Why are there so many insulting questions against the Christian religion?
2006-11-22 16:35:56 UTC
If you don't believe in God why do you have to make fun of others faith? Does it make you feel good to upset people? Rasing a contraversal question is one thing but being disrespectfull in attempt to upset another is kinda pittifull. If you don't believe in God why are you in a religious post? Merry Christmas!
53 answers:
2006-11-22 16:52:39 UTC
Pray for them and share Jesus Christ with them. They come here for answers about how they can be saved, it is just their way of beating around the bush.

Most of them are afraid of life, and what is after. Also it is Satan inside of them warring against God.

Best to just come back with answers from the Bible, about how God does love them. Because that is what they really want to hear, or they wouldn't come on this site.
2006-11-22 17:09:15 UTC
Why are there so many insulting questions posted by self-proclaimed Christians? (i. e. "What would Jesus post?") If they believe in the teachings or Christ, why do you have to make fun of others? Does it make them feel good to upset people? Rasing a contraversal question is one thing but being disrespectfull in attempt to upset another is kinda pittifull. If you believe in God, why such a sacreligious post?

I'm not saying that your point is wrong. I agree, but the knife cuts both ways. A lot of "Christians" post hateful posts targeted at atheists and honest scientists that study evolution. Just as they lump groups together, devout Christians get lumped in with the loud-mouthed hatemongers who call themselves Christian, but who act in a most un-Christ-like manner.

I could finish my paraphrase of your question with "Happy Holidays!" but I won't. Merry Christmas!!!
2006-11-22 17:44:46 UTC
I actually saw this post in society/culture. But I will take a stab at your answer. Are you focusing only on the Christian faith? because in all honesty I tend to see a lot of negativity toward the Muslim faith right now. I don't think that anyone has a hatred for another religion, I think that most people are ignorant about the different kinds of faith. I'm not religious, probably never will be, but I can't criticize any religion because I am truly ignorant about all faiths. I know nothing of one faith to another. well, that's not entirely true. I know that different faiths believe in different gods. but all faiths have a couple of things in common---1) all faiths have a God.2) all faiths believe in a better afterlife.

All of these Holy wars are without merit. As far as I'm concerned ,Don't criticize a religion or faith,esp. if you don't know what you are talking about.
2006-11-22 17:20:28 UTC
The fault belongs to conservative Christians and their ‘holier-than-attitude’, insistence on everyone being just like them, and active campaign to destroy the US Constitution and the government upon which it is based. Social and politically conservative Christians wish to get rid of our democratic republic and replace it with a Theocratic government based on the evil morality of their rape-torture-kill Old Testament-style (or, as John Adams said, they want to, “"whip and crop, and pillory and roast.")

America was founded as a secular democratic republic. By unanimous approval of the 1797 U.S. Congress:

“As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion”

There has never been a time in the history of Christianity when it had real political power and did not use it for evil purposes. And, this is not the first time Christians have tried to undermine America’s constitutional government. In 1864, 1874, 1896 and 1911, they tried to pass amendments that would rewrite the Constitution to include references to God.

Today’s fundamentalist Christians wish America harm as well. On 9/11 both Falwell and Robertson said that God had brought down the trade towers and killed 3,000 because he was angry with America and that we deserved it because we had brought it on ourselves.

We will never know if Adams was right when he wrote,” This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it!”, because we likely we never find out. But we do know that if the Christian religious-right gains control of America, then only terrorists will control the world. How can deal with Islamic terrorists abroad when we have Christian terrorist traitors at home?
2006-11-22 16:40:28 UTC
The answer can be found by deeply reflecting on why we don't see anyone doing the same thing against Zen Buddhists. The answer requires a very honest look at oneself and a desire to see things as they are. Note also that the presumption that the R&S section is limited to belief in God can be a helpful thing to start the self-inquiry -- this presumption may be a clue to why people who want to bash others find christians to be their favorite target.
2006-11-22 16:48:20 UTC
I am a Christian. I have seen the disparaging remarks as well. I ignore them. Just know that someone who is not a Christian cannot be expected to act Christ-like. Some Christians don't even act Christ-like. Jesus said "if the world hates you, know that it hated me first". We will always get opposition. People will think that because science isn't our God that we have no ability to think - they don't know that while we totally understand the theorems of science, we just don't agree with them. People will lump all Christians together then point out some who claim to be Christian but act in a manner that would say that they are not. People will try to get a Christian to get upset and go against their beliefs by coming back with tart responses - for some odd reason it seems to give them a laugh if they can get us to fail. It is hard to understand the motives of people who want to hurt others. Just know that you are loved. God loves you so very much and it is He we need to try and please, not anyone else.

Peace in Christ Jesus
2006-11-22 17:37:09 UTC
I see more questions attacking nonchristians than questions or answers attacking christians. But if someone starts a fight, the opposing side usually will respond in kind. Sorta contradictory, those hateful questions posed by christians attacking other religions or athiests--thought they were supposed to be tolerant and also turn the other cheek.
Mr Ed
2006-11-22 16:44:39 UTC
Insulting questions in general, whether directed at Christians, or Muslims, or Atheists, simply denote a lack of reasoning power, or being too lazy to bother reasoning. A cheap shortcut in any argument or discussion is to insult, hoping others will get on the bandwagon. And there are always those who do.
2006-11-22 17:12:12 UTC
In my opinion people who put down others for whatever reasons , whether it is political, religious, race, looks or you name it are insecure people. They are people with low self esteem and very little self worth and more than likely have many fears. I say this because I think if someone truly likes /loves themselves and their lifestyle , however they chose to live it , won't have time to judge others or even want to as they will be too busy enjoying life.
Bad Liberal
2006-11-22 17:00:05 UTC
The ignorance spouted by Christians here about Wiccanism, paganism, Satanism, atheism, Islam and anything else that isn't them is astounding. This is not "your" section. Stop being so thin skinned. Your religion or the fact that you believe in it does not entitle you to respect. You're in the real world here, not the inbred little community that gathers every weekend to agree with each other at your church. Get used to it.
2006-11-22 18:06:18 UTC
I see there as being essentially two major categories of people who call themselves Christians. There are people who are just trying to love their neighbors as themselves, do to others as they'd have others do to them, not judging, etc who pretty much leave other people alone. They believe in democracy, the U.S. Constitution, freedom of religion, secular government, a separation of church and state and basically see religion as something personal rather than something that should be legislated. Based on conversations I had with a bishop, I'm just going to refer to these people as Good Christians.

Then there are the Fundamentalists who go around telling other people that they're going to be tortured forever if they don't believe in their book, legislating their religious beliefs, working for hierocracy (rule by religion) as opposed to democracy, opposing the First Amendment and our national values of freedom of religion, separation of church and state and secularism. They persecute other religions and various groups of people, including gays, Lesbians and women, who are just minding their own business, obeying our laws and living peaceably. In extreme cases, Fundamentalists even commit hate crimes and other extreme acts of hatred. Recently, groups of them have gone to other people's funerals to "protest" the funerals. Over the past few decades, extreme Fundamentalists have even murdered people. Having Fundamentalists physically assault someone or damage someone's property just because that person has a different religion or is one of the groups that they hate is relatively common.

I don't know which group you're in. If you're a Good Christian, I'm sorry that people are attacking Christians in general. I think they should try to make the distinction that I made above. I do think, however, that much of the attacks and insults aimed at all Christians come from people who are angry about the Fundamentalists. So, if you're in the Good Christian category, turn the other cheek and realize that a lot of this stuff may not really be aimed at you.

If you're a Fundamentalist, however, "how can you see the mote in your brother's eye when you cannot see the log in your own?"[1] Fundamentalists persecute others. Fundamentalists do to everyone who's not one of them all of and more than what you're complaining about in this question. If you want people to respect your religion, you need to respect theirs. You ask if people make fun of others because it makes them feel good to upset people. Personally, the only theory that explains to me why Fundamentalists persecute others is that it makes THEM feel good to upset people.
Black Dragon
2006-11-22 16:47:46 UTC
There are insulting questions being asked about just about every religion in here, unfortunate but true.

Allot of those vulgar questions are being asked by those looking for a cheap thrill. Some of the questions are asked out of ignorance. Only a few insulting questions are asked by people with no respect for anyones religion other than their own.

Also there are people who choose to see insult where none was given, the victim mentality.

I believe in the Divine, which you choose to call God, who is also call Allah and by many other names, I hope that's alright with you.
2006-11-22 17:12:07 UTC
my friend first Merry Christmas

this was since the begining: the early christians was killed burned and on cross.

this is a prediction of jesus .

but be calm the light is brighter than darkness and when darkness get darker light look brighter .

the insul the holy God : either are some foolish people wanna be sexually deviants openly or some simple people when drifted out of the tribe by the false profets or some secret organizations .

but i assure you the devil was crushed by the cross of yesou al massieh < jesus christ > . the head of the snake was crushed but the tail is still moving here and there , even the devil know that he is in hell but still try to move out. they fight jesus through secret orgs or through books or movies ...... the last one was the da vinci code who every scientific person refused it but some choose to make from fiction a religion for themselves and deny the truth , remember : there is no blind as those who will not see
2006-11-22 16:55:50 UTC
I believe its because they don't understand or had a bad expirience with people that were calling themselves Christains. But yes, I agree with you. Merry Christmas to you too :)
Raymond T
2006-11-22 17:19:42 UTC
I believe in God and I am not a Christian. I'm a Gnostic who follows the teachings of Jesus. Now when it comes to name calling Christians do their share. They call me a heretic. "Let he who is with out sin," and you should know the rest
lnfrared Loaf
2006-11-22 17:21:09 UTC
Why are there so many insulting questions against the Christian religion from non-christians and vice versa...

all is fair in love and war.... almost

you should think outside your bubble.
2006-11-22 16:58:23 UTC
Well, it is just so darn easy...:)

Look, the vast majority of christians in this world are fine people who tend to their own religion in private, don't bother anyone else with it, and don't try to do silly things like twist fake science to "prove" god exists or ban science from being taught in schools (evolution) or try to get the wacky beliefs and morality passed as law and taught as fact in schools. Those good people none of us have any problem with.

However, a significant portion of christians, especially in the US, are not like that. They want schools to teach "creationism" or "intelligent design" as if they're science (they're not even close). They claim their beliefs -- usually the ones that believe the every single word in the bible is true and that the earth is 6000 years old -- are as scientifically valid as science is (they're not -- not even close). They try to force their own ideas about morality and god into government, courts, schools, laws -- in clear violation of our constitution. THOSE christians lots of us have a big problem with. Do you understand why?

Some of us feel compelled to fight their attempt to spread lies, false statements, fairy-tales, and the rest of their dogma as if they were absolute fact. If that means being the religious area even though I'm not religious, that's fine -- it's a free country and a free "Yahoo".

These ignorant people show up in the science section all the time anyway, and answer a question such as, "how old is the earth and how did it form?" (IN THE SCIENCE SECTION) with posts such as, "god made it in 7 days 6000 years ago, the bible says so and it's absolutely true."

Turnabout is fair play :)

2006-11-22 16:44:38 UTC
If people would stop responding to the insulting questions, the pathetic "askers" would stop posting them. They do it for attention, like naughty children.

HOWEVER ... I've noticed just as many insulting questions posed to the Hindus, Muslims, and Atheists ..
2006-11-22 16:44:08 UTC
I'm not sure what your talking about. Just by questioning the Christian faith it self I seem to insult the people who are Christian. You can't win.
2006-11-22 17:38:03 UTC
"For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son------that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
2006-11-22 16:57:56 UTC
We're such easy targets. Maybe we take ourselves too seriously. This is a great place to meet different people and practice communicating better.
2006-11-22 17:03:58 UTC
Odd, Christians seem unaware that there constant remarks about all religions being false but theirs, and others worshiping false Gods are insulting, disrespectful and upsetting.

They seem to think that it's OK to tell others that they are going to burn in hell for their beliefs, but get upset when anyone else does it back.

Strange behavior.

Love and blessings Don
2006-11-22 16:52:41 UTC
I believe deeply in God and very much resent your insult that only

Christians are capable of loving God.
2006-11-22 17:04:40 UTC
the problem is that the matter of christianity is intensly contentious.

There are many things about christianity that don't quite add up and people are more than happy to throw it in the face of certain christians
2006-11-22 16:49:11 UTC
This is an organized attempt by evil people to try and trick people out of their faith. Literally, a group of people are sitting in an office somewhere, brainstorming posts that might trick people into not believing in God anymore. They man a computer in shifts with multiple YA accounts, writing post after post along these lines.

Whether they call themselves atheists, pagans, marxists, muslims or national socialists (nazis), they are all the same thing....agents of satan.
2006-11-22 17:17:59 UTC
Because Christianity has been insulting mankind with it's lies.
2006-11-22 17:15:34 UTC
You hear lots of reasons - but when you can't answer: get mad!

You also hear that it reminds them of what they are missing deep down and it manifests itself in some interesting ways, doesn't it?

What is missing is Jesus - and what you see what life is like without him. Our job is to tell about him, and love unconditionally as he does.

Happy Thanksgiving!
2006-11-22 17:00:25 UTC
Because too many people are trying to influence the government and the american people with religeous beliefs.
2006-11-22 16:48:09 UTC
It's just stupid kids acting out who haven't figured out that there are consequences to actions. The Bible may not specifically mention karma, but many of Jesus' sayings embody the concept.

These dimwits are just asking for trouble. It's just a matter of time.
2006-11-22 16:41:04 UTC
Why are there so many presumptuous, judgmental, self-righteous sermons and attacks on non-christians or on one group of christians by another - all disguised as questions?
2006-11-22 16:37:38 UTC
Insulting questions don't bother me; I just don't read them.

In all fairness, there have also been insulting questions directed at non-christians. It goes both ways.
2006-11-22 17:00:58 UTC
hey, TRUE Christians DO NOT celebrate christmas! repent you pretender to the true faith! repent, blasphemer! hehehe...
someone who loves jesus
2006-11-22 16:51:02 UTC
yes why? why be in this post and not in another. i would like to know too.

most of this people are young and just don't know about god. so they want to make fun of it.

but one day they will know.
2006-11-22 16:41:17 UTC
Ah... don't sweat it. Read some of these and remember that Jesus knew that you'd be mocked.
2006-11-22 17:06:07 UTC
it is mostly in retaliation for the way christians insult everyone else in the R&S section. shove your merry christmas, by the way. by wishing me a merry christmas you are insulting me, but you are too blind to see that.
2006-11-22 16:43:47 UTC
I don't believe in YOUR god and Christians don't hold the rights to being the only ones allowed to call themselves Religious "religious" includes ALL religions.
2006-11-22 17:11:26 UTC
Christianity is not one religion but of religions.

There is only one true christianity - one truth.
2006-11-22 16:59:38 UTC
because its all crap thats why and people don't realise it, just trying to help you guys thats all but if you want to follow instead of being your own person feel free.
2006-11-22 17:24:41 UTC
You go dude! I am a Christian are you? Hope to hear from u more!
2006-11-22 16:59:23 UTC
i think its because christians seem to be really good at pissing others off....and in turn people lash back with hatefullness....its a vicious circle
2006-11-22 16:52:30 UTC
Usually the people who do nothing but insult us are the same ones claiming we're so hateful. Watch the patern, it's fun :)
2006-11-22 16:40:14 UTC
I think that every time that a theist asks, "Why are atheists in this section," that their tithe for that week should by default go to a secular humanist organization.;_ylt=AtVz0lnqe4PfFLqBh.03l00nzKIX?p=why+atheist+this+section&scope=&mc=&fltr=_en&tab=0&asktime=&st=1;_ylt=AnvyGTcsnzPpDP4kpvL_a0cjzKIX?p=atheist+religion+section;_ylt=AnvyGTcsnzPpDP4kpvL_a0cjzKIX?p=atheist+religious+section

If that's not enough answers, then check back in one hour, and it'll be asked again.

As for insulting, you're one to talk, saying things like, "Halloween is over.....take off that scarey mask you have on!" to a person.
Socratic Pig
2006-11-22 16:42:44 UTC
If you don't challenge what is told you, you must agree with it...Silent compliance is the equal to agreement... Joseph Goebels...
2006-11-22 16:41:42 UTC
Athiests claim that fundies are persecuting them, so they lash out at all Christians, being, as they are, too narrow minded to differentiate between the fundamentalists and the majority of Christians.

Unfortunately the more vocal ones aren't able to raise appropriate questions without being mocking or offensive.
2006-11-22 16:42:36 UTC
Oh, you had such a good point going until your LAST SENTENCE! Let's review, shall we?

" I think everyone should get along and be respectful of others' opinions even if it differs from their own."

OK, that's agreeable to most. You're at 1st and Goal so far...

"But unless you believe what I do, don't post here!"

OH! He craps himself and fumbles the ball!

How's that foot taste?
2006-11-22 16:52:44 UTC
Why are there so many insulting questions about other religions, like Islam and Wicca? it goes both ways.

You stop insulting everyone else, everyone else will stop insulting YOU.
2006-11-22 16:39:24 UTC
WELL ya its too bad they are nice sound a little TOO upset though I you dont mind me saying...I'm just here because I heard there is free donuts after the service, so dont mind me.
george p
2006-11-22 16:49:04 UTC
we have some ppl prejudice to christians simple as that
2006-11-22 16:54:51 UTC
this is what happens when people have no respect for solid doctrine
2006-11-22 16:40:03 UTC
Because people don't accept the message of Jesus, the Bible says that will happen.

I don't worry about it at least they are asking quesions.
2006-11-22 16:38:41 UTC
Ever hear the phrase, "You can dish it out, but you can't take it"? Christian Fundamentalists have been on the attack for years now, trying to deny rights to homosexuals, trying to outlaw abortions, trying to keep women from obtaining equal rights, and trying to impose their own morals - many of them non-biblical - on the rest of society. Non-Fundamentalists are finally fighting back by speaking out against their campaigns, their media onslaughts, and their mistaken notions of truth, and the Fundamentalists don't like it very much. They can dish it out, but they can't take it. So when people of good conscience stand up for their rights, Fundamentalists cry foul - they claim they are being persecuted when they are not. All they have to worry about is someone calling them bad names and denying them their request for favoritism.
2006-11-22 16:46:12 UTC
Making fun of stupidity is just fun for us.
Laptop Jesus 2.0
2006-11-22 16:38:08 UTC
Yes, siddown and shuddup, you

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.