2012-11-07 09:03:47 UTC
Is the religion war actually a war about future time travellers who try to dominate the world by controlling it from the Distant Past?
Is the True Chosen People of Israel, the tribe that God will descend from? Or rather the Future Time Traveller who will go back in time to create the myth of being "God", just to make sure the Race or Bloodline that it will be from, survives and thus the Future and Past both belong to the Time Travelling God wannabe Tyrant?
Does this mean if we kill the present ancestors of the future "God" Time Discoverer, it will never be born or go back in time to pose as God, and religion will forever be gone?
Did Adolf Hitler and other Highly Intelligent Uber-Intellectuals realize this, and try to save Arian kind from the Evil Future Tyrant "God", by trying to prevent the ancestors of the time traveller from breeding here in the past, to make sure time travel is never discovered and God never "exists" in the future or goes back to the past to create this history?
Does this mean if we kill all the "Chosen Tribes of Israel", God will never be born in the Future, and all forms of Religion everywhere will dissappear from this world and time, because the God Lie was never created by that evil future time traveller, who will never be born now that people from it's past have killed it's ancestors?
Can atheists really take this chance, and leave "the People of God", who are Jews, to live, thus allowing one of their future kind to maintain the God illusion from the point in time of the Past it will return to create religion and dominate Humanity with lies, and forever into the dark future after it's born?
Is our Reality like a stupid Doctor Who series for tv? Only in Real Life?
Can you Kill God forever, by killing it's present ancestors who are still alive? Is this the Holy Grail atheists have been searching for, since history was first changed by the God wannabe poser from the future who will have discovered time travelling?
What do Christians think about this? Are they comfortable enough that their God isn't a tyrannic Jew from the future who discovered Time Travel, using it to enslave Humanity, Past, Present and Future?
Are Satanists like me, destined to find and destroy the living ancestors of the "Future God" who will discover time travel, to prevent all of this from occurring?
I know Atheists are too pussy to kill God's "People" (Past Ancestors which need to stay alive until God is born in the future), so this is why Satanists have to exist now.
But does this mean future is already decided, and "God" already knows our actions, because they are literally ancient history to that Psychotic Murderous Time Travelling Lunatic from the Future?
The words "Future" "Divinity" and "Divination" mean the same thing, since divination is the art of interpreting the future, and God is considered "Divine" or from the Future.
Since there are Three Aspects to God, in the Trinity of the Oldest - Hellenic Orthodox East European Churches, this means God has three lives, the Past life that is when God returns into the past to change history after discovering time travel, the Present when God was born and lives, and the Future, which God tries to control and change by going into the past.
But God is limited now because affecting too much in the Past will prevent God's own birth, or certain other crucial events from happening that make this history what it is now. So God can only change so much in the Past, without destroying it's own existence, or discovery of time travel.
Should we destroy all potentially harmful ways of time travel now, so God never learns of them in the Distant Future? This way "God" never exists, and we return to a normal world as it was before it was changed from the Future?