Is Christianity the right religion for me?
2007-09-04 02:50:20 UTC
I was initially a Catholic but was baptised a Christian a few weeks ago. The problem is I find that I still have a guilty conscience and feel lousy and worthless all the time.
I don't understand God's love and felt as though I was forced into Christianity by fear of Hell fire. But isn't Christianity about Christ setting the captives free and love and grace? Why do I have all these negative feelings?

PS: I'm gay and I admire the physiques of athletic, lean but muscular guys. I have prayed so long for this to go away but nothing I did seems to work in dealing with my gay desires. I didn't ask God to become gay!
27 answers:
2007-09-04 02:57:22 UTC
well christianity isnt about fear of hellfire .. or even about making it to heaven .. its about God working with a persons heart and drawing them in the right direction in Christ ... nailing the old man of the flesh to the cross and becoming a new creature ... a person cant continue letting their fleshly lust rule their existance and claim Christ is Lord ..
2007-09-11 18:44:05 UTC
Okay this is one of those where do I have raised many issues. First you state that you were initially Catholic, (I presume you mena Roman Catholic) but were baptized Christian a few weeks ago. And you still have a guilty conscience, well that tells me that you need to examine why? But then you spell out the reason are practicing Homosexuality. You say that you did not ask God to become gay...well God did not ask you to become Gay! The feeling you have are contrary to the Word of God, Read Romans 1 and you see that mankind that wanted their own way, and profess themselves to be wise show their own foolishness, one of the ways they do is through Homosexuality. So my advice to you is to start seeking God and avoid sexuality until you have put on the new mind that will come as you study the Word of God. As you draw closer to Jesus He will change your desires and make you a new man.

You are worthy of being all you are called to be in Jesus.
2007-09-10 04:22:39 UTC
spirituality cant be found like shoes at a WALMART. If you think you can just shop around until you find a religion that agrees with you, then you are totally missing the point.

You need to focus on your own life and decide what you beleive for yourself, and then have the courage of your own convictions.

If you are just looking for a group of people who will just say its ok for you to say and do the things YOU want, then you can just do what you want anyway and simply lie to the establishment of the religion you were born into.

If there really is a God dont you think he'll know what your game is? Real spirituality is about facing your faults and seeking atonement. Asking a higher power for forgiveness and having the faith to beleive that you can earn it with acts of kindness.

This is an oversimplification of course. There is much more to it than that, and for what its worth I don't buy into organized religion myself.

I do beleive in a higher power all the same. I will die confident that I have been a good person and will ascend to heaven if its there.

I feel that the "golden rule" is the primary objective for our lives, regarless what form it takes in any given religion, and if we can manage to live by it then we will be well on the way to enlightenment.

If you do for others as YOU WOULD HAVE them do for you, because you know its the right way to be then you don't need an organization to give you a rulebook
2007-09-12 02:06:31 UTC
Hi, Stanley. Several thoughts . . .

1. Hell is real, as Jesus taught, but a conversion made out of fear is not sincere. Jesus said, "No one can come to me unless the Father draws him." If you are not drawn by the love of Christ and by the truth, you are not where God wants you to be.

2. Catholics are the original Christians. The sacrament of confession is not available in the Protestant organization you've joined. To help you overcome your guilty conscience and feelings of worthlessness, it will help to confess your sins to the priest as a representative of Jesus and receive absolution. If you make a good confession, he will tell you, as Jesus often said, "Your sins are forgiven."

3. Another thing the priest will tell you is very sound advice: "Avoid the occasion of sin." You have made a good beginning by praying to change your sexual attractions. The next step is to refuse to indulge your "gay desires." Don't have sex with men, stop frequenting the old bars and meeting places, and put away homosexual pornography. Start dating a girl. You will begin to lose the desire to homosexual sin, as many ex-homosexuals have proven.


2007-09-04 10:11:48 UTC
Have you tried reading the bible on your own? Your not going to find forgiveness in any Church. Forgiveness can only come from God and yourself. The bible does teach against being gay. That is not open for interpretation. The only question is did man add that in when the were writing the bible and Canonizing it? I really don't know.

Although there are other religions that wouldn't care if you are gay or not I am not sure changing your religion would give you peace of mind. You yourself think it is wrong.

I had a friend that was gay that became christian and ended up getting married. I wish I could say he was happy. Their is an old saying "To thy own self be true."

Maybe if you prayed for guidance. Straight men who are Christians can control themselves so I am sure you can. I hope you can find peace and happiness.

2007-09-04 11:12:02 UTC

Only you can decide what is right for you. If you are having doubts then talk this over with somebody that you trust ok. Please read my detailed response to your question about why you feel bound to religion (christians only)? because this may be of some help to you.

Buy the way, God wants you to be free, and open to accept his love. He will not punish you for being gay, if anything he is right there now with you, but because of your cares and worries, it seems that you are feeling more alone and isolated. This is because God is unable to reach you. You need to make space for him in your life, in order that he can merely come into your life and if you trust and believe in him he will guide you through the awful, rough and sad times.

Have you read the story called Footprints? it will help illustrate what I am saying to you here perfectly.

take care

hope all goes well for you?
In God We Trust
2007-09-12 04:58:56 UTC
If you believe in God, that's all that is necessary. Don't worry about the title of the particular spiritual affiliation. Remember this, What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. Peace and God Bless.
2007-09-10 06:41:04 UTC
God didn't ask you to be gay either. Now that you have accepted that Jesus is the Son of God the Holy Spirit is convicting you of sin.

It's no different for you than any other person living is sin. The Spirit will do His best to cleanse you. At the same time Satan is jumping on you hard because he doesn't want to lose you.

Try and

God's word is filled with love and blessings, but you have to be in obedience to receive them.

Do the terms adultery or fornication mean anything to you? They do to God.
kymm r
2007-09-04 11:29:08 UTC
No you are not in the right religion for you, I would suggest a more free nature based religion, that embraces life and respect for others. You should not feel pressured into things by others should not feel in fear by any religion, should not fear guilt or suffer for your beliefs .Who you are is your legacy

you should feel proud for the person you are and the values you can uphold as long as you are a good person in heart and soul and no nothing to harm another. Getting into a hobby or sport might help you feel a little better if you are a bit lonely.Remember to be your own best friend firstly before you can be one to another. think about this carefully. Blessed be.
2007-09-04 10:00:10 UTC
I think it's a highly personal decision whether Christianity is the right path for you, but if you plan on accepting your sexuality and being happy I would recommend being very careful. There are a lot of people out there who will try to tell you the things you're feeling are wrong, and they can do major psychological damage in the process. They'll tell you it's all in the interest of your soul, but I point out that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Whatever choice you make, understand that you're fine as you are. Anyone who is willing to accept you that way is fine. But if you've got to prove you're worthy, run away as fast as you can.
Linda B
2007-09-11 13:14:17 UTC
Of course you didn't ask God for this which society as a whole rejects. It is not your fault, and you have no need to feel guilty and fear hell-fire. Given that there are entities which can convince humans that they are God, I choose to ignore the OT in its entirety. Also there are religions who say that when all prophecies were fulfilled with the birth of Christ, the OT passed away, and is no longer of any use.

With the birth of Christ, we were told that there is only one Commandment which we must follow. It is the most important one of all. It goes as follows: To love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

This tells me that I must love me, and I must also love others. Unconditional Love is the most important thing Christ came here to teach. If one is not living this, in my opinion they are hypocrites and need not be given any authority by me to take away my power.

Obviously I am not a traditional Christian, but I am one nonetheless. I would enjoy very much to share what I believe, and why I believe it. God always makes sense. Please accept and love yourself as you deserve to be forgiven and loved just as God accepts and loves you. Who are you to disagree with God loving you? You must be worthy, you are God's child, and therefore are loved by God more than you can even get your mind around. You are not alone.

may Peace be with you
Chaplain Dr. Ken D.D.(hc)
2007-09-06 19:30:52 UTC
First place Stan:God did not make you homosexual it is one of your choices. So he will not deliver you from something that you have chosen to do that is wrong. And if you admit it and quit it you can leave it alone. Try reading the New Testament book of James.John also is a good place for a new Beliver in Christ and you can start there.
2007-09-11 16:38:59 UTC
Sorry, but not a single person in this discussion is qualified to answer this question.

You must continue to look to God for your answers. Remember you are on His timeline, and what you need to know will be revealed to you when you need to know it. Sorry it sounds like a cop-out answer, but honestly, do you think that someone in here will help you make your decision?

Awesome question. Wish I knew the answer. i have always wondered why there are gay christians. But it is not for me to judge.
2007-09-04 10:19:42 UTC
Congrats, BTW!

We come to God as we are. He makes the changes in us in a way that no man can. Some it takes time.

Example: I have a friend that was shooting cocaine in his veins and went to church and was instantly changed.

For me to stop smoking weed It took God's revelation of the laws(Romans). I smoked it since 12 so it was like nothing to me. I had my other little verses to reason with it(revealed at 24) but it is glory to glory not when a man tells you you have to change everything immediately.

Our Lord is merciful and He sees and knows our hearts.

Prayer is an open communication to God keep it open all the time. Listen to Good things. What goes in comes out.

Guilt,shame,lack of knowledge and ourselves can be our worst enemies.


My sins are forgiven just like yours!
2007-09-11 13:06:07 UTC
Christianity is the right religion for you.

As to gay issue, try they should be able to help you.

God Bless you
2007-09-04 10:41:04 UTC
Are you serious about yr relationship with God?

If yes then seek repentance by having pracitical steps...

you see the more we look at our sins the more we stray away from God...therefore i urge you to talk to yr pastor or church leader who you can trust and tell them about this problem.
2007-09-12 02:14:52 UTC
Christ is the only way to go, seriously. Ask God to help you feel his love. Seek guidance from your ministers at church. Also...

God is against homosexuality. God created Adam and Eve, he created Eve to be with Adam to be his helpmate and to create a family with him. I don't know what's in your past or what came upon you for you to be gay. But know that YOU CAN CHANGE!!! You do NOT HAVE to be gay. If you repent BEFORE GOD and ask HIM to reveal to you the reason you are gay so that you can change; HE will change your life. You have to want to change. So, pray this prayer: God, I want to be made a new creature in you, I want to do your will for my life, your will is for me to marry a woman and be fruitful and multiply as your Word says, God please reveal to me the root of my desires for being gay, and change me Lord. Please forgive me sins. I do not want to be this way, and I believe in Jesus Christ, that He was born, crucified,died, was buried, and resurrected to save me from my sins and iniquities. Please save me Lord, in Jesus name, Amen.
2007-09-12 09:40:45 UTC
you cannot be a gay and christian homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord the feeling you get is the HolySpirit pricking your heart.
2007-09-04 10:03:28 UTC
Strike 2.
margaret moon
2007-09-12 04:16:04 UTC
It sounds like you answered your own question,you need to study about more religions to find one you may be drawn to.A religion should not make you feel bad,but good about yourself and being a part of one out of fear just isn't right.

(Many blessings)
Son of David
2007-09-04 09:58:40 UTC
I see the scourge of hypocrisy in you, and of deceit. Do you find this question amusing? Get your amusement in other ways. Worship God.

Revelation 3:many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
2007-09-04 09:55:36 UTC
Christ is the right way for every one. I am sure your sexuality has made you convused and maybe some over zelus relious folk. but God still Loves you and Jesus died for your sins so yes Christianity is right for you and every one seek God in prayer and ask Jesus to come into your lufe.
2007-09-12 04:55:45 UTC
It’s all about deep heart felt choices my dear friend; carefully and soberly walk this journey.
2007-09-04 09:59:22 UTC
You can follow your carnal beliefs or Gods. Buts that’s your choice
2007-09-04 09:57:21 UTC
I think you should look into worshipping other gods (or none). God with the capital G is not the best option. See the bible for more details.
2007-09-11 03:29:41 UTC
talk to your pastor
2007-09-04 09:54:07 UTC
Ask a Catholic priest....

Oh and.... welcome to the team !

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.