Should the phrase "Merry Christmas" be definitely changed to "Season's Greetings" out of respectfor minorities
Sniper of Goth
2008-07-25 06:47:03 UTC
Should "merry Christmas" be replaced by "happy holidays" or "season's greetings" as a sign of regard towards religious minorities in Western Europe and North America? Will saying "Merry Christmas" become an offensive taboo soon?
34 answers:
2008-07-25 06:53:28 UTC
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-20

Christmas is the happiest time of year for most people. But today, there is a war on Christmas. Many people want to remove Christ from the holiday and just wish us “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”

I. The History of the War

There has always been hatred, fear and animosity toward Jesus.

A. Herod tried to kill him.

B. Once Christ began His ministry, religious leaders opposed Him.

C. It’s not a war against a religion. It’s a war against a Person.

D. The term “politically correct” came from the Communist Manifesto.

II. The Character of the War

A. Religious. People would like to eliminate or quiet the church.

B. Organized. Our society has celebrated Christmas for hundreds of years, now educators in public schools are told they can’t mention Christmas.

C. Cloaked. Using the term “separation of church and state,” people are seeking freedom from religion, instead of freedom of religion.

III. The Weapons of the War

A. Lawsuits

B. Ungodly judges

IV. The Campaign of the War

A. Eliminate the name of Christ.

B. Eliminate manger scenes.

C. Eliminate “Merry Christmas.”

1. They want our money, but they don’t want to acknowledge why we celebrate this time of year.

2. Compromise opens the door for more freedoms to be stolen from us. It begins small. But once you compromise, the next time it’s easier. Dr. Stanley example: Raising children in today’s society.

V. The Reasons for Compromise

A. Fear. Primarily, we fear rejection.

B. Avoid conflict. People don’t want to get involved.

C. Easily intimidated. They believe sharing their faith, or even a Christmas greeting, is “pushing” their religion on someone else.

D. Don’t want to mix religion with politics. But, as a child of God, you should mix your faith with everything.

VI. The Choices Believers Have

A. To support the war against Christmas

B. To remain silent and do nothing

C. To stand up and voice our opinions and decide to support the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.


This war is against God. It’s zeroed in on His Son, and it’s against everything that is holy and godly. Ask yourself, Which of these groups do I stand in? Support? Silence? Or, standing courageously and strongly for the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

So the answer to your question is NO
2008-07-25 06:56:34 UTC
Christmas as a holiday is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. If you don't celebrate the day as such, say whatever you want, but Christians say Merry Christmas. If you are offended by Merry Christmas, tough s**t. That is why we get the day off from work and in many cases are paid overtime because of working the holiday. If that greeting offends you, don't take the day off and refuse the overtime, that would be the proper thing to do.
2008-07-25 06:57:06 UTC
Would you be offended if I wished you a Happy Hanukkah?

Nope, there is nothing wrong with saying 'Merry Christmas'( during the Christmas season of course ,lol).Minorities and other cultures are not offend when you wish them a Happy Christmas and they are not the ones that complain. It is usually Atheists that complain under the guise of not wanting to offend minorities.There is nothing wrong with saying Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Diwali etc. If a person has no religious affiliation, they should say Season greetings. Whatever the person wants to Say, but no on should be censored in what they say.
2008-07-25 06:54:32 UTC
Not at all, not under any circumstance. The minorities should know their limits. We cannot forget the birthday boy. So why lose Christ? I suggest minorities can either at best accept Christ and celebrate Christmas or they can ignore it all. I for one, living in an Arab country wish my Arab colleagues Merry Christmas while they are a majority and they gladly wish back so why care about what the minorities feel? After all it is Christ's Birth that is celebrated and not any stupid holiday.
2008-07-25 06:50:46 UTC
As an atheist I say no. I am not offended if someone tells me Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah, etc. I take it as them trying to wish me happiness, which is a good thing. Plus, if you look around, Christmas isn't exactly as much of a Christian holiday as a materialist holiday these days.
2008-07-25 07:04:19 UTC
Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. People that don't want to celebrate this can opt out....I myself, will continue to say "Merry Christmas"

If someone is offended by my belief....they have a lot more issues and refraining from saying "Merry Christmas" won't help them.
Snow Globe
2008-07-25 06:56:58 UTC
Why? A holiday is a holiday. I will wish you happy birthday because it is your birthday. I will wish you a blessed Eid when it is Eid. When it's Christmas, I'll call it Christmas. People should realize that the greeting comes from a person who is celebrating and wishes you to share in the joy of that holiday. If a person of another faith gives me their holiday greeting, I should feel honored.
June smiles
2008-07-25 06:54:01 UTC
Merry merry Christmas.

There should be a scene depicting the manger scene in every town square and Christmas carols playing from every clock tower for the whole of the season. And We should be thanking God often for His Grace!!
Mike R
2008-07-25 06:55:27 UTC
The official name for the national holiday is still 'Christmas.' As long as there is an official national holiday named 'Christmas' why shouldn't we say 'Merry Christmas?'

It is the name of the holiday!

Mike R
2008-07-25 06:52:34 UTC
You know what? That's too bad if they don't like it. We celebrate Christmas here and no one will ever stop that. I'm not offended by people saying Happy Hanukkah or Merry why would anyone be offended by "Merry Christmas? If they don't like it, they don't have to celebrate it.....kind of like I don't celebrate Black History Month, but I'm not out trying to get them to call it "All Races History Month"..
Black Knight
2008-07-25 06:54:04 UTC
Not sure if God is that keen on the Merry Xmas

after all it was a pagan winter festival picked up in 400AD

Jesus was NOT born Dec 25 (since shepherds had more sense than being out in the snow in mid winter)

By the time the unnumbered magi turned up Jesus was a young child living in a house

Herod had all 2 yo boys killed , but Jesus had already been taken to Egypt
2008-07-25 06:51:32 UTC
No. People don't have a right to repress the exercise of my religion. I'll always say "Merry Christmas." :)

Anyone who doesn't like free speech can move to Iran.

Christmas is also a traditinal American holiday. So if you are in America expect to hear it.
2008-07-25 06:53:57 UTC

In the UK, we are not allowed to have Christmas decorations in the shops because of the minorities (which are, ironically, now the majority)

This makes me an unhappy bunny =(
Blue Haired Old Lady
2008-07-25 06:52:11 UTC
Everyone is offended by something these days. No, people should be able to give whatever greeting they feel good about and the cry babies that get offended should be required to lighten up.
Solly Llama NOR★CAL R&S
2008-07-25 06:51:35 UTC
That's up to the individual and - in some cases - the business.

Christians would flex a LOT of muscle if they boycotted retailers that didn't kowtow to their cultural requirements, and shopping would be much nicer on the rest of us that just want to pay for our mints.
David M
2008-07-25 06:51:49 UTC
So far down the list of things that this atheist cares about that it's not even visible.

Let us get equal rights under law, political representation and access, an end to enforced indoctrination and taxpayer subsidies for Xianity and a whole host of other things first before we worry about who says what on a holiday that has about as much to do with Christ, both in origin and in practical application, as I do.
Drop short and duck
2008-07-25 06:57:31 UTC
No they shouldn't it is the minorities that have to come on stream and let the head down and enjoy all of what Father Christmas can delivery ho ho ho and get up them red-nose.
Holy Cow!
2008-07-25 06:50:08 UTC
Yes. The war on Christmas is over.
2008-07-25 06:50:24 UTC
No, screw the minorities. Including atheists. Screw us as well.

Seriously, if anyone is offended by the phrase "Merry Christmas", they need to loosen up.
2008-07-25 07:05:10 UTC
No. It is the season we celebrate the birth of the greatest being that ever walked this earth, no matter who you believe He is.
2008-07-25 06:50:50 UTC
Not because of the minorities, but because it's true! "Merry Christmas" belong to the "magical thinking" of only one religion!!!
2008-07-25 06:52:14 UTC
NO!!! Why should we change everything about our country(s) just to serve those who immigrate here? They would raise hell and high water, or fight tooth and nail to prevent our traditions invading their societies and countries, so why should we do that here? While I'm not Christian, I have always called it Christmas, and ALWAYS WILL!!!

Start trying to please everyone will only serve to hurt more.
2008-07-25 07:02:11 UTC
For the government, yes. For private people, who cares?
2008-07-25 06:51:03 UTC
One would hope so. But there is a way around it. Move the 'birthday of christ' to sometime in the spring, which is a more likely date than Dec. 25. That date (Dec. 25) was a pagan holiday hijacked by thieving christians.
Scott Grafton
2008-07-25 06:51:40 UTC
Political Correctness will be the death of me.

No!! Each culture has their own traditions, why should we change some of them to suit other cultures
2008-07-25 06:50:21 UTC
Don't care.... I'll still say "Merry Christmas" every chance I get..
2008-07-25 06:52:59 UTC
Don't let Bill Oreilly catch you saying this. that over grown leprechaun will have you for lunch
2008-07-25 06:56:29 UTC
well yes because christmas translates into christ mass and a lot of people don't believe in christ
2008-07-25 06:51:12 UTC
Do we have to have a rule? Let's just say, everybody use the greeting they like, and people react to that as they please.
2016-04-03 04:43:31 UTC
Mine says report abuse and I think you are right, it has changed!!!
Empire of the Sun
2008-07-25 06:56:20 UTC
Why should Christians have to sacrifice their own traditions just to please a minority of religions. Christians have respect for them. We we live we welcome all different cultures, muslim, jewish, Hindu etc.
2008-07-25 06:50:48 UTC
2008-07-25 06:52:07 UTC
2008-07-25 06:51:58 UTC

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