spirituality cant be found like shoes at a WALMART. If you think you can just shop around until you find a religion that agrees with you, then you are totally missing the point.
You need to focus on your own life and decide what you beleive for yourself, and then have the courage of your own convictions.
If you are just looking for a group of people who will just say its ok for you to say and do the things YOU want, then you can just do what you want anyway and simply lie to the establishment of the religion you were born into.
If there really is a God dont you think he'll know what your game is? Real spirituality is about facing your faults and seeking atonement. Asking a higher power for forgiveness and having the faith to beleive that you can earn it with acts of kindness.
This is an oversimplification of course. There is much more to it than that, and for what its worth I don't buy into organized religion myself.
I do beleive in a higher power all the same. I will die confident that I have been a good person and will ascend to heaven if its there.
I feel that the "golden rule" is the primary objective for our lives, regarless what form it takes in any given religion, and if we can manage to live by it then we will be well on the way to enlightenment.
If you do for others as YOU WOULD HAVE them do for you, because you know its the right way to be then you don't need an organization to give you a rulebook