The Catholic has divine faith.
Because the Church teaches me so.
Because God has commanded me to believe the teaching of the Church.
We are taught by St. Peter, in his epistle, "No prophecy of Scripture is made by private interpretation ... for the unlearned and unstable wrest ... Scriptures ... to their own descruction."
Our Divine Savior has given us a living teacher, to give us the true meaning of the Bible.
And He has provided a teacher with infallibility. And this was absolutely necessary, for without infallibility, we could never be sure of our faith. There must be an infallibility.
Whenever Christ speaks of His Church, it is always in the singular.....that he has established only one Church, only one Church.
Whenever He speaks, whether in figures or parables of His Church, He always conveys to the mind a oneness, a union, a unity.
He speaks of His Church as a sheepfold, in which there is but one shepherd, that is the head of all.
He speaks of His Church as of a kingdom, in which there is but one king to rule all. And He speaks of His Church as a family in which there is but one father at the head. He speaks of His Church as a tree, and all the branches of that tree are connected with the trunk, and the trunk with the roots, and Christ is the root. The trunk is Peter and the Popes, the large branches are the bishops, the smaller branches the priests, and the fruit upon that tree are the faithful throughout the world. The branch, says He, that is cut off from that tree shall wither away, produce no fruit, and is only fit to be cast into the fire, that is, damnation.
There are many different Protestant churches in existence, and almost every year one or two more are added. Besides this number, there is the Catholic Church.
The history of all nations, of all people, bears testimony that the Catholic Church is the oldest and the first. It is the one established by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Not only all history, but all the monuments of antiquity bear testimony to this, and all the nations of the earth proclaim it.
If the Catholic Church had been once the true church, then she is still true, and shall be the true Church of God to the end of time.
For Christ has promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church. He says that He has built it upon a rock, and that the gates of hell shall never prevail against it.
Christ commands us to hear and believe the teachings of the Church in all things, at all times and in all places.
St. Paul says, "The Church is the ground and the pillar of truth," and the moment you take away the authority of the Church of God you induce all kinds of errors and blasphemous doctrines.
Christ had established His Church and given His solemn oath that His Church should stand to the end of time. He promised that He had built it upon rock, and that the gates of hell should never prevail against it. All those different denominations of religion are the inventions of man.
The Only Church That Christ Established Is The Catholic Church. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be condemned." [Mark 16:16].