Hello and Merry Meet --
First, i need to tell you that i am a Third Degree High Priestess of Wicca, and my answer will reflect that training and background.
You say that you "want to get started" and "do your first spell", but you *don't* want to study the basics (like "how to protect").
I understand how one can feel anxious to begin, but YOU need to realize that all your anxiousness and even any efforts you make, will be meaningless and possibly cause problems, if you don't use discretion, good judgement, and wisdom. If you can't be bothered doing it the *right* way, just how serious/ sincere can your interest or your respect for the Religion of Wicca, really be?
Spellcraft is an *advanced* skill set that should not even be attempted, until you master the Beginning Basics (like Centering, Grounding, Cleansing, Shielding, and Casting Circle) -- let alone the basics of magick itself -- like what it is, how it works, and its basic principles.
You should also know that --
“…..An important thing to realize though is traditionally, witches do not ask strangers for spells. There is never any need to. When you do, you come off sounding at best a little naive, and at worst like a complete fool - especially those who insist that, “Of course all witches should help each other with any information they have.” Wrong. Traditionally witches understand the training that needs to come before spell working and they don't need that kind of help. And even more importantly, they are ethically obligated to *not* give information out to anyone whom they do not know personally, and cannot trust to use the information correctly. So, if you find someone offering to teach you magic or give you spells whom you do not know very well, in person, then you can be sure they have *not been trained* as witches and *are not qualified* to give the information they are offering. This is an all to frequent occurrence in online “chat rooms” and e-mail discussions groups.”
(Forest Butera, http://www.bluemoonwicca.org/spells.html)
Here’s another quote on this issue, from “Magic; Rites of Passage; Paths of Power”- (Rev. 7/20/01) - http://bluemoonwicca.org/class09.html
“The knowledge of how to do magic is a gift revealed to us by the gods when we take the trouble to get to know them and honor them. Doing magic is much more than following a "spell" recipe in a book. Spell books do exist, but only to provide examples and suggestions. Traditionally trained Wiccans do not depend on spell books for their magic.
“Teachers of traditional Wicca are very careful of choosing to whom they teach magic. The teacher is responsible for what happens to the knowledge they provide so they must be absolutely sure of the intentions and ethics of the student. For this reason you will *not* find traditional Wiccans talking freely to strangers about how to do magic nor do they give out "spells".
"Traditional Wicca teachers guide qualified students through the process of designing their own spells when the time is right.”
End quote, http://bluemoonwicca.org/class09.html
I hope you'll prayerfully consider these things, and decide to start your Wiccan study the RIGHT way. Here are some good RESOURCES to help toward that end:
CoG - Covenant of the Goddess - http://www.cog.org
CoG is a national organization of (legally-recognized Wiccan "churches) - Wiccan covens, clergy and solitaries -- with local "councils" in many cities; providing general, basic information, links to resources, etc.
2. Circle Sanctuary - http://www.circlesanctuary.org
Circle is a Pagan (not just Wiccan) Sanctuary, working farm, and learning center, offering training, workshops, festivals, networking, etc.
4. Witchvox - http://www.witchvox.com
Witchvox is a wonderful resource that offers general, basic information, referrals and links to local and regional resources.
5. Wicca For the Rest of Us - http://wicca.timerift.net/ -
One of the better Pagan internet sites; lots of good information, articles, resources, links, networking, etc.
4. “Beginning Wicca” Yahoo Group -
- One of the better Yahoo groups with several High Priests and Priestess members, so there are lots of good discussions and good information.
5. BlueMoonWicca.org – http://bluemoonwicca.org/classes.html
Classes on Traditional Wicca.
6. Religious Tolerance – Pages on Wicca:
Good luck and Blessings -
~ Gaia_d@yahoo.com