Have you EVER even read the Bible? All the way through?
Believing evolution is like going into a car junkyard.....parts of cars are lying everywhere....and you set off this huge explosion....parts are flying everywhere......and after all the dust settles....you look and ....there in front of you is this huge 747 jet perfectly running...all put together perfectly....computers on board all put together. Just how did it get put together ... running perfectly.....what bunk...that would be impossible! Just as evolution is a bunch of bunk and impossible.
Now HOW DUMB IS THAT? Car parts "evolved" into this perfectly running 747 jet....where did THOSE parts come from, HUH?
Well that's how stupid evolution is. I don't think you have seriously examined the "proof" of creation.
Listen to this quote from The Good News Magazine "Evolution: Fact or Fiction Sept/Oct 1998
"Just how complex are the tiniest living things? Even the simplest cells must possess a staggering amount of genetic information to function. For instance, the bacterium R. coli is one of the tiniest unicellular creatures in nature. Scientists calculate is has some 2,000 genes, each with around 1,000 enzymes. An enzyme is made up of some one billion nucleotides, which amount to a letter in the chemical alphabet, comparable to a byte in computer language. These enzymes instruct the organism how to function and reproduce. THE DNA INFORMATION IN JUST THIS SINGLE TINY CELL IS "THE APPROXIMATE EQUIVALENT OF 100 MILLION PAGES OF THE ENCYCLYPEDIA BRITANNICA. (John Whitcomb, The Early Earth, 1972, p. 79.)
What are the odds that the enzymes needed to produce the simplest living creature -- with each enzyme performing a specific chemical function -- could come together by CHANCE? Mathematician and astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle calculated the odds at one chance in 1040,000 (that is 10 to the 40,000th power: mathematical shorthand for a 10 followed by 40,000 zeros - a number long enough to fill about seven pages of this magazine.) *** Note that a probability of less than 1 in 1050 is considered by mathematicians to be a complete impossibility (Hayward, p.35-37.)
From the Good News website
Why don't you get some books which look at evolution:
1.) Darwin on Trial, Phillip Johnson, 1993 This book, by a professor of law at the University of California at Berkeley, puts the theory of evolution "on trial" by examining scientific detail that argues convincingly against the theory of evolution.
2.)Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution
by Michael Behe, 1996 Written by a university biochemist demonstrating that the tiny building blocks of life - cells and their components - are far too complex for their codependent parts and processes to have evolved without an outside intelligent design at work.
I think evolutionists just don't want to hear the truth....they don't look up the facts supporting creation ..... search it for themselves....they just listen to what the news media put into the papers. God's word is true...in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And He says in his word that "even creation declares the glory of God."
He says that one day, "every knee WILL bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you don't do it in this life....you WILL do it in the next.
Just why won't you read the Bible? Are you afraid it might really be true? God created you....the Bible says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. God created you to have a relationship with you. He wants to be in your life to help you live this life...to show his love for you.....just look at the sunrise and sunsets....perfectly timed....look at your own body....how perfectly is operates and is formed.....we're like little computers.....that didn't just happen by accident....it took intelligence to make this universe...I pray that you will see that.