No, not at all.when i see the kind of people winning the award i am like muslims are better off.let's see some people who have won the award
Yitzhak Rabin- Israeli Prime Minister (Zionists)
He signed an expulsion order for the children of Lydda to be ethnically cleansed "quickly, without attention to age." Rabin was a warmonger who as Israel's chief of staff planned the 1967 attack on Egypt.
Henry Kissinger
was accused of war crimes for his alleged role in America’s secret bombing of Cambodia between 1969 and 1975. His win was also called premature since North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam two years after the prize was awarded, voiding his work. Two Norwegian Nobel Committee members resigned to protest Kissinger’s win.
Barack Obama-A man responsible for dropping bombs and killing innocent civilians,….a man who has been responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of innocent men, women and children,a man who wholeheartedly supports the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people he did everything to support the Zions
Clearly, the Zions control the Nobel prize committee so i believe you have to be a warmonger,kill millions (Muslims) to win this prize.I'm glad Muslims dont fit into this category