"Wiccanism" doesn't make any sense to be because it is not a valid word.
Seriously, if you wanted better answers, maybe you shouldn't have included insults in your details directed at the very people you are asking a question of. How does judging and insulting people you seek information from make any sense?
Witchcraft and spells are not what Wicca is.
The religion of Wicca, while popularized in the early 50's, believes in gods and goddesses and honors those pre-Christian gods (so new religion yes, but not new gods).
It's a religion for the modern-day that draws much from the ancient pagans - let's face it, we don't *have to* live by the land and the seasons in the way our pagan ancestors did what with all the technology, luxuries and conveniences we have now, but if not for them and their wisdom about the natural world, we would not be here today - so I don't believe it's "delusional" to respect and remember where we came from.
It always made sense to me that the divine power would have both male and female counterparts, considering every living thing on earth does.
And I also believe in living by a solid code of ethics. I don't believe in the existence of any devil or "Satan" but rather that folks should accept the responsibility for their own actions, and the consequences of them.
These are among the number of reasons why Wicca makes sense to me and is the right religion for me. Is that enough for you?
As far as witchcraft and spells. Well first, love spells in the sense you are likely thinking of, have no place in Wicca.
You stated above that your brain just aches from thinking about how people believe in nonsense. So, your thoughts are affecting you pysically? Hmmm, simple thoughts can make your head hurt - imagine what powerful, focused thoughts can do. That's what magic is.
As far as other practices of witchcraft - how about hearbal health and hhealing which is a common one.
Why do people drink ginerale when they're sick? Because ginger relieves naseua. Would you drink willow bark tea for a headache? Or would you take a couple of aspirin? The same active ingredient that relieves aches and pains is found in both. These things can be scientifically proven, so therefore, they are not "delusional".