for a movie. I watched star wars on the floor because all the seats were full
2020-02-17 16:23:49 UTC
We were not aware that we were missing anything.  We had encyclopedias and TV.
2020-02-17 15:56:50 UTC
The world didn't have to be photographed, videoed, chronicled and shared to think life is real. Some still think that way 
2020-02-19 23:36:24 UTC
Happier, people read a lot more, and was more courteous to one another.  Now-a-days it seems every one is in a mad rush to get rich quick and live in a lap of luxury especially in the US.
2020-02-18 18:48:02 UTC
Your spelling and grammar are painful.
2020-02-17 18:04:08 UTC
Quieter, and with less people to annoy.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.