LIam Carter
2013-09-26 00:24:49 UTC
then I added
Do Christians believe that we have to forgive others even if they aren't sorry for what they did? What about a child who has been abused, does he have to forgive his abuser? What about a woman who was raped? What about a man who saw his wife murdered? Do they all have to forgive that before God will forgive them?
Why or why not? Explain what Jesus meant in the Lord's Prayer to you.
It was deleted and the violation was upheld and there was never any reason given and I didn't even get to read the answers.
The violation notice said
This answer has been removed and 10 points have been deducted from your account. You may not have realized this, but all answers submitted on Yahoo! Answers must comply with the Answers Community Guidelines. Violating the Community Guidelines or TOS may result in the deletion of the content, deduction of points or termination of your Answers account without warning. In extreme cases, violations may result in the termination of your Yahoo! ID, and consequently, access to all other Yahoo! services.
If you believe that your answer does not violate the Answers Community Guidelines or TOS, and would like to appeal the removal of your answer, you can have your case reviewed by Answers Customer Care. You have 7 days to submit your appeal. Please be aware that if your appeal is rejected, an additional 10 points will be removed from your account.
then I appealed and received this
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Answers.
We have reviewed your appeal request. Upon review we found that your
content was indeed in violation of the Yahoo! Answers Community
Guidelines, Yahoo! Community Guidelines or the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
As a result, your content will remain removed from Yahoo! Answers.
Please note: Questions that do not receive any answers within the 4-day
open period will expire and be deleted automatically.
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extreme cases, members who have also violated the Yahoo! Terms of
Service risk losing their Yahoo! ID and access to other Yahoo! services.
Please review the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines here:
Reading there I see no violation in the question I asked.
No where in either of those things does it say what I violated. I'm afraid if I wrote the customer care they'd delete my account. Can any of you help me with my spiritual dilemma?